Quirk: All for One (Fem Deku)...

By Ssgssv9

6.1K 120 58

Being the child of a hero comes with many different perks and downfalls. One such downfall is being forced in... More

Fall of the Salamander
Short-Lived Promise
Bridges are Burning

The Choice that Decides the Future

783 24 6
By Ssgssv9

The car ride to the police station was very awkward to say the least. Izuku wasn't handcuffed but Gran Torino sat in the back to make sure she didn't try anything. New rookie detective Tsukauchi drove them to the station, never having been in a situation like this before.

After a very long 8 minute drive the three arrived at the police station. Tsukauchi got out and opened the door for Gran Torino and Izuku. Gran Torino stepped and Izuku quickly stepped out afterwards, not bothering to wait for the adults.

"I don't like this. She's just a kid." Tsukauchi said.

"It's just some questioning. After that we find a orphanage for her and hope for the best." Gran Torino said.

"She doesn't have a dad?" Tsukauchi asked.

"No, no she doesn't." Gran Torino replied quickly, shutting down the converaation.

"I know her uncl-" Gran Torino walked off before Tsukauchi could finish her sentence. Izuku was sitting in a chair watching the news as some of the officers gave her some side eyes.

"Wow, mom and All Might did all that?" Izuku asked.

"Yes, those two are quite powerful. It's a good thing that the fight ended quickly." Gran Torino said.

"Well that's because my mom wiped the floor with you a few hours ago. And before that she had a awesome fight with Paragon so I'm not surprised she couldn't keep up." Izuku said.

"By awesome fight you mean?"

"I mean it was an awesome fight! I love Paragon and my mom is the strongest person I know. So when I saw them go at it I was just amazedd." Izuku said.

"And if your mom lost?" Gran Torino asked.

"Then she would have to go away for a long time." Izuku said. "But  that's ok because I could always visit if it happened."

"You seem super calm about the thought of your mom going to jail for life. Also your dad just passed, aren't you upset?" Gran Torino asked.

"Upset? No....No I'm not....upset. *sniff* I'm... a big girl. Dad said they might die...while *sniff* working....and...." Izuku ran away crying before Gran Torino could say anything else.

"Dick move dude, dick move." Tsukauchi said. "I know you don't like her mom, but she's 6. And reminding her that her dad died is really petty."

"I know, I know. I'm just upset that things have played out this way." Gran Torino said.

"I'm pretty sure all of Japan is but right now we can't take our anger out on the kid. She just acted impulsively and saved the one parent she had left, if I was her I would've done the same thing." Tsukauchi said.

"I know!" Gran Torino snapped.

"Sorry, I was out of line." Tsukauchi said.

"No, I was. I took my anger out on someone going through something 10x worse than me. Not to mention she's just a kid and she wasn't prepared for this type of thing, no matter what her parents told her." Gran Torino said.

"When did this place become a day care? Who brought the crying child!" A  female voice yelled. The men turned to see a woman in uniform, with brown hair and brown eyes, walking into the lobby.

"Oh, Cheif Nakami. We brought her ma'am." Tsukauchi said.

"Why?" Nakami asked.

"Were you not watching the news?" Tsukauchi asked.

"No, I was not. I was on break so I turned the Tv off in my office." Nakami said.

"Well I suggest you go watch it, it's easier to watch than to have us explain it." Tsukauchi said.

"Fine, but it better be good. And find that child, I don't want her hurting herself by touching something she shouldn't." Nakami said. 

"Yes Ma'am." Tsukauchi said. Nakami nodded and walked back into her office. Tsukauchi sighed and went towards the break room, hoping a cup of coffee could keep him awake during the night shift.

He what did not expect was to find Izuku sitting in front of the machine, wiping her tears while watching the machine pour the liquid into the cup.

"Hey, you making coffee?" Tsukauchi asked.

Izuku turned to the rookie and finished wiping her eyes."Oh, it's you. Yeah, this is the only thing cops drink apperently and I've heard it's quite helpful in staying awake." Izuku said.

"Well you've heard right. So, where'd you learn to make coffee?" Tsukauchi asked.

"My mom." Izuku said.

