Have a safe trip, Master!

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"Dammit, I'm late!" a young woman muttered as she ran down the streets of London, her brown hair flowing behind her. Suddenly, her phone gave a ring and she quickly picked it up "Hello? Hi! We haven't talked in so long. Yes of course! I would love to be on your show. Schedule? How about next month? I'm busy this month. Yes, that'll be lovely. Thanks a lot! See you next month!"

She ran passed a store with at least 10 televisions of different sizes, all broadcasting different shows.

"Let's give a warm welcome for the special guest star Amelia Mitchell!!"

"At the age of 18, she played her debut role of 'Eponine' in the movie musical 'Les Miserables'. Then the following year, the world was shocked to see her as 'Cady Herron' in 'Mean Girls'. In the same year, she released her first music album. In only 10 years, the girl has portrayed some of the most iconic roles of all time and won several Grammy for song of the year. Who is this girl and where will she go next?"

"You are such an awesome, successful woman. Tell us your secret."

"Well, there really is no secret, I believe that when you are truly passionate about something, you can do it. For me, it's writing fanfics." And all the audience, along with the talk-show host laughed in amusement.

"Celebrity Amelia Mitchell has been elected to be UN's Women Ambassador. And 3 days after the election, she immediately launched the campaign called 'He for She' which deals with not only sexism against women but against men as well. Mia is a young woman with a bright future ahead of her."

On the street, people walking ever so crowded, the woman flipped the collar of her coat up, putting on big shades to prevent ruckus. The newspaper boy just collected the stock for the day was calling out for people to buy it.

"Hot news! Hot gossip! Doctor Takumi Walker just successfully performed a brain surgery in the latest technique in which he invented!"

The news reached the woman's ears and she stopped for a bit to listen.

"Who's Takumi Walker?" a gentleman asked.

"Walker has just been given to him a month ago. His previous name was Usui, you know that genius doctor, the grandson of the Duke of Rachester." Another man answered his question.

"Not only is he smart and rich but he's sooo handsome ~~!" one of the women swooned at the picture on the front cover of the newspaper.

"It's such a shame he already has a girlfriend." A woman said.

"Girlfriend? He has a fiancée! Didn't you hear? They're getting married today."

"No way!"

"It's at the Raven Castle. Wanna see? Of course, we're only allowed outside the church. But it's worth seeing how the bride looks like upclose."

The woman kept running, away from the crowd, hurry or she'll be really late. She ran onto a bridge and looked to her left, taking off her sunglasses.

"Wait a minute, the castle is over there. It's better if I walk down that street then, it's less crowded too." She then opened her umbrella, got on the rail of the bridge and jumped down, landing safely.

"Mommy, is that Mary Poppins?" asked a little child nearby.

"No honey, Mary Poppins does not ..." the young mother's words got cut off as she saw the face of the one who just jumped off the bridge "Y-you are ..."

Confused, the woman turned to face the mother and the child.

"You are Amelia Mitchell!" the mother yelled out.

It was never part of the plan (Usui Takumi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now