No Picture, No Perfect

By Dreamers_life101

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Who's life is picture perfect? Imagine living a long life and feeling like you were only born yesterday. What... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

9 0 0
By Dreamers_life101

Loretta's POV

Sweat dripping all over my body, my heart beat at its highest rate, my toes are curled, I start to lose my breathe as this man, glides in and out of me like he has never seen me before, my teeth are housing my bottom lips as he shows my body no mercy of love and affection. 
"Thomas baby please don't stop" I beg as he continues to thrust his entire source into me. The length and the thickness of his meat grinding against my clitoris, makes my body beg for more.
"THOMAS" I scream. "That's right baby scream my name" He demands as his hands start to caress my neck. "Thomas baby I'm, I'm ......" 
"fuck me harder, baby" I demand. My back arches allowing my body to fall more into his. Thomas grabs my ankles and puts them on his shoulders then suddenly grips my hip as leverage to continue thrusting. My pupils almost feel over dilated and my lady jar feeling the wrath of his man meat railing the life out it.

"Good Morning, beautiful" I hear a beautiful faint voice, the the slightest touch on my cheeks. 
"What happened?" I asked curiously.
"Loretta are you telling me, you don't remember what happened?" Thomas my boyfriend of 3 years questions with a smirk.
"Oh.. no of course I remember, I just dont remember anything after that" I respond with a giggle.
"Well my love it was a good night is all I can say" Thomas giggles.

"I'm gonna have a shower then shoot off to work" Thomas smiles as he closes in for a kiss.
"Okay" I smile.

Thomas and I met three years ago when I was selling a beautiful two story home, with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 car space garage, and a beautiful marble pool. 
He was accompanied by three other ladies, who at the time I believed was his thrapple, but turned out to be his to cousins and his niece.

He barely took his eyes off me, while I was presenting the house. His family members were mouthing the words "RUN", There are times were I wish I listened to them, when we are humans are sad, the sad time outweighs the good times. Pain is of a substance that not many humans can stand, and I happen to be one of those human. 

I can't stand pain but I continue to put myself through the pain that Thomas puts me through, verbal abuse, mental abuse and on some occasions physical abuse. His great in bed, and bad in the heart.
Leaving him is no longer an option, I left him once and he found me. I fear that the next time I leave it will be worse. My very worse nightmare keeps replaying in my mind. "If I can't have you no one else will".

"I'm going to work now, I have left money on the kitchen counter for you, in case of sudden hunger, please enjoy your day and I will see you after work" Thomas says, before leaving.
"okay, babe please be very safe." I smirk
"I love you" Thomas yells out.
"Me too" I reply.

Thomas knows as much as I do that being back here is a nightmare for me, being locked away in a house that I sold to him with no chance of escaping. My daily move is monitored by his men, my job is swarmed by his men, my grocery run is accompanied by his men, there are men standing outside of this beautiful two story home waiting for me to approach the front door so they can escort me to work.

In the eyes of the women I work with it is an attractive gesture that my boyfriend cares for nothing but my safety, when the truth is far from what their fairy tale heads are telling them.

'Knock, Knock, Knock'
"Come in" I Shout
"Miss Greg, I believe it is nearly time for us to leave, the car is ready for you" Phillips smiles.
"Thank you Phillip, this is why you are my favourite" I giggle.
"Miss gr.."
"Phillip please, just call me Loretta" I demand.
"Sorry Loretta, I am also reminding you that today is my last shift with you. I have handed in my resignation to Mr. Oval" 
"Phillip I will miss you so much" I cry
"I wish we met on better terms Loretta I will never forget you" Phillip cries
"I wish the same thing Phillip, let me shower and we an leave" 
"Of course Loretta we will be waiting outside like always"

Turning my back on Phillip just to use the shower feels so painful, it almost feels like his shift is over and I will never see him again. 
Phillip and I met when he was sent by Thomas to Kidnap me from Sydney Australia and return me to Melbourne. On our Journey back to Melbourne Phillip and I got to know eachother, what was suppose to be an 8 hour drive, Phillip turned it in to 10.
Phillip kept asking me why and how I got tangled in the Oval's web.
I remember explaining exactly how Thomas and I met, also remembering how quickly Phillip got over the story.
"You should have never gotten involved with this man or his family, you are either stuck with them or you are in danger" these words will always replay in my mind on a daily. Phillip was so concerned for both our safety, bringing me back to Thomas was his insurance of keeping his family safe, he was never going to turn me in to Thomas.
Knowing that his family was on the line, I gave my self back to Thomas to reassure the safety of his family.

"Loretta I am so sorry to intrude, but you are going to be late for work" Phillips knocks on the bathroom door.
"Wont be to much longer Phillip" I shout out as I quickly shut the water off and raced for my towel.
"We will be waiting outside for you Loretta, this is your only time of freedom from Thomas ma'am please dont waste it in the shower" Phillip giggles.
"You can definitely count on me to be out there in 5 minutes" I laugh.
"Don't disappointment me Loretta" Phillips laughs.

 I run out of the bathroom, and quickly get dressed while Phillip fixes up my bag as he always does daily.
Stocking, skirt, blouse and a coat. What more can a real estate agent wear. Lipstick became illegal for me to wear, because it may draw the attention of other men.
'Light makeup only, you can't reconstruct your face into a whore' Wise words from a man who had countless affairs.

"Loretta, bags are ready and so is your lipstick that I always keep on my person for you" Phillip giggles.
"Phillip I will never survive this place without you, there is no strength inside me that would beg you to stay" I cried.
"One day Miss, I mean Loretta there will be a man who will be a ghost that will save you from all this and know now that when he comes, I will be behind it" Phillip cries wiping both our face.

"Let's get you to work" Phillip sniffs 

I follow behind Phillip as he leads me to the car, this is the last time Phillip will be with me. He is the only body guard that has ever step in to protect me from physical abuse, meanwhile every other guard would look away as I sit in the pool of my own blood. Phillip has never feared to stand against Thomas. Thomas only knew to threatened Phillip by sending men after his family. Every man here standing at attention have something to fight for Thomas has them wrapped around his evil fingers.

Thomas's POV

I love that woman more than anything in the world, she knows nothing without me. Her curvy body only looks good on mine, her hazel green eyes that pierce every bit of me. She is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I will do anything to make sure that it happens. 