"Oh......mind if I try, I work the night shift and I need a pick-me-up." Tsukauchi said.

Izuku shrugged and handed him the cup. She then went and began to make herself another cup. The tired detective took a sip of the drink and was genually impressed.

"I guess with age comes coffee making skills." Tsukauchi said taking another sip.

"Dad always did love mom's coffee." Izuku said.

"Your dad sounds like a strong guy, having a kid and living with a villain. Is that fine, calling your mom a villain?" Tsukauchi asked.

"My mother calls herself a villain, it doesn't bother me." Izuku said.

"But is it what you want to here?" Tsukauchi asked. Izuku thought for a bit and shook her head no.

"Then, I won't call her one." Tsukauchi said. Izuku gained a tiny smile, grabbed her coffee and took a sip. All while Tsukauchi stared at her in amazement.

"What?" Izuku asked.

"You just stone faced a steaming hot cup of coffee." Tsukauchi said.

"Heat has never bothered me. That and i can't be burned." Izuku said.

"Would your father happen to be Hisashi Midoriya?" Tsukauchi asked.

"He is, you know him?" Izuku asked.

"I did. I was his best man at his wedding.......oh my god he married a vill- your mom" Tsukauchi said standing up. The pieces were now coming together, and he wanted to slap himself for not realizing earlier.

"Yeah, you aren't the first to have that reaction. This lady my dad took me to a while ago had the same face." Izuku giggled.

"Nana Shimura?" Tsukauchi asked. Izuku nodded and drank more of her coffee.

"She was super angry at my dad when she found out, but she didn't hate me for being born. Do you hate me?" Izuku asked.

"No, no I don't. I actually want to help you." Tsukauchi said.

"Help me how?" Izuku asked, going a bit on the defensive.

"I just need to ask you a few questions with my boss and some other people watching. You dont have to talk to them at all, it'll just me and you. I promise." Tsukauchi said.

"I want to trust you, but-"

"Way ahead of you." Tsukauchi said grabbing his phone. He scrolled through his gallery until he found the most recent picture of him and Hisashi and Paragon, the photo dating back to a few days ago.

"This was a few days ago. He told me that his niece was having a performance and wanted me and Nana to come. And.....oh my fucking god Hisashi you snake." Tsukauchi said handing her the phone.

"Finally putting it together huh. Well, I'm not his neice." Izuku said giving him the phone back.

"Yeah, I realize that." Tsukauchi said taking a sip of his coffee. Then Gran Torino's words hit him in the head, and then in the heart.

"Ok, I trust you." Izuku laughed sticking her hand out.

Tsukauchi forced a smile and led her to one if their questioning rooms. The two quickly made their way into the room, mostly so that Izuku wouldn't see who would be listening to the conversation. Said people being Gran Torino, Nighteye (just arrived), All Might, Trailblaze and Paragon (Video call from Hospital).

"So, what's your name?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Full? Izuku Kymyla Shigaraki." Izuku answered. Tsukauchi nodded and wrote that down.

In the hospital All Might clenched his fist and Inko placed her hand on her husband.

"You don't seemed that surprised Nana, are you feeling well?" Inko asked.

"I knew of the girl's existence. Hisashi told me the truth about his life the day of the show." Nana confessed.

"And you didn't arrest him? Why did you keep this secret?" All Might asked.

"You let your judgement of All For One cloud your judgement of Hisashi. He was still a hero and he was right behind me in the rankings. Though I didn't share his liking in All For One, we shared a friendship with each other." Nana said.

"How old are you?" Tsukauchi asked.

"I'm 6!" Izuku said proudly.

"You have a really great voice for a 6 year old. That, and you played the piano like a pro." Tsukauchi said.

"Thank you." Izuku giggled.

"You're welcome. This is the money question, what's your quirk?" Tsukauchi asked. Izuku hesitated for a bit while the spectating adults speculate.

"She used a warp gate during the raid so it shouldn't need that much thought." Gran Torino said.

"Now that I think about it, when she used it she looked like the man that answered the door during the sighting." Nighteye said.

"That's a very good point. Maybe an affair and Hisashi isn't the actual father?" Gran Torino said.

