RISE AGAIN ─ star wars

By solobarnes

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"This is the way." "The only way." ─ BOOK 3 of the BALANCE OF THE FORCE SERIES ─ A STAR WARS STORY ─ COMPLET... More

I. The Bounty Hunter
II. The Anonymous Patron
III. An Unexpected Reunion
IV. A Lost Soul
V. Mandalorian Sob Stories
VI. The Duke Of Ithor
VII. Long Live The Empire
VIII. Captured
IX. The Children Of The Watch
X. The Battle For Mandalore
XI. The Dark Saber
XII. The Duchess Of Mandalore
XIII. Trade
XV. A Bright Star
XVI. A Sith Holocron
XVII. Survivors
XVIII. Secrets Of Corellia
XIX. The Seeds Of Destiny
XX. Risen

XIV. Seeking Answers

57 2 0
By solobarnes

Chapter Fourteen

"Thank you for telling us, be sure to keep us posted." I tell Iris and Aylin, who both nod regretfully before ending their transmission, leaving me and my friends in silence.

"I hate that our people still have to live off of Imperial rations, it makes it feel like they're still in control of Taris." Ragnar says, his fists clenched at his sides in frustration and anger.

This feeling is shared by Leia, who stands by the side of my throne and shakes her head. "I hate it as much as anyone, but what else is there to do? Taris can't grow it's own food, even when it was thriving. Neither can Mandalore. The planets that could grow their own food have their resources depleted. The Empire made sure the galaxy was completely in their control, and even with them physically gone, it will take a while for us all to fully regain our independence back."

"Even longer if we're right about the Emperor." Luke mumbles. We decided to bring Ragnar and Han into the fold, knowing that if we're going to be successful in ruling Taris together, then we must not keep secrets from one another, especially ones as great as the possibility of the Emperor being alive.

Han, who has been sitting on the floor playing with the child, asks: "What's your progress with finding him, by the way?"

"Not great." Luke sighs, running his metal hand through his hair, giving me a side eye.

"Even with both of us meditating we haven't found any answers," I clarify, turning my gaze to my fiancé. "We were actually hoping you would join us, Leia. Maybe then we could find something."

Her eyes widen and then she immediately begins to object. "I've never done that before—"

"No time like the present to learn."

She gives me a smirk and then nods, stepping away from my throne to stand closer to her brother. As she does so, Ragnar steps closer, an earnestness in his eyes that gets my full attention.

"I want to go to Cardellia and see this Killian Balor. If he is getting rations to supply to the New Republic then I want to help. And perhaps while we're raiding Imperial ships we could interrogate the troopers and see if any of them will disclose the Empire's hidden utopia of resources."

It's better than waiting for rations and for other planet's resources to grow back. I nod to my advisor, offering him an encouraging smile. "Yes, go. Hopefully your endeavors and ours will provide much needed answers."

Ragnar bows his head to me. "Thank you, my king."

I place my hand over my heart. "We are one."

He does the same. "We are one."

When Ragnar exits the throne room, I turn to Han. "Have you gotten an update from Holly?"

"With the Quarren fighting with the Empire, the fighting on Mon Cala has gotten much harder. She and our troops are having a hard time fending them off and keeping the capital in our hands." He answers, transferring the child over to Luke to play with, who does so gladly. Luke and the child begin a game of catch using the force, passing back and forth one of Leia's earrings, which she reluctantly provided for the game.

I think Luke welcomes the distraction of looking after the child. I can sense the unease and worry within him about Holly. As general of Taris she's been at the forefront of the fighting while Luke has been here. Not only does he want to be apart of the action, but he wants to have his wife's back and help her win this enduring battle. I told him he could go to Mon Cala, but apparently Holly has forbid him from doing anything until we have sorted out the Emperor situation. Luke reluctantly agreed. Hopefully he'll be able to go help her soon, or better get yet, the tide will turn in our favor and the battle on Mon Cala will be won.

