Alex Larson and Aiden McGill...

By ReigningRayne

28.1K 122 64

Larson and McGill from The Mighty Ducks imagines, some include smut♡ More

Aiden's Baby Pt. 1
The Movies
Our First Time
Aiden's Baby Pt. 2
The Decision
The Boat
Aiden's Baby Pt. 2
My Crush
The Waitress
My Step Brother Pt. 1
My Step Brother Pt. 2

Aiden's Baby Pt. 3

781 6 1
By ReigningRayne

Aiden McGill Imagine

I was currently almost 9 months pregnant. I could give birth at any moment. We had everything set up and ready for her. Surprisingly, my parents were so excited to have a baby around. But Aidens parents, they weren't happy about it. They didn't really like me but Aiden said that once the baby came, they'd grow to like me and fall in love with her.

"I'm so ready for this thing to come out. I've been pregnant for YEARS!"  I yell to Alex who's in the kitchen. "Y/n, you'll have her soon." I get up and go into the kitchen. "She's late. I should be getting induced." I throw my hands in the air and Aiden comes walking in with the snack I have been craving for the past week. "Here darling" he hands me the jalapeño pepper cheese fries from 'Charley's' and kisses me. "I love you" I say to him and begin scarfing down the fries. "I'm sure you'll have the baby like tonight or something" Alex shrugs and sits by Aiden.

"So, Aiden..." I start, "I read somewhere that having sex will make the baby come out faster so..wanna do it?" Alex chokes on his food and Aiden laughs at him. "You're not having sex right now! Mom and dad wouldn't like that and I don't wanna hear you two in bed" he makes a disgusted face and I laugh.


I woke up from my sleep to pains in my stomach. I look over and Aiden is asleep next to me. He's been staying here since I entered my 3rd trimester. We decided that he should spend most his time at my house when the baby comes instead of us staying at his. Even though we had more room at his house, we needed the help from my family. Plus he parents probably don't want me there. "Aiden!" I shake him awake. "What's wrong?" He places a hand on my back and his other on my belly. "I think I'm having contractions!" I say excitedly. I was in pain but I was more excited than anything. "Want me to wake your mom? She could probably help you through this better than I can." I nod yes and he goes to get my mom.

She comes back with water and she lays with me. I told Aiden to go get sleep so he was rested for when I actually had the baby. He went to sleep with Alex in his room. "Mom- they really hurt" I grab her hand and she guides my breathing. "I know sweetie. Just breathe and when they are 5 minutes apart and lasting longer than a minute, we can go to the hospital." She strokes my head and breathes with me.

After a while of that, they became really close and it was time to go to the hospital. Me and my whole family went to the hospital and I got a room. My dad and Alex fell asleep on the couch and my mom slept in the chair. Aiden stayed up with me. I couldn't sleep so he was keeping me entertained and distracted. "Want me to put something on the tv? I'm sure I can find grey's anatomy on here." I smile and say yes so he finds Grey's for me. "Thank you love" I kiss him and pat on the bed for him to lay with me. It was a tiny bed but we managed to get comfortable.

It has been a few hours and still no baby. "You're about 8 centimeters dilated so there should be a baby soon! Are you sure you don't want the epidural?" The nurse asked again and I shook my head, "no thank you." She walks out and I go back to my show. Aiden and Alex were now sleeping on the couch and my dad had to leave for an important business thing. That was okay though because there's nothing he could do for me anyways. My mom was still asleep in the chair. I was still having contractions but they were manageable.

"Hey, how you feeling?" Aiden sat up. "I feel fine, just hungry." I laugh. "I promise the second I get the chance, I'll go get you something to eat. Whatever you want." He smiles, pushing my hair back. "How did I get so lucky?" I gush and he kisses me. "I'm the lucky one Y/n."


It's been a few hours and the nurse just told me I was dilated 10cm. We are getting ready to push. "Where's dad?" I turn to my mom and she frowns, "he can't make it, but it's okay. You have us." She comes next to me and holds my hand. Alex is next to her holding my leg up for me, getting ready to push. Aiden is on my left side holding my hand and other leg. "You got this Y/n. I know it's gonna hurt but it'll all be over soon." He kisses my forehead and I smile to them all. "Ready to start pushing?" The nurse asks and I nod 'yes'. She smiles and gets in position in front of me.


I have been pushing for a while and still no baby. "Okay, and...PUSH!" I scream in pain holding on to my mom and Aiden's hands for dear life. I know it's hurting them but pushing a baby out of my vagina hurts more. I lay back onto the the pillow and start to cry, "I can't do it.." I shake my head and I look at my mom and Alex. He looks at me with sad eyes and my mom starts to talk, "You got this sweetie! I know you can do it." I turn to Aiden and he buries his face in my neck. "Y/n, just two more pushes. Okay? I know it hurts and I know you're tired but you're almost done." I cry a little more and the nurse tells me I have to push again. I grab onto them again and push as hard as I can for as long at I can. And then... I hear cries. "Oh my-" Aiden says and we all look at her in awe.

They bring her to me and place her on my chest. I cry even more and Aiden cries too. He pulls a chair up and sits next to me rubbing my head. "Good job" he smiles to me and I hold his hand. "I'm going to go call your dad." My mom says and walks out. Alex walks over to us and admires her with us. "Let's clean her up" the nurse says and takes her from me. They do all the things they need to do; take measurements, foot print, all that kind of stuff. I'm so tired and in so much pain. I just want to sleep and hold my baby. She brings her back to us and Aiden holds her. "Do you have a name?" I smile at Aiden and nod my head yes. "Corrine Alexandra McGill" Alex's eyes grow wide. "Alexandra...? After me?" "Yes!" I reply and he hugs me gently. We both say 'I love you' and he goes to talk to my mom. I called Arizona and filled her in. She was so happy for us.

Aiden and I spent all day with Corrine. My mom and Alex went home and my dad stopped by after work. "Have you talked to your parents?" She shakes his head at me. "They don't wanna come see her..." I know this is so hard on him. I don't know why his parents have to be this way. It was selfish and stubborn of them. "I'm sorry baby" I rub my thumb on his face and peck him on the lips.

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