Aftermath - A Tom Parker Fanf...

By teamdimplez

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Ah, the married life. Tom and Delilah realize it's not peachy all the time as they expected. Through the pain... More

Chapter 1 - Side-Tracked Creep
Chapter 2 - The Dinner Rehearsal
Chapter 3 - The Wedding
Part 1
Chapter 1 - She Knows
Chapter 3 - Tease
Chapter 4 - #PregnantGirlProbz
Chapter 5 - Presents?
Chapter 6 - Revenge
Chapter 7 - Secrets & Regrets

Chapter 2 - Rumor Has It

226 1 2
By teamdimplez

picture of Taylor to thee right (:

Delilah's POV:

I groaned and rolled over to turn off my alarm. I dropped my head back to my pillow and sighed. I turned my head slightly to look over at Tom and he was already looking at me. His eyes were half open; he looked exhausted. "Do you have to go to work today?" he mumbled. I half smiled at him and crawled out of bed. "Yes. I do," I replied, "We made a deal Tom."

Tom mumbled something, not loud enough for me to hear as I walked over to the closet. I finally got all of my clothes into my room and no longer had to tip-toe downstairs and accidentally wake up Taylor. "Go back to sleep babe, I'm going to shower," I said opening the bathroom door. I looked over my shoulder and saw Tom laying down comfortably in bed, and I smiled.

I was just finishing up flat ironing my hair when the door opened and Tom walked in, still half asleep. "Sure, you can take a piss while I do my make up, that's okay Tom." I said sarcastically. Tom shrugged, kissed my cheek, and returned to his usual spot in bed. I finished up my make up, walked into the bedroom and looked in the mirror. I picked out a heather grey pencil skirt, stopping right at my knee; a dark grey v-neck, with a little sparkle to it; white blazer; and black shiny pumps. I turned to side and my mouth made a perfect "O" shape. My baby bump seemed more noticeable than I thought it would be.

I jumped slightly when I felt Tom's hand on my waist; and I met his gaze in the mirror. "You're getting a little bump." Tom said smiling. I smiled and put my hands over his as he kissed the top of my head. "I better get going, I don't want to be late," I said turning around. Tom sighed and frowned slightly, "Can I take you out for lunch?" he asked. "I'll let you know when I'm on my break," I said smiling. Tom smiled and kissed me, but a soft kiss; yet long. "Be careful, alright?" Tom whispered. I nodded, "I love you."  "I love you too Dels. Call me when you want me to get you for lunch," Tom said. I nodded once more and kissed his cheek before walking into the hall.

I held the rail as I walked downstairs, which I don't normally do. I'm so used to having Tom or Max, or Siva holding my hand, or leaving a hand on my waist to make sure I was okay. I wasn't going to have that today, and I wish I did. I checked the time on my phone once I reached the bottom step; twenty after five. Looks like I'll be on time today. Maybe even early.

"Where are you going?"

I gasped and turned around as I grabbed my keys. "Damn it Max, you scared me!" I said holding my hand to my chest. He smiled and took a single step forward, "Didn't mean to, sorry Dels," he said. "It's fine," I said walking towards the door, "And I'm on my way to work. If you don't mind, I don't want to be late my first day back." Max opened the door for me and held out his hand, "See you at six. And be careful." he said. I smiled and took a step outside, "I'll be fine." Max's smile disappeared and he furrowed his brow slightly, taking a step closer to me so our bodies were almost touching. "I'm serious Delilah.. Be careful," he kissed my forehead and retreated inside, closing the door and leaving me on the step alone. I sighed and turned around walking towards my car. Today should be interesting Delilah...

After I stopped at Starbucks as I always did, I headed to CHI Records. I didn't get my usual parking spot, but one closer so I didn't complain. I searched my purse for my I.D to get past security and I slowly made my way outside. As soon as I opened my door, I regretted not bringing a thicker jacket. I shivered and held onto the front of my blazer as I walked quickly towards the door, only to be stopped by Michael. Today he was in a gray suit, his short orange-blond hair spiky and messy as always. Tall and skinny, like Jacob. But shorter and skinnier. "Finally decided to show up for work today, huh?" he smirked and walked along beside me. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too. I'm good, thanks for asking," I said as he opened the door and let us both in. We showed security our I.D.'s without stopping and proceeded to the elevators. "Heard you're pregnant," He said. "You heard right," I said stepping into the empty elevator. "I know, I could tell." he said looking down at my waist. "You could tell I've gained weight?" I asked surprised. Michael nodded, "That, and you've been gone two weeks and Liam hasn't complained." I laughed lightly and nodded, "Is he a mess?" I asked. "No, but his desk and your desk is." Michael said as the elevator dinged open. "Great," I sighed, "Well I'll see you later." Michael saluted me and headed the opposite direction.