'I will be going to the gym after work with Phillip' a message from Loretta
'I will meet you there my love' I reply 
'No, I want to work out in peace with out watching people have to leave the gym as soon as they see you' I know shes mad with the protection I provide, but I can't lose her again.
'Okay babe, just text me when you get there and what time you leave' I demand
'You don't give me much of a choice, so I guess' She responds
'I love you Loretta' 

i know she struggles to forgive me for the things I have put her through, but I know one day she will forgive me and love me all over again, but until then it is only something that I can hope for.

"Boss I know you said no interruptions but this is important" Michael my body Guard forces my office door open with a worried face

"What is it Michael?" I sigh

"This is Phillip's day on duty sir, he left his resignation with the receptionist" Michael cries

"Michael I know it is, he handed his resignation in two weeks ago" I smirk

"I mean no disrespect sir but why wouldn't you tell us about this?" 

I can see that Michael is becoming angry with me but I can't lose him to, he is one of the best that I have.
"Are you going to replace him Mr. Oval?" Michael questions.

"Michael is there something you are trying to say or you want to say?" I become extremely angry
"No sir, sorry for intruding" Michael apologises as he leaves my office.

Phillip has been a brother to me since we were in school, he never crossed me in anyway.

'Who's going to replace Phillip?' Loretta as always questioning me when the men don't get an answer

'Why is this such a big deal to use babe?' I respond almost immediately 

'Well its only right that I know who it is, being they will be watching my every move just like Phillip did. What if the person is a rapist, or a murderer Thomas?'
'Well Phillip put a good word in for a friend who will be replacing Phillip, anyone that Phillip trusts, I trust and I hope that makes you feel better' I respond
'Well i guess so, feeling a little better thanks' 

'What do i have to do for you to forgive me babe' 

I questions i constantly find myself asking her on a daily basis, also a question she never answers on a daily basis.

"Michael" I phone the desk outside my office.
"Yes sir" Michael responds
"Can you please come into my office" I ask
"On my way sir"

Michael and Phillip are brothers, and they only rekindled their bond, they have been inseparable ever since Michael had Join my protection detail a year and a half ago.

"You called sir" Michael murmurs 
"So Phillip didn't tell you that he put in a good word for a friend to be on Loretta's protection detail?" I questioned curiously
"No sir, Phillip and I have no spoken in a while. He has been busy dealing with the arrival of his children" 
"Oh, well i see. I also want to apologise for the way i spoke to you earlier" I stutter
"Thats not a problem sir, thank you for you apology" Michael grins as he obviously wants to laugh in my face.

"Sir your 2:30pm meeting has arrived" 
"Thank you Celina, send them through" I demand
"I will see them through for you Sir" Michael smiles as he walks out of the office.

"Sir before they get there, they are not happy today" Celina stutters.
"Thank you Celina" 

"Michael handle this please" I demand 
"Sir please calm down so we can help you in a friendly manner" Michael demands.
"His a Bastard"
"Sir calm down or I'm going to have to see you out" Michael demands.
"Sorry sir, i know you are just trying to do your job"
"Yes sir now please keep your tone like that, so everything can be solved" Michael continues to demand orders.

"Michael let them in" I demand
Mr and Mrs Greg, that parents of Loretta always makes a daily appointment to see me to remind me that I am a massive bastard. They refuse to stop harassing me until they get their daughter back.
"Thomas have you not brought enough pain to my daughter" Mrs Greg cries
"Mrs. Greg, Loretta is happy and is safe"
"Safe and happy?" Mrs Greg sighs 
"She rings me daily telling me that she is excited to break lose of your web" Mrs. Greg cries.
"Please Thomas I am begging you, allow us a visit once a week. Send your body guards with her i don't care, I just want to see my daughter again" Mrs. Greg continues to cry hysterically.
"I am not the kind of person to say the things I'm about to say, but i will say it with no regrets. The day you have children i hope that get taken from you and you feel the exact same pain that my wife and I are feeling" 
"Is that a threat Mr. Greg?" I question furiously 
"No Thomas that is a wish that i hope comes true." Mr. Greg responds furiously.
With a long moment of silence, I start to feel the pain of Mr. Greg's wish. Just seeing their anger and frustration as they look at me I fear to ever carry the pain that they are carrying. 
"Fine, let's ring Loretta and we can organise everything over the phone" I smile
"You coward, you will not put me on a schedule like you do our daughter, we will see her every Thursdays when she has finished work, like i said send your body guards with her i don't care i just want to see my daughter again" Mrs. Greg demands.
"Today is Thursday Mrs. Greg and Loretta has already planned to go to the gym after work" I smile knowing for sure that this has ruined their plans to see my Loretta.
"You will never understand what we are going through until the day it happens to you" Mr. Greg as always repeating everything.
"Why do you text so aggressively?" I questioned Mrs. Greg as she continuously to aggressively text.
"Well i tell you what Thomas, she is no longer going to the gym today she has confirmed her visit to me after work, and if you get in the way of that I will risk my life and create a social media outburst about you and your family, that is a threat." Mrs. Greg yells in great anger.
"Who do you think you are talking to like that?" I yell.
"A good for nothing bastard. Lets go my love and prepare a meal for our daughter" Mrs. Greg grabs the hands of her husband as they walk out of my office.

I remain speechless as I watch them walk out of my office, they always leave me in great anger. 

'I'm not going to the gym today, I am going to see my parents.' Loretta messages me almost instantly
'Why do you need to see them? they are old and no longer need you.'
'Say what you please Thomas but we both know that I need them more than I need you'
'They will only try and ruin us'

"Michael just the person I wanted to see" I smile
"Great timing i guess" Michael smiles.
"Michael do you know a person by the name of Ethan?" I question
"Well sir unless you provide me with a surname then this is just a dead end" Michael giggles.
"I guess a surname will be useful I guess" Michael and I share laughter.
"Give me a second I will fish out the paperwork for Ethan" 
I reach over for my phone to see if Loretta has responded.
"Is everything okay sir?" Michael questions
"Yes why do you ask Michael?" 
"You have reached over for your phone five times while I have been here"
"Oh yes, anyways the name is Ethan Hames" I giggle

Almost Immediately I watch as Michael turns pale, I have never seen someone who stands at 6'5 shrink just by the look on their face. 
A human ghost standing before me as I start to become concerned about his health.
"Michael" I shout.
Still nothing seems to bring him back to me.
I have no idea what the hell is in the guys name alone to make Michael feel the way that he is feeling but I need to get to the bottom of this.
"Michael" I suddenly raise my hands and slap Michael to bring him back to earth
"Sir, what the hell was that?"
"Michael I called you so many times and you became irresponsive, is everything okay?" I questions
"Sorry sir I must have just wondered off, I didn't get much rest lastnight. You know catering to the needs of my Lady's body" Michael giggles.
"So Ethan Hames doesn't ring a bell for you?" I question again.
"No sir not at all, he might be a friend of Phillips that I have never met before"
"So you've spoken to Loretta" I sigh
"Yes sir she told us that Phillip put in a good word for a friend" 
"That will be all Michael thank you."
Michael races out of my office and quickly out to the receptionist.
'Celina can you please tell me what Michael is doing?' I immediately patch through to the receptionist.
'Sir he is having a cigarette'
'Celina he hasn't smoked in such a long time' I laughed.
'Sir he hasn't i don't know what has changed his mind on it' Celina and i share laughter.
'Sir while I have you, what are you doing tonight?'
'Celina that was the past, I will not lose Loretta this time around, if you dare ask me for that question again, that will be your job' I threatened.
'Yes sir, Sorry sir.'

