π—ž. 𝗒𝗨𝗠𝗔: π—§π—’π—«π—’π—£π—›π—œοΏ½...

_astron4utii tarafΔ±ndan

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Kokichi Ouma x Gender-neutral reader Toxophilite: K. Ouma - Ultimate Rewrite Started June 8 Not spoiler-free ... Daha Fazla

𝗣π—₯π—’π—Ÿπ—’π—šπ—¨π—˜: ZERO
𝗣π—₯π—’π—Ÿπ—’π—šπ—¨π—˜: ONE
𝗣π—₯π—’π—Ÿπ—’π—šπ—¨π—˜: TWO
π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ π—’π—‘π—˜: THREE
π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ π—’π—‘π—˜: FIVE
π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ 𝗧π—ͺ𝗒: SIX
π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ 𝗧π—ͺ𝗒: SEVEN
π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ 𝗧π—ͺ𝗒: EIGHT

π—–π—›π—”π—£π—§π—˜π—₯ π—’π—‘π—˜: FOUR

778 43 174
_astron4utii tarafΔ±ndan

     When you walked out of your room for the morning, you stared out to the group of girls walking in their own thoughts and worlds.

     You rested well, and woke up slightly early; at least, early to your standards. It was nice to see that others were waking up around the same time too, and it was a good chance to introduce yourself to all of your new peers. You wanted to get a little more social while you were stuck here, plus, making new allies seemed like a good idea in a game of murder and suspicion. Everyone seemed pretty nice here, as well.

     Your hair was a little messy for the morning, and you were slightly embarrassed by it. It was frizzy, and pieces of it were sticking out messily on their own; something you had no control over. You tried patting it down, patting it down with water, and even putting spit on it, but alas, none of your efforts made a difference. You were bound to be made fun of by Kokichi, but you were fine with it if it were an excuse to talk to him.

     Undoubtedly, you'd wanted to get closer with the boy. Sure you'd only been in this prison of hell for so long, and you barely knew him, but to be honest, he looked cool. Have you seen his bandana scarf thing? Really cool. Fuck, you even wanted one. You might ask him for one from his closet later on to match, even.

The group yesterday agreed on going to the dining hall for breakfast every morning, which was a good idea you agreed with. So, you needed to start heading there immediately. Though you were early, it was probably close to eight o'clock already.

     You stared at the choices of girls that you mostly hadn't met yet, and observed who looked to coolest. The first girl was some blue-haired, glasses and plain-looking chick. She was wearing a basic school uniform, and she didn't stick out much compared to the crowd.

     The next girl was a white-haired girl, someone you already met before — Angie Yonaga. Her outfit was fairly revealing, but it was fine with you if she was confident in her body. Go, Queen! Show off your stunning body! You smiled to yourself and looked to the next girl to examine.

     Lastly was a blonde girl with appealing goggles on, her outfit slightly revealing as well. Her clothing hugged her body tightly, leaving small wrinkles on the clothes. It was pink and she had a cute little tie around her neck. Her hair was very frizzy and out there, as well as long, gracious, and wild. You liked her the most by far. Though you will admit, Angie was pretty cool. The blue-haired girl was a little too plain for your liking, though.

     You took a deep breath and silently ran up to her, almost tripping at least once. "Hey!" you shouted, gripping one of her shoulders casually to gain her attention. You were slightly nervous, to be honest. Socializing wasn't exactly your strong suit, especially being the one to start the conversation first. It got your heart pounding in your chest with nervousness, that was for sure. "What's up?"

     "Eeeeep!" she squealed, pushing you away and backing up, shaking a bit and gripping her own shoulders. "What the fuck!? I know I'm a snack, but I'm not a free sample! This ain't fuckin' Costco!"

     "Woah, woah, my bad then." you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck, not knowing you to respond. "Erm, I just... uh..." you lost your thought process. Everything was crashing down. Oh god, you couldn't remember why you interacted with her. Loads of social anxiety slowly poured into your chest. This must've looked so stupid and awkward for her, huh?

"Well? Out with it already!" she hissed, staring at you curiously. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you were horribly embarrassed. It was a simple few words you wanted to tell her, what was it? Her comment really threw your confidence off the rails and made your head spin.

