Learning to love you again

Por wannasuckmydick

96.5K 5K 15.5K

sequel to loving you Más

Main Characters


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Por wannasuckmydick

Beyonce pov:

"No.. i've never seen you before" tina said looking confused. "Yea but i've seen you before." gabrielle said squinting her eyes at her.

"I just can't put my finger on where" she mumbled.

"I know who would know" she said pulling her phone out. I looked at tina confused and she shrugged.

"Maybe we should g-" I sentence was interrupted by loud screams. "What the hell" I mumbled looking around then nika popped up with a screaming keshia.

"Baby what happened" I said rushing over to her. "Her stomach. I think it got worse she don't usually scream" she said.

Keshia was crying at the top of her lung with her arms wrapped around her stomach.

"Ok we need to go" I said then we both rushed out.

We went to the car and keshia continued to cry loudly. Nika sped off while typing on her phone looking for the nearest hospital.

"AHHH AH OWWWW" keshia cried loudly thrashing around in nika lap.

"I'm about to get you some help baby" nika said putting her phone down. "Is there any medicine we can give her" I asked picking her back pack up.

"Umm there might be some but i'm not sure if it'll work at this point" nika said while trying to calm keshia down.

"fuck" I mumbled digging into the bag not seeing any. "AHHHHHHHH !!" keshia screamed at the top of her lungs.

She never even speaks above a whisper so she has to be in some real pain to be screaming like this.

"Mommy why chocowate cry" I heard dagga ask. "Chocolate is in pain baby she feels yucky" I said looking back there.

"Chocolate 'urt" xion asked "Yea poppa she's hurting a lot"

"Baby can you get her please I can't drive right with her moving around so much" nika said.

"yes sure" I said grabbing her. She was screaming with tears running down her face and I felt her head.

She's burning up.

I laid her head on my chest rubbing her back while she gripped my shirt still screaming.

I heard nika grit something lowly but I couldn't understand what she was saying due to keshia screaming all I heard was tina.

----- ----

Onika pov:

"Man what the fuck is taking so long" I mumbled pacing the floor. Beyonce was sitting in a waiting chair sleep with the kids in her arms.

"Family for keshia" A doctor came out and I rushed over there. "Is she ok ?"

"Well.. no" he said making my heart drop. "What's wrong ? Oh my God is she gonna die ?!"

"She was poisoned, a stomach poison to be exact. Now the way this particular one works is it makes its self known as just a simple stomach ache but as the poison spreads the pain gets worse. The reason she was in so much pain was because the poison had spread through her entire stomach but luckily it didn't settle completely yet, if you wouldn't have got here when you did she would have died" he explained.

"Wait somebody poisoned her ?" "Yes" he nodded.

I clenched my jaw then let out a breath trying to keep calm. Fucking tina. "So what's gonna happen to her ?"

"Well right now we are draining it out of her system like I said you got here just in time before It really settled in, after we do that she will have to stay here for some days so we can monitor her stomach"

I nodded then sighed. "About what time will she be done ?" "This is gonna take a while, maybe all night it's best if you leave and come back tomorrow"

I sighed again rubbing my temples. "Can I at least see her before we leave" I asked "No ma'am" he said then walked away.

Rude ass doctor.

I went over grabbing the kids out beyonce hand then woke her up. "Come on baby we gotta go"

She stood up sleepily then we walked out the hospital. We went to the car and I put the kids in before getting in and driving off.

When we arrived to the house beyonce got out grabbing the kids and I sat in the car for a while thinking.

This bitch poisoned my sister.

Like what is really wrong with her she's only a baby and she's so sweet.

I'm about to kill this bitch.

I got out the car slamming the door. I walked up to the room unlocking it then went to my room seeing bey was sleep with the kids.

I closed the door then walked into the kitchen seeing tina standing against the counter.

"Hey, is she o-" I cut her off punching her in the mouth. She screamed out tumbling back holding her now bleeding mouth.

