
By NebulaAngel

107K 2.4K 451

His breath is on my neck and his shadow falls across my face as his lips brush my ear, "Now you," he whispere... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 part 1
Chapter 46 part 2
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50!
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81

Chapter 51

1K 21 11
By NebulaAngel

I rushed to pull back James’s bed sheets before Kale lowered James down. James was still out cold and was looking a little green, his forehead all damp and sweaty. Tired heavy dark circles were appearing beneath his closed eye lids. I pulled the covers half way up over James. Kale stood next to me his arms crossed over his chest as he looked down upon his drunken friend.

“He’ll sleep it off.” He said.

“The drunkness maybe. But the whole ‘Adam’ thing we’ve got going on here. Uh uh.” I said shaking my head. “Now would you mind telling me that was all about?”

“Just leave it Kaela.” Said Kale who turned and began walking out of the room.

“Hey! You knew he was out there, and you most certainly knew about that scrap of fabric and...and.. EVERYTHING!” I growled stomping after him.

“James is drunk.  Never believe anything a druken man says. Let alone a drunken fricken shifter.”

Almost forgetting to shut James’s door behind me I marched after Kale and made a grab for him.

My hand gripped his large wrist and tugged stopping him in his tracks. “What bullshit Kale. Spill the beans and spill em quick buddy, before I go and look elsewhere for answers.”

I looked towards the living room to show my intentions and a low growl grumbled up Kale’s chest.

“Damn you Kaela.” He growled tugging me down the hall leaving the entrance to the living room behind us. I hissed pulled at his tight grip as I stumbled after him. We hesitated outside his room before thinking better of it and pulling me into my own instead. Once we were in he shut the door. Kale turned round and glared at me with his large frame blocking the door from view. “What happened out there was really none of your business.”

A small surge of guilt flickered through me. But with further thought , I banished it. “I didn’t know who was out there, you wouldn’t tell me.....”

“And I told you to leave him.”

“You didn’t give me a reason though did you? It could have been anyone. And what the hell was he doing out there anyway and as drunk as a sailor, nearly conked out and with a bloody piece of fabric?!!??!” I said raising a finger.

Kale took two heavy strides towards me.

“Did I have to give you a reason? Could you not have just listened to me and left the poor guy alone?”He growled down at me.

“And leave him alone, in misery. In the torment, and distress he was in because of that bloody piece of fabric?!”  I snapped my voice rising. “... no pun intended..” I muttered.

“You seem to want to be alone when you’re in a state of ‘torment’ and ‘distress’.” He said in a mocking tone and glaring at me accusingly.

I snarled at him. “Don’t you DARE change this round.” I hissed taking an angry step forward toward him. “He is one of your....good friends...”

A mental image of Kale smashing James into the living room wall had instantly come to mind. Well okay.... you do have your up and downs...but your still friends!  

“A good friend! And you left him to his drunken state all the way out there in the forest by himself. He could have done something stupid!”

Kale fell silent for a few seconds and I felt a small smug smile glide onto my face I was about to question him again but his sharp remark beat me to it. “He would have been fine. He just needed some time to himself.”  There was now barely a centimetre between us, and Kale was glaring down at me. I could feel the heat radiating off his body. Narrowing my eyes at him I stared him down my neck craned upward in at a rather uncomfortable angle. Kale met my stare and breathed down at me his stubborn chin jutting out slightly.

“Who’s Adam.”

“His brother.”

“Where is he?”

“Don’t know.”

“Does James know?”


“How did you find out about Adam?”

“...he was drunk.” Kale swallowed.





“And you believed him.” I mocked with a sly grin.

“Yes.” He grumbled through clenched teeth.

“Huh. Take it James knows then...” I muttered letting my eyes wonder.

“...not exactly.” He muttered.

My eyes flickered back to his and I raised my eyebrows.

“Not exactly...?”

“Well he was drunk!”

“And you gave him that piece of fabric with his scent on...” I pondered. “Did you know....?”


“HAH! You’ve met him before then!” I exclaimed poking a finger at his chest.  “You had to have known his scent to have known it was Adam’s scent on the fabric!”

“ wait a minute..! It could have been anyone’s scent on that fabric!”

“You hesitated Kale! You’ve met Adam and you know it!” I cried triumphantly.

“Shut it!” Growled Kale throwing his fists down at his side. “Okay yes I knew it was ‘Adam’. I had suspicions it was his brother Adam, but it could have been someone else.”

“But it wasn’t. It was his brother. SO you handed James a piece of fabric, which had human blood on it AND his BROTHER’s blood on it. Then you left James to wonder about in the forest with a bottle of vodka! Did you not think it would be upsetting?!”

“Hey! I didn’t know it was his brother. There was a possibility...”