Celina and I were sexually involved 2 years ago. On countless occasions Celina and I were always meeting up for a quick fix, either in our cars, her house or my house. Loretta started to catch on to the fact that we weren't as sexually involved like when we first started dating. So she set out a private investigator to find out what was going on. Before the private investigator could even report to her, she walked into the house after finishing work a little earlier than normal and found Celina and I in the middle of sex.

The same expression that Michael held after hearing the name Ethan Hames, is the same expression that Loretta had when she discovered my affair. 
Loretta left without a trace, she kept reminding me of my affair by sending me private messages with photos that her private investigator took of Celina and I, in our cars, houses and at the beach.  
I don't know why I did the things that I did to hurt Loretta, I couldn't even answer her when she asked me to my face. I just promised that I wouldn't do anything to hurt her ever again.
"Sir, are you going to interview Ethan?" Michael questions
"Michael you scared the shit out of me" We both laughed
"So are you?" 
"No Michael anyone that Phillip trusts, I trust" I smile 
"Well alright then Sir, ca.. ca.. can i request something?" Michael stutters
"Sure what's up?"
"Can I please be assigned to Loretta protection detail, I want to be the eyes and ears for you?" Michael requests confidently 
"Michael that is a fantastic idea, have Celina ring Blake reassign him to be with me from now on"
"Yes sir, right away" Michael smiles and walks out with excitement.

Loretta has been by my said through so many things, debt, court and everything horrible that anyone could imagine. Celina is the kind of woman that wont stay for the hard work, and only shows up when its time to take.
I don't ever know what I was thinking doing that to her, if I could take it back I would.

'I'm going to my parents house now' 
'Loretta babe I have been waiting for a response for over 3 hours now and you message me when you are on your way to your parents house?'

Loretta's POV

"Phillip it's 5:30pm, and we are going to my parents house" I scream in pure excitement.
"What his allowed that?" Phillip smiles from ear to ear.
"Yes Phillip lets go" I scream
"What do you think your parents would say to you?" Phillip questions as we wait for Blake to bring the car to the front.
"I don't know Phillip but all I can say is, prepare yourself for a lot of cursing" I laugh

'Please be safe, you never know what kind of danger your parents can be. I love you babe'
"Phillip read this" I laugh
"I seriously don't know what is wrong with this guy" Phillip laughs
"Step back Loretta Blake is coming with the car"
Phillip and I fall into hysterical laughter.
"What ever use two lets go" Blake giggles as he opens the door for me.
"Where are we off to Loretta" Phillip questions as we hop into the car.
"What are you doing its my driving day" Blake laughs.
"I'd rather not put my life at risk knowing that i had a choice" Phillip teases Blake.
We all burst into laughter as Phillip starts to move the car.

Phillip and Blake are the brothers I never had. They are always there for me and help me through all my emotional melt downs and help me through the anxiety attacks. My heart aches knowing that this will be the last day I get to spend with Phillip.
"Wipe your eyes beautiful" Phillip demands 
"I'm only a phone call away and you know that, save those tears for a better occasion" 
"Phillip I don't know if I will make it through without you being in arms reach" I cry
"You have Blake who will always be there for you like I was, please don't cry"
"Phillip where are we going?" Blake asks in a worry.
"We got clearance to go and see Mr and Mrs. Greg" Phillip smiles.
"Well about time" Blake grins.
"I will always be here Sweetness, don't cry" Blake reassures me.

'Ring, ring'
"Well if it isn't the devil itself" Blake teases, as his phone rings.
"What the hell do you want Celina" 
A sudden pause from Blake brings Phillip and I to attention.
"Well you tell that son of a bitch I said that's not happening move someone else"
Blake immediately hangs up.

"Blake what was that about?" I question.
"Well Thomas want's to reassign me to the office, and have Michael take my spot" Blake shouts in pure frustration
"Loretta darling you know what you need to do" Phillip grins as he looks at me through the rear view mirror.

'What the hell do you think you are doing?' I quickly message Thomas
'What do you mean my love?' 
'Why are you moving Blake for Michael. Thomas this is bringing me great frustration' 
'Well Michael wants to keep an eye for the new guy starting tomorrow babe its not that big of a deal' Thomas responds very quickly to all my messages.
'It's a big deal to me, reassign someone at the house you leave Blake alone' I demand
'Deal babe, I can do that for you. You are my world and I will do anything to make you happy'

"Blake sweetheart you're not moving anymore, someone from the house will be reassigned with Michael" 
We all cheer and celebrate 
"Phillip, Michael is your brother. Do you not take offence to me not wanting him around" I question curiously.
"Michael is a good man Loretta and no I do not take offence to you not wanting him around, he is a far worse than I am. If Michael catches Thomas laying a hand on you, Michael is trained to kill and he will do exactly that. This is was i begged for him to be assigned to the office, I have served time for attempted murder and so did Michael."
With great shock I became speechless to the entire situation, Phillip continues to look at me through the rear view mirror. Michael is what I need but we will have to see what the new guy will be like.

"We are closing in Loretta I hope you are excited" Blake celebrates as we pull into the drive way of my parents house.
"Excitement is an understatement, my darlings" I giggle while stepping out of the car.
"Watch your step..."
A big bang takes us by surprise as a young girl comes running out and crashing into my arms.
"Loretta, big sister you're here. I love you big sister"
The pain that consumes me after hearing those words from her, creates more hate towards Thomas. I can't let go of her, I know this little girl is a replacement of me because my parents thought that they will never see me again.
"Loretta breathe" Phillips voice emerges into my ears.
I can't find the strength to breathe or the strength to let go of her.
"Loretta you're here" I can faintly hear my mothers scream.
"Loretta let go of the child she is going purple" Blake demands as he rips her away from me.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart" I cry
"Loretta come here" My parents demand.