"You think you can poison my sister bitch !" I raised my voice punching her again this time in the eye.

"Nahh i'm bout to beat yo ass" I chuckled then punched her in the nose.

This time she hit me back punching my cheek but I didn't feel it. She tried to tackle me on the floor but I pushed her into the counter then banged her head on the cabinets.

She was trying to me off her while I continued to bang her head ignoring her screams.

She kneed me in the stomach making me groan pulling back.

This time she was successful at tackling me to the floor and she grabbed a fist full of my hair then smashed my head into the ground.

I punched her in the mouth again twice then grabbed her neck choking her.

Beyonce pov:

I sighed hearing the fight then closed the door fully.

Walking back to the bed I felt a lump form in my throat and my lip started to tremble.

Nothing ever goes right for me.

I sat on the edge of the bed stuffing my face into my hands. As the fight went on I started to cry.

Maybe it was a bad idea letting tina back in. I just wanted a mom..

I still want a mom.. I never knew how bad I wanted one until she came back.

She would mother me some and it felt good to have her care for me it made me happy.

But her and nika don't get along.

And I love nika so much I hate getting put in the middle because i'm gonna take nika side but doing that i'm gonna lose my mom again.

A loud crash was heard making me lift my head out my hands. "Mommy" I heard then xion appeared next to me.

"Mommy cry ?" he asked. "Mommy's a little sad right now baby" I said wiping my eyes.

He crawled into my lap looking at my face. "mommy no sad" he said touching my tears then he wiped them making me smile some.

"I'm trying not to be poppa" I said with my voice cracking while tears filled my eyes again.

He got on his knees in my lap then wrapped his arms around my neck hugging me " 'ove yew mommy" he said lowly.

I hugged back squeezing him "I love you too baby" I said then broke down stuffing my face into his shoulder.

Onika pov:

"Now i'm about to kill you" I said grabbing a knife. My mouth was bleeding out due to her constantly hitting me in it but she was way more fucked up then me.

"W-Wait what about bey ?" she asked backing up "I'll make it up to her"

"You really think that's gonna work ? She's been wanting a mother her whole life and now that she has one you're gonna kill me, honey you're only hurting her"

I froze thinking about what she just said... It's true.

If I was to kill tina right now it will crush bey. She might not ever forgive me.

I heard a door slam bringing me out of my thoughts then looked up to see tina gone.

I threw the knife down then sighed walking over to the couch.

I laid down for a while then I felt my eyes get heavy so I went to sleep

------ -------

"Are you ok ?" I asked bey she been quiet all morning.

"i'm fine" she said lowly opening her bag. "have you seen my socks ?" she asked looking over at me with a sad look in her eyes.

"Bey what's wrong ?" "Nothing baby I promise I just need to find my socks" she said going back to looking in the bag.

I walked up to her then unzipped a pocket in the bag pulling out her socks. "thank you" she said lowly taking them.

"Bey" I called out making her look up at me. "Please tell me what's wrong"

She gave me a fake smile then pecked my lips "I'm fine bubba, I swear" she said then walked in the restroom.

Beyonce pov:

Ignoring the weight on my chest I stepped into the shower.

while in the shower I started to think about life. Why does mine have to be filled with drama ?

Everytime I think I can finally be happy something else happens taking my happiness right away.

I wonder what my life would be like if tina never faked her death. Would I get to live the happy life ?

A father that loved me, a mother who I could go to when I needed anything and sibling who didn't have their own opinion on me or didn't feel bad cause what daddy did.

Not getting bullied my whole childhood because my father actually cared enough to get me some help with my speech.

But if I lived that life would I have met nika ?

Probably.. but she wouldn't have liked me.

But at the same time I wouldn't even have cared because I would be happy.

Something I can't seem to be because shit just keep getting thrown at me.

I heard nika arguing with tina last night. Did tina really poison keshia ?

Why would she do that ??

At this point everybody in my life is evil in their own way.. including myself.