Mon Cala could be a great source of supplies for our system and Mandalore's. Not only that, but they have a strong army and great influence on the Mid Rim. Freeing that planet could solve a lot of our problems right now, especially if Ragnar is successful with finding the Empire's hidden resource. We may have another fight on our hands and the Mon Cala army would be very helpful.

"Contact Jax as well as the other governors. Ask if they have any ships and soldiers to spare, it doesn't matter how few. Any amount could make the difference."

Han nods, then he gives me one of his signature grins, though it doesn't reach his eyes. These struggles and battles have taken their toll on us all, even someone as 'go with the flow' as Han. "I do have some good news for you. Bail Organa says Alderaan has made great progress in liberating Hosnian Prime. He said they only need a little more aid and then the planet will be free."

That is good news. "Denova and Ferros have just finished up on Onderon, so tell Governor Keres and Governor Allerick to go aid Alderaan. If they free the planet and Mon Cala is still in the Empire's grasp, then send Hosnian Prime, Alderaan, Denova, and Ferros there. It's imperative we get Mon Cala freed."

Han gives a small nod. "Anything else?"

I let out a sigh through my nose, rubbing at my eyes in order to ease their dull ache. I haven't been sleeping well lately, not with everything going on, not with the threat of the Emperor looming over me and everything I care about. "No, that's it."

I feel a hand grip my shoulder, and I open my eyes to see Han standing above me. "It will be alright, Jay." He doesn't sound entirely confident, but I still appreciate the sentiment.

"Thanks, Han." And I genuinely mean it. Having him and my other friends here to help me makes times like this much easier to bear.

He winks, squeezing my shoulder before letting go, taking a step back towards the doors. "Anytime, kid."

As Han exits the throne room, I let out a long exhale, and mutter aloud: "Let's get this over with."

I get up out of my throne and sit down on the floor in the middle of the room, crossing my legs. Luke puts the child back in his levitating pod and then joins me. Leia does the same. We take each other's hands, shutting our eyes, then Luke walks Leia through how to do this.

"Clear your mind, reach out with the force, let it guide you."

Leia nods, clutching my hand tighter. The three of us then sit in silence, reaching out, seeking out a dark presence in the force, the cold, lifeless feeling that always accompanied the Emperor. Usually when I search through the force it feels like wandering through an endless void, like trying to find something so small in an area so vast you can't even fathom it's distance. One would think someone as dark and evil as the Emperor would be easy to find even in such an expansive galaxy...but I sense nothing. No sign of him.

"You guys sense anything?" I ask, not opening my eyes.

"Nothing. Leia?"

"Nope, but that could also mean I wasn't doing it right. I've never done this before."

I finally open my eyes and kiss the back of her hand. "You did fine, sweetheart. His presence must be clouding our vision. Dad told me that sometimes that can happen to a Jedi."

"So what do we do now?" Leia inquires.

"I think we should go to a temple. I think we'll have an easier time searching for the Emperor in a place that's very strong in the force."

"What temple will we go to?"

"Lothal's?" Luke suggests. "It's the only one we know the location of."

"But that temple opens up the World Between Worlds, how will that place help us?" Leia inquires.

"Dad told me that the temple is more than just that," I tell her, pushing myself off the floor, extending my hand out to help her get up. "If we go to the other side of the temple, away from the mural of the guardians of the force, we can enter into the temple itself."

"Great, so let's get going." Luke says, eagerness in his tone.

"Maybe you two should go," I glance back at my throne, and suddenly the crown I wear on my head feels far too heavy for my head to carry. "I can't keep leaving Taris. Since I've become king I've only spent days at a time here, I need to be here with my people."

"How is sitting on that throne going to help them?" Luke argues, taking a step forward and clasping my forearm. "We can't do anything about the trade issues and as far as Mon Cala and Hosnian Prime go, you can always give more orders via hologram. Jay, finding out if the Emperor is alive will help your people way more than anything else. We need you."

