It was never part of the plan...

By MaddieNguyen16

60.5K 1.1K 352

Usui Takumi was always known for being popular but mysterious. What if out of nowhere, a strange girl walked... More

Meeting 3 times in 1 day!
Dinner and ... friends?
First kiss ... that didn't end so well
The chase
Secrets uncovered
Even more secrets spilled and not only from her
Fun guy Jack: Friend or Foe?
Bleep test and talk of Autumn
Finally! First date!
Still first date! And oh, confession!
The string that binds us together
What do you want to know about me?
What are you to me?
Spa/Hot spring/Some-sort-of-country-club place
What a bright time! It's the right time ... Oh!
Troublesome New Year's Eve
Torn between two Usui's
Suspect found!
Under the ominous watch of the British spy
The one with Misaki's orientation day
Date on a school trip ... Sneaky!
I will be ready so you should too, Mia.
What game are you playing, Gerard?
You know ... my father?
The hard truth
Love, this is it!
We'll all be ready
Exams are always the worst, isn't it?
An opportunity for a promising future
Thank you, for everything!
Have a safe trip, Master!

Just a little bit closer

3.4K 68 25
By MaddieNguyen16

A bit of note so that you won’t get confused or realize that I’m the crappiest writer on Earth: So this chapter would be a chain of short stories (5cm/s reference) about short moments between Usui and Mia (I don’t know why I call him by his last name but her by first name, force of habit) and some other characters too. Some of these stories are just there because I want it there, some tells you about Mia and her life some was there because it’s an important plot point. Anyway ... Enjoy!

  School production practice:

 “We’ll do the first song, “Marilyn Monroe”. Mia, you’re up! This is your solo, go for it!” the director/drama teacher signaled enthusiastically.

 “Uhm, ok.” Mia said, mentally face-palming to her teacher’s enthusiasm.

 “Yeah Mia! Be a bombshell!” Usui shouted up from the orchestra with a huge smirk on his face, earning a half-hearted sarcastic smile from her.

 Music started, Mia sang, acted and danced with all her grace and charm making everyone captivated - Usui was no exception (in fact, he might be the number one victim). Every time the first violins get a rest in the music, he would focus all his attention on her, sometimes, he was so lost making the other violinist wonder ‘It’s only one bar ‘till they come back in, why isn’t their leader prepared?’

 “Takumi Usui!” shouted the conductor in a funny, sarcastic and mocking tone as the song ended “Horrible, horrible leader!” the whole orchestra laughed but he stared off, the only person that he saw was the petite brunette on stage, discussing the script with the other casts.


  Amelia meets Misaki:

 Standing at the gate of the school, Misaki scanned every inches of every students who enter the school. Suddenly, the strangest sight came into her view: the perverted alien heart-breaker jerk Usui was walking and chatting with a girl - and the girl was wearing Seika uniform. Not believing her eyes, she decided to stop the couple’s way to question the blond jerk.

 “Hey you jerk! What do think you’re doing?” she shouted at Usui

 “Going to school, didn’t know it was illegal.” he replied coolly with a bored expression

 “I’m asking why are you flirting with this poor innocent girl? If you break her heart, I’ll kill you!” Misaki reached out for Mia and pulled her into a bear hug

 “Actually Prez, he’s my friend, we were just talking.” Mia softly protested as she was squished in Misaki’s tight hug “And also, you’re choking me.”

 “Oh! Sorry!” she released the girl right away, after taking a good look at the strange brunette, she finally asked “Why haven’t I seen you around before? Are you new?”

 “Oh, I’ve been here since junior year.”

 “I can’t recall I’ve seen you. Do you always come early?”

 “No, I climb over the fence to get to class.” Mia said in a sarcastic tone earning a confused stare from Misaki

 “But I check the fence too, climbing over the fence is against school regul-”

 “Relax Prez! That was sarcasm. You do know what sarcasm is right?” Mia explained making Misaki laugh

 “Wow, now I feel so stupid!”

 “That’s kind of the whole point of sarcasm.”

 “Ok, I suddenly feel left-out here. Mia, let’s go, you said you wanted to practice the new song.” That's when Usui decided to poke his nose in.

 “Oh yeah! Bye Misaki! See ya!”

 “Bye ... Mia! Glad to meet you! And you Usui, don’t you dare hurt her!”

 Usui’s head bowed slightly as he walked ‘You don’t have to worry about that Prez, I swear I will never hurt this girl.’


  Meeting Mia’s little sister and have a ... cushion fight?:

 “You know I have a little sister right?” Mia asked Usui


 “Would you like to come over and meet her?”

 “Alright, let me guess, you cooked too much of something and couldn’t finish it, now you want me to come over and help you with that?”

 “I can’t believe you would think of me that way!” she said dramatically “Can’t a girl invite her friend to come over and I don’t know ... Enjoy a homemade cake while meeting her sister?”