I'm so tired of this.. I just wanna escape it all.

Leave... and never come back.

"Stink" I heard nika voice call out. "Yes ?" I responded wiping the tears that fell.

"Are you ok ? You've been in there for a while" "I'm ok i'm about to get out now" I said turning the water off.

I didn't get a response so I opened the curtain gasping when I seen nika standing there.

"You scared me" I said holding my chest. "You've been crying" she said looking at my face.

"No I ha-"Don't lie to me beyonce" she cut me off making me sigh.

"It's nothing" I mumbled stepping out the tub. "Bey you don't cry over nothing"

"Actually I do.. all the time" I said grabbing a towel to dry off. "That's when you're being  a brat you're not being a brat right now something is wrong" she said walking up to me.

"Please drop it" I said not looking up at her. I didn't want to close her out it's just she got other stuff to worry about like keshia in the hospital.

I don't want her worrying about me.

She snatched the towel out my hand making my head snap up to her. She grabbed my arm pulling me into her then hugged me.

"Please don't shut me out, I care about you too much" she said lowly. Tears stung the back of my eyes and I took a long breath.

"What's wrong ?" hearing her ask that again I broke down gripping on the back of her shirt.

"i-i just wanna be happy nika" I cried.

"Y-You and Tina hate each other and I know you don't trust her but I hate when y'all fight"

"How long have you been feeling like this ?" She asked lowly.

"I don't knoww, it's on and off I feel sad then I don't I don't know why"  she squeezed me tighter sighing.

"I'm sorry baby. I haven't been thinking about your feeling during everything with tina. I'll do whatever I can to help you be happy stink I love you so much"

A small smile came upon my lips from hearing her say she love me and I pulled back "i love you too"

"I won't fight with tina anymore... i'm gonna put all my energy into you and the kids" she said looking at me with guilty eyes.

I nodded looking down. My phone started to ring and I looked over at it seeing it was tina calling.

"Are you gonna answer ?" nika asked looking at me. "no" I mumbled "I need to get ready" I said then walked out the restroom.

------ ----

Onika pov:

"Stop running through this damn hall !" I said to dagga and xion. "Baby I think we passed the room number" bey said looking at the doors.

"Really ?" she looked at the number for a while then looked over at me with a amused face.

"What ?" I asked "Bubba do you know what floor this is ?" she raised a eyebrow.

"Yea it's the second floor right ?" she shook her head then started laughing.

"This is the fifth floor, how did you mix that up ?" she asked still laughing.

"I could've sworn I pressed the two" I said "Aww it's ok baby you might just have dyslexia"

"I ain't got no damn dyslexia" I said mugging her. "Well you did mix your five and your two"

"You tryna be funny huh ?" she giggled then shook her head. "Come on we need to go back to the elevator" she said then grabbed the kids hands.

"I swear I pressed a two" I mumbled to myself following. "Dyslexiaaa" bey teased.

"Fightttt" I said mocking her tone. "You can't fight me because you have dyslexia" she said.

"Mmcht no I don't" I rolled my eyes. She turned to me then pecked my lips. "You do"

"Man just press the thingy" I huffed. She giggle pressing the button on the elevator and we waited for it to open.

When It did we stepped in "Wait" bey stopped me when I was about to press the floor number

"Let me help you baby" she said grabbing my hand guiding my finger to the two.

"Fuck you" I said pressing it. "i want you to" she said lowly in my ear then pulled away.

I looked back at her and she winked. Freak.

When we got to the floor we all got off. "Mommy we see chocowate ?" dagga asked while we was walking.

"Yes baby we about to see her right now" I said looking at the door numbers. "Baby you just passed the room" I heard bey say making me look back.

"oh shit" I mumbled going to where she was standing. She chuckled at me shaking her head then we all walked in.

It was a nurse in there and when she seen us she smiled. "Hi she actually just woke up" she said then looked down at the food bag in my hand.

