Eternal Love Sings

By HookedGirl2015

33.6K 601 16

Demetri Volturi x OC mate fanfic. Sophia has never known her family, they never bothered to even drop her of... More



876 16 0
By HookedGirl2015

Sophia's POV

The next week that past there was a lot of tension between Demetri and I, we spent majority of our time together whenever he wasn't required to be on guard but we barely spoke without it being awkward and I hated it blaming it all on myself for even bringing up our non-existent sex life since I should have already known the answer as it was logical that our relationship would never get to that stage with him constantly thirsting for my blood.

I already knew I put in in constant agony every day from just being in my presence but once again I stupidity put my own foot in my mouth and to make matters even worse for us every night I've been plagued by nightmares and waking up screaming and inconsolable that I could tell the whole castle could hear given the many pitiful and annoyed looks depending on who it was that I always got when I walked through the halls from nearly everyone that lived here, I hated those looks as it just made me feel like an inconvenience to them all once again.

"Little kitten" I looked up from the piano to see Felix walk in, I tensed a little waiting for Demetri to follow behind him since they usually found me in here together having both just finished guard duty but he never did. "He'll be along shortly" Felix must have seen me watching for him, I nodded my head going back to trying to play the new composition that Marcus was teaching me but I was so tired having barely slept last night to avoid the nightmares of either seeing Demetri die or finding him dead. "You two okay?"

"Yeah" I mumbled my fingers missing a few cords.

"You look exhausted" he pointed out sitting beside me.

"Demetri tell you to tell me that?" I spat at him annoyed since Demetri was constantly telling me to get some more sleep after soothing my nightmares but I never wanted to, I didn't need or want to keep seeing him dead especially not when I knew they were practically about to go to war with that other vampire coven and I didn't know if he was even going to survive it.

"No this is me pointing out that you look like shit"

"Thanks" I shot back sarcastically leaning on my arm stopping playing for a second since I'd messed it up completely and tried to think of the next few cords but he suddenly started playing 'Pink Panther' making me smile a little remembering myself teaching him that.

"You really should get some sleep Soph"

"No thanks" I mumbled yawning a little.

"What do you dream about anyway?" he suddenly asked making me more alert as I looked at him with a glare.

"That's none of your business and it's not Demetri's" I spat at him knowing that Demetri definitely put him up to that question seeing as he asked me every night but I didn't want to tell him that I was scared of suffering his death. "Just leave me alone Felix" I added getting up and left the room nearly bumping into someone but I didn't care as I ran down the halls back towards Demetri's room throwing the door open before shutting it and moved over to the window seeing as this was my salvation spot but it wasn't long before I heard the door open and shut again. "I told you to leave me alone Felix"

"Ouch, I feel bad for whatever he did to you back there" I looked up seeing Demetri walking towards me.

"Sorry I thought-"

"Oh I know, you gotta watch where your running next time" I frowned realizing it was him I'd nearly ran into when I left the library.

"Sorry" I turned and looked out of the curtains seeing it was snowing again, more and more snow had been falling which is why I was confided inside since I was getting below freezing outside.

"What's wrong?" he asked sitting beside me.

"Why do you keep asking me that, I'm fine"

"I want to believe that my love but you're not fine, your exhausted and you won't tell me what's wrong"

"Because nothing's wrong"

"Come on Sophia, you can't lie to me" he reached for my hand but I pulled it away from him and closer to myself as I wrapped my arms around my knees pulling them closer to my chest. "Please, I just want to help you"

"I don't need help, I'm fine" I argued.

"The more you say that, the more I think you're trying to convince yourself" he replied and I could feel his glare. "You're not fine Sophia!" he yelled startling me since he rarely ever raised his voice at me. "It's not fine to wake up screaming every night, it's not fine to keep it a secret from me not when we're supposed to be together on these things!"

"Demetri I'm sorry" I stood up and moved towards him grabbing his hand waiting for him to turn towards me which he did after a few seconds hesitation.

"Just talk to me Sophia" he brushed his hand over my cheek.

"I'm scared to lose you Demetri, I don't want to ever have to see you-" I choked up feeling the tears falling down my face.

