
By vechkinfan1

257K 6.1K 1.1K

What if you were one of the reasons the world ended. That your actions have caused the dead to walk among the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 7

7.2K 169 22
By vechkinfan1

I stayed up in my cell for the next couple days. Hershel said it was best if I kept off my leg for the time being. He didn't want me taking a chance and injuring myself further.

Over those days, I didn't see Daryl once. His brother passed by on several occasions. His face pulled up into a smirk as he walked by giving a creepy little wave. He never stepped foot in my cell though.

I got to know Carol better, she brought me food every night. Instead of the disgusting food like I had the first day, it was usually rice and some canned vegetables. A drastic improvement.

She sat and talked to me while I ate. She told me about her daughter, Sophia, and how she got separated from the group. I guess it wasn't bad in the long run because they found Hershel and everyone. Carol went on to tell me how Daryl searched everyday, dusk to dawn looking for her. Lets just say, it peeked my interest to find out how caring he could be. Looking for some kid who wasn't even his, I didn't except to hear that...

I was pleasantly surprised by the stories ending. I expected an outcome where Sophia ended up a walker, or that they never found her. But they did find her, and the found her alive. Well, Daryl found her alive.

Shaking my head I regrouped my thoughts getting myself out of the clouds. I seemed to be there a lot of the time lately. It's either that or watch the ceiling all day long. I don't know about you but I'd rather live in my clouds then down in reality.

Shifting the covers off myself I gazed down at my bandaged leg. The white gauze was no longer red with blood, telling me I stopped bleeding and there was no significant swelling. Which in my mind means I'm perfectly fine again.

Deciding against Hershel's better judgement I pushed myself to my feet. I was no use to them hurt and the faster I could recover the better. It was painful at first, but after a couple steps the pain subsided to a dull ache. Something easily pushed to the back of your mind and ignored.

Wandering out of my cell and down the stairs I made my way over to some of the group.

"Hey didn't Hershel tell you to stay off that leg." I felt a hand fall on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Rick smiling down at me.

"I've been off it three days, that's more then enough time. Besides I was starting to go crazy in there." I gave a small chuckle.

Rick just shook his head and let out a laugh. "You sound just like me. Never willing to sit around and do nothing. Well now that you're up, want to see the yard? Most of the group is at target practice now."

"Target practice?" A huge smile pulled across my face. I never had a target practice, generally it's to dangerous because walkers would hear the shot. The only practice I had was in dangerous, life threatening situations.

"Don't sound to excited." He chuckled as he led me out of the prison.

The sun was high in the sky, blinding my eyes as I stepped outside. Blinking several times I continued my way down the road with Rick.

That's when I heard it. The most glorious of all noises. Multiple gun shots! I know that might sound weird but hey! I like guns and I love to shoot them especially when I'm not trying to be eaten.

Rick must have noticed my smile because he pushed me forward. I saw almost everyone down there practicing. Carol, Carl, Andrea, and Shane.... Before I even made it half way to the group Shane turned and saw me. His eyes glaring at me as if I was the one who was doing something wrong.

Tapping Andreas shoulder, he signaled he was going to leave. She gave a nod and continued to fire at a few cans they placed on a log a couple yards away.

Shoving his hands into his pockets he made his way over to me.

"What are you doing out of your cell?" He leaned down glaring at me.

"Target practice." I shrugged.

"No, I don't think so." Gripping on to my upper arm hard he started dragging me back up the hill. "We don't need a loose cannon like you, shooting guns." Loose cannon? Really? You're calling me a loose cannon.

"Shane!" We stopped hearing Ricks voice. Glancing over he was starting towards us, but Shane quickly waved him away.

"It's ok Rick, I'm just taking her back inside." He calmly shouted, earning a weary look from Rick.

"No you aren't." I huffed, trying to pull my arm out of his grip.

"Yes I am." He said threw gritted teeth. Gripping onto my arm tighter he continue to pull me towards the prison.

I didn't fight back with him, what was the point. I'd rather not spend the energy. Anyways as soon as he leaves i'll just walk back down there again. If he drags me back, I'll just do it again, till he gets it threw his thick skull.

Just as we got insight of the prison door, he veered us off in a total different direction. His head moving back and force looking to see if anyone was watching.

"Where are we going?" I asked, but all I got was a grunt and a yank on my arm sending me forward.

We continued our silent walk around the prison wall. He was looking for something. I just didn't know what.

Without warning he pushed me into a chain link fence. Looking behind me, I noticed a few walkers. They were enclosed in a work out yard, but with me the closest thing to food they've seen in days they wasted no time making their way towards me.

Pulling off the fence a bit, I looked at Shane. He had this crazy look in his eyes, one that I couldn't ignore.

"Shane what is your problem." I snapped, stepping closer to him.

"You! You are my problem! You were suppose to be dead!" His face turned, anger and rage filled his eyes.

I heard the walkers hit the fence, their groans getting more desperate as the reached for me. Taking a breath, I took in my surroundings making sure I had a way out if anything happened between us. You always need plans, cause you'll never know when one might save your life.

"I don't die that easily Shane. I don't let people like you win." I spat, knowing I was playing with fire.

Pulling out his pistol he held it to my head, backing me up into the fence. I could feel the walkers hands on my back, but the holes were to small to allow them to do any real damage.

"You scared." He smirked, pushing the end of the barrel against my forehead.

"Why would I be scared?" I gripped onto the barrel pressing it against my forehead harder. "I'm not scared Shane, shoot me. Blow my brain all over yourself. You'll just be ending my misery."

He looked a bit shocked by the way I wasn't crying or begging him. He seemed to be taken aback by the whole situation. Which gave me time to take a hold of the gun.

Knocking his hand away from my head, I grabbed the gun. Spinning it around, I pointed it at him.

"Do you think this is the first time I've had a gun pointed at my head?." He stepped back away from me. "What are you worried about Shane, that I'm gonna tell everyone what happened? That I'm going to tell everyone what a monster you really are?" Sliding the safety on, I dumped the clip of bullets onto the ground. Listening to them clink as they hit the gravel.

"I can't let them find out, they'd make me leave." He pinched the bridge of his nose as he talked to me.

"I was never going to tell them Shane. You might be a monster, but so am I. You think you have secrets, I have bigger ones. We aren't so different. You are just stupid on your execution." I smiled, stepping around him.

"What are you talking about?" He swung around, his eyes following me.

"If you were really like me Shane, you wouldn't have let me take your only weapon." I smirked holding up the pistol, taunting him with it.

"How do you know it's my only weapon?" He asked, trying to play it cool.

"I'm not stupid Shane I would have never did what I did if you had another weapon." I rolled my eyes, stepping towards him. He stepped back getting closer to the fence.

"Well." He scuffled, trying to hold back his growing anger. "You... You are just a girl. What kind of monster are you?" His eyes narrowed in on me.

"A smart one." With that I pulled the gun up and pointed. Which just made him laugh.

"Smart ass you dumped all the bullets." He continued to laugh. Oh we will see who has the last laugh now Shane.

"Really?" Sliding the safety off I gave a smile to Shane. He still seemed confident that nothing was going to happen.

Pulling the trigger a shot rang out. Shane stood there for a couple moments before he started laughing again.

"And she missed. You had one shot and you missed. Maybe you should be at target practice." He snorted, putting his hands on his waist.

"I didn't miss" I pointed, but by the time he turned, the padlock on the fence dropped to the ground a bullet hole clean through it and the fence swung open hitting him. The walkers pushed that door open so hard, it knocked Shane to the ground.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and there was some Shane drama like you asked :) so please tell me what you think about it! I love the feed back!

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