“Where did you meet him?” I asked curiously.

“At a bar. It was when I was still travelling with Ryan. I met him in Mexico. Accidently sat next to him at a bar as it turned out. We chatted for a while, both obviously knew we were shifters. After a while he had to take a phone call, and then this guy showed up. He was one ugly mother...” Kale muttered drifting off. “...they chatted, then they left.” He shrugged.

“Ugly huh? What’d he look like?” I laughed.

“Red hair, umm weird as bum chin, ears that were out here!” Kale chuckled animating it with his hands. 

“It’s not that bad?!”

Kale glared at me. “What you like red heads now?”

“I don’t care about hair colour, and neither should you.”

“Yeah yeah, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. That’s the thing.  He was beefing up on him, shoving him round and shit. He was a right cocky bastard.”

“But how did you know it was Adam Adam?”

“ He was heavily drinking. He wasn’t drunk when I first met him, but again while we were first talking he drank 5 beers. That was when he started muttering about Ryan and all these other people.”

“ And you just had to put two and two together right.”

“Lets just say I’m...switched on.” He said with a smirk.

“Yeah. Right.”


Kale spread his arms out and gave me the look.  The look which quirked the corners of my lips, and caused my heart to give a light flutter of excitement. And he knew it.

A grin settled on his smug face as he looked at me.

I chuckled, my tongue flicking over my teeth and peeping at my lips.

“Hmm... I think you have to try harder.”

“Oh really?”

Kale’s arms were suddenly round my waist and he pulled me closer.  He brought his face close to mine his warm lips brushing my skin. “Is this better?” He whispered.

I smiled.

“Hmmm... little...”

Kale’s arms tightened round me a low grumble rumbling up his chest. His lips kissed my forehead with a feathered gentleness. A gentleness which you wouldn’t think possible coming from a gigantic rock of muscle who usually was known for beating the crap out of people and scaring people shitless with one look. He gently nibbled my ear while his large hands drew light circles over my back making me shiver.  “Better yet?” He murmured.

“A little bit...” I shrugged placing my hands on his chest. “But I’ll tell you what.” I smirked trailing my hands up his chest, over his shoulders and then cradling his gorgeous face. My fingers then quickly grasped hold of his hair tightly and pulled his head down to mine. He gave a hiss of surprise but didn’t pull back. “I’ll give you another chance later.” I whispered slowly into his ear. Before he began thinking with the wrong head I slipped quickly out of his arms and disappeared down the hall.

“Tease.” muttered Kale stalking after me.

In the living room everyone was sat down round the TV three boys layed out across the floor, and Haley and Tim cuddled in an arm chair. The half couch next to Ryan so I sat next to him, Kale sat on the other side determined to have me cuddle up next to him, his arm draping round the back of the couch. Ryan glanced over at his brother with a small sleepy smile and shook his head his dark curls bobbing on his head. He gave a small chuckle. “What you watchin’?” I whispered.

“Prometheus.” He whispered back flashing me a gorgeous smile. “ You know, it’s said to be a bit spooky.” He said giving a wiry smile flickering onto his face his eyes twinkling. “ So if you get...scared...” He wondered off casually looking about the room. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted his hand moving, beckoning me toward him, in an attempt to be discrete. Forgetting about Kale, I shuffled over to Ryan who looked towards me grinning. I snuggled up close resting my head on his shoulder. Ryan’s arm slinked over my shoulders his hand resting on my arm and pressing me against him. A low grumble vibrated across the couch. Biting my lip I glanced at Kale. He was curled in the corner glaring at me and angry scowl across his face. I blew him a kiss, while nudging him gently with my foot. His eyes narrowed, but there was less of a scowl upon his face. Instead there was a set jaw and look of determination. The spark in his eye set a smile on my face.

“You’re missing an important part...” Muttered Ryan giving me a light squeeze.

I turned my attentions back to the TV and watched as the characters entered a dark cave like place their torches flickering about its rocky terrain.

 I wasn’t a big fan of scary movies. And in the next 10 minutes I found myself nodding off to sleep.

Kale’s POV

I sat ridged in my seat for the whole remainder of the film my eyes constantly flickering to Kaela. She was snuggled up next to Ryan looking quite cosy and content. Bitch. She’d even fallen asleep. The chances of my fun in bed were sinking and I was becoming grumpier and grumpier by the second. I’d completely lost the plot of the movie and seemed to be the only one not enjoying it. Ryan glanced over at me and the grin on his face. He nodded his head and I growled as he brought up his fist and brought it down. “Score one brother!” He whispered in a hiss.

“The next score one I get will be you flying out that ranch slider head first you fucking twerp.” I growled clenching my fists.