I drop to my knees as I get closer to them.
"Mum, dad"
Without being able to continue speaking I grab a hold of my mother and grip so tightly practically forcing her down to her knees as well. "Mumma, please don't let go of me" I begged. My chest feels like its on fire, my throat is dry from not being able to swallow. "Papa please don't let me go" I begged. "Never Sweetheart, we never will".
'I hate you Thomas Oval' Is the only thing that keeps playing in my mind.
"Please you must come in and eat, we have prepared a meal for you and your body guards" Mum quickly jumps up.
I can hear her request but my arms can't let go of her or my father.
"Enough now my sweets, we must go in at once" my begs as she kisses me on my cheeks.
My legs become weaker the more she pulls away from me, "Mum please just a little bit longer please?" I beg as tears accompany my face.
"No my sweets we need to get you fed before your phone begins to ring and go crazy, please let me eat with you for the first in a long time." Mum begged as she pulls me up from off the ground.

I grab on to Phillip to pull myself off the ground before falling onto his chest and screaming to the top of my lung "FUCK YOU THOMAS" 
The pain in my fathers eyes as he witnesses the pain that I hold.
"If only we had of known how evil he was my sweets this would have never happened to us, there is no one to blame but him" dad cries
"Thats is so true" Phillip cries as he holds me close.
"I see she trusts you, or she would not be in your arms crying the way that she is" My father cries as he continues to look into Phillips eyes.
"I have been more than a body guard to your daughter sir, I have protected her and loved her like she is my own sister. I have never let harm come to her under my watch." Phillip as always wipes his eyes as his wiping mine.
"Son I could only wish that this bond was more than what use feel" Dad cries.

"Please come inside and lets eat my loves" My mum quickly grabs us by our arms and pushes us through the house.
The entrance of the house was so small, to my immediate right you find a living room the size of a double queen sized bed. As soon as I turned right into the living room, to my lift is the entrance to the kitchen. A kitchen the size of a king size bed, barely housing Phillip and Blake standing at 6 foot plus, and built like a fully grown oak trees.

"Please sit down. I know its not a big house and we are no longer made of much but we are still living and surviving" Mum cries.
"This is a beautiful home that suits a beautiful family." Blake sobs
"We will be moving use out of this house and into something more suitable for a family of three i promise you now mum and dad" I cried.
"Please thats enough tears my love, please eat" Mum begs
'What time will you be home' A message pings on my phone. 
I prepare to respond in the most abusive way, when Phillip reaches over the table and grabs my phone.
"Forget him and lets enjoy this time with your family" Phillip demands.

Looking at this table with 4 separate dishes, a pot of rice, a pot of curry chicken, fried fish and Kasava, it breaks my heart to know that my parents came from such fortune to now nothing.

"Why haven't you sent for help Lolo" My mum asks curiously
"Mother it's not that I havent sent for help, its the fact that I don't want to endanger anyone by sending for help." I cried
"What happened to everything use have worked so hard for?" I questioned in agonising pain.
"Your phone makes a lot of noise big sister"
"I am really sorry little sister, what is your name?"  I asked.
"Why do you cry a lot big sister?, and my name is Lolo" 

Hearing that killed me so much my heart is officially broken into a million pieces and there is nothing that can compare to the pain that I am going through, I never knew that my eyes were capable of crying more tears than a fountain. 

"Sweets we really thought we weren't going to get you back, so papa and I decided to have another child to try and patch the pain, but it never worked." Mum cries as she fixes my plate

"Excuse me Ma'am I'm just going to step outside" Phillip excuses himself.
"Phillip where are you going?" I cried
"I can't sit here and hold back tears that just want to flood this entire house"
A man who has not particular attachment to but a job cares more for my emotions than the Thomas. 
"Please young man, stay here and we can all share tears and stories." Dad demanded. 
Dad assures Phillip that everything will be alright and we wouldn't judge him for being human.
"Big sister why does your phone make so much noise" Lolo questions with a mouth full of food.
"I am truly sorry if that is annoying you, Phillip will be happy to turn it off to give us some peace." I smiled as I stroked the cheek of my littler sisters face.

"What happened?, you were in Sydney with your brother and then one minute gone, please explain to me everything that happened?" Dad begged

"The night I was taken from Kevin's apartment we had a black out. Kevin told me he was going to check the fuse box and as soon as the door opened that was the last time I seen him. I was loaded into the back of a car blind folded, I remember asking the person if Kevin was still alive they replied yes and that's all that mattered to me." I cried

"But sweets, you never told us why you fled to begin with" Mum sighed.

"Thomas was having an affair with his receptionist and I left, I did not know that with in the short amount of time Thomas and I were together he had already researched my entire family" I cried continuously 

"Do you know who kidnapped you from Kevin's house?" Dad asked furiously 
"Yes papa it was Phillip who took me"
"I'm so sorry to try and stand in the way of the bond use have, but how can you figure him for doing such a thing to you" 
Dad bangs the table with his fist so angry at the fact that the man who took me for Thomas was sitting in his house.
"Because Pa, he wasn't going to return me to Thomas until he told me that his family was being held as hostages by Thomas and his men, I then handed myself in to Thomas for the freedom of Phillip's family." I cried.

"I am so sorry young man that you had to go through something like that." Dad cried as he begged for Phillip's forgiveness.
"Sir if Loretta had of listened to me she would have not ended up there again, I had a plan to retrieve my family while keeping her safe. I stuck around to make sure that she remained safe" Phillip cried.

"My wife and i thank you for protecting our daughter while we couldn't Phillip, I owe you my life" 
"Why did he have an affair?" 
I wish i knew how to answer my mother with that question but the truth is I don't know why he was having an affair. I don't know if he started everything or if Celina started everything.
I was nothing but good to him. I remained loyal no matter how far apart we were from eachother, but he could never treat me the same way. I begged for answers and all I got was a push and a shove, as well as a few punches to the face.

"Loretta are you going to answer me sweets?" Mum interrupted my deep thoughts.
"Mum how am I to know why he had an affair"
"I only ask because sometimes it starts in the house before it leads to having affairs" 
I don't know whether to be offended by what my mother has stated or whether i should learn to accept it. I don't ever recall myself being toxic in our relationship, I was always so concerned about him wanting his personal space and being the best support system that he could ever ask for.
"I didn't mean to offend you Lolo, I am just a little bit curious on how this occurred" Mum continues to speak.

