Savior {Third book of EL seri...

بواسطة lei_il_diavolo

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Read first two EL books before this one. Earlier called 'Saving the Savior'. ~~ Boom. The bullet pierced thro... المزيد

1 Aaron James Kent
2 Saving Her
3 Hospitalized
4 Merciless Monster
5 Care And Love
6 Suffering
7 Depression
8 Strength
9 Silence
10 Therapy
11 A Walk
12 Business Deals
13 Shadow's Affection
14 Recovery Process
15 Serenity
16 Invitation
17 Stars and Songs
18 Ruby and Declan
19 Changes
20 End
21 Fighters
22 Revealing Plans
23 Unnamed Gratitude
24 Unnamed Gratitude II
25 Voice
26 Flower
27 Confessions
28 A Chance
29 Security
30 Truth or Truth
31 One-Sided Love
32 Games
33 Paradoxes
34 Lost
35 Claim
36 Reconciling
37 Knot
38 Snake
39 Time
40 Torture
41 Marriage
42 Four Questions
43 Vultures
44 Efforts
45 Hallucination
46 Dark Clouds
47 Silence Again
48 Move Out
49 Reflection and Memories
50 Pain
51 Apology
52 Mi Manchi (I Miss You)
53 Mistakes
54 Disorder
55 Distance
56 Date
57 Switched Rights
58 Heal Properly
59 Wife and Husband
60 Family
61 Gems
62 Wounds
63 Aloofness
64 Aaron's Darkness
65 Cactus
66 Sides and Shades
67 Family Meeting
69 Family Time
70 Fear of Losing The One

68 Revelations

482 30 2
بواسطة lei_il_diavolo

Revealing the truth is like lighting a match. It can bring light or it can set your word on fire. 


With his lips thinned, icy eyes and face wiped of any emotion, Aaron appeared to be an approachable person, a completely different man to his younger brothers who had seen nothing less than compassion, warmth and politeness on their brother's face since he has become a changed man. Now that same brother was sitting stiffly across them with his arms crossed over his chest and neither of them could fathom what was going on in his mind. Adding to that, Aaron's confessions in the past hour had been deadly and unbelievable for both Ryan and Xavier. They had not uttered a word since Aaron had told them when he got involved in mafia, how his name was the most feared and authoritative one in the unclean and impure world and how easy it was for him to take down those who crossed his path, challenged his throne, acted out and messed up with the heartless beast, the merciless mafia king.

"" Ryan rubbed his throbbing temple with his thumb as he failed to form a coherent sentence.

Aaron sat mutely, prepared for the accusations and questions which he could see coming his way once his brothers would get over the initial shock of the news.

"Aaron, why?" Ryan leaned forward with his elbows on both knees and his fingers entwined as a frown deepened further. His violet eyes bore into the same shade of violets of his twin. He wanted to yell and throw punches at Aaron but he sat frozen next to Xavier who was simply staring at the floor with a whirlwind of questions rising in his head.

Shrugging nonchalantly, Aaron shook his head. "There is no particular reason, at least, not something worth mentioning at the moment. I have told you more than enough already."

"No reason? Not worth mentioning? Told us enough? What the fuck are you implying at, Aaron?" Ryan's voice boomed in the villa, shaking Xavier out of his brown study. Clenching his fists, Ryan gritted out impatiently, "We need bloody answers, Aaron, listen to me, only answers, straight ones, no riddles, no double meanings, nothing of your fucking bullshit. You have kept us all in the dark for enough time. We need to know why you joined it."

Aaron breathed deeply, trying to keep his locked up frustration at bay, closed up in the back of his mind. "There is no reason, Ryan."

Ryan was about to argue further but Xavier beat him, "If that is your excuse from escaping then let me tell you that you have no way out." Though Xavier's voice was calm and soft yet his words were firm enough to let Aaron know that he meant business and was not going to feed on his lies anymore.

