Reborn as a Stranger

By brown_eyes_5

54K 3.6K 316

To Zhan, the word love don't go well with him. He can't even love himself so how can he love anyone else? His... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Wei Family
Lan Family
Chapter 10
Happy New Year
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Jades of the Hearts Award - 2021

Chapter 28

668 51 10
By brown_eyes_5

(Picture 👆 Cr. to the owner)

The days at Yiling Kingdom went on happily. Wei Ying got Lan sisters as his partners and they played pranks on his brothers and Lan Zhan frequently.

Despite being princesses and giving off the aura of refined ladies, the Lan sisters were really playful. Along with Wei Ying they behaved impishly but not in a harmful way.

He spend most of his time with Lan Zhan. He  accompanied Lan Zhan to practice sword and martial arts. Sometimes they were in library reading books or playing music. Lan Zhan had profound knowledge in music too. Wei Ying only used his flute to contribute to the melody.

Their days were harmonious. The feelings they concealed under the pretense of friendship became prominent as the days goes by. But both had never got the chance to confess or in other words they couldn't muster up the courage to do that.

One morning, Wei Ying got up early and went to find Lan Zhan. They had planned the other night to go on an adventurous trip with the brothers. 

He skipped and hummed a tune along the way. He didn't have to go further when Lan Zhan himself came towards him.

Wei Ying smiled brightly seeing him. "Did you sleep well? Were you looking forward to this trip with my brothers?" He didn't give any time for Lan Zhan to respond and continued. " Let me tell you in advance, my brothers are the best company one can get when they wants to be reckless. They're really fearless, buoyant, and flamboyant when they are impulsive."

"Who are you calling impulsive?" Someone asked from behind him.

He turned around and greeted his brothers enthusiastically. "Gēgēmen you are finally here. I thought i had to call my sisters to wake you guys up." He smiled slyly.

"Consider themselves lucky to wake before we notice. Or else we could have made it an unforgettable experience." Lan Qian said a little disappointed. The Lan sisters had a small bag in each of their hands.

"Ay, si Jie... What is that you gave to my brothers?" Wei Ying tried to snatch one bag from Wei Yixing but failed to do so.

"It's some snacks. We couldn't prepare more because it will be a lot to carry around" Lan Liying said.

"Then where is Lan Zhan's and mine?" 

"Ah...We forgot...." Lan Jingyi looked at her sisters and turned to look at Wei Ying. "you should have found yourself someone so that you would also have a bag of snacks in your hands now."

" You boys only know how to spend time on playing with your swords that you forgot other important things. How pitiful..." Lan Qin also quipped in.

Wei Ying's mind was long gone to wander around when he heard the words 'someone'. 

Did Lan Zhan need someone who can prepare food and snacks for him and do house chores as a partner? In that case, he lost before he could begin to court him. He is really pitiful.

Lan Zhan couldn't bear it any longer. "I'll prepare something for us."

"No need. We were teasing you." Saying that Lan  Liying take out two extra bags and gave it to them. "Do you think your sisters is that heartless to let you starve? You boys can't even go for half a day without munching on anything."

"Thank you da jie. We will eat well." Wei Ying said and waved.

The brothers and Lan Zhan left the palace.

As cultivators they can use their swords as a means of travel. But they chose to walk so that they can enjoy the journey and look around well. Even though they were faster than normal humans.

It didn't take them long to leave the city and they   traveled through the village. They were disguised as ordinary people. Yet the powerful and dazzling aura around them couldn't conceal under their disguise.

At evening they found an inn to rest for a while.

"Do you know why we are travelling far this time?" Once they settled in, Wei Yifeng probed.

"Isn't it for gaining knowledge and experience?" Wei Ying carelessly tossed his answer.

Wei Yifan bonked his head with a scroll.

"Da ge, er ge hit me." Wei Ying complained.

They went back on to the topic much to Wei Ying's disappointment. He wanted to cure his fatigue through fake fighting with his brothers.

"We are not going for fun. In fact we're going to the border village of Gusu land." Wei Yifeng said and glanced at Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying. "Why sudden?"

Wei Yang sighed. "We heard from an informant talking to our father. The situation in Gusu is not that better. Father wants to help the King but a direct confrontation will lead to an inevitable war which will put the people in danger. So we thought at least we should go and analyse the state in there."

Lan Zhan was silent. His face devoid of any emotions but his clenched fists give away his state of mind. Wei Ying noticed it but didn't say anything aloud.

"It won't be that extreme. If anything aren't we enough to hold on for a while?" Wei Ying tried to lighten the atmosphere. "Come, we should rest. We have to wake up early tomorrow." Saying that he went to a bed and lay down.

The others looked at his direction. Wei Yifeng shook his head with a slight smile and told everyone to go back to their rooms And rest. Lan Zhan and Wei Ying shared one room.

When everyone dispersed, Wei Ying turned to look at Lan Zhan who didn't make a sound all this while.