I walked down the hall to my small office and saw Michael was right. Papers and sticky notes were everywhere; It was like Office Depot vomited all over my desk. I knocked on the glass door and Liam waved me in. He stood up as soon as I opened the door. "Is that your little mess out there?" I asked. Liam ignored my question and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're back, you have no idea," Liam said. I patted his back and he let go of me, straightening up his suit jacket. "So what have I missed?" I asked; understanding that we never speak of this hug again. "Mac Miller. That's it. He'll be in here again today at 2:30, I believe," Liam said. I nodded, "Great, so what's with all the sticky notes?" "I couldn't remember everything, so I wrote it down. I just forgot to throw it all away." "But I can throw all of it away, right?' I asked. Liam nodded, "Everything's back to normal now." I smiled and turned around to straighten up my desk. "And congratulations. You look good." I paused and smiled to myself before walking out to my desk.

It was just barely seven in the morning when I finished cleaning up my desk. I sat down in my chair and fired up my computer. As it was loading, I looked over at the picture of the boys and I. I smiled to myself and sighed. I missed them. I didn't want to be here; working, filing papers, making and taking phone calls.. I wanted to be in sweats, at home relaxing with my husband. At this rate, I won't even last the rest of the week before quitting.

"Hey, look who's back!"

I looked up and saw Brian standing in front of my desk, a smile on his face. He was in a black suit, but a vest instead of a jacket. His dark black hair perfect as it always was. He took a step closer and brought out a big gold box with a matching sparkly bow from behind his back. "I forgot to congratulate you," he said leaning on my desk. I smiled and grabbed the box. "For what, exactly?" I asked before untying the bow.

"Getting married and the baby, obviously." Brian said matter-o-factly. I studied him for moment and he raised his eyebrows at me. "Aren't you going to open it?" he asked. "Right," I nodded as I untied the bow. I glanced up at him before taking the lid off, and he waved his hand, waiting for me to proceed. I smiled and opened the box. Inside was a bottle of very expensive wine, two glasses, and a gift card to some fancy, French restaurant. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth, "Oh my gosh, Brian..." I looked back up at him and he smiled. "I bought it before I found out you were pregnant, sorry about the wine," Brian said. I shook my head, "No it's alright," I said still staring at the gift card, "Thank you so much." I stood up and walked around to give him a hug. "You're welcome," Brian smiled and walked out, closing the glass door behind him.

I sat back down, putting my gift away in my desk for now. I picked up my cellphone and called Tom, almost certain he wouldn't answer.

"Wow, you answered. Remind me to give you something special," I said sarcastically. I could imagine Tom rolling his eyes at me.

"Ha ha," he said dully, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to let you know I'll be taking lunch at 12:30 today."

"Okay, I'll be there ten minutes before."

"Okay, just come up to my floor, you know where to find me."

"Yeah, see you then. Love you."

"Love you too Tom. Bye."

I set my phone back down and checked the paperwork Jessica had done while I was gone. Liam was right, not much had happened. Which made me happy, I didn't want to miss anything important. I sighed and looked at the calendar. Today, I would be on the phone a lot..



Tom's POV:

After my shower, I walked downstairs and looked through the cupboards for breakfast. This was another reason I didn't like Delilah working- No more good breakfast. Just cereal and more cereal. Maybe I was selfish, but I miss her. And I'm going to have Siva help me convince her to quit.

"What time is it mate?" Max asked and opened the refrigerator.

"Eleven," I said looking at my phone.

"Seven more hours.." Max groaned.

"For what?"  I said putting my dishes in the sink.

"Until Delilah gets home and I beg her to quit working," Max said, sounding as if I was an idiot for not realizing.

