Love Beyond Words.

By FlorK2D

289K 13.8K 1.4K

Regret was what Arnav was feeling for what he did to her. He wish to correct his mistake and a perfect oppor... More

πŸ’–Chapter 1πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 2 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 3 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 4 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 5 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 6 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 7 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 8 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 9 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 10πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 11 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 12 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 13 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 14πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 15 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 16 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 18 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 19 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 20 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 21 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 22 πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 23πŸ’–
πŸ’– Chapter 24 (Last) πŸ’–
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πŸ’– Chapter 17 πŸ’–

8.4K 502 43
By FlorK2D

The Gupta and Raizada family sat in the hall of RM tensed about the escape of Garima.

It's been two weeks since her escape and the family have never left the house on Arnav and Akash's insistence because they knew Garima didn't escape to run away but to hurt them especially Khushi and both men weren't taking any chance so had kept the women locked in the house.

"Arnav....... Don't you think you and Akash are worrying unnecessarily? " Khushi said and Payal nodded in agreement with her but the men looked at her shocked.

"We all know it's necessary to worry because Garima is a vengeful woman and we know for sure she is planning something against us and we can't risk her getting to the two of you because she knows how important you are to us and she will target the two of you. " Shashi yelled making Khushi bow her head especially seeing the disappointment in Arnav's eyes for asking sure a question.

"But babuji....... It's been weeks and she hasn't done anything to show that she is after us." Payal said making Arnav and Akash more angry and so was Shashi but Manohar was understanding to it so he didn't get mad at their concern.

"My dear. " Manohar called out making everyone turn their attention to her. "You and Khushi's point are valid but you both are too naive to understand how sick some people can be....... You two are still in denial about the things she has done whether you agree or not....... She is intentionally laying low but she will definitely attack when we least expected that's why we are all on alert at the moment......... I know you two want to start working and fell suffocated but think about it.......... You are both the lifeline of this family and you two down playing our effort to keep you save is very wrong. " Manohar said and Payal and Khushi finally understood.

They both looked at their respective partners to find the looking at them in anger.

Arnav and Akash stood up and walked up to their rooms leaving both women in guilt and the elderly men sighed knowing the young men were hurt and angry.

Khushi and Payal followed to make it up to them and apologize.

"How is Anjali and your mother and ex wife? " Shashi asked Manohar out of the blue.

"She is responding to the treatment very well at the asylum......... Surprisingly she started showing improvement a few days after she was admitted and according to the doctor she will be back to normal in a few weeks if she continues responding well to the treatment........ As for my mother she already knows she will never be forgiven and allowed into our lives again and so does my ex wife.......... Anjali's treatment is the final time we will help them......... Just like Arnav and Akash, I am also done with them. " Manohar said and Shashi nodded.

Delhi Psychiatry Center.

In the basement of the center stood Anjali smiling at a woman.

"I heard your doctor is going to discharge you soon and when you are out we will get our revenge against them......... Arnav will have to pay for abandoning you because of Khushi and she will pay dearly for being born of my sister. " The woman said in anger and Anjali smirked.

"You have no idea how much I want Khushi to pay for snatching chote away from me.......... I will kill her and chote will be sad and when he is sad I will be there at the right time to comfort him and he will start loving me again and doing all my bidding. " Anjali said playing with her hair and twitching an indication she wasn't as well us the doctors said she was. "Garima .........Thank you so much  for helpine to get out of here sooner........ If you hadn't asked me to pretend to be normal,i wouldn't be leaving here so soon.......I will never forget your help and I will fulfill my part of the deal. "

Garima smiled and nodded at Anjali who left the basement in order not to raise suspicions.

"Oh what fool Anjali........ I don't give a damn about you I am only using you to get what I want and that is to kill Khushi....... I saw how shocked Arnav was hearing the news of my escape...... I followed the family all the way and found out about your condition and most lucky of all I found out that bad omen is pregnant with twin. " Garima yelled in anger. "But it's good because the pain will be more for Arnav after all his contacts kept me in jail without bail....... Now Payal and Shashi's pain will triple after Khushi's death. "

She laughed out loud as her evil laughter echoed in the basement of the hospital and walked out in her disguise.

She remembered how she had followed the Raizadas and found out they had admitted Anjali to a psychiatric hospital.

She knew she was her trump card and put on a disguise and got a job as a cleaner at the hospital.

Gradually she was able to poison Anjali's weak mind and trap her into her plan to kill Khushi.

And poor Anjali fell for it or did she!?.


Sheetal entered the mansion exhausted from her hard day's work but she was enjoying it as it was her passion and Arnav  and Akash has trusted her with a huge responsibility of managing all of the designers at AR and the other branches joining them for their end of year fashion show as they stayed home with their partners because of Garima.

She moved to her room and sat on her bed and took off her heels and stretched.

