Flowers, Fame and Unforeseen...

By -butterfliesarise-

13.8K 1.5K 3.3K

They say that a lock needs a key to be opened. But what if the key is broken? ... More

Auhor's Note
Cast List and Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Explanation and thank you.

Chapter 9

305 34 42
By -butterfliesarise-

White Rose: Wistfulness
Zoe's POV

I spent the next few days in a slump. I would go to the shop and return, not paying attention to anything that I was doing. Harley noticed my "just popped out of a zombie apocalypse but still can't adjust to the real world"-like state, and asked me what was wrong. 

When I told her what had happened, she turned silent, and offered nothing but hugs and comforting nights full of ice cream and T.V. shows. It seemed that she had dropped out of whatever "relationship" she was having, because she didn't stay out till late at night anymore. Or maybe she was just too preoccupied with my sad self because of the a*swipe.

I felt rather angry at myself. I was acting like I had gone through one of the worst breakups of my life, even though Levi was nothing but a friend. Ok, well, maybe I had a teensy little crush on him. But still! He was never my boyfriend. 

Thankfully, I was too preoccupied with my atrocious self to undergo any panic attacks, and had not had one for at least two weeks. That was the only remotely happy thing going on in my life, and as much as I hated to admit it, I missed the jerk.

Two nights after the "breakup" as Harley called it, me and Harley were having another one of our T.V.D binging sessions. After I had finally gotten tired, I decided to go to bed, and slept like a depressed bear. I had some kind of a brain transplant that night, because when I woke up, all I could think of was the fact that I had to get over the douchebag who had ripped my heart out of my chest and thrown it at the wall. Okay, maybe that's a bit dramatic. But he did break my heart.

My mind was telling me to dress nicely, do everything with enthusiasm that I suddenly had, and act better than I had ever been in my entire life. Basically, I pulled a cliché "girl who just got dumped" act, and decided to listen to my brain for once. 

I woke up, feeling refreshed, and hopped into the shower, singing my favorite tunes on the way there. If Taylor Swift saw the horrible reenactment I did of her, she would have probably resigned to get rid of such talentless fans. Thankfully, no one was around. Harley could pop out like a jack-in-the-box, but she had already listened to my "bronchial problems" style singing.

I made myself a batch of waffles, and ate them with a cup of coffee and my savior: Nutella. I wore a white, floral, loose tank top with some denim shorts. I put my blonde hair up into a messy bun, threw on some sandals, and made my way to Harleys car. 

When she saw me waiting beside her car, Harleys jaw dropped, and she squealed loudly, before saying, "Wait, so are you in the "getting over it" stage? Because if you are, this is my favorite one so far! Girl, you look hot as f*ck. I'm kinda jelly right now, but I'm also excited to see how many guys will hit on you."

I laughed at her enthusiasm, and took out the long, baby pink cardigan from my bag, before putting it on. Suddenly, I didn't feel as confident as I did before, and my modest and shy persona was coming back. Harley huffed, rolled her eyes, and got in the car, sending me death glares every time we stopped at a traffic light. She had almost developed frown lines by the time we had reached my shop, and I quickly got out, expecting Harley to change into a demon, and lunge at me like a 5'8, very angry psycho.

As I walked inside the shop, I opened the blinds, quickly wore my apron, and went outside to collect the flowers I would be needing. Soon, the basket in my hands felt full, and I could see some customers waiting inside the shop. I went inside, smiling at the young, probably teen couple standing in front of the counter. I looked at the cute guy staring into the eyes of the sweet looking girl as she blushed brightly, and instantly smiled. 

It was amazing to see such a beautiful looking couple so happily in love. I smiled to myself, and quickly provided them with fresh lavenders, after taking them through the options that they had, and the meanings of the flowers.

Throughout the day, other customers came and went. Every time I was free, I would clean up some flowers and make ready-to-go bouquets for people who wanted a bunch of flowers quickly. I was listening to some tunes as I cleaned up the shop and the flowers, and finished the few errands that I had to run. As I took a break, I decided to text Harley. Apparently, the kids were giving her a hard time, and she wanted me to come by and help her with them.

I got up quickly, excited to try and sneakily watch one of the routines that she had made for the students. All of the kids were extremely talented, and had an awesome teacher. Their past routines were breathtaking, and I had always had a special bond with all of them.

 As I put away the apron that I was wearing, I rushed around the shop, taking care of any dirt on the counters, or leaves that had fallen off the tables. Grabbing my hat, I put it on, expecting it to be sunny outside. Unfortunately, this kept me from seeing a very important someone coming into the shop. And when I tripped and fell straight into the arms of the blue-eyed jerk, all I could do was stop myself from screaming out of surprise.

What in the name of everything that is holy was he doing in my shop?!

There you go! Thank you so much for reading, and I really hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, make sure to vote, and let me know what you think as a comment. Love you guys! Peace out!

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