"Mum all I ever did was love that man, I gave him space when he asked for it, I supported him when his mother died, I put myself in to bad debt to help keep his family buisness alive, I gave this man the world when no one else dared to love him. I cooked his meals, I cleaned his clothes, I drove his father to all his doctors appointments when his schedule was apparently to full and for what mum?, for all the dates that he told me he was in a meeting and my private investigator brings me photos with all those dates full of sex and affairs, naked women. Not just one mother but 4 different women, all his fully booked day were surely booked but not with his company, but the company of another woman." My frustration became obvious to everyone as my tone raised with every word that was said.

"Lolo, I wasn't accusing you of being a bad girlfriend, i just assumed that there was an unhealthy home which lead to this behaviour that is all" My mother said with great fear in her voice.
"Well mum that definitely felt like accusations, I am extremely sorry if my words brought you down but sometimes it doesn't have to be problems in the home, it can and normally just starts when the eye sees, and the heart knows it can't be done but the brain tells you it's okay" I cried.

"Why are we both named Lolo" My little sister questions
"Well sweety, when you are older maybe we can tell you so that you can understand more." Dad explained.

"The curry is so beautiful Mrs. Greg thank you so much for putting this out for us" Phillip gestured a new conversation to clear the air from the already existing anger and frustration.
"It sure is Mrs. Greg, I have never enjoyed curry so much" Blake smiles.

"Mr. Giant" Lolo tugs on Phillips suit.
"Yes Lolo" Phillip giggles.
"I thought you turned the phone off" Lolo laughed
"I sure did" 
"Well why are you vibrating, and your pockets have a lot of lights?" Lolo continued to laugh as she pointed to Phillip's Pockets.

"Excuse me guys I got to take this" 

"He seems like a lovely young man" Mum smiles
"He sure is mother and unfortunately today is his last day with me, he is resigning to be a father to twins." I cried.
"Well he needs to be a full time protector" Mum giggles
"And he will be the best at it"

"Well you know what you need to do Michael do it" Phillip shouts from outside.
"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Greg. I will just go and see what that is about." Blake quickly bolts outside dragging his chair with him
"Is everything okay Lolo" Mum asks curiously
"I am not to sure mum, but it does sound serious" I claimed
"Please Loretta go and see what it is we really do not need more trouble" Dad begged.

I can only imagine that as soon as i walk out there, I will only hear Thomas's voice over the phone. Sending Michael to ring his big brother to bring me home.

"Phillip, Blake what is going on?, this is a small house and we can hear everything you are saying from inside" I whisper 
"Why are you whispering?" Blake giggles
"Because this is concerning my parents and they said that they refuse to have anymore trouble"
"Well love lets just put it like this, Phillip has really set the bar on his last day and his brother is scared" Blake starts to laugh. 
Michael immediately begins to deny everything over the phone.
"What the hell are use talking about?" 
"Loretta sweety all I can say is that, everything will be okay as soon as Phillip leaves and that is a promise" Michael giggles.
"Michael where is Thomas?"
"The bastard is heading home, I'm in the car behind him. I have been reassigned to the house from now on."
"What the hell is going on guys?" Frustration starts to consume me as these men have decided my fait"
"Loretta Beautiful this has always been our plan and we will see through everything, you have my word. I will see you in the morning" 

Michael disconnects from us and I quickly look at Phillip and Blake ready to get answers out of them.
"Well we better get back inside before your parents worry more" Phillip grins
"Not so fast Phillip" I giggle as I try to pull him back from escaping me
"Loretta you said it yourself, they don't want anymore trouble" Blake laughs
The two men who are suppose to protect me from everything and anything have left me alone unattended which is not like them to do so.

"Loretta inside please" Phillip begs
"Coming" I giggle.
"Phillip you know we have the whole ride home for me to get this out of you right?" I Laugh
"This time around Miss Greg you will lose" 
The confidence I had in myself literally turned to shit.

"Pa you said that use don't want more trouble, what did you mean by that?" I questioned curiously 
I watched as my parents looked at eachother and turned pale, I don't think they expected me to catch on to every word they said. When spending a forced life with someone like Thomas you know nothing more than to read between the line.
"Please don't be afraid to open up to use, we are the group against Thomas" Blake reassures the comfort of my parents.
"A few weeks after we didn't tell Thomas your location, your mother and I were accused of stealing office properties and blackmailing customers for extra money. Soon after the allegations were clear from our names we were still forced into unemployment because the company didn't want to take the risk of it being true and we were just getting away with the crime."
"I can't stand this mother fucker" Phillip scrunches his fist.
"You said a bad word Mr. Giant" Lolo Screams
"After being let go from our jobs, we had no choice but to sell our house, cars and any other prized possessions to survive. All the money we received we put into this house and we are practically living on rations." Dad cried
The pain and frustrations continue to grow as I sit and listen to everything that dad has to say.
"All I could say to myself was, How can someone be this evil?" Mum cried hysterically.
"When we found ourselves with nothing, your mother and I found out that we were pregnant, we were certain that you were dead being we hadn't seen or heard from you in 3 years. Even though we had nothing, nothing was going to stop us from having your sister. We only named her Lolo because we received a letter from Thomas telling us that he couldn't find you and you had fled for sure" Pa continued crying hysterically, barely getting the words out of his mouth.

"Loretta" Phillip interrupts my direct eye contact with my father.
"Yes Phillip" I cried
"Blink and breathe you are going pale" Phillip sits in obviously anger.
If anger could kill, Phillip has already killed 30 people.

"How did you know I was alive?" I cried fearing the answer
"Your Aunt Cindy sent her new boyfriend to buy a house, while she was recovering in hospital from the birth of their Daughter whom they named after you also."
"What did they name her exactly?" I questioned 
"They named her Letty" Mum responded with a smile on her face.
"Loretta sweets you are a beautiful Cook Island lady, you have the heart of the strongest Tiki, you have lived 26 years of life, I am begging you my sweetheart use all that strength to fight this man and leave. Come back to us baby please" Dad cries. His tears are flowing uncontrollably fighting every bit of pain to try and push his words out. 

"Anyways Lolo, Your Uncle came over after the deal for the house was closed and said that the lady who sold him the house looked exactly like me" Mum smiled with a face full of tears.
"How did you know it was me for sure?"
"We didn't darling, we believe in God and that was all we needed to know that you were still here" Mum cried.
"Mum that is so beautiful thank you for never giving up on me" I cried.