"You won't, nobody's dying Sophia"

"You don't know that, face it you're going to war and who knows what's going to happen and I don't...can't see you die"


"Don't try and placate me because you'll be wasting your breath" I cut him off and he cracked a small smile. "Demetri nothing about this is funny"

"I know mi amore" he pulled me towards him wrapping his arms around me and I laid my head against his chest.

"I want to go with you" I suddenly said and felt his whole body tense before he pushed me at arm's length.

"That's not an option"

"It is" I argued glaring at him. "If you turn me"

"No" he glared back.


"No" he exclaimed more forcibly.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you don't know what you're asking"

"Yes I do, I want to be with you, I don't want to be a burden and I want to help"

"Sophia no, you have no idea what you'll even be like, it's not like I can just bite you and your suddenly a vampire"

"Then tell me!" he sighed shaking his head. "You have to, we both know my change is inevitable if we're going to be together and I want to know" I watched him frown and have a mental debate with himself before he sighed once again and sat down on the bed patting the bed for me to sit beside him.

"It's not an instantaneous change, you spend up to three days in agony the moment the venom enters your bloodstream, you're going to be strong, stronger than me because your human blood lingers in your tissues for up to a year after your change, you'll be uncontrollable, vicious and you'll think of nothing else except the thirst and I was to change you now and take you to the battle you'd be a complete liability in the fight"


"You won't be able to control your instincts and that would make you an easy target and I won't lose you" I frowned keeping my eyes down since I didn't know any of that, I thought it'd be just like a bite and then I'd be reborn as a vampire. "You see what I mean now mi amore" I nodded my head. "For now you need to trust me that everything's going to be okay"

"I can't lose you Demetri" I laid my head against his shoulder

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen" he replied leaning his head atop of mine as he took my hand and squeezed it gently. "I promise you Sophia Hart"

"When do you have to leave?" I asked him.

"That's undecided, we have to be careful with what one of their members can do" I raised an eye turning to him. " of their members, I don't know if you remember the short brown haired girl-" I thought back to my memories of the clearing and vaguely remembered a short brown haired girl with golden yellow eyes. "She has the ability to see the future" my eyes widened since that was awesome.

"That's pretty cool" he nodded his head.

"Aro wants her to join the guard but they've already declined his offer, but with her power we have to take this cautiously and avoid making any solid decisions as that's how her power works, she can see the future so long as that person stays on the course of a thought" I nodded understanding what he meant.

"But we'll be leaving before the end of the month, that thought is set in stone" I frowned since that didn't leave much time for us to spend together just in case. "Maybe beforehand to gather witnesses for their trial"

"I don't want to be apart from you"

"I know but I'd rather you remain here where I know you'll be safe" I sighed nodding my head giving into him. "Thank you" he cupped my cheeks and brought my lips into his.

"Promise me that you'll be careful" I begged him when we parted, now laying side by side on his bed the kiss having gotten a bit heated before he pulled away wincing at the burn in his throat.

"I can't really promise that Soph" I frowned but knew he was right. "I don't want to lose you" I ran my fingers through his hair, loving the way the spiky hair brushed across my hand.

"I don't want to lose you either mi amore"

"Why'd I have to fall for a vampire" I smiled at him.

"Because I'm charming" he smiled back pulling me into his embrace again, brushing his hands over my cheeks before pulling my face close to his where he placed a kiss on my forehead. "It'll all work out"

"I hope so" I replied with a heavy sigh laying my head against his chest. "I just wish things weren't so complicated between us all the time, I feel like we're always on opposite sides"

"We're not always on opposite sides" he argued caressing my cheek, his thumb brushing under my eyes.

"We're almost always fighting about something"

"That's not true" I sighed and chose not to argue since I just wasn't in the mood. "Can you tell me what you've been dreaming about?" he suddenly pressed and I frowned leaning back from him a little which he must've thought I was trying to leave as his arms wrapped tighter around me. "Soph-"

"You" I replied cutting him off.

"What?" his eyes scrunched up in confusion and I smiled a little as he'd even tilted his head in a very adorable fashion but it quickly fell.