He sat up. He saw a lone figure standing by the open window and looking outside. The dim light reflected on his profile. His face showing a rare moment of helplessness. The emotions suppressed in his heart boiled up wanting to let out. He made his heart steady with difficulty.

"Lan Zhan" Wei Ying softly called out.

Lan Zhan turned his face to look at him. "Mmm"

Wei Ying slowly got up and went to his side. "There's this much a person can do. You are already working hard to get stronger. You are already strong enough. And the ones against us maybe stronger but they don't have what we have." He paused for a moment and continued. "They don't have a heart. But we have. I'm not good with words but remember i'll always be by your side. I won't ever leave you alone. We will fight through together. You can save your people. Look, my brothers are all in it too. They're worried about you and they only want the best for you. So don't think you are alone in this fight. We will definitely win."

The confidence in his voice made Lan Zhan feel warm. His heart felt the warmth that he is given by the Wei brothers. Especially Wei Ying. Just by staying by his side, he already given him enough courage and warmth. The gentle but confident look in his eyes when he said all those saved in his heart and comforted his worries a little.

He is not alone. He will get through everything. He will fight for it. He has Wei Ying....

This thoughts calmed him down. His mouth curved slightly to reveal a small smile.

"Mmm. I'll be with you too forever." He said.

Wei Ying felt the words seems somewhat romantic. A rare shy expression crossed his face tinting his cheeks a soft pink.

He cleared his throat and said without looking at Lan Zhan. "We should sleep. It's late."

Lan Zhan. "Mmm." He stared a moment longer at Wei Ying before he went to his bed.

The dim light doused. In the darkness of the room two hearts beat in same rhythm.

Maybe the feelings never conveyed aloud but the actions proved that their hearts are in same wavelength. It may only take a spark to let them let out the surging emotions they suppressing deep inside for each other.

The next morning everyone got up early and finished their breakfast before starting their journey.

They passed mountains, forests and populated places. They rested when they felt, they ate when hungry, they played when they felt down.

It's been four and a half days Since they left the palace. They were in a forest at the border of Gusu land that time and it may take long to get to an inhabited place. So they decided to stay there somewhere.

They found a clearing near a lake. Each one of them took a role and went to do their jobs. One went to fetch fire woods, two of them went to catch fish, two others went to hunt animals. Wei Ying left behind.

He saw Lan Zhan didn't go and standing there looking pale. The concerned Wei Ying ran towards him.

"Lan Zhan, are you not feeling well?"

"I'm fine." Though he said that he couldn't conceal the light sheen of sweat formed on his forehead.

Wei Ying got closer to him. Noticing the presence Lan Zhan avoided him like he was burnt just by his breathe.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Wei Ying got anxious. "Look at me Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan got paler by the minute passing by. The veins on his pale forehead and hands became prominent. His lips turned grey. He looked sickly.

His panting became more erratic. ".... Don't" He took a lot of effort to utter. ".... Don't get close to me."

Wei Ying's eyes widened and he stood there in stupor. But he reacted fast and took out a small bottle from his bag that he carefully brought.

The medicinal portion is already good to have. So he brought it with him in case of emergency. He didn't know it would come in handy this early.

He extended the bottle to his hand. "Drink this".

Lan Zhan glanced at it. A look of confusion in his eyes. "... What.." He couldn't continue but Wei Ying knew what he is asking. "It's a medicine. Drink this and you will get better."

Lan Zhan looked reluctant. "... It's no use."

Wei Ying tried to touch his arm but he still avoided him. "How do you know it won't be any use without drinking it? Here, have this and you will be fine."

Lan Zhan didn't say anything and only turned his head around stubbornly. But that action made him stagger a bit.

Wei Ying sighed. "Lan Zhan, i'm sorry." Saying that he pressed the defenseless Lan Zhan into a tree with his body and hold his hand tightly. Before Lan Zhan could use his other hand, he tilted the bottle on his mouth and the contents flowed through to his throat.

Lan Zhan was in a daze. He caught off guard there when Wei Ying pressed him with his body. He took advantage of that moment to make him drink that medicine.

When he snapped out it, Wei Ying had already succeeded in his mission. That when he got a taste of the medicine which left lingering tastes on his tongue.

It was sour. But sweet. Something in it gave him a sudden burst of energy. It calmed his head and hunger. It helped him to control his body. He felt the discomfort slowly leaving his body. "What was that?"

Wei Ying scratched the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly. "It's something i made. How are you feeling now?"

"You made?" Lan Zhan gazed at him in awe.

"Yeah. When you were away for cultivation, i thought a lot of ways to help you. It's just a small purpose medicine i found and prepared." Wei Ying shyly said.

He didn't know why he felt shy when saying that.

"What did you use?" Lan Zhan had his doubts and wanted to confirm it.

That question stumped Wei Ying. "... Ha ha... Ummm... Please don't be angry...." He looked apologetically into his eyes. "I used a bit of my blood when making it."

Silence enveloped them. Wei Ying felt anxious the more the time passed. Lan Zhan stood there staring at him.