Pressing his palms to his eyes harshly, Aaron stood by the window and looked up at the dark sky. "The reason is horrible so I have no intention of sharing it. And I mean it when I say that I have told you more than enough. There is nothing else left."

"Aaron James Kent, stop fucking ignoring the topic. I think we deserve to know everything. We are family, after all." Ryan roared out.

Aaron almost let out a dead chuckle at the word 'family' but held it back in time, stuffing his hands in his pants pocket and sighing harshly, already missing Iris' encouraging words and gestures. He whispered to himself, "Orchis, mi manchi (I miss you.)"

"Do you think we are fools, Aaron? We are your brothers, your family-"

"And that's why I don't wish to reveal the reasons just yet." Facing his enraged brothers, Aaron softened his eyes and strode towards them, spitting out, "I am not refusing to tell you the reason I just need some time before doing so. Telling you both everything at once is already hard enough. Please don't force me to confess anything further. Please."

Ryan stared long and hard at his twin, trying to figure out what had been painful enough to change him so drastically and irrevocably. His heart ached for his brother any races of anger and frustration seemed to have vanished into thin air on seeing the hopeful plea in Aaron's violet orbs. Breathing deeply, Aaron nodded reluctantly, "We are letting this slide off for now but not for a long time, Aaron. You will have to tell us everything."

"Thank you." Xavier shook his head and hugged Aaron tightly and Ryan joined them soon. Aaron felt unburdened as something pieced back together in his chest, a piece of his heart he never thought he had.

"So, I guess, all along you had Curt with you, you kidnapped her and have kept him hidden." Xavier pulled away, looking at Aaron for the confirmation.

Aaron nodded mutely.

"And about Iris' kidnapping, you did not fly all the way to Kiev just to get her but also to get her captor." Ryan started putting two and two together.

Aaron's eyes darkened as her battered, half naked body flashed in his mind.

"You know the answers. I have to leave now." Aaron stepped back, turned on his heels in hurry and started striding towards the door.

Xavier was going to stop Aaron but Ryan held him back, whispering, "Let him be, Xav. It must have been difficult to confront us."

"Ryan, have we lost him?"

"Time will answer, Xav, only time will."


The ragged breathing filling the otherwise silent air was not enough to soothe the beast lurking in Aaron's mind. Aaron cracked his knuckles and threw a punch so hard at Blaze's already bleeding that the noise of bones being broken floated into the air.

A loud screech left from Blaze's parted lips. He did not even try to defend himself with his hands this time although, for a change, his limbs were untied. Aaron stepped on Blaze's left foot, digging the sole of his boot into his toes. Bending to his waist, Aaron let his darkened eyes take into the bloodied form of his hostage whose eyes shone with tears and not the usual sick mirth that he carried confidently even after being beaten thoroughly.

"This is what I like to see." Aaron nodded his head but the beast roared inwardly, still thirsty to see more of Blaze's blood.

After leaving Xavier's house, Aaron asked Kayden to drive him back to his mansion to pay Blaze a surprise visit as his blood was boiling and the beast caged inside him was desperate for having blood on his hands. Once he reached the mansion, he passed everyone mutely to go inside the dingy basement. Firstly, he manhandled Blaze then choked him before taking out nails and fixing them in the groaning Blaze's limbs. He did not let any of his men help him out. He needed to see fear in Blaze's eyes, letting him know what he was actually capable of doing to a person like him. He was determined to be the worst nightmare for Blaze. Aaron had come with the only intention of being living night terror for Blaze even when he would be awake. He just wanted Blaze to be shattered beyond repair.

Thinning his lips into a tight line, Aaron clutched Blaze's shoulder length hair in a vice grip and stabbed the right side of his chest with his pocket knife, letting the blood-curling screams tingle his ears in pleasure. Twisting the knife harshly, Aaron's lips uplifted again in a sadistic smile as he dragged the knife painfully slow towards the middle of the chest before plunging the little knife over and over again in Blaze's stomach. Though Aaron made sure not to harm the vital organs yet the pain was excruciating enough to make Blaze's screams resonate in the basement.