"Is that for her ?" she asked "Yea" I nodded "She can't eat solid foods right now only liquid"

I sighed trying to give the bag to bey "You want it ?" "No baby i'm not gonna eat her food" she said pushing the bag away.

"She can't eat it" I said "Ok give it to the kids" "They got their own food plus they don't eat chicken nuggets" her face changed to a smile and she took the bag.

"I meannn we don't want the food to go to waste right" she said smiling making me shake my head.

"I'm gonna go get her a smoothie i'll be back" I said before pecking  her lips twice "ok" she mumbled against my lips then smiled pecking them again.

I pulled back and the nurse gasped making me and bey look at her. "Are you beyonce ?!" I chuckled at her face then made my way to the door.

"Bae" bey called me back "yes ?" I looked over "Can you take this picture please" she said giving me a apologetic smile.

"Sure I will stink" I smiled taking the phone out the nurse hand. I took a few picture then gave it back.

"Thank you" the nurse said "No problem"

I walked out the room then left out the hospital going to my car. I got in and started it then drove to the smoothie place I seen.

When I got there I got out walking in "Hey" somebody said catching my attention. I looked over to see gabrielle.

"Hey wassup" I smiled at her. "How's the baby doing is she ok ?" she asked looking genuinely concerned.

"She got a hold to some type of stomach poison the doctors said but they got to it before it settled in so she's not great but she's ok" I explained.

"Poison ?" she questioned "Yes" I nodded and she sighed. "I have to tell you something" she said pulling me to the side.

"You know that women that was with y'all yesterday ?" she asked "Who ? tina ?"

"Yes her" she nodded "Yea that's bey mom what about her ?"

"Well she looked familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on it but now I think I know who she is, does bey have a sister ?"

"Yea she has one named solange, why ?" when I said solo name her eyes widened.

"It is her" she said lowly. I looked at her confused "You have to keep the kids away from her"

"Wait why ?" I asked and she sighed.  "A long time ago I had a brother.. My brother had a daughter that became friends with solange. Tina met him and they got close... really close"

"Tina ended up getting pregnant by him but she didn't want matthew to know, my brother got mad and threatened to take the baby from her when she had it so she killed him"

I knew it ! I knew that bitch was hiding something.

"His daughter seen it and she told us what happened, we was about to go to the police but suddenly she started getting horrible stomach pains"

"We didn't know what was wrong at first but one day it was so bad she wouldn't stop screaming at all so we hurried and took her to the ER but it was too late she had died"

"The doctors told us she was poisoned but we couldn't figure out who would do that then we found out tina brought her lunch at school right before she started to get them. We planned on killing tina but my adoptive mom wanted to have the baby so we waited until she had it but then she died"

Wait... Beyonce, beyonce is the baby she's talking about.

So that means matthew isn't her dad.

"Wait.. she killed a little girl ?" I asked in disbelief "Yes, she was only six"

"Oh my God" I mumbled then my eyes got wide. "Oh my God I gotta keep this bitch away from beyonce"

"I gotta go, thank you for telling me" I said then ran out running into somebody.

"I'm sorry-" I cut myself off looking up to see tina. "You" I gritted looking at her.

"I know what you did and i'm telling beyonce" I watched her demeanor change "You can't tell her"

"Watch me bitch" I spat the ran to the car. I got in starting it then started speeding down the street.

As I was driving a car suddenly appeared and when I tried to swerve out the way another one slammed into the side of mine.

The car flipped over while I was in it and I hit my head on the roof feeling my neck crack. I felt something sharp cut through my leg making me scream out in pain.

"Fuck" I said with tears forming. People started to gather around the car and the airbag popped out hitting me right in the chest knocking the air out of me.

I gasped loudly not catching my breath. As I continued to gasp trying to breathe my sight started to get blurry.

I looked around at all the faces before I passed out but one stood out to me.

It was tina.


I got a stomach virus 🥲.

Anyway how is y'all day ?

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