She's Not Afraid (One Directi...

By DevilInAngelsClothes

2.5K 95 21

Ember is your average person, happy and bubbly always ready to take anything on. One day her best friend Clai... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven *Mature*
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Eight

151 8 1
By DevilInAngelsClothes

The past week had flown by pretty quickly, Louis had surprisingly left me alone after what had happened during sound check except for one incident. We were already halfway through the US leg of our tour, it was surprising how fast it was going. I sat in my hotel room with Claire giggling over things that had happened while we weren't on stage, during sound check and other stuff, things that happened away from fans and the media.

"I full-on slid down the ramp on stage that was how wet it was during sound check, then the day after during sound check Louis pressed up against my body again and he brushed his lips against my neck and my god." I fanned myself before we started giggling again, this time I almost had tears running down my face because I was laughing that hard. After a few minutes, we heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened it to see Harry standing there, a smile visible on his face.

"You sound like you're having fun, can I join?" I moved out of the way so Harry could walk into the room. He walked in and over to an empty spot in front of the beds. As I went to sit down there was another knock on the door, I sighed as I got up to answer the door. I opened it to see Niall standing there.

"Can I come in? I have food." I laughed at Niall's eagerness as he stood there, his arms full of snacks.

"Sure, the more the merrier." The moment I had finished my sentence I saw Liam and Zayn stick their heads out from each side of the door frame which caused me to laugh again. I moved out of their way, allowing all three of them to pile into the room before I climbed back onto my bed, I left the door slightly ajar in case someone from the security team had to come in. Harry and Zayn sat on the floor, Liam sat on my bed while Niall sat on the bed behind Claire, everyone knew Niall and I were nothing more than just really good friends and not a thing like a lot of the fans thought, thanks to Adele. Harry turned to Claire, a big smile on his face.

"So Claire, did Ember tell you about last week when Louis pressed up against her? He wrapped one of his arms around her and he ended up with a boner." Everyone was laughing except for me, who was blushing like crazy, that was the one thing I hadn't told Claire about. I quickly dived across the bed to try and cover Harry's mouth with my hand before he could say anything else. I didn't make it far enough across the bed so I tried swiping at him, causing everyone to laugh before I started to laugh with them. I started pulling the top of my shirt up, trying to keep my breasts in my top before I felt myself starting to slide off the side of the bed.

"Whoa, you're not going anywhere." I heard Liam say before I felt his grip on the back of my thighs, above my knees. I couldn't help but squeal, I did choose a bad day to wear shorts that were shorter than I normally wore. I kicked my legs causing Liam to let go before I fell off the bed and landed next to Harry. I couldn't stop laughing at what had just happened, Spending time with the guys and getting to know them better over the time I'd been with them was fun.

I heard the door hit against the wall, causing me to look in the direction of where the sound had come from. I saw Louis standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest with an unreadable look on his face. I slowly gulped as I sat up. I think I'd done something wrong, or maybe he had heard us all talking about the things that had happened.

"Louis, come sit down mate. This is a blast." Zayn had a big smile on his face before Louis turned around and walked off, presumably to his hotel room followed by a door slamming. I went over and closed the door, then came back and stood next to Harry.

"What the hell's wrong with Louis?" Claire looked between all five of us before Harry chuckled and looked up at me.

"If I'm not mistaken, Louis has the hots for our Em." Claire went into a fit of laughter shortly followed by everyone else as I looked at the time. We had to be at the venue in half an hour. I quickly jumped up from my spot before putting on my converse.

"We have half an hour to get to the venue for sound check." All the guys quickly rushed to their rooms to get ready. I grabbed one of Claire's hands as we hurried down to the back of the hotel so we could get out of the hotel easier. We climbed into one of the cars that were waiting downstairs and went off to the venue.

When we got there I hurried in and grabbed my in-ears and put them in, leaving my left one out as I sat down on the stage next to Claire while we waited for the guys to show up. I waited 20 minutes and they still hadn't shown so I decided to do my little sound check while waiting for the guys to arrive. I sang the first thing that came to my head which was 'Look After You' by The Fray.

When I finished I heard five different sets of claps coming from the other end of the stage. I turned around to see that it was the guys clapping. I looked at Louis who had a half smile, I don't think I'll ever be able to figure him out; I smiled back at him before looking down at the stage floor. We quickly did our sound check which got cut short before we all rushed off to get changed and wait.

I changed into black skinnies along with a pink and black striped tank top. I sat with Claire while we watched the band that was on before we play, I carefully slipped my converse back on and waited for us to have to start heading down to the stage. On the way down to the stage I downed half a bottle of water as my stomach started to turn, making me feel nauseous. As we stood behind the screen when Zayn leaned over towards me.

"Are you okay Em? You're looking pale." I nodded at Zayn, I didn't feel the best but I didn't want to worry him and the guys just before going on stage. The screen started lifting and we all walked out, I went down the left ramp with Zayn, Niall and Louis going down the centre leaving the right for Liam and Harry. After the second song, I had to sit down because I was feeling dizzy, and uneven on my feet, after a few minutes I felt like my normal self and ready to get back into the songs. Halfway through the set Zayn came over, I pulled one of my in-ears out so I could hear him.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been sitting down a bit and you're looking paler than you did before." I gave a big smile and nodded to try and reassure him that I was okay. I noticed that Louis kept watching me a lot so I went over to Niall and started dancing with him. When I looked back at Louis I could see anger in his features. I smiled to myself as I walked up to Harry and started dancing with him before doing the same with Liam and Zayn. As we started singing 'Little White Lies' someone came up behind me which caused me to gasp. I turned around to see it was Niall, As I sighed in relief as he pulled one of the in-ears out and whispered.

"I think it might be a good idea to stop dancing with us, Louis seems to be getting more than just a little pissed off." He quickly walked off as I fixed the in-ear up, I looked over at Louis again who was sending daggers in my direction. I didn't know what I was aiming to do, but I think it had started to work.

During one of the last songs Niall carefully spun me around, causing me to give a small laugh as the dizziness from earlier returned. He stopped so I could sing out my part as I tried to walk to the other side of the main stage as best I could, trying to avoid looking at Louis.

As I stood there looking at the crowd I feltsomeone press up against me, I knew almost instantly that it was Louis by thesize of the hand. I felt his hand travel up my back before he grabbed my handand twirled me. Everything started spinning what felt like ten times fasterthan earlier, I pulled away from Louis so I could steady myself. The spinning slowed but not by much, I triedto stand up straight before my legs buckled from under me and everything wentdark.

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