radiant | jung hoseok | ✓

By Juliander2

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Finley enjoyed her life as a barista for a small-town cafe, Hallowed Grounds, and wished for nothing more. Th... More

| author's note | important |
| awards |
| aesthetics |
hallowed grounds | drinks & treats
chapter one | straight black coffee
chapter two | iced angelic americanos
chapter three | london fog lattes
chapter four | caramel macchiatos
chapter five | shots of espresso
chapter six | anatolia café
chapter seven | vanilla lattes
chapter nine | flat white
chapter ten | irish cream coffee
chapter eleven | old fashioned coffee
chapter twelve | salted caramel latte
chapter thirteen | cold brew coffee
chapter fourteen | hot chocolate
chapter fifteen | sugar cookie tea
chapter sixteen | dark roast coffee
chapter seventeen | french press
chapter eighteen | hot white russian
chapter nineteen | devil's dark chocolate mocha
chapter twenty | toasted white chocolate mocha
chapter twenty-one | cardamom rose latte
chapter twenty-two | cappuccino
chapter twenty-three | dark moon
chapter twenty-four | el mercadido
chapter twenty-five | the fun flask
chapter twenty-six | the love shot

chapter eight | java chip frappuccino

87 14 10
By Juliander2

I finish wiping down the counter with a new rag and take care not to streak the cleaner across its glossy surface. The cafe is quiet with the sound of the new morning. There seem to be fewer customers than before. I didn't expect the sudden drop in numbers when we announced that the Hallowed Grounds would close. I hoped for the opposite reaction but unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Golden sunlight shines through the freshly cleaned windows of the cafe. It casts soft shadows across the walls and wooden tables. Soft music continues to play in the background, probably from Kasey's morning lofi playlist and creates a sleepy yet bright atmosphere.

I glance up at the sound of the cheerful bell and feel my chest lift with an unexpected happiness.

It takes me by surprise but my initial shock fades as warmth spreads through my body.

It's somewhat maddening, yet it feels too lovely to ever try shoving away.

Jung Hoseok strides through the door with the youngest of their group, Jungkook, at his side. Hoseok grins at Jungkook through the corner of his eye; he has such a smile that lifts his cheekbones. He teases Jungkook about something and playfully bumps into his side to encourage Jungkook.

Jungkook's lips form a wide smile revealing his teeth and he starts laughing at whatever Hoseok told him. His laughter sounds full and genuine, I can't help but wonder what they're talking about.

I smile to myself and toss the rag underneath the counter. I brush my damp hands against the sides of my waist apron and take my place behind the cashier. I wait patiently for them to come to the counter but they are distracted by the new painting in the corner.

"Your boys are here," Sam chuckles from behind me.

I shoot him a disapproving look. "They're not my boys."

Sam grins and rolls his eyes at me. "You're not good at being coy, Finley, it's so obvious. You light up every time you see them."

I exhale sharply through my nose. "I do not," I say indignantly. "I am just doing that customer-service thing. I smile all the time, Sam, it's not just for them."

"Oh you've got it bad," he laughs harder, amused by my attempts to deny him. "You're so lovesick you should be quarantined."

I force out a dry laugh, "Ha ha, very funny."

"What's funny?"

My body stiffens with surprise and I whirl around to find Hoseok and Jungkook standing in front of me. I gape at him for a moment, panicking he might have overheard Sam, before quickly schooling my expression to remain perfectly calm.

"I--, I was just..." I cough loudly to get rid of this horrible stutter. I wave my hand absently, fighting my rising blush. Oh my goodness, my heart is racing. "I'm... choking." I swallow hard, "hold on a second."

Hoseok's eyes widen with concern. "Oh... yeah, got it."

In the corner of my eye, I catch Sam dragging his doubled-over self into the kitchen, absolutely dying with laughter. His laughter echoes loudly before the kitchen door shuts behind him.

I will have to snap him with the rag for that.

I draw a slow breath and finally recover from my stomach-turning shame. I give Hoseok and Jungkook a kind smile. "How are you today?"

Hoseok brightens and shares a quick look with Jungkook. "We're good, we wanted to stop by to see you. And..." He nudges Jungkook's arm with a secretive smile, "we wanted to invite you to have a meal with us. Since you're going to work with us, we should have dinner together!"

"Like a barbeque!" Jungkook adds eagerly.

"We were thinking doing lunch tomorrow. We don't open during lunch hours, so lunch would be a great time for us to meet!"

"Oh!" I mentally run through all possible plans I had and if I am free, then I remember that I have no life beyond work. I never have plans. "Yeah, I can do that! That sounds great! Where should we go?"

Hoseok's expression lights up and he happily claps his hands together. "Yes! We were thinking about doing it at our apartment. We thought having a home-cooked meal together would bring us closer, you know?"

I nod in agreement, becoming swept up in his bright attitude. "That sounds great. What's the address?"

Hoseok lifts one finger with a playful expression. He reaches into his pocket and reveals a sticky note as if he had done a magic trick. "One step ahead of you!"

I laugh at his silliness and gingerly take the note. "Smart," I comment lightly.

"Oh I forgot to ask, did you like the drink?" Hoseok asks curiously, his eyes widening with interest.

I nod hurriedly as I fold the note in half. I place it into my pants pocket to make sure I don't lose it. "Yes, I loved it!" I reply honestly. "You could be a barista with that talent."

"You know, there are a lot of similarities with our jobs," he adds. His gaze lifts to the ceiling as he thinks. "We both mix drinks, after all. There are many ways we can do it but it's the same if you look at its core."

"That's true..."

I never thought about it like that.

Hoseok's eyes return to me. "When you come over, I should show you a few more drinks! You're going to love them if you liked my last drink. Are you big on alcohol?"

