Supernatural/Buffy - Darkest...

By icanseemywife

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I will say when the BTVS bits take place, as it skips around a lot. And as for Supernatural, it takes place i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

19 0 0
By icanseemywife

"How are they so chill with burning bodies?" Xander asked the room.

"Maybe they've done it before?" Buffy replied sarcastically. "I think we should look into more people. Cordelia, was there anyone else who might've pissed off Sara?"

"Hm." Cordelia thought for a few moments. "There was this one boy. He always hit on her, at first she laughed about it but she eventually started actually, like, getting mad."

"What was his name?" Willow inquired.

"Tom, I think." Cordelia racked her brain trying to remember his surname. "Tom Mitchell! That was it. He's a senior."

"Yeah, we're in the same Math class. I'll keep an eye on him." Oz added, before pecking Willow on the lips and running back to class.

"So we're just gonna believe them?" Xander perked up, receiving an eye roll from Cordelia.

"You're just jealous 'cause they're hot." Cordelia giggled.

"And I'm not?" Xander grinned cockily.

"They're hotter." she flirted. Buffy rolled her eyes and sat down next to Willow.

"Glad to see I'm not the only one put off by them." Buffy whispered, to which Willow nodded.

"Me and Oz flirt, but not to this extent." Willow said. "This is just— blegh."

— —

Dean pulled up next to the graveyard and got out, shortly followed by Sam who had a shovel in hand.

"Who's doing the digging?" Dean asked.

"Pretty sure it's your turn." Sam smiled.

"Nah, it's definitely yours." Dean responded quickly.

"Rock-Paper-Scissors?" Sam suggested. Dean rolled his eyes and prepared to do rock-paper-scissors with Sam. After two attempts, Dean loses and Sam gives him the shovel as Dean gives him his torch.

They look around for a bit and eventually find the grave of Sara Hughes. Dean begins digging the grave as Sam shines his torch into the hole.

"You really think we should lie to them? The kids?" Sam questioned.

"Yep." Dean didn't even look up from his digging. "See how we acted when we found out we were just Chuck's bitches. And they're kids as well, imagine how much that'll hurt, man."

"Yeah." Sam agreed. "But— when we've kept secrets from each other it hasn't ended well, at all."

"Sammy, all we have to do is dig up Sara here and burn her and we'll dip." Dean looked up at his brother. "They'll forget us in a year."

"If you're sure." Sam finished, as Dean tapped the lid of the coffin with the shovel. He ripped open the lid and saw the almost skeletal corpse of Sara Hughes. Dean jumped out and poured salt and gasoline on the body, whilst Sam lit the matches and dropped them in, setting the body alight.

Suddenly, a mighty roar was heard from behind them as a man in all black lunged at them. Sam managed to push Dean out of the way in time as the man rolled and regained himself.

"And who are you guys?" he growled, sporting the ugly face of bright yellow eyes of a Sunnydale vampire. Sam and Dean readied their machetes, before the vampire chuckled and lunged again, now at Sam. He dodged and went to behead him, but the vampire dodged away. Dean took the opportunity and went to decapitate the vampire whilst he was stunned, but the vampire caught the blade and laughed again.

"Really, you guys are cute." he joked as he went to bite Dean, but Dean grabbed him by the head and held the machete up to his throat, before Sam came up behind him.

"Dean," he whispered, catching the other's attention. "That's Angel." Dean seemed to recognise the name.

"Angel?" Dean said in a normal tone. "Buffy's vamp boyfriend?"

"Aw, you know me." Angel laughed.

"Shut up, clown!" Dean snapped as he turned back to Sam. "What's your point?"

"If we kill him, it could change everything. We don't know what's going on here, so it'd be best to tamper with the timeline as little as possible." Sam explained to his brother. Dean looked back at Angel and sighed, letting him go.

"How nice of you. Shame I'll have to—" Angel was interrupted.

"Get out of here, creep." Sam snapped, somehow intimidating the vampire as he scurried away.

"Why was the good vamp attacking us?" Dean inquired, sheathing his machete and turning to Sam.

"He'd lost his soul at this point. Vampires in Buffy's world are more complex than they are in ours, trust me." Sam said as he seemed lost in thought.

— —

Buffy was going to the toilet when she saw something fly past her head— a knife. She sprinted after it and managed to see it chasing yet another student. She caught up to it and caught it in the air, just before it was going to hit the kid. Suddenly she was hit round the head, which caused her to drop the knife. When she got up, the kid was already dead and the knife was nowhere to be seen.

"Buffy?" a voice said from behind her, it was Giles.

"I-It was the ghost. She hit me on the head and she got away." she explained.

"Ah." Giles sighed, looking down. "There's been a development." He guided Buffy back to the library where Sam, Dean, Xander, Willow and Cordelia were sat around the table.

"What's happened?" she asked.

"We got it wrong, the spirit isn't Sara." Dean admitted.

"What?!" Buffy exclaimed. "So we're back to square one?"

"Yep." Sam rubbed his eyes. "Who else hated Quentin Lord and Ronald Dugan, the kid that was murdered earlier?" There was silence for a few minutes, before Cordelia jumped up, comedically making Xander jump.