"I... uh..." you mumbled, continuing to awkwardly rub your neck. All you needed was some dumb, random excuse to make it seem like you remembered. "Oh, uh, yeah! I remember now," you said awkwardly, leaving it at that.

"Heh, heh, I know what you're here for." she confidently grinned. You had no idea what she was talking about and raised a brow. Your anxiety was replaced with a bubbling sense of confusion, as you stared deeply into her blue orbs. "You're all plugged up, huh?"

"What!?" you shouted, flinching a bit and letting your embarrassment slowly grow in size. "No! Where would you get that from?"

"A virgin like you came to hear my gorgeous voice, didn't ya? Hah-hahaha!" she laughed as if she said the funniest thing in the world. "Ah-haha! Just be honest, it ain't so bad! It's typical. When anyone sees the heat I'm packin', they get all nervous and stuff."

"What!?" you blurted out again, backing up a bit in embarrassment. "That's not it at all! I just wanted to know your name!"

She paused for a moment and stared at you with exaggerated disgust. "Then say that in the first place instead of leadin' me on, you knob-gobbler!"

"Who the fuck even says knob-gobbler!?"

"Feast your eyes!" she yelled over you, cockily grinning and pointing a finger at you. "I'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history! I'm the one, the only, the legendary Ultimate Inventor herself — drum roll pleaaase?"

You let out a short laugh at her antics and started drumming using your thighs, a smile on your face. She seemed fun, and if you needed to boost your own confidence to match hers, then that's something you'd do. It was like one of those times where you had different personalities depending on the person you were talking to. Everyone does that, right? In front of one friend you may be super confident, and the other, you might be a little shyer.

"Miu Iruma!" she confidently shouted, holding out a thumbs up and cockily grinning at you, her other hand resting on her hip, basking in her glory.

"Nice to meetcha, Miu Iruma! The name's (Y/n) (L/n), the Ultimate Archer. The honor is all yours." you introduced, mimicking her over-confidence. "What kinda, erm, stuff you invent?"

"Heh, glad you asked! Of course, you're super interested in my genius-ness, I am Miu Iruma, after all." she cockily grinned. "I-"

"Wait!" you interrupted her stiffly, motioning toward the dining hall. "Can we walk to the dining hall while you talk about it?"

She huffed and crossed her arms, but started walking side by side with you toward the dining hall. "Geez, okay, well, I make all kinds of gadgets — ones that make you type while you sleep, read while you sleep... even ones that let you eat while you sleep."

"That sounds fucking boring."

"S-Seriously!? W-Where the hell did the sudden confidence boost come from!?" she shouted, squirming a bit, but quickly getting back her posture. "Well, it ain't fuckin' boring. We use up way too much damn time sleeping, so I got inspired to make stuff about it..." her eyes trailed off, her voice lower a bit as if replaying a painful memory. "Though one time I invented these really stupid eye drop contact lenses as a gag. Ugh." she said with attitude, exaggerating her 'ugh'.

You snickered and tried to match her personality. "I think I've met some dumb losers that use them." Which was a lie, of course. You couldn't remember anyone besides the people trapped in the school with you as prisoners. You only said that to please her.

"Psh! Well, they sound like total plebs! That invention was nothing. I signed the patent rights over to some company and never looked back." That seemed like a bit of a waste, you had to admit.

"Mhm..." you hummed, tracing your eyes to your shoes in slight boredom. "Total plebs...I can't believe they'd, uh, use something like that. Yeah."

     When you stared down at your shoes, you realized how close a large, red door was to your feet. In surprise, you let out a small yelp and backed up a bit, quickly turning your head up to face the door. It was very close to your nose, and you stared directly at it.

"HAH-HAHAHAHA!" Miu howled as if it were the funniest thing in the world. "You fuckin' twerp! You didn't see that coming!? Geez, I knew you were a pleb but I didn't know you were that simple-minded."

"Oh, shut the fuck up," you half-heartedly hissed, backing away from the door and placing your hands on your hips, glaring at her. You walked toward the door and slowly opened it, bowing in front of it with an arm in front of you, a sly expression on your face. "After you, madam Iruma."

     "Heeee!?" she squeaked, trailing her arms in front of her. You didn't know if she was embarrassed because of your action of bowing to her like royalty, or because you did it in front of everyone in the dining hall. Whichever it was, it made a smug smile grow on your lips.