"I can be, I'd love to try them!" I fight my growing smile and shrug, "I never know what to order. I don't go out drinking much..." I don't go out much in general. "It feels so complicated," I admit.

Hoseok smiles sympathetically. "I get that way about coffee. You and Yoongi-hyung need to teach me your ways around coffee."

"Should we share our knowledge?" I ask playfully, feeling my shoulder rise with a burst of pride. "You'll teach me about alcohol and I'll teach you about coffee?"

Hoseok giggles at my earnest reaction and nods. "Let's do it!" He offers out his hand in a dramatic motion and grins, looking up through his eyelashes, "Let's trade some secrets."

I take my chances and shake his hand without hesitation. The warmth of his skin sends my heart into a dizzying high.

Jungkook rocks awkwardly on his heels, fisting his hands at his sides. "Um... Hyung we are going to be late..."

Hoseok and I drop our hands and return to our places. He smiles fondly at Jungkook, "Aww are we embarrassing you, Jungkookie?"

Jungkook fights a smile. "My toes can't uncurl themselves, hyung."

"Sounds like you need a trip to the doctor," I comment in a light voice.

Hoseok laughs at my remark which is victory in itself.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, biting his lower lip as he looks away. He lets out a deep sigh of disappointment which makes Hoseok laugh more.

Hoseok pats Jungkook's shoulder a few times before turning back to me. "Aish this youngster," he teases affectionately. "But I am glad you're coming!"

"Thank you for inviting me. Should I bring anything?"

"No no, you're our guest! Don't worry about a thing."

Jungkook breaks away from Hoseok's side and looks up at the menu with newfound interest. He points up to the frappucino section of the menu. "What's Java Chip?"

I turn to attention to Jungkook and explain without missing a beat, "It's like the mocha, but it's brewed stronger. It's a combination of coffee and chocolate, but it has more crumbly parts. Think of it as a dark coffee cookie milkshake."


Hoseok nods, "That sounds great, I'll have that! Do you want it too, Kookie?"

"Yeah, it sounds nice."

I take their order and enter it into the cashier. Hoseok pays, despite Jungkook's protest, and with that, the two boys return to the art corner to explore the new piece.

I make their drinks with a soft smile, reviewing our conversation to see if Hoseok is interested in me or in my knowledge of coffee. Then as I pour the syrup and ice into the blender, I realize that I have been invited to their apartment to have a meal together.

I'm going to their home tomorrow.

I wonder what it will be like. Will it be messy or strangely clean? What are we going to eat? Are they sure I shouldn't bring anything? What are we going to talk about? Oh God, it's been so long since I've hung out with people my age. What will we talk about if not work?

I start the blender and all the sounds of the cafe are drowned out instantaneously.

The dork inside my brain briefly considers looking up small talk topics and tips for dinner parties when I go home, just so I can be prepared. It's dumb and most people can talk to others without issue, but I can't help but feel nervous about accidentally being awkward, especially in front of Hoseok.

It's dumb. All of this doubt is dumb, but my stomach continues to twist with anxiety. I need to figure out a way to calm down before then. I need to keep my head on and face this with a brave face.

I'm going to have fun. This is going to be good for me. It's been a while, but that doesn't mean I can't do this.

I am confident when I'm in my element and when I am working. I can just transfer that energy into my conversations tomorrow. Granted I can't smile at them like they're customers, but if I look at Hoseok... maybe my smile will be more genuine.

I don't need a crutch, but the conversations I've had with him so far have made me feel satisfied and content. I don't feel awkward with him after we start talking. He makes me feel comfortable in the moment, and I hope that same energy gives me a boost tomorrow.

This is a good change, I think to myself as I pour the blended ingredients into their respective cups. I grab the canister of whipped cream and swirl the foamy sweetness on top of the cold drink. I grab the chocolate syrup from the nearby syrup rack and drizzle it across like a quick, effortless motion. I smile to myself as I top them off with a sprinkling of chocolate chips and dark chocolate cookie crumbs. I take a moment to admire my work before bringing the drinks to the pick-up counter.

Before I call for Hoseok and Jungkook, I grab the Sharpie from under the counter and write their names in cursive writing. I add a couple of little stars around their names before setting them on the counter. "Two Java Chip Frappuccinos!"

The two boys look from up the painting and walk over to the counter. Hoseok takes his cup and smiles at the writing, "You have such pretty handwriting," he compliments.


Jungkook takes his drink and bows his head, "Thanks, noona."

An unexpected smile appears on my lips at the sound of that. "Oh, you're welcome."

"See you tomorrow!" Hoseok says, grabbing a straw from the container. He studies the writing for a moment before smiling at me, "And you can call me Hobi. We're friends, aren't we?"

"Oh, of course, we're friends. See you guys tomorrow."

With that, the two boys leave the cafe and cross the street to their restaurant.

We're friends... I think softly to myself. I'm making progress...

I look down at the counter for a moment, wondering what this next stage of my life will look like beyond it. Has it been holding me back or did it keep me here long enough to meet my new fate?

My gaze falls on the ingredients of the Java Chip and I begin to crave the taste of its dark sweetness. I make myself a drink, humming to myself, and daydream of what awaits me tomorrow.

A/N: It's been a while but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I am going to leave for camp tomorrow morning, but when I return I will finally have more free time! Midterms for my summer classes are finally ending, and finals begin next week! I just need to make it until then! Also, I am so happy that Radiant won first place in the Crystal Snow Awards!! Thank you all for your support and amazing comments! You guys are the cause of my euphoria~  I love you all and remember to be gentle with yourself in the face of stress and change! You can do this, but remember to take breaks! Love you all!! <3

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