Supernatural/Buffy - Darkest...

By icanseemywife

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I will say when the BTVS bits take place, as it skips around a lot. And as for Supernatural, it takes place i... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Two

15 0 0
By icanseemywife

Buffy was in the library with the others, talking about what happened the previous night.

"What did they look like?" Willow asked. "We need to be careful if they're as weird as you say."

"The nicer guy had long brown hair and the other guy had, like, short dark blonde hair." Buffy explained.

"That's like, every cop ever." Xander said.

"Look, I'll tell you when I see them, okay?" Buffy snapped. There was silence for a few minutes.

"How hot were they?" Cordelia piped up. "Like, on a scale of one-to-ten." Xander hit her with his elbow lightly. "Ow! Other dudes are still attractive, y'know." she huffed.

— —

Dean awoke and checked the time; quarter-to nine. They should probably head out soon. Instead of shaking Sam awake, he got up and unpacked some of the bacon he took with him and started frying it. After a few minutes, Sam woke up and joined Dean in making the bacon. They finished and headed to the dining room, where they ate their bacon and Sam watched more Buffy.

"What episode are you on?" Dean questioned.

"Hm?" Sam didn't quite hear, so he took a headphone out.

"We need to get updated, stat. What episode are you on?" Dean repeated.

"Uh," Sam glanced down at his laptop. "Season Four, Episode One. Dad stopped us watching at the end of Season Three, so I'm in uncharted territory now."

"Right." Dean said, munching on some bacon.

"They're in college, which means that we're technically looking into the future." Sam explained, putting his cutlery down as he'd finished. Checking the time, Sam sighed to himself. "We should get going. Don't want to be late."

"Fine." Dean huffed as he grabbed his coat.

- - - -

"Hi, I'm Agent Adler and this is my partner Agent McKagan, we're here to investigate the death of Quentin Lord." Sam said as they both flashed their badges at the cop. The cop nodded and let the pair in, lifting up the police tape for them.

Dean pulled out his EMF reader and got a crazy reading— off the charts, whilst Sam checked for cold spots or sulphur, though he didn't find any.

"Okay, definitely a ghost and not a demon." Dean confirmed. "Just gotta figure out who this guy is."

- - - -

"Okay class, before we get started I need to make an announcement." the teacher said, walking behind her desk. "Two FBI agents will be taking you out of class two by two throughout the lesson. They're Agent McKagan—" she pointed at Dean and he nodded at the class. "—and Agent Adler." Sam gave a wave.

"Tell you what," Dean whispered to Sam. "We're lucky there's an odd number of people in class." Sam chuckled slightly. After getting through the entire class, the last student left was Buffy— lucky for Sam and Dean, they could talk to her alone.

"Uh, one more." Sam called out. "Buffy Summers." he looked around until he saw her getting ready to stand up. Sam stood outside and leant against the wall. After about half a minute, Buffy came out and leant against the wall opposite Sam.

"We're gonna cut to the chase here, kid." Dean told her irritably. "We know you're the Slayer."

"I knew you two were acting weird!" Buffy yelled, perhaps a bit too loud.

"Keep it down!" Dean shouted, just as a teacher walked past— and he smiled at him.

"Look, we're Hunters." Sam explained. "Kinda like you. But without the powers. And there's a much broader spectrum of monsters we kill. We saw the news about the kid killed with the floating knife and we decided to investigate."

"You killed a vampire last night. That wasn't just some dude who ran away." Buffy figured out.

"Yeah, well done Sherlock." Dean replied sarcastically.

"Dean." Sam scolded. "You have any idea who this ghost might be?"

"No, but Giles is looking it up at the moment. In the library." Buffy told them.

"Good." Dean said. "You have friends?"

"Yeah, Xander and Willow in this class." Buffy confirmed. Dean shot a questioning look at Sam, before he nodded and Dean poked his head back into the classroom.

"We need to talk to Xander and Willow again," he requested. Xander and Willow both shrugged at each other and got up out of their seats to go out. Once they exited, Buffy quickly explained Sam and Dean and they all agreed to head to the library. Eventually, they reached the library and explained the situation to Giles as well.

Everyone was gathered around the main table as Sam and Dean explained what they knew about ghosts and spirits.

"Ghosts are people who didn't go with their Reaper to the Afterlife and are stuck on Earth. There are so many different types of spirits that it'll be hard to explain them all, but all you need to know in this instance is that this is most likely a vengeful spirit. A vengeful spirit is someone who is anchored here by something, whether it be an object or even their remains, and they have and uncontrollable urge to punish those that wronged them in life." Sam finished his long explanation.

"So, did you know anyone who wronged Quentin or he might have a grudge against?" Dean asked. There was a unanimous 'I don't know' throughout everyone present.

"D'you want me to get Cordelia and Oz? They might know." Xander suggested.

"Yes, Xander. That's a good idea." Giles said, before Xander ran out. A few minutes passed, before Buffy approached Sam.

"Hey." she greeted. Sam nodded. "How did you know I was the Slayer?"

"We—" he hesitated. Should he tell her the truth? It would be easier. But just telling her she isn't supposed to exist would be terrifying. "We did our research."

"Hm." she looked suspiciously at him. "So... usually people carry stakes with them. When killing vampires."

"We aren't from around here. Me and my brother think that, because Sunnydale is on a Hellmouth, vampires are different here. We usually deal with very different vampires. They have retractable fangs, and a stake doesn't kill them, cutting their head off does." Sam explained.

"Oh." Buffy said. "I have one more question."

"Shoot." Sam smiled warmly.

"Why do you do it? I mean, with me, I have to. It's my destiny. A prophecy."

"To help people. We save people, and hunt things. It's our family business. Killing ghosts, and vampires and werewolves saves lives." Sam explained.

"Out of the goodness of your hearts?" Buffy chuckled.

"Well, yeah. Our Dad raised us like this. It's basically all we've known." Sam said. "Though— sometimes we get breaks. I died one time and Dean settled down with an ex and her son. Another, Dean was in Purgatory and I hit a dog. We get breaks sometimes. But rarely."

"Purgatory?" Buffy repeated. "You've been around." Suddenly, the doors to the library swung open and Xander, Oz and Cordelia walked in.

"You're the two FBI guys Buffy was talking about!" Cordelia yelled.

"Yep, that's us." Dean rolled his eyes. "Were either of you two friends with Quentin Lord?"

"I was." Cordelia raised her hand, for some reason.

"Did anyone have a grudge against him? And are they dead?" Dean asked impatiently.

"He had an ex, her name was Sara or something. Yeah, Sara Hughes." Cordelia told them.

"What happened to her?" Sam asked.

"She killed herself and her boyfriend. It was all over the school when it happened." Willow chimed in.

"Where is she buried?" Sam questioned.

"Sunnydale Cemetery." Giles added. "I buried the poor girl myself."

"I'm so sorry, Giles." Buffy said.

"It's okay." Giles smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, Sam and I will go salt and burn the bones and then we'll be out of your hair." Dean grinned goofily, exiting the room with Sam.

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