"You and me both," I sighed, "I miss eating good food."

"Oh, am I not a good cook?" Taylor asked walking in.

"No, you are. But you aren't here all the time either," Max said.

I nodded in agreement, "You're either gone in the morning or the evening. Sometimes both."

"I know," Taylor said as her smile disappeared, "I miss Delilah being around. She was so much fun when you guys were gone. No offense."

"Well I'm taking her out to lunch today.." I said.

"Convince her. Please," Taylor said.

"I'll say something, but you both have to help too." I said.

Max and Taylor nodded and I walked to living room.



Delilah's POV:

"Yes, I understand how busy you are but- Wait! I don't have time to be put on hold!" I groaned and rested my head on my desk.

I sat up and pressed the button on my little intercom. "What's up Liam?" I said as cheerfully as I could.

"It's not Liam, it's Jr. You expecting someone?" he said.

I looked at the time- 12:20. "Send him up!" I replied and hung up.

I locked my computer and walked two yards to Liam's office. "I'm going for lunch," I said putting half of my body through the door. "Alright, I'll call you if I need anything," Liam said not taking his eyes off his desk. I nodded and walked back to my office. I smiled as I opened the door and Tom turned around in my chair. "Ready?" he grinned. I shut my screen off and grabbed my purse. "Let's go." I said grabbing his hand.

"Your car or mine?" I asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"Mine, duhh," Tom replied.

"Oh yeah, you hate my car, right.." I said smiling.

"I don't hate it... I just don't like it," Tom replied.

Tom kept his arm around my waist as we walked towards the door; his grip was firm and protective, which I liked. He led me to his badly parked car, and opened the door before walking around to the driver seat. He kept one hand on the wheel, the other in my hand.

"Where are we going for lunch?" I asked curiously.

"McDonald's," Tom answered, keeping his eyes on the road.

I laughed and shook my head, trying to figure out if he was joking or not.

"Delilah?" Tom said looking at me quickly.

"Yeah Tom?" I said.

"Why do you want to keep working so badly?" he asked.

I bit my lip, trying to figure out how to answer. I don't like working anymore. I wanted to be home with the boys, eating our poor souls out. "I...I don't know Tom," I finally managed to say, "I don't have a good reason anymore."

"So you Are going to quit?" Tom asked, trying to hide smile.

"I want to at the end of the week, yeah." I said.

Tom grinned from ear to ear, "I knew you would," he said.

"Yeah, yeah, just get me my food." I said winking at him.

Tom laughed pulled into the drive through of a McDonald's. I guess he really wasn't joking. After ordering what seemed like everything on the menu, we got our food and drove to a nearby park.

We sat at a small faded white, wooden picnic table and pulled out our food. We finished everything but our ice cream before we started talking.

"So...." I said running my fingers through my hair, "Did you tweet about the baby?"

"Yeah, I did this morning," Tom said rubbing the back of his head, "have you?"

"Well no, I don't know what to say. I can't just come out and say 'Hey guys, I'm fifteen weeks pregnant but Tom didn't know until two days before our wedding!'" I said before eating more of my ice cream.

Tom laughed lightly and knotted his long fingers between mine, "That's what I tweeted," he said.

My eyes widened and I looked at him speechless.

"I'm just kidding! I didn't do that, I swear!" Tom said holding up his hands defensively.

I squinted my eyes and pulled up twitter on my phone, searching quickly for his tweet.

"@TomTheWanted: In case you didn't catch it earlier, @LittleRed and I are expecting a baby !! The rumors are true this time X"

"Tom, what if people think you married me just because I'm pregnant?" I said worried.

Tom stopped walking and gave me a hug, "Don't worry about it. We both know that's not why I married you. I love you Delilah," he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and blinked away the tears that formed as Tom rubbed my back. "I love you too Tom," I said into his shoulder.

"I guess I need to take you back now, yeah?" Tom said loosening his grip.

"Yeah, I suppose," I sighed.

Tom half-smiled and kissed my cheek as he returned his hand to mine, and we walked back to the car.


Tom dropped me off right in front of the stairs and I slowly made my way back inside. It was barely 1:40 when I got back to my office and I groaned. Today is going by so slow, I might die.

