
By Jorshie

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Meet Tyler, he's 19 and he has it all in his comfortable safe life. Or so he thought... In one day his whole... More

Chapter One - It's The Life
Chapter Two - Unexpected Secrets
Chapter Three - Never Talk To Strangers
Chapter Four - Meet Beauty
Chapter Five - Pyronix
Chapter Seven - A Family Affair
Chapter Eight - Friends With Benefits
Chapter Nine - Days Of Study
Chapter Ten - Tables Turn
Chapter Eleven - People Never Change
Chapter Twelve - Girl Fight
Chapter Thirteen - True Friends
Chapter Fourteen - Crazyline
Chapter Fifteen - Confrontation
Chapter Sixteen - Relax said no one ever.
Chapter Seventeen - Saxon Says
Chapter Eighteen - Forgive And Forget?
Chapter Nineteen - No-one Likes Hospital
Chapter Twenty - The End?
Chapter Twenty-One - Friends Forever
Chapter Twenty-Two Doctor Doctor
Chapter Twenty-Three - That's How You Get The Girl
Chapter Twenty-Four - Everyone Has Secrets
Chapter Twenty-Five - Walking Through Vegas
Chapter Twenty-Six - Goodbye Goodbye
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Behind Door No.1
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Freedom
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Say What?
Chapter Thirty - Seeing Red... A lot Of It.
Chapter Thirty-one - Coming out
Chapter Thirty-two - Fight Fight Fight!
Chapter Thirty-three - The Final Blow
Chapter Thirty-Four - Safe Again!
Chapter Thirty-Five - Riya's POV

Chapter Six - Two Is Better Than One

207 38 6
By Jorshie

My face hurts. It hurts a lot. My ears are ringing my eyes are closed and my body hurts. I can hear people talking loud it's like they are yelling or screaming. I feel myself being pulled by my arm and turned over to find myself lying on my back. Someone is touching my face and saying my name faintly.

I open my eyes. I see Caroline, Diana, Saxon, Dean and Brooke. They all look worried. Why? Their mouths are moving but I can't quite make out what they are saying yet. The noise is becoming clearer and the ringing in my ears is starting to subside. What happened? Oh that's right some asshole pushed me off the stage. I want to know who it was. My head stops spinning and I can finally hear what my friends are saying to me.

"Tyler are you ok?" Saxon asks.

"I'm fine just a little sore because you know someone just shoved me off for no reason" I reply.

"As long as you're all good man. Your face hasn't even got any dents on it that's a relief" Dean laughs.

I smile and laugh along with him. Brooke smiles at me and grabs Saxon's hand to go to the bar for another drink. Surprise surprise she isn't too worried about me, which I am used to. Brookes always been a kind of fend for herself girl. I smile back at them and motion a signal for them that it's all cool to go to the bar.

I look up at the stage and I see Caroline's brother Paul standing there looking down at us. Caroline and Diana still look worried.

"This has never happened before I am so sorry" Diana apologises

"My brother is such an idiot Tyler" Caroline says. "He always does things like this to punish me"

Wait what. Her brother pushed me off why? What the hell did I do? I am so angry. I could rip this idiots head off. I stand up and walk towards Paul on the stage. It's so unfortunate that this idiot is the owner of the club, and the brother of one of the girl's I just kissed. If things go down well with her, I don't want to be fighting with her brother too.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask Paul with anger in my voice.

"Nothing against you man, Caroline just needed to learn a lesson," Paul says.

"What lesson? She tries to have a good night and I get pushed off the stage" I yell "Too bad if I got hurt right in your club"

"Like I said it has noting to do with you" Paul says.

I stare blank at this idiot. Honestly who pushes people off stages just because they are making out with his sister? Which to my knowledge she hasn't done anything wrong tonight at all. I am so angry I need to leave soon. I know it's Dean's birthday but I can't be out anymore between everything that has happened today and tonight it's just too much. I feel someone tapping my back to get my attention. I turn around and see Diana, her eyes so innocent and filled with sorrow. I mean she's just the host of the event it's not her fault she shouldn't feel bad whatsoever. I must admit it is nice that she is taking the time to make sure I am fine. Next to her is Caroline smiling.

"Come into the back area and we will grab you a ice pack for you head just incase" Diana insists.

"Yeah Tyler sounds like a good idea" Caroline says.

"Did you want me to come also Tyler?" Dean asks.

"You go find Saxon and Brooke I will come find you guys soon" I reply.

"As long as your fine then all is good" Dean says. "Go get them tiger"

He hints to me and motions his head towards Diana and Caroline. I laugh.

Dean is always a serious person and looks out for his family and friends more than anything. It is just quite funny when he makes jokes about girls because it actually never happens. I pat Dean on his shoulder and walk towards the girls.

They take me to a back area, which looks like a lunchroom for the staff that work at the club. It's a small white room with a fridge, microwave and dishwasher. Nothing fancy at all. Diana walks up to the fridge and gets an icepack out. She hands it to me and smiles.

"I really have to quickly talk to my brother, I will be back in five" Caroline says. "He needs to be sorted out, that and I need a cigarette"

I nod and smile. Caroline walks out the door. I didn't picture her as a smoker. I have always said that pretty girls shouldn't smoke. As I've only know Caroline for a few hours I don't really think it would be appropriate for me to comment about her smoking. I place the icepack on the side of my head and sigh.