"I doubt it, he was aware already of her ability to warp so he knew about her quirk." Inko said.

"Well he's her dad, of course he knew the quirk." Nana said.

"My dad said I wasn't allowed to tell people my quirk." Izuku said.

"I understand. I'll just write unknown for that one." Tsukauchi said. The adults watching felt as though that was suspicious but they made no comments.

"You go to school?" Tsukauchi asked. Izuku nodded and said the name of her school.

"Where do you live?" Tsukauchi asked.

"My dad's house." Izuku said. Tsukauchi chuckled.

"Do you know your adress?"

"No." Izuku said.

"It's ok. I know where your dad lives." Tsukauchi said. A tear fell down his eye but he played it off with a yawn.

"Stay strong, cry when this is over." Tsukauchi told himself.

"Ok, any relatives?" Tsukauchi asked.

"No." Izuku answered. Tsukauchi wrote that down.

"Well, then that's about all the info I really need. It's late so I can take you to my apartment for the night and then well find a good place for you to go until a better situation is figured out."" Tsukauchi said.

"I can't go back with my mom, can I?" Izuku asked.

"Sorry kid, I don't make the rules." Tsukauchi said.

"No I get it, if the roles were reversed I would do the same thing." Izuku said.

"Life's the most unfair to those who are already down." Izuku and Tsukauchi both said.

"Your father's favorite quote. C'mon, I'll take you to *buzz*"

Tsukauchi felt his phone vibrate and went to open it. When he read the message he shrugged and hoped for the best.

"Change of plans, someone else volunteered to watch you. Don't worry you know them, I just hope that nothing comes from it." Tsukauchi said. "Come on, let's hurry before my boss finds another thing for the new guy to do."

Tsukauchi offered his hand to Izuku, which the small girl gladly took. They left the station, walked to his care station and he opened the back seat doors for her. Izuku got in and they began the drive to Musutafu General Hospital.

"Fair warning, some of the people at the hospital may not want you there. If they talk bad about you or your family, then you don't say anything and walk away." Tsukauchi said.

"Mmhmm." Izuku hummed.

"I'll escort you to the room and then drop you off. If anything happens then I'll be the first to know. Don't go off with anybody without their permission got it?" Tsukauchi said.

"Yup!" Izuku said. The two soon arrived at the hospital and Tsukauchi walked up to the front desk.

"We're here to visit Nana Shimura." Tsukauchi said.

"Be thankful we're doing this. Visitors aren't usually allowed this late." The receptionist said. "3rd floor, room 5."

"Thank you very much." Tsukauchi said. Izuku bowed and followed the rookie detective up the stairs. They didn't converse, both having their own thoughts running through their mind.

"Well, here we are. If you have a phone I can put my number in it. Just in case something happens and your mom isn't available."  Tsukauchi said.

"Thank you, for your kindness." Izuku said bowing.

"No, thank you, for the coffee." Tsukauchi joked. The two shared a laugh and Tsukauchi knocked on the door.

"Who else would visit at this time?" A familiar voice asked. Izuku's smile quickly disappeared as she tried to control her anger.

All Might opened the door and nearly slammed it closed. He however kept his composure and smiled his usual smile.

"Tsukauchi, what are you doing up at this hour?" Toshinori asked.

"Dropping of Izuku, Nana's request." Tsukauchi said.

"I see, well then you two can come in and-"

"Just her, I'm on the clock." Tsukauchi said. Nana waved at Izuku and the little girl quickly walked past the hero.

"Look Tsukauchi-"

"Were you going to tell me?" Tsukauchi asked. He was met with a sullen silence, his question receiving a disappointing answer.

No more words were shared as the rookie left, feeling betrayed and broken. Toshinori stood in the doorway in silence and Inko patted him on the back.

"Are you feeling ok?" Izuku asked.

"I'm doing fine, your mom did a real number on me. Hardest fight I've ever had." Nana said.

"But you did really good!" Izuku said.

"Thank you." Nana said. "How are you feeling?"