I sat down on the leather loveseat and took off my heels, leaving them on the couch along with my purse. I stood up and took off my blazer, laying it across my purse and I sat behind my desk. I pulled out my phone once again as I waited for my desktop to load, staring at the tweet on my screen.

@LittleRed: Yes, it's true.. ! @TomTheWanted and I are expecting a little Parker! (: "

I really wanted to look through my mentions, but I had phone calls and other boring things to do before this Mac Miller guy got here.

"Delilah, can you please come to my office, thanks." Liam's voice said through my little desk intercom. I sighed and pushed my chair away from my desk, standing up to grab my heels. I put my blazer back on and looked in the mirror. I diidn't look to great, I looked tired. I tried to improve my appearance, not wanting to scare anybody, and made the fifteen second walk to Liam's spacious office.

I opened the glass door and saw Liam standing there with two other men. One was in a suit, and the other in black baggy jeans, a black shirt and hoody, and bright red shoes. This must be Mac Miller..

"Delilah," Liam smiled, "I'd like you to meet Mac Miller and Benjy Grinberg, the owner and founder of Rostrum Records."

I smiled and shook their hands, "It's very nice to meet you both, I'm Delilah," I said.

"While you're recording with us, Delilah will be at your service helping you with whatever you need." Liam said, "If you have any questions, you can ask her."

I stared at Liam and faked a smile, "Yes, I'm here everday until six," I said switching my attention to Mac and Benjy.

"Cool, thanks," Mac said, "Could we see the studio now?"

"Delilah, please show Mac where the studio is while I talk with Mr. Grinberg," Liam said.

"Of course," I said still smiling, "Follow me Mac."

"My pleasure," he replied with a soft smile.

"Can I get your anything? Water, soda, food.." I asked.

"Water is fine, thank you," Mac said taking a seat in one of the red plastic chairs.

I silently took a seat across from him, waiting..

"So how did you get involved in the music business?" Mac asked me.

"I'm not really involved.." I said smiling slightly, "I saw the job and took it."

"So you don't have any musical interest or talent?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"I never said that," I said crossing my arms.

"Then prove me wrong."

I relaxed and sighed, "I graduated top of my class from Manhattan School of Music in September. I play piano, guitar, trumpet, and I sing. My brother, Siva, is in a famous British-Irish boyband called 'The Wanted' and so is my husband, Tom. Two of my other brothers also sing and one is a model, Siva is a former model. Siva plays guitar and so does my husband. I guess you could say I am a little involved in the music industry."

Mac stared at me for a moment before replying, "Not really involved in music, huh?" he smirked.

I laughed and shook my head, "Okay, so I am a little."

Mac smiled and stood up, "Guess we should get to the studio."

I stood up and walked towards the hall, waiting for Mac to follow me to the elevators.

"Do you play any instruments?" I asked attempting to make conversation.

 "Piano, guitar, drums, and bass; aside from composing and writing songs." Mac said staring at the doors.

I nodded, "Impressive. I've never heard your music before though," I admitted.

"You're going to right now," Mac said as the doors opened.

I stepped out of the elevator, taking a right, down the hall to Studio C. The walls were bright red, and the floor a dark burgundy, patterned carpet. Through the door was the sound system, and through the other door was the studio.

"I assume you've been in a studio before, Mac.." I said.

Mac nodded, "Plenty a time. Thank you." he said taking a seat on the black sofa.

"I'll let them know you're here," I said walking towards the door.

"Wait," Mac said. I turned around uneasily, "Yes?" I said.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but.. are you pregnant?" Mac asked.

I smiled, "Yes, why?"

"I could tell. But I didn't want to sound mean, like I was calling you fat if you weren't," Mac shrugged.

I laughed, "I am, no worries."

Mac smiled and I turned back to the door. 

I met Liam and Mr. Grinberg as I waited for the elevator and told them he was waiting in Studio C. I proceeded up to my office and immediately took off my heels and blazer again. I still had over three hours before I got off work, and I was counting down every minuted that passed. 

I had finally finished making all the phone calls, and arranging all the appointments Liam wanted me to, so I moved on to filing papers. Liam was a very unorganized person, and I didn't like it. I always had to rearrange his papers and clean up his desk, and make sure he didn't lose anything. I was just about to walk out of his office when he walked in.