"So how did you end up getting involved with Caroline?" Diana asks.

"Well after a very eventful night so far my friend Dean whose birthday it is decided to come here because he heard it was good" I say. "My sister called me so I went and had a chat with her while my friends went inside. Stood in line and bumped into her, the rest is pretty much what you've just seen"

"I see" Diana laughs "Caroline is an extremely lovely girl she just always finds herself in trouble"

I can actually see that. Caroline is the type of girl that would get in a lot of trouble. Probably a problem child for her parents. Still doesn't change the way I feel. I still want her number and I still want to see her again.

"Well I am the opposite I am the boy with no problems" I lied. After today I have one huge problem. My cheating dickhead of a father, my poor Mother not knowing what he has done and Saxon beating the life out of Dean for his prank with the car. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow that's for sure.

Diana laughs. She is so pretty how bad is it that I want her number too. Should I just say I want to keep in contact with her? Maybe I will just say I need her number for emergencies incase I have an injury from tonight.

Diana starts to scribble on a piece of paper. What is she writing down?

"Here" Diana says. She holds her hand out with a piece of paper.

"It's my number since your going to be coming here a lot more and your friends with Caroline, we can be friends too" Diana says as she is smiling so bright.

I'm going to be coming here a lot more? Is she flirting with me? I turn red like a tomato. I take the paper from her hand and put it in my pocket. I would love to be friends with Diana she seems like a sweet down to earth girl. Which also happens to be extremely hot at the same time.

"I sure will be coming back here" I say laughing.

Caroline walks back into the room and smiles at me.

"All sorted" Caroline sighs.

"I should probably get my friends and head home it's extremely late and I am exhausted" I say, "Can I get your number Caroline? That is if you would like to talk to me again after tonight" I chuckle.

"Of course, give me your phone" Caroline says holding her hand out.

I hand her my phone and she spends a few seconds dialing her digits in.

I turn to Diana she has a different look on her face. She still looks innocent and has a good aura but there is definitely something different about her. I can't put my finger on it now but I am sure if I see her again around Caroline I will. I smile at Diana and she smiles back.

"It was lovely to meet you Diana I hope to see you again," I say.

"Of course you will see me again" Diana says, "You will be coming to Pyronix a lot remember" Diana giggles.

I laugh along with her and nod. Caroline hands me back my phone and we head through the door towards the bar to find Saxon, Dean and Brooke.

After about five minutes we find them. I explain to them I am going home and they are all pretty eager to head home too. After all it has been quite and eventful night for all of us.

We are standing out the front of Pyronix waiting for a taxi to come by.

Caroline is still with us. Saxon and Brooke are cuddling each other which is really weird, are they going to get back together and break up again? I can't even be bothered thinking about it right now it hurts. Dean just laughs to himself at them cuddling he thinks it's funny too, because obviously they are drunk and tomorrow they won't want to touch each other.

"I best head back into the club and find Paul, he wants to give me a lift home" Caroline says. "He is such an idiot of a brother"

"It's all good, it was great meeting you Caroline and I will be messaging you to see you again just putting it out there" I say nervously.

"You can message me as much as you want," Caroline says.

She looks at me with her eyes so piercing that I think she actually wants me to kiss her again. I lean in and kiss her lips softly. For just one moment it feels like we have no problems, no one around us and no one can stop us.

"Taxi is here" Saxon shouts.

We are stunned and pull away from each other. We just exchange a smile and she hugs me.

"I will hear from you real soon Tyler" Caroline says as she walks off towards Pyronix.

"Very soon Caroline" I say.

I jump in the taxi with my friends and stare out the window at the sky. I am in relief. I feel so peaceful. This is the perfect Saturday night. Apart from the car almost hitting us, jumping through a window and getting pushed off the stage, it was pretty much perfect.

"Those two girls are banging hot Tyler" Dean says. "Diana is smoking and Caroline she's just fine as"

I laugh along with Dean.

"I am actually jealous of how pretty they are," Brooke complains

She then turns away and continues to cuddle Saxon in the back seat of the taxi. Saxon is passed out already. As soon as he sits down for even a second after a night out he is out like a light. He is already drooling from his mouth it is extremely funny.

"They were both pretty, but it is more than just looks" I say.

"Dude are you sure your not gay?" Dean jokes.

I laugh along with him.

"No I'm being serious," I say "It's not just about how they look it's about the person those girls are on the inside, I really want to see them again"

I smile and look out the window again. The dark sky has a hint of the morning rising. It's basically time for breakfast and all I want to do is pass out for at least a day after everything that has happened.

After the taxi driver dropped everyone off I was the last one. He drops me off and I pay him along with a tip for listening to our bullshit.

I walk up the driveway to the front door. Which is open? I push the front door open look around. Nothing is smashed. No one has broken in. I hear someone crying. It's coming from the kitchen. I take my time walking down to the kitchen just so I can keep an ear out if I hear someone say something. I walk into the kitchen and see Riya crying on the floor.

She looks up at me and as she puts her hands in her face she starts to speak.

"You will never guess what just happened" Riya stutters.

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