     She slowly and awkwardly walked past, after you lightly pushed her in — albeit awkwardly— and you looked over her shoulder, peering in the room from behind her. A few people were missing, such as Kaede and a few others you didn't know the names of. It was safe to assume you arrived a little earlier than the rest.

     Only now did you realize that you hadn't visited the dining hall before, and you just followed Miu's path in walking here, assuming she went the correct way the entire walk. The dining hall had a big table in the middle of the room, with about seventeen seats along with it. There was one window to the right of the room, boarded up with red wooden planks — though now you realized it was actually barbwire. At the top left of the entrance, there was a large monitor, identical to all of the others — including the one in your room.

     Some people in the dining hall were happily chatting and eating some perfectly prepared breakfast, chatting it up like regular teenagers. It was kind of suspicious, though, and you were quite skeptical. Who fed them the food? How were they so quick to trust it? What if the food was poisoned? You didn't want to take your chances.

What you did need, though, was to hang out with someone while you waited for others to arrive. Most people seemed busy with eating their food, and in return, you didn't want to bother them; especially if you hardly knew them. You didn't plan on eating the food, since you didn't exactly want to be the first one to die due to poison.

Who could you bother in replacement of eating?

Your eyes darted from person to person of who weren't eating and quickly landed on the few people you had already chatted with previously; Miu or Kokichi. Miu was a choice since you were pretty much still standing next to her; and she seemed like a fun person to be around, despite her obnoxious personality.

Kokichi was an option since both of you chatted so easily during group settings, and after what happened last night. He seemed childish and fun, and you loved those kinds of people. Though ever since after his small lash out in the manhole, you were starting to think there was more to it.

Not only that, but he had some really soft-looking hair. And you felt his hair, too. There was extra proof that his hair was extremely soft. Who could resist soft hair?

Nobody could; that was the answer

At that thought, you glanced around the room, your eyes tracing from person to person. From a quick analysis, you realized that pretty much everyone had really soft coats of hair. What the fuck was their secrets to it?

When you glanced around again, your eyes trailed around and immediately took an abrupt stop on Kokichi. He was standing bored in a corner, staring down at his nails and not being very vocal toward his peers. Was he waiting to say something?

     "Kokichi!" you shouted across the room to him, jogging over to where he was like a Sim in Sims 4. "Hey-hey, uh, what's up?"

     "The sky, guh-duh." he sarcastically responded, snickering at his own joke and placing a hand over his mouth to stiff it.

"Ha, ha, hilarious." you sarcastically retorted with a scoff, crossing your arms and raising an amused brow. "Got any more funny jokes, genius?"

"I'm already looking at one."

"Hey!" you shouted with a dramatic gasp, lunging at him to put in in a headlock in an attempt to make it turn into a swirly and wanting to repeat the events of last night. "You bitch!"

     Just like the night before, he started giggling and snickering at your annoyance while you gave him a swirly without a toilet, ruffling up his hair. "God, I seriously hate you!" you hissed half-heartedly. At this point, his giggling quickly became contagious, and you started laughing along with him. The moment felt nice. It was like you were a normal teenager just hanging out with your peer — your friend.

     What you both failed to notice, however, was the weird glances the two of you were gaining while the moment continued. The dining hall was still slightly chattery, but it died down as most watched the two of you go on. You both failed to notice the stares of judgment, confusion, or amusement coming from each person attempting to happily eat their food or wait for others to arrive. You were both heavily embarrassing, but you didn't know that yet.

     "Oh, humanity... truly a wondrous and amusing thing! So beautiful and elegant!"

That was when you both remembered you were in public, and not under the safety of soundproof dorms.

Immediately, you both flinched and pushed away from each other, with you awkwardly standing stiff. Kokichi, however, was doing much better than you. He acted as if he had been caught in fun stunts multiple times in the past, as if it were a reoccurring thing to happen. The look he wore was smug and knowing, as if he hadn't just done something extremely embarrassing in front of his newish peers.

     "S-Sorry..." you quietly mumbled out, kicking your feet awkwardly on the floor as if kicking away dust. It was weird to you that Korekiyo said you and Kokichi were "wondrous" and "amusing", but you didn't want to say much about it since it'd only make the situation worse.