"Thank you," he said noticing I had straightened up everything.

"No problem," I said smiling.

"Wait, there's something I want to talk to you about," he said leaning against his desk.

I closed the door and stepped toward the middle of the room, waiting to see what it was.

"You don't want to work right now do you?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

"Not really, no," I admitted, "I'm just so tired."

"I understand. Which is why I'm sending you on paid leave for ten months." Liam said walking around his desk.

"Wait, what?" I said confused.

"You won't work for ten months but you'll still get payed." Liam said grabbing a paper out of his desk.

"Right, I know. But why are you doing this?" I said.

"Because I don't want to see you everyday tired and in pain." Liam said.

"Well thanks.. I guess," I said smiling faintly.

"You can go now if you want. I'll call when your ten months are up." Liam said handing me the paper and envelope.

"Thank you," I said hugging him.

He smiled and nodded and I turned towards my office. I shut off my desktop, cleaned up a little, and gathered my things to go home. Paid leave is way better than just quitting.

"Why so smiley Dels?" Brian stopped me and asked.

"I'm going on paid leave," I said pressing the button for the elevator.

"How'd you manage to get that?" he asked surprised.

"I didn't have to," I said as the elevator dinged, "Liam just sent me on paid leave and handed me this envelope."

"Wow.." Brian said pressing the number one, "You're one lucky girl."

"I know," I smiled.

I smiled all the way to my car and pulled out of my phone as soon as I got in.

"Tom Tom, I'm on my way home," I said.

"It's only four.." he said confused.

"I know, I'll explain when I get home," I said putting the key in the ignition.

"Erm, okay.. See you soon then," Tom said.

"Bye Tom, love you!"

"I love you too.."

I put my phone back in my purse and turned on the car, beyond ready to get home.


As I walked closer to the door I heard voices yelling and something loud crashing. I reached out my hand to twist the doorknob and it opened before I could.

"Hi!" A smiley Nathan said.

"Uh, hi Nath.. What's going on in there?" I asked suspiciously.

"What are you talking about nothing is going on," he said rolling his eyes.

"Okay, I'd like to go in now," I said attempting to walk by him.

He moved to the right, blocking my path and grabbed my hand pulling me behind him.

"Nathan! Stop!" I said trying to wriggle free.

He opened the passenger door of my car, and buckled me in, closing the door and taking the keys before getting in himself.

"Since when can you drive?" I asked as he started the car.

"I've been able to," he said backing up, "I'm just not supposed to." he grinned peeling out.

"Hey! Careful with her!" I said patting my door.

Nathan laughed and shook his head before turning on my ipod.

"Really? You want to listen to yourself?" I asked.

Nathan winked at me and tapped his right index finger to the beat of "I Found You."

"Where are we going?" I asked suddenly.

Nathan ignored me and proceeded to sing his amazing solo, flawlessly of course.

"I said peopleeeeee

We're all lookin' for love tonight

But sometimes we can't see it, We're all blinded by the light.

And we all get low, all get low

Searchin' for piece of mind

Just when I've given up, Lookin' for some kind of siiiiiiiiign

That's when I found you!" 

"Okay, now tell where we are going," I said as I turned off the music.

Nathan shrugged, "Don't know yet. What do you wanna do?" he asked.

"Go home," I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Sorry, can't do that yet. How about some tea?" Nathan suggested.

"Alright, fine," I sighed.

I turned the music back on, but skipped to a different song.  I looked to the right, out my window and was desperately trying to figure out what was going on back at the house.

"Delilah? Delilah are you alright?"

My eyes shot open and I started gasping, trying to catch my breath. My legs were at my chest with arms wrapped around them and I was trembling. I looked over at Nathan who swallowed hard and looked scared.

"Delilah?" Nathan managed to squeak, "Are you alright?"

"I don't know..what happened?" I asked.

"You fell asleep. And after a while you just started shaking and sweating. Did you have a bad dream?"

"No, I-I'm fine," I lied pasting a smile on my face.

Nathan's eyebrow furrowed slightly and he stared at me, as if trying to solve a puzzle. "Delilah," Nathan said grabbing my hand gently, "don't lie about it. You can trust me, I promise. If there's something wrong, you can tell me," he said softly.