I let out a sigh through my nose and nod to my best friend, my eyes now settling on the child, who is now fast asleep in his little pod. "I guess we have to take the child along with us."

"We can always make Han and Chewie babysit." Luke suggests with a grin.

"He won't be happy about that." I respond, fighting off a grin myself.

"You're king. Han is your captain of the guard. He has to listen to you." Leia points out.

"The title does come with its perks." I admit.

"As the future brother in law to the king does that mean I get to order Han around too?" Luke asks, his grin turning mischievous.

Leia chuckles to herself. "Good luck with that."



I have never been to Cardellia or Bretta before, the two planets Taris's trade ports reside on. Most Tarisians haven't, and so many of the younger generation don't remember a time when they were active, when Taris didn't have to rely on the Empire for food and supplies. When Taris was free.

I remember those times, though they feel like they're apart of a different life time. Back then, Jayce's mother was ruling, and times were happy and prosperous. I never knew Queen Genevieve personally, but everyone knew what kind of person she was, what kind of queen. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for Taris, and she loved all her people as if they were her own family. Jayce is the same way. He's as great a king as she was a queen, and I'm honored to serve as his advisor.

I wish I could tell Derek about my position. He would have been ecstatic. He loved Queen Genevieve, and he would have loved Jayce too. He would have loved that I have the opportunity to help our people, because he knew that's something I always wanted to do. Before the Empire rose to power, I was one of the many people in Avem who turned the tree's leaves into medicinal powders, bandages, and pastes to be traded at these very ports. But despite having such an important job, it never felt like enough. I always wanted to do more. Like being the king's advisor. I can picture the smile on Derek's face, the pride in his eyes, the love...

I try to push these images from my mind, knowing that thinking of my late husband only brings a deep ache to my heart. It's been ten years since the Irum explosion that took his life, and though it isn't as painful as it used to be, the ache is still there. It always will be.

Cardellia is a planet is a primarily mountainous planet, with villages built into the sides and in between ravines. The trade port is no exception, it's built between three mountain tops, their peaks acting as stands for a large platform, one that has a couple ships and a few crates. I can easily imagine it teaming with activity, and I desperately hope it will be again soon.

There's a small building on the edge of the platform where I see a person walking in and out of. Once I land my ship, I approach this building and see that it's filled with crates stamped with the Imperial sigil, and carrying these boxes is who I'm assuming is Killian Balor. He's shorter than I am, but that's pretty normal. Most people are. He has long black hair pulled back in a braid, tan skin, handsome features. He's wearing a pair of dark pants, knee high black boots, and an odd looking jacket with a sigil printed on the sleeve I don't recognize. It looks like a circle with sixteen rays within a hexagon.

"Are you Killian Balor?" I ask the person.

He nods, placing another Imperial crate outside the door of the building. "Yeah, and who might you be?"

Their accent sounds odd as well. I've never heard anything like it before. "My name is Ragnar Niran. I'm the advisor to King Jayce Kenobi Daulton."

"Why would the king's advisor be looking for me?"

"Because we were told by Chancellor Amidala that you've been attacking Imperial ships to steal their rations and I want to help."

He raises an inquisitive brow my way, crossing their arms. "You do?"

"Yes, and I want to interrogate the officers and figure out where the Empire gets their resources from. If we figure that out we could give everyone food that isn't from the Empire, we could start up the trade ports again."

By their expression, I'm guessing he has already started doing this. I didn't just present him with a new idea. "Let me ask you: why do it yourself? Why not send someone else to do it for you?"

Their question shocks me, but I answer it regardless, telling them in all honesty: "The Empire has had control of all our lives long enough. I want to feed my people and make sure they are never at the mercy of the Empire ever again."

It felt like a test of some kind, and it would seem I passed. Killian Balor extends their hand out and smiles at me, and I feel an unexpected rush of heat meet my cheeks under their gaze.

"I'm looking forward to our partnership."

I take their hand and smile back. "As am I."

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