"This is such a melodious sound, isn't it, Snake?" Aaron asked but on having his question unanswered, he stabbed Blaze again, questioning in deep drawl, "Isn't it, Snake?"

"Please, leave me." Blaze begged brokenly, crying in pain.

"Not so easy, Snake, not so fucking easy. I promised myself that your life will be worse than death in my palm and your death will just pass by you like the winter breeze, so close, so fucking close yet so far."

"No, pl-plea..."

Chuckling dryly, Aaron twisted the knife in one of the stomach stabs and reminded his hostage, "Remember, my Flower, my girl begged you in the same manner. I heard her screaming helplessly in all the videos you sent me. I cradle her after her nightmares. You scarred my woman so it is only fair that I avenge her. Scream, beg, plead, cry, I fucking love your pleas your pathetic screams but the thing I love the most is..." Aaron smirked sickly, chopping off Blaze's forefinger of right hand and continued saying, "...breaking you, seeing you thrashing around helplessly."

Satisfied, Aaron stood up, cowering Blaze with his full height and took two steps back. "Make sure he stays this way for an hour and after that cold shower for our honourable guests." The word 'guests' made each hostage curl back as if that would save them somehow.

"Are you sure that he will survive with so many stabs?" Shadow asked, eyeing Blaze's bleeding upper body.

"I have barely given him the taste of his medicine. No vital organs have been damaged so he will manage, won't you, Snake?"

Blaze remained groaning in pain and once again Aaron did not appreciate that his question went unanswered. Frowning, Aaron mocked, "I didn't expect the mighty Snake to lose his words. What happened to this poor little thing?" Aaron kneed Blaze's chest twice, making him cough out blood. "Answer when questioned. You will survive, won't you?"

"Please treat my wounds."

"Tsk. Wrong answer. You failed the test." Aaron dug his fingers into Blaze's chest and repeated his question.

"I-I will man-age." Blaze cried out in frustration and pain-giving Aaron's beast the satisfaction it needed. Turning back, he left the basement and went to meet Rosalind who was chatting with Celina.

"Aaron, you okay?" Rosalind stood up and so did Celina whose eyes darted on the dried blood coating Aaron's hands. Following her gaze, Aaron cursed himself inwardly for not being attentive enough. "Celina, I am sorry. I will come back after taking a bath and changing my clothes."

"It's o-okay." Celina looked up at Aaron's worried face and offered him a small smile. "It is not the blood of innocent. They are getting what they deserve."

Aaron gave her a smile in return and though Celina's words let him realize that she was getting accustomed to everything yet he did not like the fact that she had to learn the lessons in such difficult ways. "What do you think about Ms. Johnson?"

"In case you are forgetting, let me remind you that we have already met her and love her." Rosalind answered.

"I remember that, Rose, but you met her earlier when she was not comfortable with human touch. I mean to ask if you have sensed any progress?"

"About that, yes, of course, we have. She hugged us willingly. She even let Pnadora embrace her despite the fact that it was their first meeting. She talked a lot. So, progress is there for sure," said Celina cheerfully.

"She is healing." Aaron beamed.

"Everyone is healing, Aaron, and it is about time that you start healing as well." Rosalind spoke up softly with her eyes casting a motherly glance at Aaron.

"I am going to try my best, Rose. I also think that I should let myself heal now so that I can get better and fix my broken relationships."

"That's like my good son." Rosalind squealed, earning a chuckle from Aaron who commented playfully, "Nah, that's like the best son."

"Shh. Don't let others know." Rosalind whispered, playing along and so did Celina by pretending to zip up her lips.

"I'll change now. Can't scare my little flower with my body smelling like blood and dirt."


Aaron stood by the bed, admiring the moon casting soft glow on Iris' half face while the other half remained buried in the pillow with her long black locks messed up and her lips slightly parted. Her lower half was nestled under cosy blanket on which she had placed her right arm. Aaron felt the chaos in his heart simmering and the beast calming down as his eyes remained fixed on Iris' face. Bending down to his waist, Aaron pressed a feather-like kiss on her temple before standing back to his full height.