I nodded and let go of his hand slowly, sitting back in my seat.

"Let's go back home now," Nathan said staring back at the road.

The way home was silent as I replayed my dream in mind, shivering at the thought. At least I don't have to worry about work now.

Nathan opened my door and held my hand as we walked inside. I tried my best to look happy and I could tell Nathan was too. There was no more loud voices or crashes as we approached the door. Complete silence.

Nathan opened the door and I stepped inside to dark house. Are those candles?

"Um, we're home!" I said loudly, walking carefully.

All of a sudden lights turned on and they all stood in front of me, "Surprise!!!" they yelled smiling.

I didn't smile, I wasn't scared and shocked all at the same time as I processed what was in front of me. The long table was set and dinner was waiting. No one was dressed fancy, but I was surprised Taylor was in jeans rather than sweats.

"What's all this for?" I finally said.

"We all thought you might be a little tired from work so we made dinner," Max shrugged.

"Correction, I made dinner," Taylor winked.

"I made desert," Siva said proudly.

"Well this is good because I have really good news," I grinned.

"What is it?" Tom asked.

"I'll tell you eventually," I winked.

Tom frowned at me and grabbed my hand, leading me to the table. Max and Nathan sat at the ends of the table; Taylor and Jay on one side; and Siva, Tom and I on the other. Someone had brought out the fancy dinnerware and apple cider. I smiled thinking about it; how no one will drink beer in front of me.

"Wow, the roast is edible this time," Max joked.

Taylor rolled her eyes and threw a dinner roll at him.

"Okay, no what's the news?" Tom asked again.

"I'd like to finish eating first, it you don't mind," I said.

Tom sighed in frustration and finished off his cider.

"Well how was work?" Siva asked.

I smiled, "Very, very, good," I said looking at Tom.

"And why was that?" Jay asked.

"You'll find out soon," I grinned again.

The room grew quiet, and suddenly a phone started ringing. I felt my cheeks turn red as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. "Sorry, excuse me," I said hurrying out of my chair. My heels clacked as I made my way to the living room and answered my call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Delilah? It's Jacob," he said a little nervous.

"Jacob, who's phone is this? And why do you sound nervous?" I asked concerned.

"I can't explain right now, but can you fly out to New York? Like, maybe tonight?"

"You want me to fly to New York tonight?!"

"If you could, yes. It's important," Jacob rushed.

"Jacob, I'm barely in my second trimester and I'm having dinner right now. I don't know if I can fly out tonight. Maybe in a few days?.."

"No, it has to be now. Tonight or tomorrow morning."

I sighed, "Let me talk with Tom and I'll call you back."

"No, I'll call in twenty minutes," Jacob said and hung up.

"What just happened..." I whispered to myself.

I tried to relax and walked back to the dining room. Everyone stared at me waiting for me to say something, but I didn't know what to say.

"Everything alright?" Tom asked, taking my hand in his.

"Well, um... Jacob wants me to fly to New York. Like, tonight," I said.

"What!?" Siva said, "Are you crazy!?"

"You're not going," Tom said.

"What do you mean I'm not going, Jacob needs me!" I said.

"No, absolutely not. Not while you're pregnant," Siva said.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Max, Nathan, Jay and Taylor trying to leave. "Sit back down right now," I snapped at them.

"Delilah, you're not going and that's final," Tom said.

"Delilah, it's not a good idea and I'm not letting you go," Siva said.

Frustrated, I looked to Max for help. "I'm not helping you with this one, sorry titties. That's up to you, Siva, and your husband. Personally, I don't want you to go either." he said.

"Taylor?" I said quietly.

"That's none of my business. I was going to leave for New York this week anyway because I'm staying with my family for the holidays, I guess you could go with me, but you should stay here for the holidays." Taylor said.

"When are you leaving?" Siva asked.


"I still don't want you to go," Tom said.

I leaned towards Tom and brought his head close to my lips, "We'll talk about this later," I whispered.

"Moving on," I said smiling, "I'll tell you the good news now."

"Finally!" Nathan sighed.

"I won't be working anymore," I declared.

"You quit?" Max asked.

"Better. I'm on paid leave," I explained.

"For how long?" Taylor asked.

"Ten months. I already have the check, I think. He gave me and envelope, but I haven't opened it," I said.

