21 Days With The Wanted

By LiddySykes

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Melanie Cort is just a normal girl who has a nerdy side that no one knows about, until one person decided tha... More

Love Song
Day 01: Get Drunk
Day 02: This is a Fun Time


375 23 14
By LiddySykes

Hello my ugly people :) You're all looking beautiful as usual :)

Here's Chapter Three! She'll start the 21 Days in the next chapter, don't worry :)

*Dedicated to MyLittlePinky because...just because of her awesomeness ;)*



          I couldn’t help it but my jaw grazed the floor for the second time tonight. Were they serious? “Are you guys serious?”

          “Yeah, and we would pay you, of course.”

          “You guys aren’t drunk, right?” I couldn’t help but wonder. For all they knew, I was just a random girl who happened to write fantasies about them, I could have been a crazy stalker or a murderer!

          Nathan chuckled. “Unless someone spiked our drinks, no.”

          “Yeah, someone definitely did.” I nodded seriously, trying hard not to smile.

          Everyone laughed lightly and Max raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying that you don’t want to do it?”

          I shook my head, whipping brown locks everywhere. “No!”

          “Good, so we would have to sign some papers tomorrow, and we’ll leave Monday.”

          Monday? That soon? I knew that that they were pretty big stars and probably had a busy schedule. But that was in two days! My parents would probably give me a big lecture about telling them beforehand, like two week before, but this was a once in a life time opportunity. I’ll just had to do whatever I could to convince them that this was a good thing then, and that would require a lot of ass kissing. And let me tell you, their arses, were pretty stinky.

          “I’ll have to think about it.” I decided.

          Tom nodded and handed be a slip of paper that I didn’t realize he was writing on until now. “Here’s our number, call us before Monday.”

          They just gave me their number! Calm down Melanie, don’t scream, I told myself.

          Spend twenty-one whole days with five British/Irish celebrities? Hell, yeah.

          Today was definitely the best day of my life.


          I couldn’t seem to wipe the goofy smile off my face as Zack and I strolled down the street, going to the Mexican restaurant that he planned. We were both still too young to get a driver’s license, but just one more year and I wouldn’t have to walk to school every morning.

          I still couldn’t believe that he did this for me, my part of the day would probably be crap compared to this afternoon. Especially if you add the fact that we just heard professional singers, sing.

          “So are you going to go?” Zack wondered as he wrapped his arm around me.

          I looked at him like he was crazy. “Of course!”

          That was, if my parents let me. But I was pretty sure they would. With just the right amount of nagging, complaining, annoying, persuading, and most importantly – arse kissing, they would be throwing my butt on that private jet in no time.

          He pretended to act hurt and pouted as we neared the parking lot. “So you’re leaving me alone?”

          I giggled and pinched his cheek, only Zack would think of that in a situation like this. “Aw, poor baby. Don’t worry mommy will take care of you when she comes back.”

          Zack swatted my hand away, chuckling and opened the door for me. Such a gentleman.

          The restaurant wasn’t exactly a fancy one. The light was dim and there were round tables everywhere, with the colour scheme of red, black, and orange. He led me to a little booth at the back of the place and settled down in a chair, while I immediately plopped down on the leather sofas.

          A soft melody played in the background while light whispers of other couples’ conversations floated around the room.

          We remained in a comfortable silence as a middle aged woman came to take our orders, bringing us two glasses of water on the way. I decided to choose whatever Zack wanted, which turned out to be a beef and rice wrap.

          Zack was looking down at his hands and staring out the window, and I guessed that if I looked down, he would be tapping his feet lightly. These were all the things that he did when he was nervous, but why would he be?

          We were just laughing and joking around five minutes ago, why the sudden change of mood?

          “Are you okay?”

          Taken of guard, Zack quickly nodded – a bit too quickly might I add. “Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t it be?”

          I shrugged. “I don’t know, you just seem…distracted.”

          “Actually, there is something I’d like to talk to you about.” He ran his hands through his hair, looking everywhere but at me. I started to get really anxious. That was another thing he did when he was about to do something he didn’t like, or like I said before, when he was nervous.

          “What’s wrong?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

          Zack Diaz was a person who hardly gets nervous or anxious. He was confident, but not very cocky. Unprepared tests, tough competitions and unpracticed games were things that he dealt with every day, and he was used to it.

          He remained silent for a second, staring at me with a look in his emerald eyes that I couldn’t figure out. With a sigh, he finally spoke up, “Look, Melanie-”

          “Here are your orders, would you like anything else?” the woman came back, interrupting what he was about to say.

          Looking frustrated with himself, he muttered a ‘No, thank you’ before turning his attention to his plate of food.

          “What were you saying?” I couldn’t help myself asking.

          “Let’s talk about it after dinner. So how’s your wrap?” he asked, bringing his own wrap up to his mouth, and quickly changing the subject.

