Assassins in Love

By papichulo789

717K 17.6K 14.6K

You are one badass assassin. The deadliest one alive. You're also Steve Rogers' long lost younger sister. Whe... More

Fair Enough
Guilty as Charge
Have Fun
Relax Steve
What Now
Do What You're Told
Stay Still
I'm Hungry
Thank You
You Like That
I Hate You Too
Yes We Are
How Are You Feeling
Do You Like Black
Get Off Of Me
I'll Be Waiting
It'll Always Be You
I'm Fine
Goodnight Doll
Aww We Match
I know
Calm Down
I Might
Will You
We Gotta Go
Ready Doll
She's Sleepy
Sorry Barnes
Bye da
Center Piece
I Don't Know
You Got Lucky

Please Stay

27.8K 638 296
By papichulo789

You walk into the main room and let go of Bucky's hand. He grabs it back. Steve sees you guys. "Let go of my sisters hand." He says. Bucky let's go of your hand. "Jeez Steve." You say. Steve rolls his eyes.

The rest of the night, the avengers spent it watching tv shows that you didn't know. You sat by Bucky the whole time. Steve on the other side of you obviously. Bucky would occasionally touch your thigh or hand without Steve noticing. Once Steve did notice and he shot Bucky a very terrifying glance.

Tony ordered pizza that's supposed to arrive in a couple of minutes. Steve stands up and says he has to go to the bathroom. Once he starts to walk away, Bucky grabs your hand. "Don't touch her." Steve says with his back still facing us. Bucky drops your hand. You giggle. Once Steve is out of view, Bucky grabs your hand again.

Something called F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs us that the pizza guy is here. Tony tells it to send them up. Thor and Tony go over to pay the person and walk back in with 14 pizza boxes. They set them down on the coffee table in front of you guys and let everyone dig in. Steve comes back and Bucky drops your hand.

After everyone is full, Thor and Scott challenge each other to see who can eat the last 2 full boxes of pizza. They each grab a pizza box and start eating. Everyone stopped paying attention as soon as Scott ate his 3 slice.

Tony puts a movie on. It's boring. There's so much talking. It's not even funny. You feel your eyes closing. You lean against the closest thing to you and close your eyes.

Bucky's POV

Everyone started heading back to their rooms. They think the movie is boring. They're not wrong. I look over at y/n and see her leaning on my arm. I smile to myself. My smile fades when I look up and see Steve staring daggers into my face. I smile awkwardly.

Steve stands up and says he's going to bed. I pick y/n up bridal style and carry her to the elevator. I press our floor button and wait.

The doors open and I walk into her room and carefully set her down on her bed. I pull the covers on top of her and kiss her forehead. I'm about to turn around when she reaches for my hand.

"Don't go. Please stay." She says. I nod. She scoots over in her bed and I lay next to her. We stay side by side for a while. "I'm sorry I just don't want to be alone." She says.

"It's okay I understand that." I say. She lays her head and hand on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and cuddle her close to me. This is all I've ever wanted with her. Well obviously I wanted more, but this is amazing. I've always wanted to cuddle her. Ever since I was a kid I just wanted her. I'm so glad she's alive. "I missed you so much doll." I say to her.

"I missed you too Bucky." She says. The room is silent. Then I hear her soft snoring and I fall asleep.

Your POV

The next morning you wake up and realize Bucky's still here. He's asleep still. You prop yourself up to glance at the clock to check the time and see that it's 6:44. Why? You lay back down on Bucky's chest to hopefully go back to sleep. Now you have to pee. Great. And your stomach is rumbling. Double great.

Slowly, and carefully, you roll over Bucky and off the bed. You walk out of your room and quietly close the door behind you. Fuck. Your bathroom is in there. You'll just use Bucky's.

After you use the bathroom, you go into the kitchen to find something to eat. "Ooh gold fish. The snack that smiles back. Goldfish." You sing to yourself. You open the goldfish and start eating it.

"If Steve saw me eating goldfish for breakfast. He'd lose his shit." You say.

"He probably would." You turn around and see Bucky standing there.

"Mornin' buckaroo." You say.

"Mornin' doll." Bucky walks over to you and eats a handful of goldfish.

"I'm supposed to go shopping with Wanda and Nat today. Can I borrow some more clothes?"

"Yes you can doll."

"Coolziez." You say. Bucky chuckles. He grabs an orange and starts peeling it. He throws the peel away and offers you a slice. You take it and eat it. Grateful to have something else besides goldfish in your mouth.

You and Bucky finish the orange. You sit on the couch together and watch some discovery channel bullshit about birds.

You didn't realize it, but you guys were watching the show for a couple of hours. You checked the time. 10:30. Nat and Wanda said to be ready by 11.

"I need to change." You say. Bucky nods and stands up. You follow him to his room. He grabs a different shirt and a pair of jeans. He grabs one of his belt. He looks out of his window and realizes that it's raining.

Bucky goes to his closet and pulls out a sweater to hand to you. You take all the clothes and go to your room. You decide to take a shower and walk into the bathroom.

It's empty. No shampoo or conditioner. You groan and walk back out. "Can I use your shampoo?" You ask Bucky. He nods.

"Just use my shower for right now. It'll be easier." He says. You nod.

You wash your hair with his shampoo and use his body wash. "Man now I'm gonna smell like him." You say to yourself. You finish washing your hair and body and step out. You wrap one of his towels around you and walk out of the bathroom.

When you leave the bathroom, Bucky is standing in his room only wearing jeans.

"How was you show-" Bucky starts to say. His eyes travel over your body. Yours do the same to his. You eventually snap out of it. Not Bucky. His eyes are still looking over your body.

"It was good." You say.

"W-what?" Bucky asks turning a deep shade of red.

"The shower was good."

"Oh that's good."

"Yea. Well I'm gonna go change now."

"Okay see ya."

"Bye." You leave his room and go to your room to change.

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