"Sad mostly." Izuku said. Nana, with some difficulty, picked Izuku up and placed her on her lap. The pro hugged the small child and allowed her to silently cry on her shoulder.

Inko and Toshinori were very uncomfortable. They didn't want to leave because they still had things they wanted to tell Nana but Izuku arriving had made things awkward. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Izuku to cry herself to sleep.

"I didn't know you had that relationship with her." Inko said.

"Oh? Hisashi was really content on keeping this one a secret. I myself found out on accident." Nana said.

"What do you mean?" Inko asked.

"I went to visit his house one day and the first thing I see when I walk in is this little one. For a while he had me think that this was his neice and that she's visiting. I found out the truth a few days ago." Nana said.

"Which is?"

"He was in fact married to All For One and they did have a kid together. She's always avoided me when were we in the same place and now I know why." Nana said.

"But she doesn't wear a mask, how you never make the connection?" Inko asked.

"Maybe it was a quirk she has, maybe it was me being naive. I honestly want to slap myself for not putting two and two together." Nana said.

"How'd you find out?" Inko asked.

"Izuku's group won audience voting so I went to congratulate her and talk to Hisashi. When I found them she's hugging him and saying 'thanks Daddy'. He turned white as a sheet when he saw me watching." Nana said.

"So, her quirk. Do you really not know?" Nana asked.

"I don't. Part of me thinks it is All For One with the way Hisashi didn't want anybody knowing." Nana admitted.

"So, what are we going to do with her?" Toshinori spoke up.

"We, there's nothing we can do. She has no family except the obvious and no one we know can or will take care of her. And All For One is bound to start looking for her again.

As a friend to Hisashi I want to return her to her mom but as a hero to this world I have to keep her away." Nana said.

"So she goes into the system?" Toshinori asked.

"Unfortunatly she has to. I'm able to but if my child or any family member of mine was raised by my sworn enemy I'd go mad." Nana said.

"I see, well then we'll let you have your rest. See you tomorrow." Inko said walking out.

Toshinori stood up to leave but he stopped in the doorway.

"How's Tenko?" Toshinori asked.

"He needs his space. He trained for years to be a hero and to keep people safe but today he took his first life. The dark side of being a hero is something most don't reach-"

"But is something the we all are near." Toshinori finished.

"I see not all of Torino's lessons left your brain." Nana said. "Now go, I need my rest and your sure as hell need yours."

"Goodnight Nana." Toshinori said.

"Goodnight Toshi." Nana responded. She hit a button on a nearby remote and the lights to her room slowly dimmed to dark. With one last smile to the sleeping Izuku, Nana closed her eyes as sleep overcame her.

The next couple days were very calm and simple. Izuku mostly stayed at Tsukauchi's apartment when he was off the clock, and when he was she went with Nana.

Everything was fine until the 4th day of Izuku's new arrangement.

"So your leaving the hospital in a few days?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, the doctors here were super great." Nana said. "Healed me up in a later of days."

"That's really good. After fights with my mom it usually takes you weeks to recover." Izuku said.

"How do you know?" Nana said.

"Well you fight my mom, then return to actions 2-3 months later. It's happened 3 times now I believe." Izuku said.

"Our fights are usaully in secret, this was the first time we had a public fight." Nana said.

"Oh she talks about you a lot. She may not like you but she respects you a lot." Izuku said.

"She does? Well, I guess you can respect those you dislike." Nana said. "Honestly, when she's been taking care of Hisashi and you, I guess I have some respect for her, not a lot but some."

"Well that's good enough for me." Izuku said with a smile. Nana smiled back and you could swear their smiles were brighter than the lights in the room.

A knock on the door placed their attention away from their little smile competition.

"Come in." Nana said.

"Sorry to interrupt but you've gotten more mail. Not a lot, only two letters." A nurse said walking in and handing the letters to Nana.

"Thank you." Nana said. The nurse bowed and left the room, leaving the ladies by themselves again. The first letter was white and simple, with neat cursive on the front. The second was a red letter, with neat but big hand writing. She recognized the owner and almost shed a tear.

"Fanmail?" Izuku asked.

"We'll see." Nana said opening the first letter. It was strange as the words "Read First" were written on it, causing her to assume they came together.

