Pirate Hero, Deku!

By IzukuDMidoriya8

99.5K 1.2K 848

After UA completed their licensing exam to become hero's, they decided to get rest. But after a fight broke d... More

A Hero's Return
A Class Get Together
Disappearance Explained
Preparing for Training
The First Obstacle
Deku vs Heroes
Powers and Abilities Explain
One For All!Straw Hat Bounty!
Singing Deku! Press Conference!
The Aftermath! Deku vs Hero Course!
Deku vs Bakugou: Part 3
Indoor Music Show!
Raid Meeting!
An Interview! Ideal of Freedom!
Important Announcement!!

The Quirkless vs the #1!The new hope for the world!

5.8K 69 45
By IzukuDMidoriya8

We go back to where deku's group and Endeavor are at and see them still being shocked at what they are seeing. Izuku Midoriya, who fought all the top heroes single handily, and showing Japan that he is battling them quirkless. They believed this because the student is wearing a quirk dampening collar that was stolen from a police station two nights ago.

Ojiro stunned: Guys, are you seeing what I am seeing.

Tokoyami: Yes, but I still don't believe it.

Izuku smug look: Oh you better believe it! Because as of today, I'm going to start a new era!

Endeavor: Don't get cocky kid! And don't underestimate me!

The Fire Hero then launched a wave of fire at Midoriya but the kid uses his fire martial arts to send the fire away from him and his group. He then starts running towards Endeavor to do close range combat. But Endeavor release a wall of fire the boy to get some distance.

Endeavor: That's a stupid move kid. You can't handle the power of my flam-

Endeavor was then punched right in the face and launched back away from the fire wall. When he looked around to see who punched when he saw that the kid is walking through the fire covered in a black color.

(This but its Izuku)

Izuku: Your flames are strong, but as long as I have haki, I won't be taken down easy.

Endeavor growl at the moment and created balls of fire around him. He starts firing them at Midoriya but he was able to dodge some of them and if he didn't, he would move it aside with his Firefox style. Midoriya rushed at Endeavor again and punched him again with a hakified punch sending back away from his group. The intention for doing this is because he didn't want his friends to get injured for a really powerful attack.

Endeavor was then getting back up to continue fighting and seeing if his target is intact which surprised it is. He looked forward to see Midoriya a few feet away from him.

Izuku smirking: So how's it feel to be losing to a quirkless?

Endeavor irritated: I am not losing. And I won't let you win!

Izuku: Then go all out! My group is far away from here, so give me your best!

Endeavor did, as he began creating flames from his hands and spin it around. This causes the flames to spiral, creating a powerful whirlwind of fire. It goes towards Midoriya and he tried to stop the fire tornado but it was to big thus making Midoriya engulfed in flames.

People were scared that Midoriya was burnt to a crisp but he just walks out of the fire, tho he is now injured.

Endeavor: You have enough hero.

Izuku smiling: Of course not. Heroes push things through to the fullest. So I decide not no longer hold back.

Endeavor annoyed: what do you mean?

Izuku: I'll show you.

Izuku draws all his three swords he had with two swords in his hands and one in his mouth.

Endeavor confusingly thought: what is this? He's using Three swords?

-Other side of the wall-

Kaminari: What is he doing?

Iida: Is he really using all three swords at once?!

Nezu smirking: Well this is interesting.

-Back with Izuku-

Izuku: Endeavor, for all the wrong things you did, its time you get what you deserve.

Endeavor: What are you talking about?

Izuku: Three sword style:!

Midoriya crossed his to form and a dark green eerie aura came out of the swordsman. The black stuff emerged around the swords making them looked black with tints of dark green.

Endeavor: If your going all out then I should too!

The Pro Hero crossed his arms so and compressed the fire in him to unleash a powerful beam of fire. He then release a powerful attack which would vaporize the kid.

Endeavor: Prominence Burn!

The Attack landed on Midoriya which horrified everyone thinking the kid could be hurt but he got out of there and is launching towards Endeavor. The Hero saw this and was about to counterattack however Midoriya was quicker and landed a hit on the hero.

Izuku: Purgatory Onigiri!

The attack created a shockwave that destroyed the entire surrounding, leaving an X-shaped wound of Endeavor's chest which also destroyed the target he was wearing.

The Pro Hero dropped down to his knees still conscious from the attack.