"We don't have anything for desert but we do have some fruits" 
"Dad please stop stressing yourself, it is perfectly fine" I smile
"I hate to be rude, I will take an apple" Phillip requests.
"Make that for two Mr. Greg, I see where Loretta gets her amazing hospitality" Blake grins.
"In the Cook Islands hospitality is of a big thing. When people drive by our homes, we wave them in to come and eat or have something to drink, We see everyone on that small island almost every day and we will always greet them whether we are driving or walking, we will always give a lovely wave, or yell good night as we all when people are walking through the night. The gesture is beautiful and the Island we come from teach hospitality to their children and many generations. The beauty of our nation is not only in the Island but also in the hearts of the people." 
"Wow sir, that was so beautiful to hear. Thank you for sharing that with us" Phillip and Blake share a smile hearing what my father had to say about my beautiful Island.

I truthfully thought to run there when I fled Thomas the first time but i was so worried and scared to take trouble to such a beautiful small Island. 
My family who know only so little of English would have been put in harms way if Thomas and his men would have come there to take me.

"Mr. Giant man, your phone is doing the same thing again" Lolo pokes at Phillip

'Hello' Phillip quickly answers his phone.
"Excuse me again, I really need to take this" Phillip excuses him self.
"We are still at her parents house boss" 
"Loretta turned her phone off sir"
"She having a great time sir, the happiest I've seen her in a while"
"Goodbye we will see you when we are ready"

Phillip doesn't take shit from Thomas, He barely ever follows orders that Thomas puts out he makes his own rules and Thomas just deals with it. Phillip has to much dirt against the Ovals that can have them locked away for life, which is why Thomas no longer disrespects him in anyway.

"Is everything okay?" I whisper into Phillips ear.
"Everything is fine love, just have fun" Phillips demands.
"Will you be sleeping with me tonight big Lolo" Lolo asks with a beautiful big smile on her face.
"As much as I would love to there will be to much trouble tomorrow." I tear
"Well I hope you can come back again" Lolo shrugs and races off to her room.

"What day was she born, I need to save her birthday in my calendar so that way I can always get her something"
"There is no need to right it down sweets, she is born the day after you" Mum tears.
"May 9th?" I giggled
"May 9th 2017" Dad giggles.
"Use are almost twins" Phillip giggles.

We are share laughter.

"Wow thats the time" Mum suddenly jumps from her seat.
"What is the time Phillip?" I ask
"Wow, thats the time. It's 11pm" Phillip laughs as he puts his phone away.

'Knock, Knock' 
"Let me get that" Blake quickly jumps off the table and races for the door.
"Hi sir we have reason to believe that their is someone in this house who has been reported missing"
"Thomas Oval sent use?" Blake asked in pure frustration
"Yes sir if you can have Miss Loretta Greg come out so we can return her to Mr. Thomas we will be out of your hair" The officer demands.
"Excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Greg" Phillip punches the table as he stands from his chair.
I can't help but notice the pain that my parents trying to hide making it to painful to look at them.
"Hi there I am Phillip, I work for Thomas Oval. Miss Greg is not a missing person, in fact I just got off the phone with Mr. Oval who knows that she is safe and now you can report to Mr. Oval that I Phillip personally said goodnight"
As the door slams shut, Blake approaches us laughing as Phillip is doing some breathing exercises to keep calm in front of my parents.

"I see why you can't be free darling" Mum cries
"This happens to me even when i am at work, theres no escaping him" I sob
"God will make for you sweetheart, just keep having faith" Mum smiles
"My faith will never be moved Mum and thats a promise" 

"Well as much as I would love to sit here all night we are going to leave before Swat shows up and breaks the house down." 
"I know this isn't a laughing matter but that was actually pretty hilarious Greg" Blake laughs at my sarcasm.

As we prepare to leave, Mum hides behind their fridge to dry her eyes from the tears shes had to shed. Preparing to lose me and not knowing when she will see me again.
"Stay safe Mr and Mrs Greg we will leave first and prepare the care for Loretta before we leave" Blake hugs my parents and whispered something into their ears. What ever he said I want him to just repeat it to them so I can see that smile over and over again.

Phillip and Blake walk out to the car as I remain inside.
"Mum, dad this will be a weekly thing now, I will be back every Thursdays and please take this look after yourselves, buy anything use need. Ring me if you need more, I love use so much and I will always be here no matter what" I cry 
"Dry your eyes my love, thank you for your offering but we can't take this it is to much We love you and will see you every Thursdays" 
"Mum I am not taking that money please keep it, Please don't see me out it's cold out."
With many kisses and hugs later, we were finally able to part ways.
With tears flowing heavily down our faces just like our greeting, our farewell becomes painful.
"Loretta the car is ready" Blake waits for me to exit the house.
"Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Greg"
"Goodnight Blake it was lovely to meet you and hope we get to see you every Thursday." Mum smiles
"We will see you next Thursday Ma'am"

Thomas's POV

'Why the fuck do I keep going through to voicemail' 
My temper flares when I don't hear from her, everything she does I need to know but she just can't seem to bring herself to terms with respecting me.
I do everything to make her happy now and she will no longer give me the woman she once was.

"Sir, we showed up to the house and Phillip told us to tell you goodnight. You got to let that girl breathe or she will only continue to get worse on you"
"You do not fucking tell me what to do, do not forget who's payroll you are sitting on you hear me?"
"Yes sir, goodnight sir"

Allowing her to visit her parents was far outside of my trust, her parents would have done nothing but try to convince her to leave me. I just hope that she loves me enough to stay around.

'Knock, Knock' 
"Who is at the door Michael?" I ask
Gripping the kitchen counter with my hands pulsing up and down hoping that the knock at the door is.
'Knock, Knock'
'fuck Michaels gone home for the day'

"I'm coming give me sec" I shout
I turn on the lights for the porch and to my surprise I find Celina outside the door in tears.
"What the hell do you want Celina?" 
"Thomas baby I miss you, please let me in" She begs
"Why are you here?"
"I miss you why else would I be here, I know you miss me too baby" 
"Get the fuck out of here, my girlfriend will be home soon and you are just going to ruin everything for me again"
"Again?, we ruined it together you mother fuck. You wanted me even though you knew you had a girlfriend. You started this affair and not I can't stop, this is what your family is good at ruining families and peoples lives and thinking use can get away with it" 

Celina has always been the one who puts my anger on a throne and every time she did in the past I took it out on Loretta. I regret everything I put Loretta through but I can't take back the time that and the pain.

