The Imperial Dynasty

By LifeLiver123

391 32 33

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown..." Elhaida Almasi, Princess of the Eastern Empire. Trained since bi... More

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30 3 0
By LifeLiver123

Lights blinded the princess' eyes as she exited the dimly lit room in which the unfortunate news was revelated to her. Amidst the talking of plans and sound of quick footsteps, she found her eyes watching the rapid movement of the workers. As soon as word of the wedding was spoken, every one around her seemed prompt in preparation; the castle became a bustling environment, almost like the street bazaars she had once visited. Rarely had the occasion occurred when Elhaida had stepped out of her residence to witness the spoken livelihood of her Empire's streets. However little it had happened, she considered it quite memorable. She began smiling to herself at the remembrance of the petite show monkey that had somehow landed on her head, and it's owner's profuse apologies. 

''If you wanted to marry me so badly, you could have simply just asked,'' spoke the baritone voice which wiped the smile off of Elhaida's face. 

''If I had ever developed a desire to marry you, I would take myself to the nurse,'' She retaliated.

''Because you are going mental in your love for me? I would not blame you.'' Azar says, an arrogant expression etched on his face which Elhaida felt the urgent need to punch. She grits her teeth in irritation at his egoistic disposition. Azar chuckles slightly at his future wife's reaction and this seems to anger Elhaida even more. 

''Look, all I do is hope that you are smarter than you seem and this issue can be solved quickly so I do not have to spend my life with you,'' Elhaida states, forcing a smile at her mother who stands a few meters away. 

''That truly seems the most dreadful fate. For that reason, I am hoping you can be given a boost in intelligence. Or maybe, I can help give it to you,'' Azar indirectly agrees, his face moving closer to hers and his eyes tracing the features on her face. She stands still, acting as if she does not notice the closeness in proximity; truly, her body felt as if it had been paralysed, yet she could also feel herself trembling. What irony.  However her emotions had strangely taken over, she was quick to disregard it as nothing major. 

''Azar. Come, I wish to talk to you with Hasan,'' Amir raises his voice, calling for his son. 

''Of course, Father,'' The heir of the Western Empire says, sparing one glance at Elhaida, before striding toward where he was asked for, the black floral on his velvet dress coat almost disappearing in the dimness at the end of the hall. Elhaida observed her surroundings a bit, before deciding to leave to her room to dress herself. She felt as though she has sweat through the gown she is wearing at the moment. Her heels clicked on the marble ground as she brought herself up the stairs, her thumb and forefinger lifting her dress up. Once she reached her berth, she was greeted by her ladies-in-waiting. 

''Salaam, Amira. Shall we get the bath ready for you?'' Amilia asked.

''Walaikumasalaam. Yes, thank you. Naima, if you do not mind, grab me some of the citizen files. I will complete them whilst I bathe, '' Elhaida replied, removing her hijab. Naima, a woman of broad composure and a fair complexion, nodded in obedience, rushing out the room door in quick paced steps. Elhaida let out her long locks of obsidian hair which was fragranced with the subtle scent of rose and herbs. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she let herself listen to the tranquilizing sound of the rush of water as it was being filled in her bath: it was almost melodious to her usually crowded ears. Around her, it would always seem as if she was suffocating in the disorderly atmosphere around her, the mayhem of clashing hooves and fumbling feet. But perhaps, she'd always been more comfortable in chaos. Order is not born of forced order, yet of the art of increasing the creation of positive chaos to neutralise the negative; this is a structure kept by love rather than fear. But what is love when there is no fear playing alongside it as well? Tedious, is what.  After all, it is unimaginable to be loved by all, but fear can be very simply gained.

''Your Majesty. Your bath is ready,'' spoke two voices at once, likely Amilia and Zafira's. Though Elhaida was rather irked at the slashed interruption in her thoughts, she let it be as she believed time should not be wasted on unnecessary discourtesy. 

''Thank you. You have my permission to leave,'' Elhaida confirmed, nodding her head in approval. Once her ladies-in-waiting escorted themselves out, she entered her bathroom, removing her clothes one by one, the relief clouding her mind at the feeling of an empty body instead of the heavy gowns the princess was in habit of.  A solaced sigh left her plump lips, as she let her body ease in the warm water of the bath. The moon-shaped scars on her thighs and back stung, just a little more than usual, she noticed. Elhaida's eyes closed for a moment, taking in the way the crystal water somehow untensed her muscles. Opening her eyes, she looked down into the bath, her reflection shining like the northern star would for a lost adventurer. The water moved in sync with the systematic movement of her chest as she let out deep breaths; it ripples, leaving traces of waves in its glossy surface.

 Along with her examination, the fluid began to feel hotter on her skin, to the point where it felt searing. Elhaida flinched, letting out a quiet sound of pain. As much as she wished to pay no heed to it, the sting became too much to bear, attacking her body with burns so hot, they felt almost freezing. The water let out smoke which clogged the future queen's throat and she felt her eyesight begin to blur and the liquid started to hiss as though it were a venomous viper. It was scorching, punishing her like an angry spirit. She let out a loud scream before getting herself out of the tub in a panic, desperately putting on her shower robe and leaning against the wall. The aftermath of it was no less agonizing, and before long, the sound of clicking of an opening door was brought to her ears and the dark face of Amilia was the last thing her eyes caught vision of before nausea crept from her abdomen and the world went black.

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