"I have dreams about you being dead, of your body severed in half lying on a table and it scares the crap out of me"

"Soph that's-"

"Your all I have in this world Demetri and the thought of you not being apart of my life..." I felt the tears start and I hated crying in front of him but he didn't say anything about them and just brushed them away before he pulled me even closer to him with my head nestled into his shoulder.

"Hey I promise that I'll do everything within my power to make sure that I come home to you because wherever you are mi amore is my home"

"Your so unbelievably corny" I laughed wiping away the last of my tears.

"Only for you" he smiled, I rolled my eyes at him but he suddenly surprised me but getting up and disappearing at vampire speed before reappearing to pull me gently to my feet. "Come with me" he held up one of his peacoats for me to put on and my boots which I quickly slipped on before he grabbed my hand and started leading me out towards the gardens.

"Demetri what are we doing?" we stopped at the fountain.

"Did you know that this is where I first realized that I was in love with you" my eyes widened a little,


"Shh" he put his finger over my lips. "I know your worried about my duties but I want you to know that I will always come back to you because your not just my singer, my mate, my girlfriend...your my whole world and I want to spend the rest of my existence with you" he suddenly knelt down on one knee.

"Oh my god" my hand covered my mouth. "Demetri-"

"I love you Sophia Hart, so will you please marry me?" he grabbed my hand and placed a ring box into my palm before opening it and I saw the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen.

"Demetri, I don't know what to say"

"Say yes, agree to spend our lives together" I couldn't believe it, I had to be dreaming since there was no way that he was actually purposing right now...if he was could I say yes...would this mean he'd be willing to change me. "Sophia" my eyes met his again seeing him still kneeling in front of me.

"Demetri I'd love to say yes but-" he stood up holding my hands between us.

"I know it's a lot to ask-" it was my turn to cut him off my placing my finger over his lips.

"It's a huge ask and I love you but would you asking me this if you weren't about to go to war?" I asked feeling insecure wanting to know if he actually wanted to marry me or if he was just trying to placate me.

"It's not a war" he shrugged making me roll my eyes. "But yes, I've wanted to purpose to you from the moment I realized that I was in love with you and this ring has been burning a hole in my pocket for the past three months"

"Three months?" I asked actually surprised by that news.

"I am fully intending to return to you Sophia so I'm asking you to be my wife because I want to marry you, I want to share my existence with you" that admission had shocked the hell out of me.

"Yes" I breathed out barely getting the words out since I'd never thought I'd ever find someone that wanted to marry me and as soon as the word left my mouth I was swept up in his arms and spun around making me laugh as I hugged his neck to hold on before he placed me back on my feet and pulled the ring out of the box sliding it onto my left ring finger.

"We're eloping by the way" he laughed.

"Oh really?" I questioned raising my eye at him.

"Unless you want a proper wedding?"

"I'm kidding Demetri, all I care about is you and me"

"Then let's go, right now"

"Don't even think about it Demetri" we both turned surprised to find Chelsea standing there, a huge smile on her face before she hurried towards me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders...she was hugging me?

"What do you want Chelsea?" Demetri demanded pulling me away from the female vampire.

"You really think I'd let you run off and give Sophia a shotgun wedding, no freaking way" I couldn't help smiling listening to the two vampires bicker. "She deserves a wedding fit for a princess"

"Honestly Chelsea, we don't need or want a huge wedding" I sided with Demetri on this one since it wasn't like I had anyone to invite anyway.

"Too bad your getting one fit for the Volturi" she grabbed my hand and I was suddenly seeing blurred images before I found myself in a complete different room stumbling to catch my footing as she let me go locking the door just in time to stop Demetri's entry.

"Chelsea give her back" he banged on the door.

"You can have her back tonight, she and I have plans to make"


"Goodbye Demetri, I suggest to tell the ancients since you know Aro will be delighted to assist me in planning the most extravagant wedding this castle has ever seen" I heard Demetri's annoyed huff before I heard his footsteps leaving and my eyes widened actually surprised that he'd left me. "Now let's get started" she turned smiling at me, I sighed knowing there was no way out of this but I guess it wasn't so bad, having someone care enough to force Demetri and I into a proper wedding since who knows if that's the last memory I have of him and the others.   

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