Supernatural/Buffy - Darkest...

De icanseemywife

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I will say when the BTVS bits take place, as it skips around a lot. And as for Supernatural, it takes place i... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

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De icanseemywife

Sam and Dean arrived at the library in the morning to find Willow sat alone in the library, searching through books.

"Willow? Where's Giles? And Xander?"  Sam asked.

"I don't know, they didn't turn up." Willow told them.

"Are you not worried?" Dean questioned.

"Yeah, but I thought maybe they're in traffic... both of them..." Willow responded.

"We'll find them. I promise." Sam comforted. Willow nodded and shut her book.

"I'll come with you!" she exclaimed. "We can look together!"

"Okay." Dean sighed. "Let's get going."

— — Last Night

As he was preparing for bed, Xander heard an explosion noise from outside his house. He went downstairs and outside to check it out and he saw a fiery crater. He went to see what was there when he saw a blue orb floating no more than a few inches off the ground.

"What the Heck?" he mumbled, tumbling down the crater and closer to the orb.

"Alexander Harris." a voice spoke.

"Aah!" Xander slipped onto his back. "What are you?"

"I am an Angel of the Lord, my name is Sabathiel. And I need your help." Sabathiel said.

"My help?" Xander spluttered. "No, y-you must have the wrong Alexander Harris."

"I have the right one." Sabathiel answered, somewhat impatiently. "There is a coming war. And the Lord needs soldiers to fight in it. You have been selected to fight in this war."

"Me?" Xander repeated.

"Yes, you." Sabathiel snapped. "I need your permission to possess your body and fight in this war."

"I can't stand up to a bully, let alone fight in a war!" Xander cried.

"You won't be fighting. I will." Sabathiel uttered.

"You'll possess me?" Xander checked.

"Yes." the other confirmed.

"I—" Xander was about to deny it, but he stopped himself. If he accepted Sabathiel's request, it might help him in the romance department. Of course, he didn't want the same thing to happen with Willow as it did last time, that only caused trouble; but Cordelia, however. To Xander, as juvenile as it was, letting an Angel possess him and fight in a war in his body could be the key to winning back Cordelia. "Okay. You can— enter my body, oh holy one."

Sabathiel flew fluidly into Xander's mouth, forcing his eyes shut.

When they were opened, his eyes were bright blue.

— —

Sam was walking around the school, looking for Xander and came to the entrance of the school. It must've been around seven o, clock when he saw him, but Xander was dressed very differently. He was wearing a leather jacket, with a black t-shirt and black jeans. Obviously, Sam knew that this was Xander's attempt at 'being cool'— the nineties were a different time, leather jackets and black clothes, especially with students in school, were associated with the bad kids.

But what caught Sam's eyes the most was the lit cigarette in Xander's mouth. He'd never gave any hint that he smoked, and even if he were smoking it must've been in private. He walked over to him and, to his surprise, Xander completely ignored him.

"Xander?" Sam asked. "Are you okay?"

"Oh? I'm fine." Xander responded blankly.

"Are you sure?" Sam said.

"Dude, I said I'm fine!" Xander yelled. Sam put his head in his hands.

"Do you wanna come to the library?" Sam offered.

"What? Hang with you assholes? Nah, I'm okay." Xander replied sarcastically.

"Xander, I—" Sam decided it wasn't worth it and walked away, back to the library. He came in and, to his surprise, he saw Cordelia talking to Giles (who'd now arrived), Willow and Dean.

"He was kinda an asshole, I mean, more than usual, and— I'm just—" Cordelia stammered.

"Worried?" Willow asked smugly.

"Ew, no!" Cordelia exclaimed, but blushing so it was clear she was lying. "I just don't like him when he actually says good insults."

"Yeah, suure." Willow teased.

"Look, Cordelia." Giles took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead. "Maybe he's just— improved his insults?"

"Nope." Sam perked up. "I spoke to him when he came in and he was not himself. He told me that he thinks you're all assholes."

"Did he?" Cordelia said angrily. "I'm going to—"

"That won't be necessary." Jack appeared next to her, laying a hand on her shoulder. She jumped backwards out of shock, which made Willow laugh a little.

"Jack, what the Hell is going on?" Dean demanded, stepping forward.

"I'll admit, I made a mistake." Jack responded solemnly. "That isn't Alexander Harris."

"Who is he then?" Cordelia yelled.

"An angel named Sabathiel, I confronted him because I had reason to believe he was working with Sagillon to do whatever with The Empty." Jack expounded. "He eventually admitted it and I, foolishly, just cast him out of Heaven."

"So this is your fault?" Cordelia snapped at Jack.

"Yes, it is. I'm sorry, I truly am." Jack sighed.

"No, you've done enough." Cordelia huffed, storming out of the library.

"Y'know, for someone who claims to not care about Xander, she does a really good job of...caring about Xander." joked Dean.

"Jack, how do we expel Sabathiel? Is there any spell we don't know about?" Sam pleaded.

"I'm— sorry. There isn't. I could try to expel him myself but it could kill Xander." Jack said solemnly. "It's up to Xander to expel Sabathiel now, but— the vessel must be extremely strong-willed."

"Xander is very strong!" Willow protested.

"I'm not denying that, but—" Jack paused. "In terms of willpower, it must be stronger than that of the angel possessing him. And— if there is anything I know about Sabathiel's personality, it is that he is extremely strong of will. Willow, I'm sorry, but you must be prepared to face the fact that— Xander may never return."

"No! He will come back! You don't know how strong he is!" Willow shouted.

"Willow, please—" Sam was cut off by Willow's rant.

"I know he can pull through because he's pulled through before! He has very strong willpower!" Just then, the library doors swung open and Angel walked in. "Angel!" Willow called.

"Giles, Buffy—" he stopped. "Who are these guys?" Sam looked at Dean awkwardly; it seemed the two brothers both remembered their fight with the soulless Angel.

"They're— new friends." Giles summarised. "What's wrong?"

"I haven't seen Buffy in over a day, I'm getting worried." he expressed.

"That's because she is possessed." Jack said bluntly, to which he received glares from Willow and Giles.

"She's what?" Angel asked. "You mean she's a vampire? And who the Hell are you?"

"No. She's possessed by a Knight of Hell, Sagillon." Jack told him. "And I'm Jack." He raised his hand in his greeting.

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Angel sighed.

"Well, we had other things on our mind." Willow snapped. "Like how Xander is possessed by an angel and- and doesn't have the willpower to- to get him out, but he does, I know it! And- and how Oz is gonna turn tonight!"

"Oh God," Giles sprinted out of the library.

"Turn?" Dean queried. "What do you mean 'turn'?"

"Oz is a werewolf." she told Dean. Dean turned to Sam with an annoyed expression on his face.

"You didn't think to mention this?!" he yelled. Sam's eyes widened and he gestured to Willow.

"How do you know that?" she questioned.

"As we said before, we've done our research." Sam smiled, before loading a couple of silver bullets into his gun. Dean did the same.

"What are you doing?" Willow interrogated. "We're not gonna kill Oz!" Willow wandered over to the cage and collected the tranquilliser gun. "We're gonna lock him in here and we're gonna wait until he turns back!"

"But—" Dean protested.

"No buts!" Willow yelled, walking out of the library with the gun.

"Wha—" Dean shook his head. "Sammy, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because I forgot!" Sam defended.

"Why would you forget something like that?!" Dean yelled.

"Because other things were on my mind!" Sam bellowed back. Dean rubbed his forehead and sighed.

"Let's just go." he said, walking out, holstering his gun.

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