"Sleep well, mio piccolo fiore (my little flower)." Whispering, Aaron turned around o leave rs' room hesitatingly. Before he could take a step further, Aaron felt a gentle tug on his wrist which made him look over his shoulder only to find Iris opening her eyes slowly and mumbling, "Stay."

"Orchis." Aaron faced Iris who was now rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She sat up with her back against the headboard.

"I am sorry for waking you up, Orchis." Aaron sat across Iris, his head lowered in guilt.

"I would have felt uncomfortable and anxious on waking up and not finding you around me so it is good that you stopped by, Aaron."Iris held Aaron's hand and gave him a soft smile.

Aaron nodded his head and stroked Iris' fingers with his own, "Did you have dinner?"

Iris nodded.

"Really? And I am talking about proper dinner, no snacks are counted." Aaron's voice went firm which made Iris giggle and nod. "Proper dinner. No snacks and took stupid meds too." Pouting, Iris rolled her eyes , annoyed and disgusted at the mere thought of taking medicines.

"That's like my good girl." Simpering, Aaron leaned forward and kissed Iris' forehead. "Go back to sleep, Orchis."

"Did you have dinner and don't lie to me." Iris raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, I had it, ma'am." Aaron answered, smirking lightly.

"That's like my good boy." Giggling, Iris ruffled Aaron's hair who chuckled at her.

"On a serious note, you must sleep now, Fiore."

"I want to sleep in your arms." Iris mumbled coyly.

"But we can't do that, Love. Mr. Johnson will not appreciate that." Aaron pointed out but Iris landed herself in Aaron's arms and on his lap. Burying her face in the crook of his neck, she whispered obstinately, "I am not leaving you until you say yes."




"No means no. I want your yes. You know Mum will handle Papa."

"But that does not mean that we should break your Papa's rules." Aaron tried to reason with Iris but heaved out a sigh as she shook her head.

"I have already talked to Mum. Besides, Faith is in her room so there is no problem. And you can't say no knowing that we were together last night too. If Papa didn't object to that, he would never say no to this either. I told Mum that we are dating now."

"You did, love?" Aaron was surprised at the new information.


"What did she say?" Aaron wrapped his arms around Iris and readjusted her in a comfortable position, nuzzling her hair and inhaling her scent.

"She squealed like a teenager in love." Iris laughed softly. "She is happy for me." Pulling back, Iris kissed Aaron's eyes. "She is happy for both of us, Aaron and so is Faith."

"That's good news for us, baby. But what about your Papa?"

"You really don't have to worry about him. Once he will realize how happy you make me, he will come around. Besides, he has already adjusted to you being here." Iris assured Aaron and squeezed him softly. "By the way, how was work?"

"Fine, as usual." Aaron offered a clipped smile.

"Liar." Iris mumbled, "You know whatever it is, you can talk to me anytime."

Sighing, Aaron nodded, "I actually met Ryan and Xav. We had a long postponed meeting."

"Was it related to work?"

"No, Orchis." Aaron let his hand find Iris' before interlocking their fingers. "It was related to something I hid from them and now they know it. They are furious because I haven't yet told them everything. They have let it slide off for now but I am afraid that I won't be able to do so for long now."

Stroking Aaron's hair, Iris gave him a soft smile. "They might be angry for now but they will understand your perspective once you will explain everything to them. They key point here is that you need to open your heart to them. They are your brothers, after all."

"Flower, you don't know how bad, how deep and dark my truth is. Even you will turn your back when you will come to know about it." Aaron's eyes hardened as he reminded himself again why he had pushed away Iris time and again from him.

"Aaron, I am going nowhere. You. Are. Stuck. With. Me." Iris punctuated every word while pressing her forehead to Aaron's who gave out a soft chuckle. "And there is no other place, no other person I would want to be stuck with ever."


"Only for you, baby, only for you." Aaron smiled cheekily, earning a high-pitched giggle from Iris.