"Why?" After a long moment which felt like eternity, Lan Zhan asked. His voice hoarse and heavy.

Wei Ying also felt guilty after his actions. He thought he could make Lan Zhan accept the truth but when it came to reality he felt he did something utterly terrible to him.

The corner of his eyes became red and he spoke slowly in a low voice. "I'm sorry.... I wanted to help you but i don't know how. I know you despise drinking human blood. Yet i tricked you to drink it. I wanted to help you to overcome your urges. As long as you willing i'm happy to be of some help even if it's giving you my blood. If i have to i will give you my life too." He said all that in one breath and tightly shut his eyes not want to see the look in Lan Zhan's eyes.

He felt a strong pair arms embracing him and pressing him to a hard chest. The rapid beating of heart echoed in his ears like it's his own. Wei Ying slowly raised his head and searched Lan Zhan's face to know what he is thinking.

".... Thank you." Lan Zhan whispered into his ear.

It was only a simple two words but that spoke volumes of the feelings that he hid in his heart. He tightened his arms around him. "Thank you for thinking about me... Thank you for wanting to help me. Thank you for saying that you are willing to throw away your life for me."

He raised his head and caught Wei Ying's chin in  his hand. He gazed straight to his eyes. " I know i'm not strong and may not be apt for you, but i will try to be better and be a good match for you. I know i have my own short comings but if you are willing to wait for me i'll achieve what it takes to protect you from everything and everyone in the world."

Wei Ying felt his eyes grew hotter. How did they end up in a situation where they going to confess to each other? But he knew sooner or later he will end up baring his heart out for him.

".... Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying choked out. But Lan Zhan put a finger on his lips to shush him.

"Let me continue. It's the first time in my life i spoke this much. I want to tell you a lot more."  He took a deep breath to calm the emotions that surged up. "I didn't know i'll be able to like someone like this. All i know is i like you... No... I love you..."

That confession made Wei Ying cry out of happiness. He smiled through his tears and said. " Lan Zhan, i didn't know you will be this straight forward when confessing..." He wiped his tears and smiled brightly. He put his palms on each side of Lan Zhan's face and stared into his eyes. "I love you too"

They stared into each others eyes. Lan Zhan relaxed and his lips curved up into a smile that reached his eyes. "We may face difficulties, prejudice and disapproval. Are you willing to go through all that with me?"

Wei Ying laughed out. "Ay Lan Zhan... We just confessed. Why are you turning it into a marriage proposal?"

"Don't you want to marry me?" Lan Zhan countered.

Wei Ying stood flabbergasted. Then he smiled and said. "I do want to. And yes, i'm willing to go through anything if it's with you. You can't get rid of me anymore." He playfully poked his finger on Lan Zhan's right cheek.

"I won't. And you can't also leave me." Lan Zhan stated.

Wei Ying felt like they are turning to child like the more they talked. He was amused seeing this side of Lan Zhan.

Despite being promised the same he still didn't felt annoyed and coaxed him. "I won't i won't...." Suddenly he remembered something and looked  out. " Oh... Lan Zhan, brothers are going to be here soon. We didn't fetch any fire wood."

That was when Lan Zhan remembered his original purpose. "I'll go now."

"I'm coming with you."

Lan Zhan coaxed his lover. "You don't have to. You should rest a bit. I'll be back soon."

Wei Ying reluctantly agreed and went to sit on the shade. Lan Zhan entered into the forest.

He thought back to what happened just a moment ago. He let out a relieved sigh and smiled shyly. Lan Zhan is his lover. Thinking about it made his heart feel dancing around his inside. It was just a simple sudden confession. But even without the confession they knew that they're important to each other.

It was just a confirmation that said aloud. In their hearts they already confirmed each other as their soulmate. All it took a few words to give a title to their relationship. They knew that they won't leave each other and wanted to spend an eternity together.

How good it will be to live together with the one they love....His thoughts wandered around a far future where he and Lan Zhan will be together forever.

A long time passed. All that excitement about confessing calmed down a little.

Waiting for his brothers and Lan Zhan he got bored. He looked around casually finally seeing something intriguing.

He went to check what is it. In the ground under the tree had a complex array drawn. The tree had shapes making it look like a totem.

Wei Ying carefully inspected it. He didn't carelessly touch anything and studied from a bit far.

To look at it more closely he took two steps in and triggered something. The next moment the array opened and he fall down.

The moment he fell down, the ground closed on the surface and the array vanished. The totem on the tree also disappeared. Like nothing was there to begin with.



It's been a while.... I was busy with exams and all.

Oh and i got engaged. And that was in between my exams too. Because of this pandemic we already postponed it for a long time. It was really a hectic time.

After everything, i got lazy and wanted to rest for a bit without thinking anything. I really was a couch potato these days. The rain and cold atmosphere made me want to sleep and sleep more 😁

So i wrote a long chapter this time. Hope i got everything in line with the previous chapters 😇


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