You are my Sunshine

By imposslblegirl

1.8K 84 23

Josh and Elizabeth were together for eight years. They were the perfect couple, everyone knew one day they wo... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen


406 8 1
By imposslblegirl

This is just the prologue to a fan fiction idea I got reading some others. I know I stole the concept from someone else  (Danceyourheartout) but I changed it alot to make it my own story so vote, comment and enjoyy :)

Josh's point of view

"I think this might actually work out. I see another album, couple of tours. Those crowds loved us"! I smiled to myself, listening to Mike gushing into his phone to his girlfriend. The tour had been amazing, but I couldn't wait to get home and see my fiance. I loved saying she was my fiance.

"Could you text Ellie and see if she's home"? I asked Mike, turning onto my street. He nodded and typed into his phone. We pulled up in front of my house, a tiny white house nestled in with the others on our tightly packed street. Mike started to unload my trunk as I rushed up to the front door. I pulled out my keys to unlock the door. Even in the middle of the day, Elizabeth was always scared someone would break in, so the doors were always locked. But once i reached the door, I noticed it was already open a crack. I frowned, a crease forming on my forehead. Something was wrong.

"Ellie"? I called out as I entered the foyer. Inside was nice and cozy, the small living room had only one small couch in the corner, and every surface was covered with books. Even the mantleplace was normally stacked with book after book. But something was off; only half of the regular books cluttered the small room. "Els"? I called for her again, slowly making my way to our bedroom at the back of the house. This door was open too, and the light was on inside. 'She probably fell asleep reading' I thought to myself as I rounded the corner. When I opened the door fully, she wasn't there, and hardly anything else was either.

All of Elizabeth's clothes that were normally scattered everywhere, her books and papers, even the quilt she had made herself that always covered our bed, was gone.

"Mike"! I shouted, running to the front door. "Mike"!

He was moving my suitcase up the walkway to my house. "Thanks for the help, Josh. Don't worry, I'll grab the rest of your stuff".

"Mike, call the police station".

He looked at me, brow furrowing. "What's going on"?

"Mike, call the fucking police. CALL THEM".

He dropped the bags and grabbed me, I hadn't noticed I had fallen to the ground.

"Josh, what is going on".

I could feel tears swelling up. I was trying so hard not to loose my composure but I knew it wouldn't last.

"Call... the police. Call them now. Ellie's gone, Mike. She's gone. Call the police, Mike, please. Call them"!

I contiunued to repeat myself as I sobbed. Right there, on the front porch of my house. 'Our house', I thought to myself as I cried. I hadn't cried like this ever. But I couldn't stop.

I heard Mike on the phone, talking rapidly. The only words I made out were 'friend', 'missing, 'gone'. I was so worried. I started shaking, and before I could stop myself, vomitting. I was dry heaving by the time I passed out.


When I woke up, I was on the tiny couch in the living room. Ellie had always said we didn't need a bigger one because she always sat on the floor, but I didn't even fit on the couch laying down. I never argued with her. Instead I did everything to make her happy.

Suddenly my stomach felt like it was going to explode as I remembered everything that had happened. Elizabeth was gone, as if she had never even been here. Matt walked into the room, frowning and puffy eyed. He had been crying too.

"Matt, wh-" I started to ask him, but he cut me off. "They don't anything yet, Josh.No one has any idea."

I ran my fingers through my hair. "How long have they been here"? I asked. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "Only a couple of minutes. Mike called Ian and I and we got over here just as the cops were pulling up. You were out for only ten minutes or so according to Mike".


A large man stood beside Matt in the doorway. He was wearing a navy blue suit and matching hat.

"That would be me" I said sitting up.

"We found this in the kitchen. Could you tell me if it belongs to your fiance, Miss. Elizabeth Miller"?

"Sure", I said standing up and walking towards him.

The man opened his hand and Matt turned an odd shade of green. Literally. I thought that only happened in cartoons.

But then I saw what was in his hand and I knew I must've turned green too, because the officer placed his hand on my shoulder to steady me.

"Th-that can't be hers. It can't".

In his hand was the engagment ring I had given to Elizabeth a year and a half ago. The ring she never took off, fearing she would misplace it.

He looked up at me, eyes full of concern. "If you dont mind, we will have to ask you a few questions, Mr. Ramsay.

I can't remember anything after that.

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