"So have you decided? Are you going to stay or not?" Iris stared at Aaron with hopeful eyes which he failed to resist.

"Okay, love." Aaron picked up Iris gently and placed her on the bed. "Just give me five minutes. I will change and come back, okay, Orchis?"

Iris nodded, cuddling her pillow to her chest. After kissing Iris' forehead, Aaron headed to his room where he changed into his night clothes before going back to Iris' room where he chuckled quietly on seeing Iris dozing off with the white pillow clutched in her arms to her chest with her head lolling.

"My little love." Aaron whispered delightfully to himself, going towards the bed and pecking Iris hair, waking her up.

"You are back." Iris gave a sleepy smile to Aaron who tucked her in the bed carefully, saying, "And you are sleepy, baby girl."

Iris hummed deeply in response. Aaron went up to the other side of the bed, climbed up and cuddled Iris under the covers with his arms secured around her waist and Iris' face planted against his chest.

"Aaron?" Iris mumbled sleepily.

"Yes, baby?"

"Are you fine?"

"I am. Why are you asking that?"

"You had a tiring day and a difficult conversation with your brothers."

Smiling to himself, Aaron squeezed Iris gently."I am fine, love, thank you for asking."

"That's what a girlfriend does, Aaron." Iris nuzzled Aaron's chest and entangled her leg with his while wrapping her arm around him.

"Haven't I got a precious girlfriend? I feel lucky and special, Orchis." Aaron sighed happily and tucked Iris' head right under his chin while holding her softly in his arms.

Iris smiled to herself whilst brushing her thumb gently on Aaron's upper chest. "Buonanotte, lupo. (Goodnight, wolf.)"

"Bunanotte, amore."


A small chuckle broke the lingering silence in the dark room as Iris kept on moving her hand up and down on Aaron's chest, probably trying to find a comfortable spot. Aaron engulfed Iris' hand gently in his and placed it on his shoulder, smiling as Iris sighed softly. His attention shifted to his cell phone kept on the side table which dinged once, notifying Aaron about a message. His eyes hardened on reading how Blaze almost died but was saved by the doctor on duty. Aaron clenched his teeth in anger and dug his nails into his palm as his mind drifted off to the past, flashing his first encounter with Iris which morphed into the pathetic conditions under which he found Iris on Blaze's property which emitted an involuntary growl from him, stirring Iris slightly and waking her up.

Iris' hands went to Aaron's cheeks as she gazed at him with half closed eyes. Aaron's eyes filled with regret as he apologized and mumbled, "Go back to sleep, baby girl."

Shaking her head, Iris blinked a few times and stared at Aaron with questioning eyes. "What happened?"

"Nothing, love." Aaron pressed his lips on Iris' forehead who frowned and murmured, "Liar." She hid her face with her hand, yawning before sitting up and stretching. Facing Aaron, Iris stared at him long and hard until he gave in and lied, "It is about work, darling. There are some scheduled meetings but..." Aaron sat up and hugged Iris from behind, nuzzled her neck and mumbled softly, "I have no mood of leaving this bed and letting you go."

Letting out a giggle, Iris shook her head and said, "I don't know about you, Aaron, but my boss would not appreciate my constant absence."

Pecking Iris' shoulder, Aaron bargained, "I can talk to your boss so can we take a day off, please?"

"Of course not." Iris patted Aaron's arm and wriggled out of his hold. Tying her hair up in a bun, she announced, "You can stay here if you wish but I will go and work today."

Aaron sighed dramatically and kissed Iris' forehead, "I shall get ready as well then. Can't miss the chance to be with my gorgeous girlfriend."

Laughing lightly, Iris and Aaron parted to get ready for work.


"Sir, you can't enter just li-"

"Look here, young lady, I don't care about the policy of this company. Just connect me to-"

"What is all the commo-Samael?" Aaron's thick eyebrows came together on seeing Samael in his company which was peculiar as it had never happened before which only meant that the matter was serious. Striding towards Samael, Aaron passed a nod to him before turning to Margaret and said, "I know him, Margaret. Until my next orders, I do not wish to be interrupted. Don't forward any calls either."