     When the dining room door slammed open to reveal a large group of the missing people, every head in the room turned to it. Everyone seemed to have arrived in a group to the room, which made a lot of sense to you. It could've been a weird coincidence, or they all went together; it was safer to stay in large groups at a time like this anyway.

     "Oh, everyone's here already." Kaede enthusiastically announced, clapping her hands together happily.


"Ahem!" Monokumas voice echoed off the walls of the room, making each of your peers and yourself turn to him. His arms were spread out wide, and his red eye was glowing was devilish intent. Anxiety built up inside of you; what was the bear going to say? "Now then, I'm pleased to announce an additional motive!"

Now, if you knew what that meant, you'd probably be scared; but you didn't. When he said additional motive, did that mean you missed out on hearing about the first motive? Was this going to be a motive to force you all to kill? You were extremely confused.

Inside you wanted to be scared, but instead, you were quite stupid. So, on the outside, you raised a brow at his announcement.

"An additional motive?" Kaede repeated, growing a brow. Initially, however, she looked very scared; if anything, terrified.

     This only confused you more. If everyone's expression turned so fearful, it must've been something bad, right? You stared at Monokuma expectantly, waiting for him to continue.

     "A time limit is now in effect! If a murder does not occur by nighttime, two days from now... then every student participating in this killing game will die!" Oh, so that was what everyone was so scared about. The color in your face drained of color, and you stared directly at the bear with your eyes as wide as saucers. Well, using common sense, you were a person participating in the killing game. Oh, dear.

     Anger bubbled up quickly in your skull, clouding your mind. Everything went in a haze, your thoughts engulfing you and throwing irrational commands your way. You needed to eliminate the bear. You'd all be free if you did.

     "Mauled to shreds by countless Monokumas from the rumored Monokuma-making machine! So unless you wanna end up as pink smears, you might wanna take this game seriously! Ahhhh-hahahahahaha!" he howled with laughter as if it was the funniest thing in the world, his eyes glowing with devilish light.

     "You want us to fucking kill in two days!?" your mouth moved before you could stop it, as well as your feet taking slow steps toward the bear. "You want one of us to die already!? It's only been a few days, you impatient fucking lunatic! Get a damn life!" you balled your fists, clenching your teeth.

     "(Y/n)," Kokichis voice filled your mind as he grabbed your wrist, forcing you to freeze still. "C'mon, aren't you smarter than this? Hurting him won't do anything, y'know," he whispered into your ear, and you could practically hear the knowing smirk on his lips.

     You sighed and backed down, crossing your arms with a huff. No matter how you were acting on the outside, you knew he was right. Harming the bear wouldn't do anything but cause more problems.

     "What!? That's not fair!" Tenko shouted, glaring at Monokuma.

     "Geez, why'd you guys even come to this school if you're not gonna do the killing game?" Monokuma put his paw up as if it were a balled fist, glaring out to your group of teenagers.

     "You're the one that forced us to come here!"

     "Quick question, Father!" the red monokub spoke up, "What do you mean by 'countless Monokumas'? I thought we were up once time ran out."

     "Damn right! Let the Exisals do their thing this time!"

     "But... I'd rather not go through that again... I'd feel bad if you guys tired yourselves out..."

     "But if we let the Exisals get popular, we could have a real cash cow on our hands, y'know? The merchandising right alone would make us richer than sultans."

     "Hmmm, sultans huh? Very tempting, but... I won't let you kids ruin your futures! You need to have your own kids and ruin their futures!"

     "D-Daddy! You love us so much...!"

"Th-That's enough!" Kaede shouted, ending the overly done exchange of monologue.

"Oh. You're still here."

"Of course! We never left!" Kaede quickly retorted, pointing an accusing finger.

"Why are you doing this!?" Keebo shouted, backing Kaede up. "How much suffering do you want to put us through!?"

"I see..." Monokuma mumbled, devilishly staring at everyone. "Well, if you're suffering, you all better hurry up and start the killing game. Puhuhu... Then you can say bye-bye to the suffering."

"Y-You bastard!" Kaito shouted, glaring.

"Don't you realize that working together is pointless?" Monokuma said. "So just knock it off already. You know what you gotta do, don't you? You're surrounded by strangers, neither allies nor friends. No need to worry about them."

"Plus, you got the First Blood Perk! That means the first kill is free!"

