Shade Of Love

By Faithskyyx96

194K 7.3K 1.3K

**** COMPLETE **** This novel centers around Faith, a young black woman in her early 20s that's given up on t... More

1 | The Meet
2 | Until Next Time
3 | Plans
4 | The Beach Day
5 | History
6 | Reality
7 | Me & You
8 | The Aftermath
9 | Therapy
10 | The Weekend
11 | The Weekend Part II
12 | The Weekend Part III
13 | Let's Be Real
14 | Into The Deep
15 | Sinderella
16 | The Rift
17 | Pick A Side
18 | Home To Mama
19 | Heartbreak
20 | Sextasy
21 | I Think I Love You
22 | Reunited
23 | Anita
24 | Secrets
25 | Monday
26 | Sensuality
27 | Unforgettable
29 | There Will Be Drama Part II
30 | Time
31 | No Games
32 | Business
33 | Accountability
34 | The Truth
35 | Girls' Night
36 | Purpose
37 | Scarlett
38 | Warning
39 | The Impossible
40 | Maybe Baby
41 | Confirmation
42 | Final Warning
43 | Safer
44 | Irreplaceable
45 | Panic
46 | Big Moment
47 | Spill The Beans
48 | Exposed
49 | Path
50 | Trouble
51 | Home
52 | Let's Get Married .. Part 1
53 | Let's Get Married .. Part 2
54 | That Time Of Year
55 | Merry Christmas
56 | Loose Ends
57 | Questions
58 | Karma
59 | At Last
New Book

28 | There Will Be Drama Part I

2.7K 112 29
By Faithskyyx96

Chapter 28 : There Will Be Drama Part I

Friday finally rolled around after what had felt like forever. I hadn't seen Omar since Tuesday and it honestly was bothering me. I'd heard his voice since then but it just wasn't the same. I missed his smell, his arms, everything.

I completed my shift at work and was thrilled the day went quicker than expected. Fridays' were usually crazy at doctors' offices but surprisingly today the universe had been on my side.

I got in my car after I clocked out and began to head to the nearest mall. I had absolutely nothing to wear to Ashley and Trev's dinner so I had to fix that. She'd told me they didn't have a specific theme but the restaurant is one of the most boujee places in town, so it would need to be elegant.

I returned to the same boutique store that I had purchased my red dress from for Omar's ball. The store had tons of stunning but sexy dresses for many different occasions.

"Welcome back, what can we help you find today?," the shop clerk asked walking towards me.

She smiled widely.

"I'm looking for something to wear to this dinner I have tonight. It's at a really nice restaurant but it's my friend's anniversary so I want something sexy but nothing that'll steal the spotlight," I replied.

I began looking through a couple dresses on a rack next to me.

"Do you have a specific color in mind?," She asked.

I sat and though for a moment, I definitely didn't.

"I'm thinking maybe something just plain black, but still sexy," I responded.

She turned and walked towards the back of the store, then waved me over to where she was standing.

When I approached where she was I looked up at the wall she was looking towards and seen one of the most gorgeous dresses I'd ever laid eyes on.

It was a mid-calf, black and gold sequined dressed, see through in the front but completely covered in the back. I knew when I seen it that it was the dress for me. It completely fit the occasion. I asked her for a size 16 which surprisingly they had and got her to guide me back towards the shoes and accessories department.

I grabbed thick mid-sized gold hoop earrings and a new pair of black stiletto high heels with gold snake details that curved around the ankles. They both flattered the dress perfectly.

After spending about $400 on my dress, the accessories and shoes I finally managed to get out of the store and begun to head home. It was already 6:30pm and the reservation was set for 9pm.

When I got back from taking Nala outside I checked my phone and seen I had 3 missed calls from Omar. I also had a few text messages from Jada and Natalie both apologizing for missing my calls yesterday. I'd take that up with them later.

I dialed Omar's phone back and he immediately picked up.

"What's up bae?"

I smiled like a kid in a toy aisle.

"Nothing I just got home I had to go shopping for the dinner tonight," I replied casually.

"Ooh what did you get?," he asked, excitedly.

"Something you'll see me in soon enough."

I liked teasing him, it gave me a thrill.

"Ugh you teasing. Get away get away," he joked.

We disconnected the call after he told me he would be to my apartment to pick me up around 8. I had about an hour to get ready before he would be at my doorstep so I threw my scrubs into the laundry basket and ran into the shower.

After singing like a mad woman and scrubbing my body with cocoa butter body wash I climbed out of the tub and began to get ready.

Luckily for me I had what some might call "good hair". My mother had blessed me with wavy, thick hair that acted right when it wanted to. Tonight it actually cooperated. I parted it in two sections in the front creating a criss-cross look and gelled the rest down and up into a high puffy ponytail.

After applying my Versace lotion all over my body I put on a matching black lace panty and bra set. I put on my dress, heels and accessories and went out into the living room to wait for Omar. The dress fit like a glove.

I checked the clock and it was almost 8pm. I grabbed the gift bag I'd gotten for Ashley yesterday off my dining table and sat it next to me.

A few minutes after the clock struck 8 I got a knock at my front door. I opened it and there stood Omar, sexy as ever.

He had on an all black button up long sleeve shirt with gold buttons, black slacks, a black and gold belt with black leathered balenciaga loafers to match.

