Learning to love you again

By wannasuckmydick

96.9K 5K 15.5K

sequel to loving you More

Main Characters


1.2K 74 185
By wannasuckmydick

A month later

Onika pov:

"Beyonce I don't want her to go" I said crossing my arms. "But nika she's trying I should let her in"

"Fuck letting her in I don't trust her" I whisper yelled. We are about to leave so bey can record her music video for naughty girl.

When tina found out she wanted to come and beyonce is considering letting her but I don't want her around me or my family.

"You haven't even gave her a chance nika" she said "My mind is made up, there's no need for giving her a chance if I could i'll kill the bitch right now".

"She changed-"No beyonce ! She is still exactly the same you're just too nice and naive to see it" I cut her off slightly raising my voice.

"I am not naive" she said crossing her arms. "Are you sure ? Cause you're acting pretty fucking naive to me" I raised a eyebrow.

"I'm just letting her have a chance she messed up at first" I groaned started to get irritated with her.

"She didn't mess up bey !! She knew exactly what she was doing and if she could she would do it again you don't give people like that a second chance, why let her hurt you twice beyonce i'm not understanding"

"She's not gonna hurt me again.. she said she love me" she said the last part lowly looking down.

"Love is a fucking word people toss around. Just cause she say she loves you doesn't mean it's true bey open your eyes damn !"

"You think love is just a word ?" she whispered looking up at me with a hurt expression.

"No, no bey i'm just saying technically it is a word and people lie about feeling it all the time" I said softly.

"You said you love me... were you using it as a word or a feeling" she asked. What type of question is this ?

"I was using as a feeling baby you know I love you" I said trying to grab her hand but she pulled them back.

"Well right now it seems like you was just using it as a word" she said with her voice cracking then pushed past me walking out the room.

"FUCK !" I yelled angrily throwing my phone across the room into a wall. "I'm gonna murder tina" I gritted feeling anger spread through my body.

Me and bey have been having a lot of arguments lately about tina. I don't trust her, I feel like she's lying about something but bey doesn't see it.

"old bitch" I mumbled the punched the wall as hard as I could putting a hole in it.

"Great just fucking great ! Best day ever" I said yanking my hand out of the hole.

I sighed then walked out the room going to check on beyonce. When I walked into the living room I seen she was crying into tina.

"this bitch" I mumbled rolling my eyes then walked over there. "Be-"She doesn't want to talk to you" tina cut me off.

I chuckled darkly still not fully calmed down from being mad and looked at her.

"Tina I will put a trash bag over yo head while you sleep and watch you struggle to get air then right before you die imma slit yo throat so you can choke on your own blood while suffocating"

She gasped loudly and beyonce pulled back looking over at me with a disappointed face making me sigh. "i'm sorry" I mumbled

"But I still meant what I said" bey shook her head then walked away.

"Wait baby" I called out following her. "Stink" I said grabbing her hand.

"just leave me alone nika" she said lowly. "No, i'm sorry" I pulled her into a hug.

"i don't like arguing.. it makes me sad" she said lowly. "I don't like arguing either baby,  it makes me mad" I said kissing her cheek.

I pulled back and pecked her lips "let's get going before we miss the flight, everybody's meeting us at the airport" I said.

She nodded and I walked back into the room grabbing our bags then went into the babies room.

"Hi mommy" xion smiled looking up at me. "Hi poppa it's time to go come on" I said smiling at him.

Him and dagga got up but I didn't see keshia "Where's chocolate ?" I asked.

"night night" dagga said pointing to the bed. I looked over seeing she was sleep making me sigh.

"Ok go in there with mommy" I said walking towards the bed. They nodded then ran out while I picked keshia up feeling she was hot.


She whimpered in her sleep before snuggling into me laying her head on my shoulder. I walked out grabbing the bags on the way going to the living.

I walked past tina going outside to the car. I put keshia in then put the bags in the trunk before going around to the drivers seat.

"Wait nika Tina haven't came out" bey said making me huff. I sat back in my seat then a few minutes later tina came out getting in the car.

"Hi babies" she smiled at dagga and xion.

"hi-"Don't talk to strangers mama" I said to dagga starting the car. "sowwy mommy"

"It's ok boo" I said driving off. "Really" bey said looking over at me and I shrugged.

I don't want that bitch talking to my kids.

------- ------

"Here goes your room key, have a nice stay" the desk lady at the resort said smiling. "Thank you" I responded then looked over at rih.

"Come on bitch i'm ready to smoke" she said making me chuckle.

We walked back out to the cars and she got in the one with the Keri and the rest of them while I got in with my family. Minus tina old ass.

"Umm are you gonna go get you a room" I said looking back at tina. "She's staying in the one with us it has enough rooms inside" bey said making me scoff.

"I'll be damned" I said looking at her like she done lost her mind. Cause she did.

"Yo ass betta hop out the car and get yo own shit. Or don't I mean you do belong on the stre-"Baby" bey said interrupted me.

"Fine bro" I huffed turning around in my seat. "Thank you" she said softly.

I drove the car around to where our room was and we all got out. "Mommy chocowate cry" dagga said pointing to keshia who had tears running down her face.