Endeavor grunting: Kid, how are you this strong?

Izuku got up to his feet and drawing back his swords to his sheath.

Izuku: I did it through training, unlike people tries and cheats through it. That is why I am doing this for him.

Endeavor confused: What do you mean by that?

Endeavor then felt a something through the left side of his face. Izuku then draws back the last sword and says this.

Izuku: Eye... for an eye, Endeavor.

Midoriya closes the sword when suddenly Endeavor got cut on the left side of his face. Endeavor, feeling exhausted from using his attacks and Midoriya's, passed out to the ground. Midoriya also dropped to his knees because of all the damage he has felt through out the day.

Midoriya whispered: That was tough, but I must say it.

Ojiro: Midoriya!

The rest of the group run up to midoriya and helped him get up to his feet.

Honenuki stunned: D-d-did you really defeat him?

Izuku: Yeah I did.

Reiko: A-as a quirkless.

Izuku looking at them: You got a problem with that.

Ojiro: Nope, not at all.

A voice is now heard through the speakers

Nezu: Congratulations students in passing the training exercise. You guys may go Recovery girl to patch up.

Izuku: Hold up, Nezu! I need to say something while the cameras are on.

Nezu was about to deny it but decides to let him say what he is going to say.

Nezu: If you got something to say then let the whole world know.

Vlad: Nezu, we should take the students to the infirmary, not make a speech.

Nezu: I know Vlad, but lets see what this kid has to say.

The students looked at the Green hero to listen what they have to say.

Izuku lumping around: All my life I was Pushed around because I wasn't like them. Because I had no power to begin with. I'm sure you all have felt this way before. The feeling of being weak, feeling forced to something you aren't, having no one to give you a helping hand!

Midoriya remembers all the trauma he had as a kid, the life of being a weak student who couldn't fight for himself, a person who was bullied to be a loser, a person who had no one to help him.

Izuku: All of this was the reason why people were forced to do horrific things! Because there was no one deciding to help them!

He then remembers all the stories about the Straw hats. The idea that people who were kind and nice, were the one being hurt through out their lives.

Izuku: But that doesn't mean that its going to be your life! I was once like you, but I grew stronger to get to this! All that matters is who you strive to be!

He thinks of all the people who had this struggle.

Izuku: It does matter who you are! Weather your born with a strong quirk or not!

He thought of Todoroki.

Izuku: Born with a villainous quirk or not!

He thought of Shinso!


He thought of himself and All Might.

Izuku then raised his right arm while looking up

Izuku smiling: YOU TOO CAN BECOME A HERO!!

The crowd and everyone watching was shocked by the revelation of what Midoriya just said. This leaved the people who are watching stunned by what they believe is the new, if not better, All Might. However this does leave with a bunch of bad apples as some people believed he is just faking, pretending to be some big shot. Not to mention the new villains he is going to face.

A man wearing a coat all over his body slammed his fists to the table after watching the scene.

???: Who does this kid think he is! Our people will not accept the idea of the quirkless overpowering the meta humans! Is that right Grand Commander!

A man with a sharp and pointy nose is now sitting at a desk watching the events happen.

???: I'm sure it won't.

-Changed Scene-

Another man is with a plague mask is sitting on a couch looking at the kid. But another man with the same plague mask interrupted his train of thought.

???: I can't believe it! I thought once we get rid of quirks, we'll won't be stopped!

The leader of the said group speaks.

???: I thought so too. But now things are about to go crazy today.

??? thinking: This kid... I want him to join us.

-Another changed scene- 

We go to the League of Villains, where one person with hands all over his body is pissed. 

Shigaraki pissed: Argh, This kid is more annoying than I thought. Now this kid is bring people back to where that piece of shit Hero started.

Kurogiri: Calm yourself Shigaraki, we will get him.

Shigaraki: I swear, this kid is going to die!

-Back to U.A.-

Midoriya then passed out due to all the damaged he felt from all the other heroes and landed onto his friends. Speaking of friends, all of them behind the wall are now amazed by the amazing speech that he give to them. Especially a couple of them who they mention. But one man was nothing short of proud for the student.

All Might thoughts: Young Midoriya, I regret that I wasn't the one to train you. But I'm so proud of what you become because of them. Their may be villains after you now but right now, you are a better hero than me. Your are truly a worthy Hero for everyone.

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