"What the hell are you doing here home wrecker" I hear a deep voice from outside
"Well Phillip can you believe he won't let me in anymore"
"Celina no one wants you, you're just good for bad choices" 
"Well fuck you to Phillip, where is that little whore that we all know you are having an affair with" 
"What the fuck did you just say" Phillip yells. holding Celina up against the wall by her neck.
"You of all people do not get to run your mouth like you have the best reputation, grab your shit and get the hell out of here" Phillip demands.
I pull the door open as soon as I see Loretta get out of the car.
"Loretta babe you're home" I smile with my arms wide open.
Celina jumps into my arms forcing her weight onto me and hugging me by neck and holding tight to a point where i couldn't push her off of me.
"Loretta come through" Blakes demands as he keeps her path safe from harm.
"Use look good like that" Loretta smirks then finally winking as she makes it into the house.

"Well that what happens when you come along and ruin what we already had, you dumb bitch" Celina yells into my ears.
"I should kill you for taking my man from me"
"Loretta keep walking inside" I demand
"You don't get to tell me what to do you son of a bitch" Loretta yells at me
"Phillip get her the fuck off me" I demand
"Get her off yourself, I no longer work for you"

"Celina get the hell off me" I demand, gripping her arms and pushing her off me.
"I just got here though baby" She giggled as she places her hands all over my body.
"Phillip where the hell do you think you are going?" I yell
"To say goodbye to Loretta before I leave"
"No you don't get to say goodbye to her, you can just leave" I demand
"Fucking bite me" 

I know that a lot of my staff has lost respect for me since the affair with Celina, some even went that extra mile and resigned from my payroll. I have never been so hated by people that I pay to work for me.

"Loretta sweets come here please" Phillip yells from inside
"Give me a sec Phillip" Loretta yells from upstairs

"Phillip can you give me a ride home when you leave" Celina asks
"I am not into prostitution" Phillip laughs.

Celina annoys me, everything about her makes me feel so much hatred towards her, yes it's true that I started the flirting and the touching but I told her there was no strings attached to what we would get up to. But she made me fall harder for her. Her hour glass body, booty the size fully grown watermelons and tits the size of rock melons. She made me hard before she could even get naked for me, just a quick bend to touch her toes made me go crazy for her.

"Okay Phillip you have to close your eyes" Loretta demands
"Loretta I told you no gifts" 
"Phillip you know I never listen to things like that" She laughs
"Well I look forward to the day I find out that you have listened and follow instructions" Phillip teased.
"A little secret from the source itself. I look forward to that day as well" Loretta Laughed

I have accused Phillip and Loretta for having an affair given how close they have become, as she walks down the stairs of our beautiful modern home. I can't help but imagine the life that we will spend together.

"Okay now open" Loretta demanded 
"What the hell Loretta that is a lot of stuff" Phillip teared up
"If you look closely there are many baby clothes sizing from new born up to size 3, for both boys and girl after all we are having twins" Loretta claps with excitement.

"Phillip it's midnight and your wife is calling for you to be home" Blake intrudes on their excitement.

"Well the time has come little one for me to leave and move on with my life." Phillip cries
"I've never been so happy for someone to become unemployed but I know that you will make the best father" Loretta cried
"Phillip it has been a pleasure having you aboard this massive empire, we wish you nothing but the best for your future endeavours" I farewell what was once my best friend turned strangers.
"Thanks Thomas thats the nicest thing you have said to me in such a long time." Phillip teased

"Give me a hug Phillip" Loretta demanded.
I've never seen her so willing to be in another mans arms, Jealousy begins to consume as their hug begins to exceed from seconds to minutes.
"I think that's a long enough hug don't you think" I pull on Loretta's arms.
"Piss off Thomas" Phillip fends me off
I become more jelous knowing that she has spilt so much tears for this man, she never cried when she left me, she never cried when she found me cheating on her, she just left without saying anything to me.
How could absence kill her more than what I did to her.
"What do you mean?" Loretta bursts out in laughter and tears.
"Trust me, we will see you when the babies are born" Phillip smiles 
While losing his grip, he leaves Loretta with a kiss on the cheeks and wink and quickly closing in for one more hug before heading to Blake for their finale goodbyes.
"That was a pretty long hug don't you think babe" I Sneer
"Kiss as my ass, he has been the best thing that has happened in my life since you cheated on me, remember that?" She grins. Leaving my side immediately and walks over to Phillip to farewell him again.
"Phillip please leave now, the longer you stay the longer I want to keep you around" Loretta begged.
"Alright I am going now"
"Goodbye everyone, stay safe and God bless use all"

Phillips grabs his gifts that Loretta had organised and finally walked out the door, looking back he gives me a death stare, the stares at Loretta for a few seconds while she cries for him.
"Wipe your eyes sugar bun, everything will be okay" Phillip demands
Closing the door behind him and never looking back,

Loretta collapses to her knees, holding on to her chest like she was trying to scratch the pain away.
"It's okay babe" I quickly run to her aid and hold her close.
"Fuck off, you're the last person I want to hold me" She shoves me away and seeks comfort in Blake.

Loretta sits at the window and watches as Phillip takes off from the house for the last time.
The tears streaming down her face is uncontrollable, she begins to hyperventilate and drops to her knees again as she begins to only see the reflection of Phillips brake lights. 

"Ma'am please step away from the window" Blake's voice shakes 
Loretta finds the strength to stand, wiping away her tears and makes direct eye contact with Blake.
"Blake can you please run the bath for me" She asks
"Yes ma'am" 
Blake leaves the room immediately and heads up the stairs to our master bedroom.
"Don't you think that was a really long hug?" I begin to question Loretta as she tries to compose herself.
"What the hell are you on about Thomas" She questions.
"You heard me Loretta don't make me repeat myself" 
"Well Thomas if you want me to be honest, that hug just wasn't fucking long enough"
"Where the hell do you think you are going Loretta." 
"I'm going for a bath" She proceeds to walk away.
"Do not walk away from me while I am talking to you" I demand
"You're angry over a hug that lasted a little under five minutes and for what reason?" She questioned.
"It's just not appropriate for you to be holding on to another man as long as you were holding on to Phillip for" I shout.
"We are going to shout now, trust me when I say this Thomas, I am the last person you want to start shouting." 
"Is that a fucking threat Loretta?" My temper begins to flare
"Take it how ever the fuck you please, I don't care"

I grab her by the arm and chuck her to the ground, holding my foot against her neck, she manages to punch my knee and slide out of the grasp of my foot.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Thomas" Blake jumps from the second floor and pushes me away from Loretta.
"Just answer my question Loretta" I beg
"I already did. I told you it wasn't fucking long enough" she screams
"Where was this attitude lastnight when I was deep inside of you" I smirked
"The question really is where was I lastnight when you were so deep inside of me" She laughed
My temper takes the best of me when I am provoked. 
With quick reaction I push Blake away and start to strangle Loretta, slapping and throwing her across the house.
"Back off Thomas I mean it" Blake threatens as he stands over Loretta.
"Well what the fuck are you going to do about it Blake" I tease
"You don't want to see what I will be doing about this" Blake continues to threaten

Suddenly Loretta stands and grips Blake by the arm
"Please take me up stairs for my bath" She cried as she struggles to breathe.
"Let go of his arm Loretta" I demand
"Let me guess, I have held it for to long?" She smirks.