"But... the killing game is pretty gory, huh? I'm startin' to feel a little queasy..."

"Hell yeah! And if they don't play then they're dead anyway, and that's way more gore-y!"

"I see... If it's gratuitous, over-the-top gore, I might be able to stomach that... Forget the killing game, then! It'd be better for you all to just die together!"

"Shut up and get the FUCK back!" Miu shouted viciously.

     "...Well, what you guys decide next is all up to you. Do whatever you want. You can all die working together, or you can survive on your own. It's your call. Ah-hahaha!" Monokuma began to let out a villainous laugh while quickly exiting the room.

     It would be a good idea to make friends and work with them. Perhaps you wouldn't cooperate with the group, since there'll likely be someone to betray. Who said there wasn't room for a traitor, as well? You should make a friend group of people and work with them; as allies, and as friends.

     "Maaaan, Father is in the zone! I was gettin' irritated 'till he said that!"

     "Hell yeah! Let's toss back some honey to celebrate Papa Kuma's return! Yo, Monodam! Go get some pure organic honey! Pour some honey on meeeee! In the name of killing...!"


     Not long after their small interaction, the Monokubs left after throwing a smoke bomb and making a grand exit, as per usual. When they did, however, all that remained was an intoxicating, black line of silence. Nobody spoke, and it left you silently intaking the information bomb that was thrown down for you to take. You bite your lip and turned your gaze to your shoes, admiring the black fabric it was while you allowed your mind to be engulfed with thought.

Dying in two days if nobody were to die? How could you fix that while avoiding an actual death? Was there even a way to do that?

Your questions were left unanswered, the blank box under each being left empty. Each question just added to your overcrowded mind, each question swirling around your brain without answers. One fix, however, did come to mind.

The easiest way to avoid more than two people dying was if only one person died; to accomplish that, however, you would have to...

"What are we going to do? Nighttime in two days... will be here in an instant." the blue-haired girl with glasses spoke over the silence, placing a forceful pause to your train of thought. You could think over it more later on, anyway.

"Th-There's gotta be somethin' we can do... I can't die... The world needs my genius!" Miu stuttered, sniffling a bit of snot that threatened to come out of her nose in her state of distress, her body slightly trembling and cowering.

"I-I don't wanna..." Kokichis sniffles of distress echoed through the room, and when you looked to him to your side, he was drowned in tears. "I don't wanna die yet!"

     Die? You shivered at the word. Your mind kept repeating the word over in over. Was dying the only option? Did you all really have to die? Even though you didn't have your memories, you didn't want to die. Not only was it gruesomely painful, but you probably had so much to live for — once you got your memories, of course. If you got your memories, then maybe you could find out what made you so special.

     You were lost in your only wondrous thoughts. What were you before you were forced here? Who were you? Were you really (Y/n) (L/n)? Did last you hate your talent? How did you earn it? Your mind strayed awfully off-topic.

     "Why do both choices involve us dying!?" the blue-haired girl's shouting echoed through your mind, reminding you to listen in on the conversation. You should really get her name.

     Kokichi shuffled around from your side. "N-No way... are we really gonna die?" his gruesome question made you flinch at how genuine he seemed. Tears quickly started streaming down his face as he choked. "I don't wanna die yet... I'm gonna survive! I'm gonna make it no matter what!"

     "N-No matter what...?" Kaede repeated. "Wait! You can't do that, though! Even if you make a mistake, you can't-"

     "Then you'll take the blame?" Kokichi slyly cut her off, quickly changing to a childish look — though his voice still sent chills down your spine.


     "Will you accept the blame if I die?" he repeated his question slyly. "I have people who'll be sad if I die, y'know."

     "U-Um... Well-"

     "Nee-heehee..." Kokichis giggling cut Kaede off. "I'm lying. No one will be sad if I die... but I dunno if the same can be said for everyone else. Anyway... I'm gonna take off now." at what he said, you flinched. You were positive someone would care if he died; because you would. You've already taken a liking to him, and you were sure you were to be pained if he died.

You opened your mouth to speak. "That's not-"

"Take off? Where are you going, Kokichi?" Rantaro asked before you could add your word in. People really liked to cut you off, huh?

