Not His

By Invincibec

17.1K 542 37

Haley Parker wanted nothing to do with guys - at least none of the guys her parents were always trying to set... More

1. 17 and Invincible
2. Saving Damsels in Distress is My Job
3. Who Said the Bad Boy Didn't Care
4. You Owe Me A Meal
6. Not 'Friends,' Just Friends
7. Wanna Go Out?
8. Girls Night...Plus Griffin
9. We All Knew I Always Had the Balls
10. I'm Not Your Girl
11. Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words
12. Lilies and Coffee
13. Does This Involve Food?
14. This Place Is Too Clean Not To Trash
15. Open Windows Are the Best Escape Route
16. I'll Crush You Harder Than A Sixteen Year Old Girl On Her English Teacher
17. But You Look So Cute In My Pajamas
18. I Made A Mistake
19. All Yours
Sequel Preview

5. Wanna Sneak Out?

818 28 1
By Invincibec


Picture of Griffin to the side.


“You sure they’re gone?”

“Positive,” I confirmed as we snuck up my driveway. “Dustin texted me a little while ago when they left.” I could always trust Dustin, so I knew he wasn’t lying when he told me the Kasey’s had left.

...Unless my parents snatched his phone and-nah, they’d need his password. I don’t think I have anything to worry about...yet.

“What are you gonna do when you see your parents?” Griffin asked, sounding almost sympathetic to the troubles that awaited me beyond my front door. 

“Nothing,” I whisper back calmly. “With any luck, I won’t run into them.”

“You sure ‘bout that?” he snorted. “I mean out of the plenty of times that I’ve snuck out and then my parents realize I was gone when I was supposed to be studying, they’ve always been waiting right by the door for the second when I walk in.” 

“That’s why I’m not going through the door,” I say as I take a sudden left around the house leaving Griffin behind. 

“Wait, what?” I hear him say as he jogs a few steps to catch up with me. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m going through the window, dummy, where else?” I raise an eyebrow at him. “You mean to tell me, you, Andover High’s notable bad boy never snuck back in your room through the window?” It may have been getting darker outside, but I could still see Griffin’s cheeks get slightly rosey.

“Hey, my room’s like on the second floor,” he tried to defend himself.

“And?” I turn my head before I take a firm grasp on the fence by the side of my house and start to climb. I chuckled lightly as I heard him whisper ‘well alright then’ to himself.

I continued to climb until I was at my window. Thankfully I left it unlocked, as I usually do. Wrapping my fingers along the edge, I slowly lifted it open, careful to make as little noise as possible. Once it was open and I was safely inside, I turned around to find Griffin still standing there. There’s almost a look of admiration on his face, of his otherwise casual appearance.

“You all good?” he asked in a loud whisper. 

“Yeah,” I whispered back. “You should probably get going now, in case my parents notice you.”

“Yeah, I was just thinking about that,” he smirked as he rubbed the back of his neck. Hopefully my mother didn’t scare him, too bad...Unless it’d make him keep his distance from me, then hopefully she scared him just enough.

For some reason, I felt slightly disheartened at the thought of Griffin leaving me alone, but I didn’t think much of it.

“See ya later,” he said as he started to walk away. Any dismay I felt before suddenly vanished as my heart did a little flip at the thought of seeing him later. Stop that, I thought. It’s only annoying-Griffin anyways.

Just before he went out of my sight I called out. “Griffin?” Immediately he stopped and looked up at me, giving me an attractive angle of his face - not that I’d ever admit I thought he was attractive. “Thanks,” I smiled meekly. 

His lips tugged into a small smile as a breeze gently brushed up against his dark brown hair. “Anytime.” And then he went out of my view.

Closing my window, I turned around and plopped on my bed. I felt oddly happy; odd in that I had no idea why. All I knew was that as I continued to lay there, I couldn’t get Griffin off my mind.


The next morning was nothing pretty. I mean sure, it could’ve gone worse. But getting yelled at for ‘ditching’ our guests (even though I clearly told them I had to study) and then for being back ‘late’ still gave them reasons to ground me.

Alright, in normal circumstances I understand the whole ditching thing and why they’re upset. (Not that they seem to care that I’m upset with the whole usual arrangement.) But these were not normal circumstances. Plus, they only assumed I was back late ‘cause they never heard me come in at like 7pm - a very reasonable hour if I do say so myself.

Granted, I did sneak in so maybe my weekend wouldn’t have been shot with me stuck at home if I went through the front door last Friday night; but not that it matters now, I suppose.

I sat down at a cafeteria table Monday morning with a sigh. As good as this ham and chicken wrap looked, I really wasn’t all that hungry. Just the thought of being grounded wore me down like a ball and chain. 

I hated it. I needed my freedom.

“Eating alone again, are we?” Griffin chimed a little too enthusiastically for a Monday as he slid into a seat across from me.

“Not now, Griffin,” I sighed as I played with my grapes.

“What’s the matter? Little miss-independent not make any friends yet?” he smirked.

My eyes narrowed. I’m not sure how much of this teasing I’ll be able to take before graduating...or I guess until we move again.