"Okay." Margaret whispered, her suspicious eyes pinned the strange man who barged in and demanded to meet Aaron without any prior appointment.

"After you." Aaron watched Samael heading towards his office and once he was out of earshot, Aaron faced Margaret and ordered, "I will not tolerate you being a personal spy for my parents anymore."

"But Aar-"

Holding up his hand, Aaron shook his head and revealed, "I have eyes everywhere, Margaret and don't take me for a fool. Just because I've never brought this up doesn't mean that I don't know that every single detail reaches to my parents through you and though it was done out of concern, now it has turned into interference and that is making me run out of patience. This company will hate losing you, nonetheless, I will personally take some firm action because it is illegal and not only violate our company rules but also harms my private life. It is a serious invasion."

Lowering her head in guilt, Margaret nodded meekly, feeling remorse washing over her along with the realization of her stupid actions striking her.

Aaron went to his office where he suppressed his chuckle on watching Samael glaring at Iris and pretending to be annoyed every time she called him a bear.

"You really are like a big bear, Sammy."

"Samael, it is Samael, Iris." Samael huffed and almost pouted as Iris giggled and called him, "Sammy bear."

"Sammy." Aaron called out and chuckled at grumbling Samael. "Stop teaming up against me."

"Loosen yourself up a little, Sammy."

"Shut up, Kent." Cursing, Samael sat on the couch and waited for Aaron who kissed Iris' forehead before closing the partition and joining him on the couch. Their features schooled as the previous playfulness evaporating when Samael said, "Blaze tried to kill himself."

Dragging his hand over his face, Samael admitted, "He, somehow, found a piece of broken glass bottle and slit his wrists, making deep gashes."

"Where is he now?"

"At the moment, Dr. Yan is treating him in the mansion."


"Aaron, I think they are finally breaking down the way we want them to. I think-"

"No, Samael, it is too soon to liberate them. Iris..." Both the men gazed at Iris who was going over a few manually drawn blueprints with a pencil clutched between her lips while her forefinger adjusted her black rimmed glasses which kept on sliding down on the bridge of her nose. Pinching his nose, Aaron continued, "Iris suffered endlessly. Killing them so soon and so easily will be unfair to Celina as well."

Heaving out a deep sigh, Samael let out an empty chuckle slip past his lips. "Shadow said the same. The boy is in love but has yet to realize."

"Just like you. We all are sailing in the same boat, I guess."

"Me?" Samael pointed towards himself, staring at Aaron with his eyebrows raised.

"Yes. Everyone in the mansion knows that you and Pandora lo-"

"That woman gets on my nerves all the damned time." Samael interrupted Aaron and contrary to his words, his eyes brightened up.

Smirking, Aron said, "I expected those words. This world makes us emotionless that we fail to confront many situations but that doesn't mean we must ignore our feelings, Sam. You get jealous when Pandora talks with other men and you take her on dates. She always wears something red because that is your favourite colour. You never wore that gold chain of yours again because she said that it makes you look hideous. Need any more proof?"

"That isn't love." His resolve was cracking and Aaron hit nail in the coffin. "Then there should be no problem if I introduce one of my business partners to Pando-"

"I dare you." Roaring, Samael stood up and his voice dropped as he vowed, "I'll tear apart everything if anyone meets my girl."

Aaron laughed boisterously and stood p as well, giving a reassuring smile to Iris who looked worried due to Samael's yelling. "There it is. You said it."

"Quit your games, Kent."

"You called Pandora yours. You once said that you will call only one woman yours and she will be your love, your wife. Samael, don't be afraid of love. It will only strengthen you." Aaron smiled fondly and added, "It is a beautiful reason to live."

"Fuck man. Am I really in love?" Samael asked himself so Aaron did not answer him. Shaking his head, he whispered, "Rose can guide me. I need to leave and tonight, I'll torture the bastards except Blaze."