He kept a few of the top buttons loose so I could see his chocolate chest revealing itself. He looked good enough to eat, literally.

"Damn man what you got going on?," he yelled.

I sat there confused for a moment.

"Why do you look so fucking good now I wanna fuck," he said grabbing my waist firmly.

I felt my body begin to quiver at his touch. Mmmm.

"Nope we have to get going, but I might let you have your way with me afterwards," I replied winking at him as I pulled him towards the door.

He smacked my ass firmly. I'm pretty sure it left a mark, but I liked it.

We drove to the restaurant without saying much letting his trap music blare throughout the speakers. I sat there listening to rap music about drive-bys and flipping drugs but kept my eyes on him the whole time.

The way he gripped the steering wheel with one hand while having the other one on my upper thigh somehow made me want to jump out of this seat. I was relieved when we finally made it to the restaurant. I needed to tame myself.

The restaurant was Ronnie's Prime Steakhouse And Bar. I'd never been here before but remembered Ashley squealing about how Trev had taken her here for their very first real date. I admired them so much.

When we got inside of the restaurant light jazz music played quietly. The place in general gave a classy vibe.

We made our way towards a table in the back corner of the restaurant where Ashley, Trev, Natalie, Jada and some of Ashley and Trev's family members were sitting.

The table was the biggest in the restaurant, it would comfortably sit at least 20 people. Crystal plates, glasses and champagne bottles sitting in ice were spread all along it. I was extremely impressed.

"Yay you guys made it," Ashley squealed standing up to hug me.

She looked absolutely exquisite. She wore a royal blue long sequined dress with a v neck that perfectly revealed her cleavage but in a classy way. Diamond tear drop earrings fell from her ears that matched her diamond necklace. She was glowing.

"Of course you look beautiful bestie," I replied.

I waved at everyone else and then me and Omar sat in chairs that had been saved for us directly across from her and Trev.

"Thanks for coming man nice to see you again," Trev greeted Omar, they shook hands and Omar sat back down next to me.

I handed Ashley the gift bag I had brung for her, she thanked me and sat it down next to her other ones.

"Faith it's been so long," Ashley's mom chimed.

I hadn't seen her in years but she looked nothing short of amazing. She was an older, softer direct duplicate version of Ashley.

"I'm glad you're doing well Mrs.Franklin," I replied.

As we sat at the table I could feel Omar running his fingers up and down my thighs. I giggled out loud and everyone turned to stare at me. I quickly apologized and asked about us ordering our food.

A waiter approached with a tablet and took down all of our orders. I ordered a steak well done, chived mash potatoes and a strawberry daiquiri. Omar ordered a slack of ribs with seasoned fries.

As we waited for our food we all sat there sipping on champagne and speaking freely to one another. Trev clinked his glass with a fork so that we could all look at him.

"I just want to thank you guys I know everybody hungry as shit but I really appreciate you all showing up for us," he continued, "I asked this woman right here to be my girlfriend at this same restaurant 6 years ago when I barely had $100 to my name, she has been by my side ever since."

Ashley began to tear up and fan at her eyes frantically.

At that moment we all sat there in awe as Trev got up from his seat and dropped down on one knee next to Ashley.

"I know I'm late but I wanted to do this when I had more than enough to offer you, so will you marry a nigga?" he asked chuckling.

He held open a black ring box that revealed a perfect halo Giselle diamond ring.

"OMG YES BABY YES!," she screamed allowing him to place the ring on her finger.

She stood up and hugged him tightly crying tears of joy. We all began to clap and applaud for them.

"Congratulations bitch yassssss," screamed Natalie.

When the waiter arrived with the food we all began to eat and discuss the future wedding. Ashley and Trev had stated that since they'd waited so long to become engaged they wanted to do a small intimate wedding within the next couple of months.

"I want everyone at the wedding. I'll be in touch with formal invitations but it won't be anything too big I just want to marry the love of my life and have you guys witness it," Ashley explained.

We all nodded in agreement and I promised that I would dress shop with her as soon as she was ready.

"Baby will you come with me to the bar, I have no idea where the waiter is but I want another drink," I asked Omar quietly.

He nodded and grabbed my hand helping me stand up.

"We'll be right back," he announced as he guided me to the bar.

When we approached the bar we realized exactly how crowded the restaurant had gotten. There was an even bigger event happening in one of the other private rooms which was taking up most of the waiters'.

"How can I help you?", a female bartender asked leaning towards me.

"Hi can I just have a strawberry daiquiri and for him a double shot of apple crown?," I asked.

She nodded and began making the drinks quickly.

"Damn you know me well," Omar responded placing his hands around my waist.

"Of course," I smiled, placing my hands around his neck gently swaying back and forth.

"I love you so much, more and more each day I realize that," he proclaimed as he began to look deeper into my eyes.

"She tends to have that effect."

I turned and looked at the voice that was coming from behind me. To my complete surprise there stood the devil himself once again, Jackson.

A/N : Thank you guys so much for helping shade of love officially reach over 1.k views! Please vote & interact with the chapters so that it continues to trend. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Part 2 will be out in a
few days. Stay tuned. 🖤

Edited by author on 5/22/22 💫

^ Faith's shoes for the evening.

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