"What's wrong sissy ?" I asked picking her up. "hurt" she said lowly pointing to her stomach.

"Why does your-" I cut my sentence off remembering something from yesterday.


"Sissy I hungry" keshia said quietly coming up to me.

"Ok baby i'll make you some food when I get off the phone ok" I said lowly to her trying to still listen to what all beyonce manager was telling me.

"I can make her some food" tina said appearing. I squinted my eyes at her then shook my head.

"I got it what you can do is get out"  I said rolling my eyes.

She shook her head then grabbed keshia hand. "Come on baby i'll make you some food" she said walking away with her.

I was about to say something but I heard bey manager calling my name. "Yes, i'm sorry like I was saying she doesn't want to have any performances right now"

End of flashback

Now that I think about after that she was sleep for the rest of that day.

"Tina" I gritted turning towards her. "Yes ?" she asked looking at me confused. "What did you feed her yesterday ?"

"I made her some mac and cheese, why ?" she tilted her head. "Because now her stomach suddenly hurts" I said mugging her.

"Are you trying to blame me for that ?" she asked pointing to herself. "Yes because I know you did something now what did you put in it"

She scoffed then shook her head at me. "Ok I can get you not liking me but really you think I would do something to hurt this poor baby"

"Yes I fucking do. I don't trust you" I said narrowing my eyes at her.

"Baby can you help me" I heard bey call out. "I'm not done with yo ass" I glared before walking away.

Beyonce pov:

I didn't really need help with anything I just seen it looked they were having an intense conversation and I didn't want it to escalate.

"Yes baby ?" she asked smiling at me. "My lips are lonely" I said with a pout.

"Which ones ?" she asked smirking. "both" I said lowly looking into her eyes. "Well how about I-"Cookie bitch come on before I smoke without you" rih said getting out her car.

"To be continued" she said then pecked my lips before rushing off. I sighed and walked into the resort.

"Hey girl what's wrong with you ?" Mercedes asked walking up to me. "I want some sex" I said pouting.

She started laughing and I huffed. "I'm seriouss" I whined. "We haven't had sex since the stuff happened with shawn and even before that I ain't get nun" I crossed my arms.

"Dangg she went that long ?" mercedes asked "Well at first I didn't want to up until like two weeks ago but since then I been craving it"

"Why don't you just ask ?" she question raising a eyebrow. "I'm shy..."

"Welp shyness don't get ya walls beat in hunny" she said making me groan. "I know" I huffed.

"Imma seduce her ass" I said smirking. "Oop ok miss thang" she said making me giggle.

Tina pov:

I snuck into the room with the kids seeing they was playing on the floor minus the dark one.

"Hi kids" I smiled waving at them. They looked up at me then went back to playing.

Stupid ass children.

I walked over to the bed where the dark one was sleeping looking over her. I felt her head seeing she was burning up making me smile.

I will have my daughter back. Even if that means killing everybody she love until the only person she has left to love is me.

Starting with the kids.

I've done it before and I will do it again.

"Mom" I heard making me jump back and look over to see bey coming in.

"Yes hunny" I smiled at her. "Why are you in here with the kids ?" she asked looking at me confused.

"Oh, she wasn't feeling well I just came to check on her" I said hoping she would believe me.

"Well you betta get out, if nika see you in here she'll kill you. Literally" she said making me roll my eyes.

"Bey i've been meaning to talk to you about her" I said walking closer to her. "Talk about her for what ?"

"You do know being gay is a sin right ?" I question "I'm not gay sooo you're telling this to the wrong person" she said rolling her eyes.

"Then what do you call it ?" I raised a eyebrow. "Being in love" she said with a shrug.

Ok new approach.

"Yea but hunny i'm concerned about your safety with her, has she always been so... violent ?" she scoffed rolling her eyes again.

"My baby is not violent she just gets mad easily and has to take it out on something" she said trying to defend her.

"That's violent beyonce" I said straight facing her.  "Do you know she pulled a knife on me ?"

"She doesn't like you" she said shrugging. "But I didn't do anything to her" I said.

"You hurt me. That's what you did" she said making me go quiet.

"Look you and nika have y'all own beef going on but she was the one who helped me, she was the one who saved me not you. So if it all comes down to having to choose just know I will forever chose her over you" she said looking me in my eyes.

"Now get out my kids room, they're tryna play" she mumbled before walking away.

Well I see who I really have to get rid of...

Onika pov:

"Oh shit" I giggled almost falling when I stood up. "Girl sit yo high ass down" rih said giggling at me.

"Nooo I miss my baby" I said walking towards the door. "man my eyes feel heavy then a muthafucka" I mumbled to myself walking through the halls.

I went into the living room seeing bey sitting on the couch watching tv with keri and mercedes.

"Baby" I called out and she looked up at me. "Yes ?" she asked biting her lip.

She look so sexy when she do that.

"c'mere" I said leaning against the wall smiling. "Yo ass is high as hell" keri said shaking her head.

I giggled shaking my head then noticed bey had some booty shorts on.

"damn" I mumbled licking my lips as she walked up to me. "Yes daddy ?" she asked seductively.

"Yo lips still lonely baby?"  I asked pulling her closer to me.



The next chapter nasty 🤌🏾..

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