"Did I do right by turning Aman down?....... I hope he is not angry because I will hate for us to go back to the past where we couldn't stand each other." She thought nervously and calmed down after a few seconds. "Sheetal stop thinking negatively of him...... He will understand because Arnav and Akash are his friends and this is not the time for it. "


Over the days since Anjali's incident Aman who never liked Sheetal has become warm and kind to her from making sure she ate at the right time to taking her medicines and it confused her so she decided to confront him.

She entered Aman's office who was startled by her sudden entry and he sprung up from his chair and rushed to her thinking something was wrong.

"Sheetal....... Are you okay? " Aman asked in a concerned tone but Sheetal glared at him making him confused.

"Why are being nice to me?" Sheetal asked with her arms crossed and Aman sighed and smiled. "I know you are not being nice because you like me....... You think I am out to hurt Arnav or the family and that's why you are being nice to me isn't it? "

Aman nodded and Sheetal looked hurt because she felt used and her eyes began to shimmering with tears.

"You are right....... I didn't trust you before but seeing how genuinely you have changed has made me regret my negative assumptions about you....... But think about it Sheetal....... You came here with the intention to marry Arnav and was terrible to all the employees her and you even called me names before. " Sheetal looked away ashamed of her actions in the past. "I was bound to distrust your change but now I know you are being honest because I saw how you bought gifts to the employees you offended and even apologized even though some didn't forgive you........ You still did everything to earn their forgiveness and I admire you for that. " Aman said with all honesty and Sheetal wiped her tears with her hand.

Since then Aman and Sheetal's friendship has blossomed into something beautiful.

They attraction was there but both didn't know how to approach each other.

Aman dropped Sheetal to RM after a hard day's work and as she got out he called out to her and Sheetal turned to face him.

"Sheetal....... Will you go out with me this coming weekend. " Aman asked surprising Sheetal who smiled but it dropped when she remembered what the family was going through.

"Aman ...... I would love to but with what's going on lately I don't think it would be appropriate for us to go out now........ Am sorry Aman. " Sheetal said and Aman smiled and left in his car without saying anything.

Leaving Sheetal at the door steps and she sighed and entered the house.

Flashback ends.

Sheetal who had freshened up and changed and moved down stairs only to find the police leaving whichade her confused and curious as to what they were doing here.

The sound of her flip-flops hitting the marble floor turned everyone's attention to her.

"What's going on and why are the police  here?" She asked.

"Garima was spotted on multiple CCTV cameras and it looks like she is stalking us and so they are here for extra protection. " Arnav replied and Sheetal sighed.

"I hope they arrest her soon because if she is stalking all of you then she is targeting someone in the family to hurt but there is something I still don't understand. " Sheetal said and everyone looked at her curiously. "Garima must have had help because a prison like that is not easy to escape from without help....... Someone must have helped her and if you find that person maybe it can help find her faster. "

Everyone immediately knew she was right because it's a highly guarded prison.

"Hey devi Maiya........ Why didn't we think of that?......... We have to request every call and visits Garima had and maybe it can help us. " Khushi said and Arnav shook his head making her confused.

"Bhabhi......... Garima never got any visits apart from the one from babuji because bhai and I made sure she never did and the calls she was allowed to make will be difficult to track and will take weeks to track......... " Akash answered.

"But why? " Payal asked.

"The telephone at the prison is a payphone and pay phones are not like hand held phones....... It will take time to track her calls but not impossible. " Arnav replied and Payal nodded understanding now.

Arnav then took out her phone and called Aman instructing him on what to do and hung up and looked at the family.

"It's done...... We will find out who is helping her and I swear I will bury that person alive. " Arnav exclaimed in anger fisting his hand and Khushi moved closer and rubbed his back.

Somewhere in Delhi.

Garima got home and took off her disguise and immediately she was done her phone rang and she grunt and scoff seeing the name on the phone and she received it.

"What is your plan of making the wretched niece of yours pay for making Arnav humiliate me like that....... It's been weeks now and you haven't told me of your plans....... I didn't bribe that guard at the prison to set the fire and help you escape for nothing........ Now tell your plans now. " The person commanded and Garima let out a chuckle making the person angry.

"Subhadra Devi.......I can't tell you about my plans because I don't want any distraction or you telling me what to do...... In a few weeks we will both get our revenge so stop calling and intimidating me. " Garima yelled into the phone and hugged up and threw the phone on her bed.

She moved closer to her mirror and smirked looking at her reflection.

"Subhadra Devi........ You think Khushi is the only one I want to settle scores with........ What you don't know is am also plotting my revenge against you for pushing me away from your son....... I would have lived in luxury if not because of you....... Now you have to pay...... When you see your granddaughter in prison for murdering Khushi then you will definitely die because you love that useless limp more than anyone........ So relax and enjoy the ride because I will make you regret calling me in prison and helping me escape. " Garima laughed as she danced around in her room.

To be continued.

Precap: Khushi goes missing.

A shock for Subhadra Devi.

Don't forget to hit the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ button, comment and follow for more.


Xoxo xoxo.

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