Her eyes went wide as she read the first few words on the paper.

"I know you have my daughter."

3 Days Later
A Court House in Musutafu

"So I shall ask one final time because I want to make no errors in judgement." The judge said.

"The girl's father passed away and her mother is unfit to take care of her. She has no relatives and is 6 years old. Her quirk is unknown but theres been reports on usage and no orphanages have volunteered to take her. Am I correct?" The judge asked.

"Yes your Honor." A man in a black suit, a representative of Madoshin Boarding and Youth Reforming Academy said.

It's technically a boarding school but in recent years it's become more of a correction facility. Strict rules, rotten kids and uncaring adults. They figured if they could get a child associated with a villain who could fight All Might then they could get more recognition.

Izuku sat down almost in tears with what's to come. She'd seem pictures of the place they're trying to send her and it completely scared her. Sadly she had no one to help change this-

"Your Honor, I volunteer to take in the child." Nana said standing up. All eyes turned to her with each person showing a look of shock, especially her friends.

"Your Honor,  she was recently released from the hospital the the drugs are making her speak before she thinks." Toshinori said. Then he went to a whisper. "Nana sit down."

"I even have a letter from her father offering me custody in case of his passing." Nana said pulling out a letter from her dress pocket. The security officer walked up to Nana and was given the letter. He walked back and handed it to the judge.

"Nana, what the hell are you doing!" Gran Torino whispered. But she didn't answer, she was too busy watching the judge read the letter to herself. She quietly finished and folded the letter again.

"Please give this back to Ms. Shimura." The Judge said.

"Ms. Shimura I am sorry for your loss. Mr. Midoriya was a great hero and even greater friend and this letter shows that your friendship was held to great value." The judge said.

"It was your honor." Nana said.

"I hope his trust and respect has been well placed. Full Custody
of Izuku Shigaraki awarded to Ms. Nana Shimura. *bang* *bang* Case dismissed." The judge said.

"Wait, what happened? I don't get it." Izuku said.

"Izuku, Ms. Shimura is going to be taking care of you from now until you turn 18. Like an adoption." The judge said.

"So I'm not going with the scary men in the ugly suits?" Izuku asked.

"No." The judge laughed. Then Nana walked up to Izuku and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It took a few days to think about the decision but I want to make sure that Hisashi's legacy is remembered and honored appropriately." Nana said.

"I can also help you train that quirk of yours." Nana said. Izuku couldn't hold the tears as she hugged Nana.

"Ah! Shes gonna flood the courtroom." The judge said jumping back. Nana laughed and picked Izuku up while saying thank you to the judge one last time. She walked Izuku out, oblivious to the angry stares she was getting from both sides of the courtroom.


"Dreyar! Where are you?" Ms. Marvel asked.

"We have a new mission. Hurry up before we spilt the money 4 ways." Mr. Fullbuster yelled.

"Alright I'm coming." Mr. Dreyar said walking out of the Dragon Chart room.

"You've been spending a lot of time in there. Why, miss your rival?" Ms. Lockheer asked.

"Not the reason. Go see for yourself." Mr. Dreyar said.

The 4 Dragon Slayer walked in the room, not seeing anything weird or important.

"No way." Ms. Redfox said. Everyone else looked at where she was looking and mixed emotions were given.

Ms. Redfox wanted cry tears of happiness, Mr. Fullbuster was about to throw a fit of rage, Ms. Lockser was pretty calm and Ms. Marvel was annoyed.

"How long have you know?" Ms. Marvel asked.

"Almost two weeks. Came back the day after Hisashi's death and saw the Black fairy. Been monitoring it to make sure that it's not a fluke.

"And you didn't think this was important to share?" Mr. Fullbuster asked.

"No, he's  the Lost Fairy. What he did after his banishment was no longer any of our concern. He had a kid or he passed it down to someone he deemed worthy." Mr. Dreyar said walking away. "Hurry up before I do the mission myself."

"So, what do we do about the new Dragon Slayer?" Ms. Lockser asked.

"Inform Master Makarov. We need to find this new Slayer." Ms. Marvel said.

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