Supernatural/Buffy - Darkest...

By icanseemywife

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I will say when the BTVS bits take place, as it skips around a lot. And as for Supernatural, it takes place i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Four

10 0 0
By icanseemywife

A few months later, another murder occurred in Sunnydale High School. But something was different about this one, it wasn't a ghost, or at least didn't seem like one from the newspaper.

This piqued Sam's interest. It didn't seem like a ghostly murder, and yet still supernatural.

It didn't take much convincing to get Dean to come with him to Sunnydale, in fact he immediately accepted, looking forward to see what was happening with Buffy and the others. Sam explained to him what happened in the show in the rough amount of time they were gone; Oz and Cordelia had just caught Xander and Willow kissing, causing Cordelia to be more hostile towards Xander and Oz to stop talking to Willow.

When they arrived, it was nighttime so they decided to turn in for the night.

In the morning, the two brothers headed to the school and flashed their badges— the same from last time. Dean pulled out an EMF reader and there was no reading, confirming it was not a ghost. Sam, however, found sulphur near a body— it was a demon. Which was odd, because Rowena was the Queen of Hell and was their ally, so either she'd turned against them or some demons were brave enough to leave Hell and cause chaos in the world— which was unlikely because Rowena terrified the demons.

— —

After hearing about the brutal murders, Buffy decided to check out the crime scene herself to see what happened. After arriving there, she saw Sam and Dean in their FBI suits, with Dean checking for EMF and Sam looking at something on the floor.

"Sam? Dean?" she called, gaining their attention. Dean looked up and smiled, waving at her. Sam didn't look up, however, entranced by what he was looking at.

Buffy ducked underneath the line and walked over to Sam after giving Dean a high five.

"Sam? What you got?" she asked.

"Sulphur." he said bluntly.

"Sulphur?" Dean and Buffy said in unison.

"Why is sulphur important?" Buffy inquired.

"It means a demon has been here. Which is weird, considering the Queen of Hell is an old friend of ours." Sam pondered aloud.

"Why would Rowena send a demon after some random guy?" Dean questioned.

"Maybe he made a deal? Hellhounds came for him?" Sam suggested, although he brushed his own suggestion off quite quickly. "The injuries don't match up."

"Woah, woah, woah!" Buffy bellowed. "Slow down! Hell? Demons? I'm guessing your demons are different from Hellmouth Demons?"

"Vastly." Sam laughed.

"Don't worry, though. We have Angel Blades." Dean smiled.

"Angel Blades?" Buffy queried.

"Blades that Angels use. Wings and halos and everything." Dean confirmed.

"Angels are real?" she asked, stunned. "Then that means..."

"Yeah, God is real. We killed him , kinda an ass." Dean said nonchalantly.

"You've killed— Y'know what? Nevermind, we should get to the library." Buffy finished, walking off in the direction of the library with Sam and Dean following.

When they made it to the library, Dean was surprised by the fact that it was just Xander and Willow sat round the table, and opposite ends of it.

"Giles is just sorting out some books there." Buffy pointed up the stairs, as she walked up to fetch him.

"Sammy." Dean whispered. "What's up with them?"

"They kissed. And Cordelia and Oz caught them." Sam told him.

"So they're all awkward?" Dean checked.

"Yep." Sam confirmed.

"That's good." Dean responded sarcastically.

"We can figure this out." Sam comforted. "We just need to figure out who it is."

"We could go undercover." Dean suggested. "As teachers."

"How would that help?" Sam questioned.

"Well, if we're teaching an English Class we'll have an excuse to say 'Cristo' to the entire class." Dean explained.

"That could work." Sam said. "It will take a while though."

"What else we got?" Dean finished. "We'll have to be careful. Other teachers might've seen us as FBI."

"Alright everyone." Sam said, gathering Xander's and Willow's attention. "Dean and I have decided we should go undercover as teachers to figure out who the demon is possessing."

"Does that mean your demons are different to ours?" Willow asked, to which Sam nodded.

"There's no need for you guys to worry. And if you run into someone you think could be a demon, try whispering Cristo to them, it's God in Latin." Dean explained.

"No it isn't." Willow said loudly. "That's Christ in Portuguese!"

"Well, Cristo works." Dean snapped.

"Okay, jeez." Willow muttered.

"Hey, back off." Xander stood up.

"Look, everyone just call down!" Sam raised his voice. "Squabbling won't get us anywhere."

"He's right," Buffy said. "Everyone just take a deep breath." Xander scowled at Dean and sat back in his chair.

"We're gonna get going. Gotta prepare." Sam smiled.

"Damn kids, man." Dean whispered to Sam as they were walking away.

"I still do not trust them." Xander said angrily to Willow as soon as Sam and Dean left.

"Are you sure?" Willow inquired. "I mean, Dean is weird but Sam is nice and he's gentle and he's tall and he's—"

"Willow?" Xander interrupted.

"Yeah?" she answered.

"Please stop." Xander said bluntly.

— —

Jack was puzzled as to how this happened. He made Sunnydale real so Sam and Dean's favourite childhood show was real, so they could meet a few of their heroes. It was not supposed to go this wrong.

"Remliel?" Jack summoned.

"Yes, oh great one?" Remliel responded. Jack sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"How many times have I told you, Remliel? You don't have to address me like that! I am Jack." Jack smiled, laying a hand on Remliel's shoulder.

"Yes, oh gr- Jack." he responded. "What did you need?"

"Can you locate the demon terrorising Sunnydale High School?" requested Jack.

"Of course." Remliel hesitated. "With all due respect, why can't you?"

"I have tried." Jack answered. "But something clouds my vision."

"What is it?" Remliel queried.

"I am unsure." Jack said. Remliel nodded and started to focus on demons in Sunnydale, and was pushed back by a sudden wave of energy. "Remliel!" Jack cried. "Are you okay?"

"Sunnydale. It has an abundance of demons." Remliel said, before passing out. Jack looked at the blast and held his chin in his hand.

"Curious." he murmured. "What is it about you, Sunnydale?"

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