 “I’ll help you finish it.”

 “Really? Thank you! I am forever grateful.”

 ~~~~Tiny time skip~~~~

 “Wait there, I’ll bring it out.” Mia threw her bag into the dinning room and told Usui to wait there while she disappeared in the kitchen

 “Aneki, what’s the noise? I want to sleep.” he heard the voice of a girl, probably around 10 - 12

 “If you want to sleep then go upstairs.”

 “Fine, by the way, who was that?” the girl pointed at the dinning room door

 “A friend of mine.”

 “You have a friend?”

 “Yes and he’s very nice.” Mia returned with a mocking tone

 “Man ... I thought I’d be the first to get a boyfriend.”

 “Annie, he’s not my boyfriend.” she said, calmly

 “Whatever he is, I better see him.” about a second later, Usui saw a head poking through the door of the dinning room “So you’re my sister’s friend?” now the face is fully revealed. She was a young girl with blue eyes but black hair, other than the eyes, she doesn’t look much like her sister. Her facial expression was a mixture between bored, depressed and super sleepy (the picture is Annie).

 “And I’m guessing you are Annie?”

 “No, I’m her grandmother.” she said in a super sarcastic and depressed voice.

 ‘Wow, she’s even more sarcastic than her sister.’ he thought with a sweat drop on his forehead.

 “Yeah, we both inherit sarcasm from our dad, me much more than her.” she stretched her arms and yawned “Oh well, I’m going to bed, who cares if exams are tomorrow.” she said and disappeared on the stairs.

 “I see you’ve met Annie.” Mia suddenly appear at the door with 2 slices of cake on her hands.

 “Your sister is ... interesting?”

 “When you get used to it, it’s actually quite entertaining.” she passed him a fork and began eating from her slice, Usui watched her with a small blush spreading on his face, he couldn’t believe he never noticed how cute she looked while eating “Aren’t you gonna eat?” she questioned, making him snap out of his trance and started eating.

 “Wow, that was really good!” he commented when they both finished and Mia started clearing the dish.

 “Thanks!” she smiled brightly

 “So ... where are your parents?”

 “They’re out.”

 “Of town?”

 “More like country.”

 “Oh, so it’s just you and Annie?”

 “No, we have an invisible dog that you can’t really see or hear it barking. Of course it’s only us!” she came back into the dinning room, passing him a glass of water while holding one for herself.

 “Then can I come every evening to enjoy your cooking?” he smirked making her laugh.

 “Sure, if you want to eat left-overs since weekends. Annie always complain about how I cook loads of stuffs during weekends and eat left-overs during the week.”

 “That’s a plan, I guess.”

 “Can you blame me? I’m at my senior year of high school. It’s pretty damn important! Can’t spend all my time in cooking.”

 “So do you want to be a housewife or something? Then you’d have time for cooking.” she giggled a bit

 “No.” but her answer was strong, serious and determine “Like I said before, I want to be an actress and if I fail, I’d go into psychology study or into science.” but immediately returned to the playful side.

 “Be a psychologist, it’s money maker. If you’re good of course.”

 “So you won’t support me on my number 1 actress dream? Huh, you jerk?” Mia pulled out a chair cushion and hit Usui on the head and he did the same to her. Let’s just say, they spent the next hour cleaning up feathers then she showed him around her house.

 ‘Just remember, her room is the one with the balcony.’ he thought to himself.


  Discovering Misaki’s secret and became friends (right after teasing her of course):

 It was just another ordinary day at the Maid Latte when suddenly, Misaki saw ... not one, but TWO familiar figure sitting at a table. The brown haired girl was waving at her with a cheeky smile while the blond guy just smirked.

 “W-what are you two doing here?” she almost shouted due to surprise and partial anger.

 “Enjoying a perfectly normal afternoon in a maid coffee shop.” Mia smirked

 “And what are you staring at?” she turned to the blond who has trouble restraining his laugh.

 “Can’t believe I actually see the Almighty Demon President in an outfit like this.” he replied coolly.

 “Shut it you perverted alien from planet Pheromones!”

 “Can I just cut through this very interesting argument? Why is it planet Pheromones? I mean the guy’s not releasing any attractive hormones, he’s just frustrated.” awkward silence “I’m sorry I have a Bio test tomorrow, it’s all that’s on my mind right now.”

 “Anyway!” Misaki shouted to break the silence “How did you know I work here?”

 “Alright, since I know your secret, I’ll tell you mine. I also work at a coffee shop, not a cosplay one, a normal one, not as a waitress, as a singer or entertainer if you prefer. The other day, we were walking to my job and I saw you taking out the trash in that outfit and figured out but we were almost late for my job so we just ran and forgot to tease you until today.” Mia explained.

 “Ok, can I know where it is?”

 “Why do you need to know?”

 “Because you know where I work.”

 “Fine, it’s called Aroma Mocha, it’s just down the street. Anyway, now I’d like a vanilla sundae please!”

 “Strawberry for me,Misa-chan.” they both laughed while Misaki felt like giving both of them a good punch.

 “Y-yes ... Master.” she said reluctantly. But then after that day, Mia and Misaki grew closer and eventually became close friends (and they kept each others’ secret).


  Mia’s actually pretty athletic:

 “Why are we here?” Usui asked Mia with a bored tone.

 “Because I promised Misaki I’d see her practice Aikido and also, I have something to try.”

 “Try what?”

 “You don’t know everything about me.” she pulled out from her bag a folded karate uniform, tied up with a black belt and flung it over her shoulder.

 “Mia! You’re here!” Misaki shouted as she saw her friend (right after she put a guy’s face on the ground) “Shall we start?”

 “Yeah because I can fight in a skirt.” sarcasm detected

 “Oh sorry! Changing room’s over there. We’ll start when you’re ready.” Mia disappeared behind the door then appeared again a few minutes later, all geared and ready.

 “Alright. Let’s do this!” both took position. Karate vs Aikido. The match can be what you considered quite intense. To everyone’s surprises, a moment later, Misaki was lying flat on the floor, panting.

 “Everyone else! Attack!!!” she commanded the other students and they all jumped up to attack Mia, who was fighting solo.

 “1 vs 10?” she smirked “Challenge accepted!” and she handled it pretty well to Misaki and Usui’s surprises. After a while, most people were flat on the floor and Mia was panting pretty heavily (can you blame her?). Suddenly, one of the two standing people raised his fist to punch her while the other tried to kick her from behind. Mia, who only saw the fist, blocked it still unaware about the incoming blow behind her ... But it never came.

 “No!” shouted the guy who had his fist in Mia’s clutch, confused, she turned around and saw Usui kneeling over the other guy, holding him down. And that day’s training ended early due to the fact that a lot got injured.