"How much do you think you got?" Max asked.

"I don't know.. I'm paid good, work twelve hour days, five days a week, Liam is freakin rich.. So a lot," I said.

"Desert?" Siva asked excitedly.

"Sure, I'll have some," I smiled.

Siva smiled and quickly walked to the kitchen; returning with a tray of brownies.

"Thanks Seev," I said grabbing two.

Everyone grabbed some and started going their separate ways. I grabbed another brownie, and held Tom's hand leading him towards our room.

"Are you gonna open the envelope?" Tom asked.

"Yeah, just let me change first," I said taking off my blazer and heels.

Tom nodded and started changing too. I grabbed black sweats and sports bra before walking over to wear Tom's clothes were.

"I hate when you wear sport bras!" Tom frowned.

I turned around and smiled at him. "Why?"

"They're harder to take off," he said.

I laughed and put on one of his t-shirts before grabbing the envelope from my purse. I sat on the bed next to Tom, who had his arms wrapped around me. I stared at the envelope, nervous for no reason. "You open it," I said handing it to Tom. Tom shrugged and ripped open the envelope.

"There's a small letter with it," Tom said unfolding it.

"Delilah," Tom began, "I first would like to congratulate you and your husband, he's a lucky man. Second, I would like to tell you how much I've enjoyed you working for me and we'll all miss you very much. This is not just paid leave, but a sign of appreciation and gratitude for you. You're a great asset to our team and we can't wait to have you back." Tom showed me the paper and I folded it back up.

"Okay, here's the check," Tom said pulling it out of the envelope.

I covered my eyes, "You look first!" I said.

I heard Tom chuckled, and suddenly stop. I removed my hands from my face and looked over at him. "Delilah, how much do you get payed an hour?" he asked. I shrugged, "I don't know, fifty? Something like that."

Tom handed me the check and my jaw dropped. I knew it was going to be a lot of money but I didn't expect this much.

"How rich is your boss!?" Tom said.

"Filthy, stinkin' rich," I said.

"Delilah that's a check for £650,00," Tom said, "And you're only on paid leave for ten months."

"Yep," I said nodding my head and staring at the check.

"I'm in the wrong business!" Tom smiled.

I laughed and hugged him, putting the check in the drawer by my bed.

"Now about New York..." Tom said becoming serious.

"Tom, I don't wanna go but Jacob said it's important." I said.

"Why can't he come here?" he asked.

"I don't know. But I'm not going anywhere so don't worry," I said holding his hand.

"Good. I would miss you too much," Tom said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his lap.

"It's our first holiday together," I said smiling.

"I know," Tom said as he kissed my forehead.

"Now what are we gonna do with this check?" I asked.

"We'll think of something," Tom grinned.



Max's POV:

"Hey Max?' Nathan said quietly.

"Yes Nat-Han?" I said playing with his ear.

"There's something I need to talk to you about," he said still quiet.

"Why are we whispering?" I asked.

"Because it's about Delilah," Nathan hissed.

I nodded towards the kitchen and got up silently. I waited a few moments and Nathan walked in.

"Now what is it?" I asked.

"Well when I took her in the car so you could finish getting ready she fell asleep. And then she started shaking and sweating in her sleep. I asked her if she had a bad dream or something and she said no but I knew she was lying. There's something bugging her," Nathan looking around to make sure no one else heard.

"She probably just had a panic attack in her sleep again, don't worry about it," I said reassuringly.

"It's just, I know how excited her and Tom are about the baby and I don't want anything to happen," Nathan said.

"I know mate but everything will be fine. I'll ask her about it, promise," I said patting his back.

Nathan nodded and I turned my back. "Wait," Nathan said quickly. I turned back around to face him and he walked towards me. "Is there a possibility Delilah's baby is yours?" Nathan asked quietly.

My eyebrows knitted together, "No. We had sex after that. The baby is Tom's. I promise," I said and turned away toward the stairs.

I sighed and walked slowly to my room. I stopped suddenly when I heard noise. I followed it and stood outside Tom's bedroom door. I first grimaced then smirked. "Keep it down!" I yelled as I banged on the door. "Go away!" Tom growled. I laughed and walked down the hall to my room. Make up sex. 

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