Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

Rought times, and two miracles

119 2 3
By SGD1318

Layla POV:

It had weeks since my mom had come to my house just to verbally attack me and things haven't been good. I was and still am so upset and stress she was going to come back and hurt both of my babies that it was affecting the baby I was carrying. I was now being highly monitored to make sure the baby and I were as healthy as possible. I was laying on the couch with my hands pressed lightly into the underneath of my bump. Tears of happiness fill my eyes as I felt our baby girl moving around and kick. Everytime I felt movement I wanted to cry in relief, that knowing everything as of right now was ok. I was 7 months along now and was nearing the end slowly but I was still scared. Scared I was going to lose my precious little bundle of joy, and I knew if that happened it would not only destroy me but also Jett. While he loves and adores our son so much, he had told me he had always wanted a little girl. He wanted his own little princess and I wanted nothing more then to give him that. I hear the door open and close and I look up to see Jett walking in from practice and I smile at him. He smiles back as he sits down next to me and kisses me sweetly. He pulls back slightly and whisper,

"Hey, how are my girls?"

I smile and rubbed my stomach as she kept kicking and say,

"Very very active for the past hour. At least she isn't kicking my bladder anymore like she was. But I think it's because she missed her daddy."

The smile that lit up his face when he heard that warmed my heart. My whole body felt warm as he leaned down and started to kiss my swollen stomach all over. He wraps his arms around me and rests his head on the top on my bump and starts humming. I run my hand through his hair before I hear noise coming from our sons room. I sigh as I knew our peaceful moment was over, I tap Jetts shoulder and he sits up. I go to stand but I struggle a bit but I finally get onto my feet. I see Jett frowning at me in worry but I smile and go to Rhys room and see him sitting up in bed. When he sees me his face lights up and makes grabby hands at me. With a giggle I pick him up carefully and hold him to my chest as I attack his faces with kisses. He starts laughing and squirming ever so slightly as he puts a hand on my mouth and blocks me. I look at him in mock hurt and ask,

"What is this? Ryry doesn't want mommy's kisses anymore? Imma cry now!"

He giggles and curls up and tucks his face into the side of my neck. I rub his back as I carry him back to the livingroom and as soon as he sees daddy was home he starts mumbling,

"Dada, dada!"

Jett smiles and stands up and gently sweeps him out of my arms and starts to fly him over his head. The sound of my boys laughter sounded through the house and I loved it, and I couldn't wait till our little girl was joined into the mix. I rest a hand on my bump as I watch my boys be together and I realize that even though my mom almost caused me to lose my little girl it didn't matter. Because I still and will always have her, because like hell am I letting anyone mess up my family.

Jett POV:

I think everyone was a bit tense right now with Layla being 8 and half months pregnant and due pretty much any day. I was watching her every move seeing as she had been having braxton hicks like crazy the past few days. She has been miserable the last 2 weeks, cramping, hicks, morning sickness was back and she said she feels like a whale. She was paler then normal and she felt warm this morning and I was worried something was wrong.  I don't think I could handle it if anything happened to either of them. I had taken today off of training even though she insisted she was ok, I just had a feeling that I shouldn't leave her alone today.

As we lay in bed in silence watching tv I couldn't help but miss our son with us. He was with my mom for the weekend because she agreed that Layla and I needed a few days to just relax before we bring our little girl into the world. I brought out of my thoughts as I heard a pain filled whimper come from Layla next to me. I see her curled up on her side as she was rubbing her lower abdomen with her face twisted up in pain. A cold wave of fear washed over me as I sit up and place one hand with hers and the other on the side of her face as I hurriedly whisper,

"Hey what's wrong babygirl? What do you need me to do?"

She keeps her eyes squeezed shut as she swallows heavily and opens her mouth and weakly says,

"Something is wrong Jett. Something is really wrong!"

As soon as she stops speaking blood starts to pour from her mouth as she starts coughing. Time stops as my heart goes still before I gently but hurriedly pick her up in my arms and run through the house to the car. I slide on some shoes and place her in the passenger seat and we were off. Luckily I had left my wallet and keys in the car from earlier. I didn't care if I got a speeding ticket or was running red lights, all I could see was the love of my life coughing up mouthfuls of blood. We got to the hospital and I barely had it I park before I was jumping out and running to the other side. I carefully scooped her up into my arms and rushed her inside with tears pouring down my face in fear. But the time I laid her on the gurney she was unresponsive and her pulse was extremely weak. As they rushed her into surgery I could help but break down as I slide down the wall with my head in my hands. Somehow when a nurse asked me if my car keys were still in my car I managed to answer that they were and so was my wallet. She took off after saying she would park my car so it wouldn't get towed and bring me my wallet. I was thankful but at the moment I couldn't have cared less. After a hour I managed to stop crying but she was still in surgery and I couldn't stand being here alone anymore. I shakily pull out my phone and call Sarah, when she groggily answers I realize it's 11pm and I stutter,

"I'm really sorry for waking you but, I can't be here alone anymore. Can you please come and hold me?"

The line goes silent before I hear her moving around as Chase asks her what was going on. She asks me,

"Jett sweetie, where are you? And what's going on?"

I bury my face in my hand as I everything spills out at once,

"Its Layla, I had a feeling that I shouldn't leave her today so I didn't. She was quiet and slept almost the whole day which isn't even close to normal. But maybe 2 hours ago she started cramping and whimpering in pain. I ask her what was wrong and all she said was something is wrong Jett, something is really wrong before she started coughing up blood. She's been in surgery for over a hour and I don't know what to do. I need my sister right now."