Kokichi spared you a short glance, before staring straight at Rantaro with malice. "Oh, I don't knooow. Maybe I'll go back to my room and just think things over. Alone." he ended his sentence with a hiss, glaring directly at Kaede, for some reason. Did he do it to threaten her?

With all eyes on him, he casually walked out the door, his hands where pockets would be. His eyes stayed glued to the floor, ignoring those around him. As quick as the word left his mouth, he was gone.

Almost instantly as the door closed, your mouth moved on your own. "I-I'll, erm, go too. I don't want him... to..." your words trailed off, awkwardly starting to step toward the door and staring at your shoes. "Erm, y'know, heh, yeah."

     Awkwardly — and with everyone staring straight at you — you walked back to the door, giving everyone an awkward smile. When your back hit the door, you felt around for the knob, still staring at everyone, and fumbled to open it. You slowly closed the door behind you, careful to not make an echo from it closing.

     When you exited, you saw Kokichis back to you, his hands still near pockets would be. His steps made a steady rhythm of echoes through the halls, not a sound coming from his mouth. Quickly, you snuck up behind him, careful not to let him know you were there. You seemed to be at an advantage, since he seemed to be too lost in thought to listen to his surroundings.

In an attempt to scare him, you clutched onto his shoulders with power, giving it a little shake. "Boo!" you shouted, watching him flinch under your touch and stumble away a bit, his eyes wide. You gave him a sneaky smile with your eyes closed, his hands balled in front of your abdomen in fake innocence. You gave a fake giggle of innocence and said, "Weren't you supposed to be the smart one? Didn't you wanna be suuuper careful? Especially when you were wandering alone? That wasn't very safe of you, Kokichi."

He scoffed, placing his arms behind his head nonchalantly and putting on an 'innocent' smile, mimicking you. "Hmm, y'know, I could've sworn I said alone when I left."

"Does it look like I give a shit?" you hissed, your smile going away. "Geez, who pissed in your drink? Is it wrong I wanted to check up on my friend?"

"Friend...?" he repeated under his breath, pausing for a second or two and staring at you with suspicion. "Nee-heehee, thanks for the compliment! I appreciate the offer — no, I don't — but I'll be off now. Bye-bye!" he chirped, quickly spinning on his heel and trying to skip away, his arms behind his head.

"Nope," you immediately said, reaching forward and gripping his shoulder. "Yeah, sorry dumb-ass, but that wasn't very cool beans of you. You're hiding something, and I plan on finding out."

"Whatever do you mean, (Y/n)?" he innocently asked, tilting his head and putting a finger under his mouth dramatically. "I would never hide anything from you!"

"Oh, fuck you," you light-heartedly scoffed with a smile, gesturing toward the empty halls. "Let's just go now, okay? If you wanna go to your room so bad, let me take you... Oh, and," you paused, staring straight into his eyes with a smirk. "I plan on finding out whatever you're hiding, Kokichi."

He didn't seem fazed by your words, instead putting on a bright smile filled with malice. "Then, my (Y/n), I accept your challenge. As the Ultimate Supreme Leader, I do have to, right?"

"Right." you instantly responded with a grin, placing your hand out for him to shake. "Let's get going, shall we?"

     "We shall," he responded with a cocky grin, reaching out, clasping your hand, and giving it a small shake of confirmation, along with a small squeeze. "By the way... I never lose."


     You turned your head forward as you walked with your arms behind your head u comfortably, staring at the sky as you walked. You wanted to try out Kokichis walking style for once, and honestly, it was just as uncomfortable as you thought it would be. It did make you feel cool, though. It kind of reminded you of Killua.

Who should you hang out with, though? Gonta was always cool, but you didn't exactly want to walk around and search for him. Miu? Nah. You'll talk to her when her lab opened up so you actually had something to talk to her about.

Maybe, just maybe, you could ask Monokuma a few questions?

That was a horrible idea, but why the fuck not?

"Monokumaaaa!" you shouted, cupping your hands over your mouth. "I know you probably hear me!"

"Geez! You teens are so needy these days."

Surprised, you twirled on your heel and took your bow out, aiming it at the unknown voice. Even though after a second or two your realized who it was — especially after the choice of words — you still aimed your bow at him, but let out a breath of relief. Why did it scare you so bad, even though you were the one who called him over?