"Sara's boyfriend. His name was Matthew or something." she told everyone.

"Where's he buried?" Dean inquired quickly.

"He was burnt." Cordelia said bluntly.

"Cremated?" Sam rubbed his eyes again. "Does anyone know of anything that is around the school that still belongs to him?"

"Uh— his locker?" Cordelia suggested.

"Nope. Technically the school's." Dean shut her down. "Alright, me, Buffy and Cordelia will grab everything in his locker. Sam, Willow, you go start a fire. If we can't find something specific, might as well clear his locker." Dean grabbed his shotgun and exited the library, with Cordelia and Buffy following him.

"Hey! Hey, what about me?!" Xander yelled.

"You can study here with me." Giles smiled, to which Xander sighed.

"No offence Giles, but that isn't exactly what I want to do right now. There's a ghost on the loose and I don't get any of the fun." he said.

— —

Cordelia instructed Buffy and Dean on where to get to Matthew's locker. Eventually they reached it and Buffy ripped open the locker door, letting Dean and Cordelia drag his stuff into a bag. Just then, Cordelia was punched to the ground by an invisible force— and then Matthew made himself visible. Dean handed his gun to Buffy and put a couple more things in the bag.

"Shoot him!" he yelled. Buffy fumbled with the gun before managing to cock it and aim at Matthew, but when she fired he disappeared.

"He's gone!" she shouted.

"Not for long!" Dean bellowed back. "Stay alert."

— —

Sam and Willow started piling logs up on a pile on the middle of the woods in silence. After a while, Willow decided to break it.

"So, how long have you been doing this?" she asked.

"Just me and Dean? About sixteen years. A long time, basically." Sam chuckled.

"Why do you do it?" she wondered.

"To help people. Hunting saves lives." Sam replied.

"Don't either of you have a girlfriend or something?" she questioned, throwing a few more logs onto the pile before looking at Sam, who was still piling on logs. He stopped for a moment, before sighing once more.

"I did. Her name was Jessica. She— died." he responded solemnly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Willow panicked, trying to make things better.

"Don't worry. It's been a while and— I've had girlfriends since." Sam smiled reassuringly.

"Why don't you train them?" she suggested.

"Takes longer than you think." Sam chuckled.

"Then when did you become Hunters?" she questioned.

"Our Dad raised us as Hunters. Our Mom died when I was a baby, so he essentially waged a war on everything supernatural." Sam explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry about your Mom." Willow apologised.

"It's okay, she was revived— and then died again." Sam cracked up a bit. "This life isn't as glamorous as you think. There's a lot of bloodshed. Too much." Sam cleared his throat. "You think this is enough?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Willow laughed awkwardly.

— —

Buffy was thrown against the locker adjacent to Matthew's as Dean continued shoving objects in the bag. He put the last few in there and rolled to the side, grabbing an iron bar he had on him and swinging at Matthew.

"That should keep him for a bit." Dean helped Cordelia up and Buffy got up herself. The trio all began sprinting away, as Dean fumbled to get his phone out of his pocket and call Sam. "Sammy? You got that fire ready?"

"Yeah, we're just waiting on you now."

"Good," Dean hung up as they barged out of the doors for the school. He spotted Sam across from them and sprinted over, but was grabbed by Matthew. He dropped the bag and so Buffy picked it up and shot at Matthew, subduing him. She continued running with the bag and got close enough to throw it onto the pile of logs Willow and Sam had made. Sam quickly dropped a few lit matches on there and the bag with the items in burned, killing Matthew for good.

— —

Sam waved goodbye to Willow, Cordelia and Buffy as he got into the impala, but Dean stayed behind for a few minutes to talk to Buffy.

"What do you want?" Dean asked as he walked up to her.

"What do I do?" she queried.

"What do you mean?" Dean responded.

"I mean, you told us that all these different things exist, and there's much more outside of Sunnydale. Shouldn't I be out there, helping people instead of staying here?" she questioned.

"Kid, your responsibilities are here. You're a Vampire Slayer, not an Everything Slayer." he joked. "And besides, you're a kid. Stick to vamps, leave the big guns to the adults."

"I guess you're right." Buffy admitted. "Goodbye, Dean."

"See you around, kiddos." Dean smiled as he entered the impala and drove away.

— —

The pair were driving back to the bunker, and it was clear to Dean that something was on Sam's mind.

"Alright, what's up?" Dean interrogated.

"Huh? Nothing's up." Sam lied.

"Sammy." Dean said, to which Sam sighed.

"You think they'll be okay?" he wondered.

"Sure. They're strong kids." Dean comforted.

"I don't know. I guess she has some solace in the fact that there's us Hunters out here." Sam shrugged.

— —

"So, you have fun?" Xander joked as Buffy, Willow and Cordelia entered back into the library.

"Not really. We all almost died." Buffy snapped.

"Jeez, touchy much." Xander grinned as he sat back down, so Willow elbowed him, hard. "Ow!"

"It's okay, Buffy. Dean was right, you're a Vampire Slayer not an Everything Slayer." Willow quoted.

"I guess." Buffy sighed. "We should get to class."

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