Kiss Me ~ A Thomas Brodie San...

By warriors768

408K 9.5K 8.9K


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Three

18.1K 456 383
By warriors768

When we landed, I felt like crying.  I was going to miss him a lot.  But I guess that's just how life works.  You meet someone awesome and then they're gone, just like that. 

We walk out to the front of the airport, where his car was waiting outside.  His bodygaurds took his luggage, leaving me and him alone for a few moments. 

"I guess this is goodbye then."  I wish it wasn't.

"Hmmmm... How are you getting home?" He asks.

"By taxi."  I say. 

"That won't do.  How about I drive to your house?  My hotel is about fifteen minutes before Colorado Springs, so I can show you where I'm staying.  How does that sound?"

"Thomas, really, I couldn't.  You already-"  He stops me.

"So that's a yes.  Well, come along.  Don't want to make my driver wait too long, it wastes gas you know."  He says, gesturing for me to go towards the car.

"I'll follow you."  I say shyly.

He walks towards his car, looking behind him every once in a while to make sure I'm following him.

He nods to his bodyguards, and they nod back.  He gets in the car, gesturing for me to follow.  I look at the bodyguards nervously, but they gesture to the car.  I get in, and sit beside Thomas.

It was very spacious, the seats very comfortable.  It had seat warmers and seat coolers, cup holders, a mini movie screen, a radio in the front and back (you could seperate the front and back by a screen that can't be seen or heard through, unless you yell.) 

What I'm getting at here is that I felt very out of place, and that Thomas Brodie Sangster was rich.  Very rich.

He says to his driver, "I'd like to take Kylie to her house, which is in Colorado Springs.  Kylie, can you give him your address?"

I tell the driver my address.  He nods, puts it in his GPS, then starts driving.  "Kylie, this is Carl, my driver.  Carl this Kylie, a pretty cool friend I met in England." 

Carl nods at me, and I wave and smile a little smile. 

"What about your bodyguards, are they gonna stay at the airport?"  I ask.

Thomas shakes his head.  "No, they have their own car.  They put my luggage in their car, and will take it to my hotel, and we'll keep going to your house."

I think about how the outside of my apartment building looks.  It was decent, not the best in the town, but not the worst either.  I'm not sure what he'll think of it.

During the car ride, Thomas asks me to tell him about Colorado.  I do, and he seems to enjoy it.  Then, after a little while talking, we both look out our windows, at the mountains.

"You know, I've lived here for five years, but I can never get used to the beautiful mountains."  I say, looking up at the snow capped mountains.

Thomas nods. "They're absolutely stunning, I agree."

Before I know it, we are in front of my apartment building.  Thomas walks me to the front door of the building.  We look at each other.

This is it.

"Well, I'll be calling you later.  You'll have to show me around."  He says.

"Yeah."  I say, my voice cracking.  I look down at my shoes.

"Hey," he says, and I look up at him.  "I mean it Kylie  I want to see you again.  And if you don't want to see me... well that sucks for you, cause now I know where you live.  Wait, no, that came out wrong..."

I laugh.  "I want to see you again too Thomas."

"That's good.  I've gotta go.  I'll talk to you later, I promise."  He hugs me.  I felt so comfortable with him. 

He leaves, and I walk up to my room.  I put all my luggage up, then I go get my cat, bring her back from the pet hotel.  I take a shower, and turn on the news.

"It seems that a movie is being shot here in Colorado!  We spotted Thomas Brodie Sangster earlier today, arriving in Denver."

I sigh, turn off the TV.  I look at my phone, and I remember the picture I had taken with him.  I set it as my home screen wallpaper.  I grin as I look at it.  Then I look at the one I had taken of him when he was sleeping.  I groan.  I was infatuated with him.

I make myself some macaroni and cheese for dinner, then go to bed.  As I was falling asleep, I got a text.

From: Thomas Brodie Sangster

Hope you sleep well tonight.  xx

I text him back: 

To:  Thomas Brodie Sangster

I will.  You too.  Have a good night. xx

Smiling, I put my phone down and fall asleep.

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