          What was going on with him? Just this afternoon he was laughing and joking around and most importantly, acting normal. But now he was being cold and dodgy. I really was worried about what he was about to say to me.

          Although that reminded me, did this have to do with the odd looks he had when we were getting ready for the concert?

          “It’s alright. We have the same thing, remember?”

          “Oh…yeah, right,” he muttered before taking another bite, ending the conversation.

          After the most awkward dinner of my life, he asked for the check and the same woman, whom now I knew was named Susan, took her plates away and asked us what we would like for dessert. I ordered a piece of chocolate cake while Zack told her he didn’t feel like eating anything else.

          Now that was another thing that was odd. Zack, just like any other guy in the world, loved to pig out on anything sweet or unhealthy. He always ordered a piece of pie or a cake like I did.

          A moment of silence passed by, and the only sound was the happy background music playing. Finally, Zack decided to speak up. And let me tell you, the words that came out of his mouth were not what I had expected.

          “I did something really bad, Melanie.”

          Worried, I cocked my head. He didn’t get arrested or something, right? “What did you do?” I asked, you could hear the concern in my voice.

          I could see him struggling with his words, like he wanted to tell me but there was something stopping him.

          “It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone,” I reassured him.

          His green eyes looked guiltier than ever, and he shook his head fiercely. “No, it’s not like that.”

          That was okay, I wouldn’t tell anyone. He could tell me anything. I trusted him completely and he should do the same thing with me, even if it was something like murder. Actually, no, scratch that. I probably would tell someone if he murdered someone. I mean-

          “I slept with someone.”

          -murder was murder, I…

          Wait, what?

          That was totally not what I had expected. Staring at him with wide eyes, I struggled not to jump over the table and slap some sense into the guy. I mean, this was a joke gone too far.

          “You’re kidding, right?” I asked carefully, now more than afraid of hearing his answer.

          Zack wouldn’t do anything like that. I was sure of it. I mean, yeah, he might ditch class sometimes, get in a fight once in a while, but nothing like this. He just wasn’t like this! The more I started to reason, the more it felt like I was trying to tell myself that this wasn’t happening. But it was, Zack pulled on his black hair and looked like he was having some sort of internal battle with himself.

          “No, I’m not.”

          Stay calm, Melanie. He might have a good reason, I told myself. “Why?” I gritted out.

          The guilty boy in front of me, whom dared to call himself my boyfriend, ran his fingers through his hair for the hundredth time today. “I was stupid and drunk, I seriously didn’t mean for it to happen!”

          He was drunk? He was freaking drunk? The more I wanted to tell myself that it was just a mistake, like he was telling me, I couldn’t help but think about that saying, ‘the most honest people in the world are the ones who are drunk’. Was that true? Did he sleep with her because he was sick of me? Tired of me? Annoyed with me?

          Or did he just want to let loose for one night, and forget about everything, even his girlfriend? I wanted to be upset, I wanted to be mad, and hell, I even wanted to feel like ripping his hair off one by one. But all I could feel was disappointment.

          While I was too busy thinking, I didn’t realize that he was still rambling on and on about how ‘sorry’ he was, and that he didn’t mean for it to happen. Also about how much he loved me, how it was all just a big, drunken mistake. He seemed to get redder and more frustrated by the second.

          “-I’m serious, Melanie. One second, I was drinking a bottle of beer, then the next I woke up naked in-”

          “Stop talking.”

          Zack took a big calming breath before looking at me, pain clear in his eyes. “I really didn’t mean it to happen, Melanie. I regret it with every single fibre in my body.”

          Ignoring what his excuses, I asked, “When exactly did this happen?”

          Looking like a deer caught in headlights, he remained silent for a moment before spilling the truth, “Two weeks ago.”

          Seriously? “And you tell me, now?” Remember how I said I would rather be angry? Well, boy was I starting to get angry.

          How could he keep it as a secret for so long, and act normal like nothing happened? Was coming to the concert and being invited for a trip a way for me to forgive him?

          “I was hoping that you would be happy from the concert, so that we could get over this faster.”

          I gaped at him. “Are you for real?”

          He gulped. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said that.”

          “Yeah, you shouldn’t have,” I scoffed. “You shouldn’t have slept with her either, but guess what? You did that too.” My hands shook with anger.

          “Look, I said I was sorry, what else do you want me to d-”

          I cut him off. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

          My soon to be ex-boyfriend just nodded in defeat, looking like he was about to give up.

          A question sprang to my mind and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t asked him that yet. “Who was the girl?”

          Whoever she was, she sure was going to get an earful of me the next time I see her. Doesn’t matter if she was drunk or not, it was clear that she didn’t get what the definition of ‘being taken’ meant.

          “It’s not her fault, it was m-”

          I gasped. “Are you really defending her?”

          Looking like he wanted to face palm himself, he shook his head like an angry dog. “No, no, no. But it was…Megan.”

