Kelly Garcia and The Haunted...

By allisonwaffle5562

80 0 1

Kelly Garcia is a 5 year old who attends Justice Elementary School. She loves her school very much... but on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 (the chapter where some scary stuff happens)

Chapter 4

11 0 0
By allisonwaffle5562

After using the bathroom at the Airport, Kelly and her family go outside and see their white Nissan in the parking lot. "Hurray!" Dad exclaimed, rushing towards the car. Mom followed him, too, but John and Kelly were too upset to get in the backseat.  "Come on, you two," she said, "what are you waiting for?" John and Kelly looked at each other. "Uh... I don't know..."John murmured, approaching the car rather slowly. Now, maybe John was slightly excited, but he was mostly concerned. Neither John nor Kelly had ever wanted to move here in the first place. They were used to Lincoln. Kelly began to cry, and her tears slowly traveled down her cheek...down...down...down... until finally falling from her chin, hitting the sidewalk with a teensy *splat!* "Kelly, come on!" Dad said. Kelly sighed miserably. What choice did she have? She opened the front door, hanging her head for what seemed like the 30th time in just a few weeks, crawling into the backseat while closing the door behind her. "Kelly, be happy," whispered John so nobody could hear him, "I'm sad, too. But y'know what? We're gonna DEAL with it and see how it goes! I'm sure we'll like the house and the pool, and maybe even the school. Might be better than Justice Elementary School." That's when Kelly screamed, "WHAT!?!?! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!?!? JUSTICE IS THE SCHOOL I'VE GONE TOO, AND THAT'S THE ONLY ONE I WANNA ATTEND!" Mom and Dad frowned, slightly frustrated. "Kids, we're almost there," said Dad. "Yea," said Mom, "try and calm down, Kelly. "NO! I WILL NOT, YOU BIG BUTT!" Kelly screamed. Mom, Dad, and John gasped, totally surprised. Kelly gasped too, and covered her mouth. SHE was surprised, too. "I-I really.. didn't... um.. MEAN t-to.. I-I..." "Do not say another word, child," Dad said, "that was horribly rude. I expect your behavior to be better by tomorrow." Kelly moaned, slumping down in her booster seat. "Well.... I guess that's what ya get." John said nervously, staring at Kelly, trying to hide a smile. He was making fun of her! "YOU SHUT IT, YOU BIG BUTT!" Kelly hollored again. "Say that while looking in the mirror. HA HA!" John laughed rudely. "John, that is unacceptable behavior," Mom said, "so you and Kelly are both grounded until tomorrow. "Awwwww!!!" Both kids whined. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" They screamed at each other, crossing their arms and looking out the window.

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