As the end credits came rolling I had a splitting headache and my skin was burning like a torch. I glared at Ryan.

“You do that one more time and I swear to god, I’m going to rip your fingers of one by one, stick em in a jar and bury em in the back yard.” I growled as Ryan’s hand slipped lower creeping towards Kaela’s ass.

Kaela moaned in her sleep and shuffled in her spot sinking further into Ryan. My hand clenched round the arm of the chair my fingers digging into the fabric.

“Kale you spoil that sofa and you’ll be doing dishes for a month.” Snapped Haley from across the room.

“Sorry.” I muttered shifting my hand to my lap and giving a slight cringe. Haley could be a real mother at times. She could even be as scary as hell if brushed the wrong way.

Ryan sniggered at me and stuck out his tongue. Childish immature ass!

It was only seconds later that Ryan’s hand slipped down from Kaela’s waist.

I growled angrily my muscles screaming and my head pounding with rage. Hold it.

Ryan gave me a wicked grin and nodded his head as his fingers fitted round the curve of her ass and slowly and carefully gave it a squeeze.  Ryan’s pupils suddenly shrunk to pin pricks, and his face turned a light shade of pink as his teeth bit into his lip. “You even try that again Ryan, and I swear to god I’ll rip you balls off.” Came a low sleepy growl.

My eyes flickered down to Kaela and a grin spread across my face. Her hand was tightly grasped round Ryan’s balls and an angry scowl was on her face. She still had her eyes closed, but I knew she was very much awake.

Ryan let out a muffled groan of pain squeezing his eyes shut and my grin grew wider. Hahah

Kaela’s hand slowly released his balls and Ryan’s mouth hung open in a sigh of relief and he sank in the couch his head hung back. Dan sat with his back against a chair chuckling, Jace sniggering next to him. “Hah, shame.” 

Jace heaved himself off the floor and pointed at Ryan with a silent laugh as he left the living room. Hah for once we were both on the same page.

Kaela’s eyebrows were still furrowed, but she still lay there unmoving much to my annoyance. I nudged her with my foot. “Movie’s finished.”

She made no response.

“ Bed time...?” I asked hopefully.

A smile quirked at Kaela’s lips and her toes curled against my foot. Take that as a yes.

I heaved myself up from the couch and walked up to her. “Take it I’m carrying yah?” I grinned.

Her nose twitched and her head gave a small nod. “Excuse me brother.” I said flicking Ryan’s retreated hand away and scooping Kaela into my arms. Ryan watched me with a pained scowl. And I grinned as my lower hand gently squeezed Kaela’s ass. Kaela made no objection and merely smiled. “You son of a bitch.” Growled Ryan as I smugly mimicked his nodding head.

“Score one brother!” I laughed as I walked out of the room.

Haley shook her head at me as I left.

I walked down the hall way towards her bedroom holding her closely to me. Her face was buried in my shirt and her eyes closed a smile on her face. I pushed the door open with my foot and walked into her room and towards the bed. Bending my knees I slowly lowered her onto the bed and resting her head on her pillows. I went to close the door pulling my shirt off over my head as I went. My hands rested on the belt of my jeans as I approached the bed again. Kaela moaned sleepily and I was surprised when she pulled her t-shirt off over her head. My heart pounded in my head and I felt my body stiffening. She threw her shirt off the side of the bed and then unbuttoned her shorts beginning to wiggle out of them. I watched the denim slip down her thighs revealing a pair of dark blue cotton panties trimmed with lace.  My mouth was dry. “Stop looking at me like that.” She grumbled her eyes still half closed as she pulled back the sheets and slipped beneath them.  “I’ll.. get the light.” I muttered unable to tear my eyes from her. Shuffling my feet backwards towards the door I tried to get a hold of myself. Stop being such a moron. God she’s going to think...just shut up!  I swiped at the light switch throwing the room into darkness.

With each step I took towards the bed my heart throbbed lower and lower until I thought the zipper of my jeans was going to burst. I went round to my side of the bed Hah.. my side of the bed...right..I’ve only been on... The outline of Kaela’s body beneath the bed sheets stiffened me further and I swallowed hard. Well fucking hell! SHIT!

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck..  

I pulled back the bed sheets and slowly slipped beneath the sheets. For a while I just lay there as stiff as a rock staring at the ceiling. Kaela chuckled from next to me. “Well you’re not too fun in bed?”

She shifted closer to me and threw an arm over my chest cuddling up close. I almost died.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck NO no fuck...shiiiiitt! My fists clenched at my sides tightly as I reined in as much control as I could muster.

“Calm down.” She whispered her hand gently moving over my chest. She had no idea. She really didn’t.

“’snot that easy.” I muttered through clenched teeth.

