preferences imagines and dirt...

By ammie3006

22.2K 95 45

So I am here to take every request for anything you want me to write just comment More

you are going for a surgery
you are going for surgery part 2
he finds you are tickilsh
read !!
you go in to labor he is not there and meets the baby later
you go into labor and he meets the baby later part 2
lauren imagine make up
read !
double date yeee !!

harry styles dentist fanfiction

7.9K 17 8
By ammie3006

Come on babe get up! This is the last time I am calling you. It was time for harries annual dental check up and he dreaded it but he has to go.

"I am not going and thats final "said harry

Rosie went into Harry's room and kissed his forehead. "Baby it will be over before you even know" somehow rosie was able to push harry into the shower and get him dressed. Then they both headed towards the dentist's office.

Rosie's POV

Harry was really scared I could tell he hadn't said a word since the morning and thats not the usual

Harry . We head out for the car and I drove us to the dentist's office harry was like a baby and he didn't wanted to get out of the car even.

"I am not going in "said harry

"But baby you need to "

"They hurt me a lot "whined harry

"Would it be nice if come along with you "

After a long conversation and whining he finally came inside we sat in the waiting room with harry holding the chair for his dear life.

Then finally the nurse called out "Mr. Harry Styles "

"Yes" said harry standing up still shaking

"Dr. Richards is ready for you" said the nurse with a warm smile.

Dr. Richard? But we were here to meet Dr. Cliff I guess "said harry I knew he was about to have a panicky attack "

"I am sorry sir but he is currently out of town for a business meeting "

harry was really upset but knowing that the littles kids around him were laughing now he was even embarrassed ,

"come on sweety I bet he is a great doctor lets give it a try " Isaid

"bu-ut ."

"No buts Harry just go in " I was really angry and harry knew it cuz i never called him with his name unless i was furious in defeat harry and i walked in the dentists room..

"Hello Mr. umm Harry"

"Yeah thats me "said harry

He seemed kind of scared and maybe a little panicky and maybe a little sad from what I said outside so i gave his hand a little squeeze and a reasuring smile and he smiled back to me...

"ok so lets get started and end this quick " the dentist said to harry

he laid on the dentists chair while the dentist prepared his tool and looked really scared but didnt say a word cuz he knew that i was kinda angry at him.

I just kissed his cute pinky plump lips and gave him a smile and mouthed 'I love you'.

"So are we ready " the dentist said holding the big tool 

Harry just nodded and I squeezed his hand knowing his fear from the dentists and the dentish started with the process and after checking his mouth he said "I think we need to pull your fourth teeth from the left side right here this one " the dentist said showing me the teeth .

Harry was terrified to death and the moment the doctor left his mouth he ran for the door.

"Babe come here back " I shouted.

"Ill just go and find him " I said to the dentist he just nodded

I went out of the dentists office into the waiting room and then outside to search for harry

I found him sitting on the small bench in a park near the dentists office.

I went and then just sat beside him and he laid his head on my lap and started sobing I just rubbed his back

"SHhhh.. babe its gonna be ok .. I know you are sacred of needles but its gonna be just fine and believe me it wont hurt a bit at all"

harry just noded and we made our way back to the dentist office and like a good boy he laid on the dentists chair.

"So shall we start " asked the doctor harry nodded.

Then he prepared a needle 

"just a ouch ok? "

harry was not at all co-operating again and now its time for the dentist to get mad he called the dentist called the nurse and whispered something to her she nodded and laughed to harry who was very panicky right now.

After sometime she returned with a big board kind of a thing.

"So mr. Styles lets get you settled" the dentist said with a frustrated tone.

Harry and I were simply shocked he then wrapped him up.

"What is that? " I asked

"Oh this it is is called a papoose board "

I just sighed and now harry had no chance of running at all

And the doctor injected him with a medicine on his gums and within 15 minutes we were done

"Quite a handful " the dentist said I just laughed but harry was really embarrassed after this we just went to a good ice cream parlour and had ice cream.

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