          Excuse me?


          After getting the idea that he wasn’t wanted at the table anymore, Zack finally left five minutes later, probably for the best. I wasn’t exactly the best person when I was mad, or angry, or upset, or heartbroken, or especially in this case, all of the above.

          I sat there, stabbing the piece of chocolate pie imagining that it was Megan’s face. Excuse my language, but that little bitch of a sister! She knew what Zack meant to me, he was always there when I needed someone, he was one of the few people that I trusted, and we had been together for freaking two years! How could she?

          Now that I thought about it, she did act a bit weird when he was around. When he offered to drive both of us home last week, she immediately came up with an excuse and bolted. And just yesterday, I was talking to her about what I should do for our anniversary and about the love song that I wrote, she looked uncomfortable and told me that she had this big essay to on Monday. Liar.

          Parties were never my thing, it was more of Megan’s scene. Maybe she didn’t think I’d find out or anything. I couldn’t believe it, she was only in grade ten for Pete’s sake! Did she lose her virginity before that or was Zack her first time?

          I didn’t realize that tears were streaming down my face until the same waitress came, asking me if I was okay. “Do I look okay to you?” I asked rather rudely, and immediately regretted it.

          She quickly shook her head.

          I sighed. “Sorry, I’m just having a really bad day.” Lies. It was the best day of my life up until now.

          “Oh, well I just wanted to let you know that your total for today is $49.52, would you be paying debit or cash?”

          Are you kidding me? I had to pay for his food now too. I wiped the tears away the best I could with the back of my hand and took out my wallet. The money that I was saving for a new phone was now being used for my douche of an ex-boyfriend’s dinner…that he hadn’t even finished.

          Yay life.


          “What about school?” my mom questioned.

          I sighed, telling her for the third time today, “There’s only a few weeks left anyways, I’ll let Samantha fill me in when I come back.”

          It was currently seven on a Sunday night, and I was trying to convince my mom on letting me go on the trip. Letting my mom know that it would be a great opportunity to improve my writing, meet some new people, and trying to do things on my own for once, had her saying ‘maybe’.

          Now I was helping her clean the dishes, which was something that I never did. It just felt weird scraping off people’s leftovers into the trash can with my bare hands, since I sort of cut the extra pair of gloves by accident. And getting near knives and forks – or basically anything that was sharp, wasn’t exactly my idea of fun on a Sunday night, especially for a clumsy person like me. That was what I told my parents months ago. So my mom was more than suspicious when I offered to stay behind and help.

          Nodding, the tall figure of my mom disappeared into one of the cabinets and reappeared a moment later with a brand new cloth. She threw it to me and I barely caught it with my finger-tips.

          Whenever someone sees me with my mom, they always mistaken her being my older sister. It wasn’t surprising though, she was a beautiful woman for someone who’s approaching her forties’. She had long brown hair like I did, and the same eyes, the only difference was that she was almost seven inches taller than I was. Same was my dad, almost ten inches taller than me.

          I was the odd one.

          Maybe there was another reason for why I was so eager to help her though. I was still delaying the time where I would go up to my room, log on to my laptop, only to see it being bombarded by people asking about why I broke up with Zack.

          Or maybe it was the fact that my phone had been ringing non-stop, and I was afraid to see what kind of stuff would be on there.

          “Are you sure about this, honey?” my mom wondered again, handing me another plate to dry.

          I nodded; she was so close to saying ‘yes’! “Of course, mom. I’ve always loved to write and this just seems like an amazing opportunity.”

          “Ah, stop kissing her ass, Mel.” And of course, my sister, or should I say, the person whom I’d imagined killing, walked in. Okay, that was too dramatic. I didn’t want to kill her, I mean she had her good times and bad times, but I still couldn’t believe what she did.

          “Megan, stop swearing,” my mom scolded.

          I tried to keep my breathing calm, even though I was so close to snapping and going after my sister. But that would only get both of us grounded, and as much as I would love to see her stuck at home with nothing to do, I would rather act like a good girl so that I could go on the trip.

          When Megan finally decided that she was bored and left, my mom finally turned to me with a sigh. “You can go.”

          I squeaked in excitement, the anger rushing out of me like a super volcano. “Really?”

          She nodded and took off her apron. “As long as you do your school work when you get back.”

          Nodding fiercely, I gave her a bone crushing hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I didn’t give my family members hugs very often, because I thought that it was very awkward, so that it took both of us by surprise when she hugged me back, kissing my hair.

          It was official; I was going on a trip with The Wanted! Maybe it would be a good time to take my mind off things too, especially about Zack.

          Now it was time to face the music and check my phone, since I had to call Tom.


Yay! Done!

To be honest I never liked Zack...and just had to get rid of him, haha :)

He was almost too perfect, if that made any sense

Anyways, please vote, comment, and fan if you liked it!

<3 you guys more than chocolate


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