"Do not touch her Blake" I demand
"Let me guess I will touch her for to long?" Blake Smirks

"Please take me for bath Blake"
"Yeah take the whore who holds on to other men" 

"WHORE" Loretta yells.
"Didn't you hold on to Celina for a little to fucking long when you were fucking her in your car?, weren't you holding her boobs a little to long while you were in this house that I paid for?, didn't you hold on to your emotions for her a little to long knowing that you had a girlfriend of your own?, didn't you hold on to my neck long enough every time I confronted you about your affair?. Didn't you hit me long enough to cause me to have a miscarriage?, How much longer will it take you to fucking realise that I want nothing to do wi....."
"I want nothing to do with you, you fucking dirty pig, let me be free already you mother fucker" she cried.

"Ma'am you're bleeding, lets fix you up" Blake demands as he sweeps her off her feet and runs into the master bedroom.

I quickly race to the top of the stairs to make sure that she is okay.
With all those questions that was thrown, I don't even know how to come to terms with answering the first one.
"You made me believe that we were over that Loretta" I cried
"How the fuck do I make you feel that when you kidnapped me and brought me back here without a choice. You made this my choice and threatened to take out my family if I didn't obey you" She cried
"Thomas I am not asking, leave the room or you have a bigger issue."
"GET THE FUCK OUT, I MEAN IT THOMAS" Blake yells to the top of his lungs.

I haven't been the best boyfriend known to mankind but I have been trying my best to keep her happy. She just refuses to let me in to fix the damage that I have done. She's so stubborn like her parents and will never stop until she gets her way. I may have told her parents that I couldn't find her, when I had her all along but I guess they happen to see through that lie and kept harassing me to let them see her. I can give her the world I know that for sure but she needs to let me give her the world.

"Oi Thomas, Loretta is all patched up, showered and now sleeping. I will not be leaving till my replacement gets here." Blakes announces from the second story of the house.
"Blake go home, you will be to tired tomorrow to watch her" I demand
"Like I said, I will not be going anywhere until my replacement gets here" 
"Blake he won't be here till the morning" I giggle
"This maybe funny to you, you low life scum but it sucks for you. I will sleep right here and if you try to get through these doors I will break your legs and then your soul." Blake threatens
"Do you forget who you work for Blake?" my temper fires up again.
"You work for me Blak..."
"My pay cheque comes from Miss. Loretta Greg, I do not work for you now sit the fuck down and keep your thoughts to yourself" Blake demanded.

I can't ever undo the damage that I have done but every bit of me is trying to be a better person for her. My temper always consumes me and I can't help but take it out on the closest person.
'Maybe this is why they respect her more, because she is paying them to be against me.'

"Blake I need to have a word with Loretta" 
"Kiss my ass, that's not happening. Leave me alone I need to get some rest for tomorrow."
"Blake I am not asking" I smirk
"Come up here and I will do as I said" Blake threatens.
From the ground to his feet within seconds as he hears my footsteps.
"Unless you want me to break your legs and your soul then take another step" 

"Blake it's okay" Loretta finally steps out of the room
Blake quickly turns his back to her and faces, without a blinking or moving he refuses to remove himself from her as she approaches closer.
"What do you want Thomas?" Loretta questions
"What made you come out here?" I asked curiously
"I can hear your bitching and I am trying to sleep" She laughed
Still with Blake standing at 6'6 looking down at me without blinking and moving, making it impossible for me to see the love of my life behind him.
"Well that wasn't very nice" I giggle.
"Just like how it's not nice to be thrown across the room by your neck"
"Loretta I am truly sorry fo.."
"What the hell do you want Thomas?" She interrupts
"Can you please tell Blake to stand down" I beg
"No he can stand there"
Blake continues to death stare me, only this time he has take a step closer to me, my entire body has fallen into fear mode and I have no choice but to accept what I have started.
"As of tomorrow you will no longer be paying the guards, so you are more than welcome to go and spoil yourself when you get paid" I smile

"You and what money?" She laughs.
"Ma'am if I am placed on to Thomas's payroll I will unfortunately be resigning from the position and I am pretty confident that everyone else will be stepping down from the position" Blake's talking without losing eye contact.
"Blake go home" Loretta Demands 
"Well Ma'am I am sleeping right outside your door tonight." 
The death that Blake has died in my mind is extremely painful, slowly yet painful.
"Well I guess that's goodnight" Loretta giggles.

"This is the only chance you have to take your money for yourself" 
Hoping that this will bring her to terms to agree so we can forget what has just happened.
"Loretta you know I am not a the kind of person to just hand out chances."
I know taking another step closer will just have me with broken limbs, trying to find the right words without being aggressively beaten becomes harder as Blakes breathing starts to get heavier.

"Chances, you want to talk about chances. I don't give chances to cheating bastards who think they have the world wrapped around their hands, kiss my arse you mother fucker. Take this chance from me now, and do not take it lightly take a fucking step back away from my bod guard before I order him to break your legs and then your soul." She threatens

"Ready when you are Ma'am you just say the word" Blake smiles
"You have no respect, Phillip was the best body guard he obeyed every order" I smiled
"Thats because he was the only body guard you could afford" Blake laughed."
"Blake breathe and blink, you're about to collapse from just standing there" I teased
"Ma'am do I have your go?" Blake turned finally allowing me to have sight of Loretta
"No Blake it's okay, just dismiss him and lets get some rest. I would prefer that you sleep inside my room by the door" She demanded.
"Of course Ma'am"
"What the fuck do you think you are doing Loretta" I shout 
I can never find a way to get through to her even if I begged for days it still wouldn't be good enough for her.

"Go to bed Thomas and this will be the last time we will be speaking tonight" Blake laughed as he turned his back on me and grabbing Loretta by the hip.
"This is the last time I will tell you to keep your hand off her" I shout
"This is the first and only chance I am giving you to walk away" Loretta smiled 

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