Geezus. So much for having fun in bed. I can’t even lie here comfortably with a half naked woman who is sexiest thing on two legs!....long gorgeous legs..smooth silky...erhhhhgg fuuuck...!

“Relax.” She whispered softly. “I’m too tired, and I trust you. Just relax.”

Right. Relax relax relax relax...

Kaela’s fist suddenly pounded my chest hard. “Relax god damnit! You’re so uncomfortable when you’re like this!” She growled.

I grin settled on my face and I eased up my arm and wrapped it round her. A sigh left my lips as I closed my eyes willing myself to just sink into the bed and not to let my imagination get away with me as I tried to slip to sleep.

“Better?” I whispered.


“Satisfied?”  I purred


Unknown POV

I pulled my hoody over my head and headed down the street sticking to the shadows. 26 Kinton Street, Lorrie’s bar. Be there.

 My fingers stayed knotted in my pockets my dirty finger nails clicking together nervously. At every street lamp or head light that was cast over me my heart began to pound uncontrollably in my chest. Across the street on the corner the lights of Lorrie’s bar spilled onto the pavement with a warming yellow glow. Looking both ways down the street I quickly made it across. I hesitated at the door then my hand reached out towards the door handle. It was a simple pull door. All you had to do was reach out and grab it , giving it a pull and it would open. Yet my hand hovered hesitantly. My mouth was dry. I couldn’t do it. A gentleman on the other side looked like he was just about to leave. I backed away and waited.

His hand reached for the door and he pushed it open slightly. “...Yes yes. It was great seeing you. But I must be off.” He laughed waving to someone inside. He was a middle aged man with receding hair and the odd silver hair. Still so young. My heart throbbed and I held back the bile rising in my throat. “...Okay then bye!!” He called pushing the door fully open and stepping outside. His eyes then rested on me. “Oh hello there.” He said cheerfully holding the door open for me.

I kept my head low shrinking into the shelter of my hoody. “...thanks...” I muttered ducking under his arm and scurrying into Lorrie’s. The bar was already full of work men taking a drink before they headed home. I strode through the fog of cigarette smoke and headed to the back corner where he said he’d be waiting. As the table came in view I sneered to myself. He was late. Hell he was always late. I shuffled into the wooden bench seat with my back against the wall, and scooted over to the window. Once I was seated I prayed to god that one of the waitresses wouldn’t see me and come and ask me if I wanted anything. I’d only make a fool of myself. Especially after...

I choked loudly and frantically brought my sleeves up to my mouth muffling my pathetic spluttering.

He should be here by now. I bet he’s coming late on purpose. He’ll want to scare me.

I fumbled in my pocket to search for my cell phone so i could check the time. The ass whole had probably sent me a text changing the location. My phone slid into my hands and I pressed a button which lit up the screen. Then I almost dropped it.  A tall figure had silently slid into the seat opposite me. “Your late!” I hissed stuffing my phone into my pocket. The man across from me grinned showing a set of flawlessly white shining teeth, his dark eyes sparkling menacingly. “Did you do it?”

I nodded.

“Good.” He purred a sly smile crawling onto his face. “Saves me the job of skinning you alive.”

He’d made an effort to sound relieved but his expression said otherwise. My gut told me he would have gladly skinned me alive and would have enjoyed it thoroughly.

“Now what?” I asked carefully licking my dry lips.

“He wants us to take care of a little business on the Californian border. Your stomach up to that buddy boy? Or do I need to call for a nanny?” He grinned

“I’ll be fine.” I growled

“Just checking.”

We sat there awkwardly for a couple of minutes. I looked up as shrill female laughter came from the front of the bar. A group of teenage university students had just walked in.

“Ouuhhh now that one’s nice.” He purred eyeing up a blonde who had just hoisted herself up onto a vacant bar stool, giving us a fresh view of her lilac knickers and bare flesh.

I swallowed my stomach as he eyed up the girls. He was right. They were nice. A brunette was laughing the dimples on her cheeks springing up on her warm cheeks. I watched as she slung her arm round her pretty friend and began to order drinks. “Wha’do ya say? You wanna go say hi?” He suggested with a smirk raising his eyebrows. Oh god. No.

“I... No.. I think we should leave.”

“Leave? Without having a few drinks. You don’t know me at all!” he grinned getting to his feet.

A cellphone rang out and he cursed diving into his pocket and bringing out his Samsung galaxy.

The conversation was very brisk. “Yeah....yeah... what about..Deon!? ..fine..what now!?!? Fuck. Fine....yeah...we’ll back in two hours.” He hung up and shoved his phone back in his pocket. “Time to go buddy.”

We left discretely. The girls didn’t even see us leave. I just hoped to god they weren’t regulars.

Dedicating chapters to those who support my writting xx

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