I could hear how scared I really was and it scared me anymore. I could hear all movement stop before she was running as she rambles,

"Oh god, ok I'm on my way. It's going to be ok Jett, she's so strong and if your little girl is anything like you both she's tough as nails too. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"

I heard her tell Chase what was going on quickly and told him she would meet him at the hospital. I start to shake again as I hear her climb into her truck and take off and I whisper,

"Please, please stay on the phone. I really don't know what to do Sarah."

She sighs and softly says,

"This isn't probably what you want to hear but take it from someone that has had major problems while pregnant herself. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Now I'm not saying anyone is going to die, I'm positive they will do everything they can to save them both. But there will be problems later from this, for what I have no idea. But no matter what you have us there for you guys ok?"

I nod as I could feel myself calm down slightly and I quietly ask,

"How far are you from here?"

She pauses for a second before saying,

"Pulling in now, I'm here ok?"

I blink in shock as she must have been going over 100 to get here so fast. But before I could say anything she was walking in the door and I scrambled up and ran into her arms. I cling to her as she holds me like I was a little kid and not 4 inches taller than her. She got us over to some chairs and sat us down but I still clung to her. At some point Chase walked in with a sleeping Jace in his arms looking incredibly worried too. It wasn't till another 30 minutes past did a doctor walk up to us. I could feel Sarah stiffen as he sat down in front of us and sighed. I look at him in fear and he says,

"Well, I will tell you the good news. Both are alive and stable, your baby girl is as healthy as can be and can even go home tomorrow evening if nothing pops up."

I sag in relief before I heard Sarah whisper,

"Layla, what about Layla? Is she ok?"

I felt my heart freeze as I realize he hadn't said anything other then stable and alive towards her. I look at him with bated breath as he looks me straight in the eyes and says,

"She will live and be totally fine. But unfortunately she will never be able to bare a child again. What happened was under the stress she was in for whatever reason it caused her uterus to implode. We had to do a emergency surgery and remove your baby and do a hysterectomy. Her doctor will have to give her estrogen pills for the rest of her life. I am so sorry we couldn't do anymore."

I was sitting in shock, but I managed to weakly say,

"You did way more than you can imagine, I still have my girls so thank you so much for that. Is there anyway I can see her?"

He smiles at me and nods, I stand up but I cling to Sarahs's hand and made her come with me. Not that she was complaining about it, but as we got to the door she paused and let go of my hand and says,

"Go, she isn't going to want me. She is going to want you and your daughter. I will go get your son and bring him later, I will also let everyone know what happened and to leave your guys be for a while ok?"

As much as I wanted her to come with me I knew she was right. But before I could turn around I noticed how pale she had gotten, but before I could ask she smiles and waves as she turns to walk away. If I had kept my eyes on her for another 30 seconds I would have seen her rush into the bathroom.

But as I walk into the room and I see Layla laying on the bed looking utterly pale but peaceful I felt a weight off my shoulders. She was still here, still alive, still with me. I look next to her and see a bassinet, I walk over and look down and see our beautiful baby girl for the first time. Tears sting my eyes as I gently trace her cheeks and eyebrows. She blinks her eyes open and grabs my finger, I laugh quietly as I carefully pick her up and cradle her to me and say,

"Welcome to the world, Finley Ann. Your in for a helluva ride sweetie."

Sarah POV:

Getting that call had terrified me, but now that I know everything will be ok for the most part I was able to calm down. I was walking with Jett to the room when I started to feel sick to my stomach.  I thickly swallowed as I told him to go in by himself and I would let everyone know what's happening for him. But as I turn around my stomach lurched harshly and I felt the bile rise up my throat fast. I all but sprinted to the nearest bathroom right as everything started to spill from my mouth. Even once I stopped throwing up my stomach stayed upset, and wouldn't stop sloshing around like I had drank my weights worth of water. I leaned back again the wall and pressed a hand to my lower abdomen as I tried to get everything to calm down. But my eyes fly open and I sit up straight to fast and before I knew it I was back over to toilet. But only one thought rushed through my head, and it was my lower abdomen was as hard as a rock and tender to the point it almost hurt when I pressed on it. 

As my stomach slowly calms down and I shakily stand up and look at myself in the mirror I looked utterly pale. I slowly raise my shirt and look at my stomach and see where it had filled out just a little bit. I gently rest a hand on it and felt hesitant happiness enter me. We had just finished supercross and had started trying last week but if I was already pregnant then well we didn't have to anymore. I walked back to the waiting room where Chase was in a daze and sat down next to him with a hand still holding my stomach. He was still holding Jace who was still fast asleep on his chest but he looked over in worry and asks,

"Princess, are you ok? You look pale and ready to get sick?"

I swallow again and I did still feel pretty sick but I knew I wasn't going to puke this time. I turn towards him and grab his free hand and gently lay his hand next to mine and whisper,

"You feel that?"

He blinks in confusion before moving his hand a little bit before looking at me and saying,

"It's really hard, like a rock to be honest. But what does that mean?"

I roll my eyes with a smile and say,

"I have only been this way once, and I'm pretty sure I'm right about it."

He blinks with a frown before his jaw drops and he looks at me in shock and stutters,

"Wait, you think your, your pregnant?"

I nod and instantly I was pulled into his arm and his face was buried in my and Jace's hair as he mutters,

"This really is a day of 2 miracles. Layla and Finley are going to be ok, and now this. Our family is growing again."

I nod as I hug both of my boys with all I could and smile, because god I was actually happy about having to have morning sickness all over again. Because it meant I got to carry and have another beautiful baby that we both get to smoother in love.

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