-Rolls eyes-

“For your information I have made friends,” I began, eyes still narrowed. “They just happen to have a different lunch hour then me.”

“Doesn’t mean you have to sit alone,” he said as he picked up his wrap and took a big bite.

“Oh I know, I choose to,” I replied as I popped a grape in my mouth. 

His eyebrows scrunched together as he spoke through a mouthful, “Why?”

I shrugged. “No point in getting close to everyone if I’m just gonna leave.”

“Why would you leave?” If I wasn’t mistaken, he was beginning to sound ever-so slightly worried. 

“Because pretty soon my parents will run out of ‘acceptable’ guys to set me up with and have us packing our bags to our next home. You know, the usual,” I rolled my eyes.

“What do you mean they ‘run out’ of guys? You turn them down?”

I snorted. “I would if it were that simple.” A smirk grew on my face as I spoke up again. “Dustin and I usually find a way to scare them off, and in some cases, how do I put it?...Get ‘rid’ of them.”

“Well then, remind me not to get in your guys’ way,” he faked looking scared as he put down his wrap. Reaching over, he grabbed one of my grapes and popped it in his mouth as I -unsuccessfully- tried to snatch it back. “Speaking of Dustin, where were you Saturday? You missed your chance to see me shirtless -muscles and all- during our football pickup game.”

“Oh darn,” I said sarcastically through a bored expression as I snapped my fingers and ate a grape. “My one and only goal in life.” 

“You know you’ve always wanted to, don’t deny it,” he winked.

Rolling my eyes, I ignored his last, and certainly false, comment...Well maybe it was only partly false.

What? Some shirts he wears look like he has a six-pack ready to bust through the clothing. And that’s only his abs we’re talking about.

...Not that I’ve thought much about this, other than the few, quick thoughts that fluttered through my know, briefly, that is.

Going back to his original question, I finally started eating my lunch. “I got grounded.”

“What for? You read too many books or something?” he smirked.

I looked at him with a dumb, ‘are you kidding me’  expression on my face.

Putting his hands up in defense, he looked back at his food. “Alright, fine, I’ll stop referring to you as a book worm. Just don’t kill me,” he grinned.

“It’s fine, whatever,” I rolled my eyes, as my lips tugged into a faint, brief smile. “It was for running out to ‘study’ last Friday.” Crumpling up my napkin, I stood up to throw away my trash.

Picking up his own empty tray, Griffin followed me. “Oh...yeah, sorry ‘bout that…”

I turned to him with a half grin. “It’s ok, it’s not your fault.” As I placed my now empty tray where all the used ones belonged, I looked at the time. “Anyway, I better get going. Mrs. Amherst’s class is starting soon,” I continued as I pretended to vomit.

He laughed, “Well good luck with that. Don’t fail,” he smirked. 

“Gee thanks for the boost of confidence,” I chuckled as I started to walk away.

A couple seconds passed before he was right by my side again. “Mind if I walk with you? My next class is right by your’s.” 

I smiled, “Yeah, sure.” 

There was a brief moment as he smiled back - before it was ruined when he snatched my phone from my back pocket and started to run. 

“Hey!” I yelled as I took after him. “Griffin come on, you’ll make me late!”

“Then you better come catch me!” he shouted.

I rolled my eyes as I sprinted faster and tackled him to the ground.

“Ouch!” he grunted as I took back my phone.

“You deserved that,” I smirked as I began to get up.

He smirked back as he got up a little slower than I. “Yeah, well I gotta keep up my rep somehow. And you chasing me down the halls ought’a do it.”

Narrowing my eyes, I mutter ‘jerk’ before stomping off with my phone.  Sometimes I just hate that guy...Well I guess I can’t say I’m surprised. Just the usual Griffin working his usual angle.

“You love it,” I heard him say as I continued to walk away.

You wish. Though for some reason I found myself subtly smiling as I left.

By the time I got home, the sun was already starting to set. I sighed as I remembered I’m still stuck inside the house for another week and a half. With nothing better to do, I flipped open my laptop and opened up Netflix.

Halfway into my second episode of Switched At Birth my phone buzzed.

You still grounded? - Griffin

I furrowed my eyebrows. Since when did I have Griffin’s number, and how did he get mine? My eyebrows relaxed as I realized he must’ve put his number in and got mine when he stole my phone. Normally I’d be mad, but this one thought kept circling my mind instead. Maybe he wasn’t always working that same angle of trying to get me to love him all the time.

Unlocking my phone, I replied.

I’m not gonna bother to ask how you got my number, or how your’s got in mine, since I’m pretty sure I already know. But yes, I’m still wearing a ball and chain. - Hayley

It didn’t take long for him to reply.

Wanna sneak out? ;) - Griffin

Probably not the best idea if I ever want to be free - Hayley

Not if your parents don’t find out. Now come on, I’m getting bored waiting for you  to come out - Griffin

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at his text. Immediately I turned my head towards the window. As I looked out, I saw Griffin standing in my backyard. He smiled as he saw me and gestured for me to come.

I looked back at my closed door, then back at Griffin. A smile grew across my face as I began to climb out my window, for whatever reason, unable to resist.

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