 ~~~~Tiny time skip~~~~

 “Wait, there’s an archery club?” Mia asked Misaki while Usui just walk along with his hands in his pocket. He knows how to give women their chatting times.

 “Yeah, it’s just there, I sometimes come and watch them. You wanna see?”

 “Damn right I do!”

 “Let’s go!!!” Misaki grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her to a small field where arrows are fired off constantly.

 “Wow, some of them really suck.” Mia whispered after a while of watching “But look at that guy! He’s really good!”

 “Mia, that’s the teacher.”

 “Oh? Ok. Hey mister! Can I go for a shot?” Mia shouted to the instructor and he nodded “Yay!” she exclaimed excitedly and ran into the field. Taking the position, she raised the bow with the arrow and pulled the string way back, ‘And release.’ ... BULL’S EYE!

 There was an eternal silence as she shot the other 3 arrows which also hit the bull’s eye, everyone was staring with their jaws on the ground, wondering ‘Who the heck is this girl? Is she like a pro or something?’ one of them of course, is Usui, he stared with his mouth agape ‘Wow! That shows how little I knew about her.’


  Walking home after her job:

 “Let me ask you a serious question for once. Why are you so tall?” Mia looked up with confused eyes

 “That’s your idea of a serious question?” he chuckled slightly

 “For real, I’m what? 1m65? And you’re at least 20 cm taller than me. How? I mean how?”

 “Aw ... Mia, first, it’s 21 cm; second, you’re not short! 1m65 is the average height.” he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug-walk

 “Well, it sure isn’t enough to enter a beauty pageant. Not that I’m planning to anyway.”

 “Mia, you don’t need a beauty pageant to be beautiful, most of those girls aren’t as pretty as you anyway.”

 “Says no-one ever.”

 “I’m serious! Their faces are caked with make-ups and silicon bags, you’re a natural.” hearing this, Mia’s lips twitched up to form a soft but still sarcastic smile.

 “Again, says no-one ever.”

 “Alright, you want to be tall? Fine!” Usui put his hands on her waist and effortlessly lifted her up.

 “Hey! What on Earth are you ...? Put me down!” she panicked but her plea fell on deaf ears, he put her on the fencing block in the park.

 “There! You’re taller than me now.”

 “Not like this.” she giggled but walked on the block anyway.

 They both stopped in front of her house, like they always do everyday ever since the friendly dinner.

 “Thanks Usui!” Mia said softly as he handed her the guitar case he’s been carrying “See you tomorrow then!” she said and walked toward the door.

 “Oh, I almost forgot!” she ran back toward him who was still standing at the gate. Gently, she placed her hand on his cheek, pushed herself up on tip-toe and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. Usui’s eyes widen as his heart felt like bursting out of his chest. Mia pulled away and ran back to the door, smiling brightly while the smitten boy looked dreamily at her direction.

 “Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don’t let the bugs bite!” she giggled and closed the door leaving Usui alone on the street, still in a dream trance. He spent the rest of the night thinking about that kiss while grinning like an idiot.

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