"It's Asmodeus' day."

"I don't give a shit. He can go home to be a mush. I need to take out my frustration somewhere."

Chortling, Aaron nodded and watched Samael leaving with stiff shoulders. Aaron's eyes shuttered as Blaze's lifeless face passed in his mind. "Not so easy, not so easy."

"What is not so easy, Aaron?"

Aaron's body went rigid but he relaxed as Iris held his hand and repeated her question.

"It's not easy to accept that you've been in love unknowingly, is it, baby?" Aaron tucked the loose strand behind Iris' car and continued lying, "Sammy is finally coming to the terms of been in love with Pandora."

'They look good together." Iris smiled, thinking about the soon-to-be couple.

Aaron embraced Iris in his arms and mumbled in her neck, "I don't want to lose you, Crocus."

Frowning, Iris pulled away her face from Aaron's shoulder and caressed his face, asking, "Why do you think that you will lose me? I am going nowhere, Aaron."

"I hope so."

"I like you too much to leave you."

Aaron gave a clipped smile to Iris and nodded as many questions started rising in his head. Frowning, Iris held Aaron's face in both of her hands and et her questioning wide blue eyes take into the expressions of his passive face. "Whatever it is, you have to talk. Bottling up is not good. That's what I have learnt from Dr. Waiola in the previous therapy session. So talk with me, please, Aaron."

Aaron kissed Iris' hand softly and mumbled, "I am just a little sad."


"I have to leave for a week." Aaron informed Iris out of the blue and though that was the least of his worries as he had decided to take Iris with him yet it was a true revelation.

"It must be related to work."

"Yes. How do you know that?"

"You barely take a vacation." Iris [pointed out disapprovingly, earning a chuckle from Aaron. "By the way, where are you going?" Iris asked softly, her chest tightening at the thought of being away from Aaron.

"Germany. There is some problem that I need to attend personally."

"And that is saddening? Why?"

"Because it is a week, Tesoro, seven days away from you. No, that's too much for me. I think I should take you with me. What do you say?"

Simpering, Iris went on the tips of her toes to place a kiss on Aaron's cheeks before mumbling, "I am happy to know that I am not the only one feeling this way. But I don't think that is right, Aaron. My constant leave will affect the whole project."

"But, Flower, you can take your laptop with you and continue working."

Iris shook her head firmly, shunning her pain and fear. "Aaron, the decision you are taking is not professional at all. Had it been someone else in my stead, would you have given this same offer to them as well?''

"But you are different from everyone else an-"

"And that is one of the main reasons why I should not accompany you. I am sure that you would not want to hear that your girlfriend is a gold-digger. People will call me such names and more than that, I don't think that it is a wise decision."

"But what if you will get nightmares? I can't leave without you, knowing that-"

"Aaron, you trust me, don't you?"

"More than I trust anyone else, Crocus."

"Then please go, work and come back. I will wait for you, okay?" Iris nuzzled his chest and gave him a gentle squeeze. Sighing softly, Iris whispered, "And I must learn to walk alone, a stronger version of myself."

"Isn't that too soon, baby girl?" Aaron's arms tightened around Iris' body protectively.

"Even after half a year, we will think it' too soon so I must start working on myself as early as possible."

Pressing his lips on Iris' head, Aaron said proudly, "You are a strong flower. I was right to call you flower. Your parents were absolutely right when they named you Iris. A little flower who has withstood every storm. A flower whose roots can't be plucked out."

"Thank you."

They stood wrapped into each other's arms for a while before Iris questioned, "hen will you be leaving?"

"This weekend."

"Will you accompany me to next four therapy sessions?"

"That goes without saying, Crocus."

Iris nodded and Aaron asked tentatively, "Will you be fine if we will have dinner at my parents' this Friday with everyone else?"

Iris stiffened up a little but she relaxed herself, "By everyone else, what do you mean?"

"Your family and my family."

"That's fine with me."

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