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down, chump! You're the one who called me over here, and you're already threatening me with a weapon! Geez, why do I try so hard to help you kids out when all I get back is disrespect?" he rambled on, his back turned to you while he mumbled to himself, before turning back around his raising a threatening paw. "Anyway, what did you disrespectful brat want? I'm busy, don'tcha know!?"

"I have a few, erm, questions... but don't tell anybody I asked you them, m'kay? I don't wanna be suspected of anything," you asked politely, ignoring how rude he was being to you. Seriously, what is with adults and disrespect? You do one thing that was 'disrespectful' in their eyes, and they go ahead and just disrespect you back. The world was a strange thing.

"Puhuhuhu!" he giggled, putting a paw over his mouth to stifle them. "Are yA finally giving in to the killing game? I knew the new motive would get to someone! Puhuhuhu!"

     "Depends on your answers to my questions," you said, lowering your voice a bit. "Keep your voice down, too. People will hear and my reputation will be ruined, dick-wad."

     "Well? Ask away, chump!"

     "Alright..." you took a brief pause, thinking about how to put your words together. "First off, how many people can I kill at once? Since you said there are class trials, what if I kill them all to where none can be held?" You couldn't help but feel evil asking. Despite not planning to kill, it was still a good question to worry about, and know the answer to. Some people might've just went and started a school shooting while blasting Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People.

     "Puhuhu!" he giggled, placing his paws over his mouth to stifle them. "You evil bastard! You're planning on killing them, ain'tcha?"

     "Who knows?" you dully bluffed. "If it gets to it, then maybe I will." Though it was just a bluff, you knew you wouldn't kill all of them.

     "To answer your question, you can only score a double kill at once, so don't go on any murderous rampages! Save that for outside of the school," he said, letting his arms fall to his sides.

     You paused for a moment, placing your words together perfectly. "You said we have investigations, right? Erm, could somebody get killed during an investigation?"

     "Yuppers! Of course, somebody can kill during an investigation! Nobody is ever safe." he paused to whisper under his breath. "Not here, at least."

     "M'kay, for example: if the killer killed two people at once, could someone else kill another person? And if there were two different killers, would two trials he held? Or would the trials be the same for both of them and two get punished? Or-"

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down, buckaroo. To answer your question, if the killer killed two and someone dies during the investigation, only one trial would be held. The first killer would be blackened and the kill during the investigation would be a complete waste! So please try to refrain from doing that. Don't want previous victims to go to waste!"

"Ooooh, m'kay." you hummed, placing a palm on your chin. "Last question: if two people worked together for a kill, would they both be blackened?"

"Nope! Only the person who actually kills them becomes the blackened."

     "M'kay, erm, thank you, Monokuma. That's all I needed to know. I'll be off now." you said, spinning on your heel and waving behind your head to him.

     "Pleasure doing business with you! Have a fun killing semester!" he giggled from behind you while you slowly walked away, hearing him over your shoulder.

     Good to know. You didn't plan to kill anybody, but those things were good to know for future trials, right? You doubted you'd all die before the time expired, but if you were to take a guess on who would die first..it would be... Himiko, perhaps? You did say she'd be the first killer, but who knows. Maybe she'd be a killer and a victim. She seemed pretty fragile, after all.

     If you were to guess who would make it to the end, it would probably be Kokichi and Rantaro. Sure they were an odd pairing, but they sure seemed pretty damn smart, in their own ways. Kokichi had to know way more than he let on, just based on your interaction from before, of course. It wasn't much to base off of, but you didn't know much about the others, anyway.

     Rantaro was constantly so calm and composed as if he'd been through something like the situation you and everyone was forced into before.


     Been through something like this before? The thought echoed through your head. Maybe his calmness was suspicious, and he didn't remember his past, either. Maybe there were games like the one you were forced into in the past, but were kept down low enough to be held away from the masses of people who would work to end the sick game? Who would put in so much effort to make a nice high school for some random bunch of teenagers, if they were just going to all die besides two winners?

     Your thoughts echoed through your head; perhaps it was for someone's entertainment? You doubted it was just for the bears' entertainment.

    The chime of the schools' bell echoed through the courtyard, ending your pouring thoughts of clouds in your head. It ruined your theorizing, and messed with your brain. Even if you couldn't put up a theory for now, at least there was one thing you knew for sure:

     The winner would be whoever could adapt first; that winner would be you.


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