Petunia's daughter, Lillian E...

By blu3teacup

3.2K 258 41

♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡◇○♡ Petunia Dursley is a victim of Domestic Violence, she tries to keep her son and daught... More

Ch 1: To Protect You
Ch 2: A Sister, Dear
Ch 3: Put On A Show
Ch 4: Not A Problem
Ch 5: An Unknown Cause
Ch 6: The Love Of A Brother
Ch 7: A Hissy New Friend
Ch 8: Talk To Me
Ch 9: A Different Form
Ch 10: My Turn To Shine
Ch 11: Friend's Of Her Own
Ch 13: I Will Be By Your Side
Ch 14: Taken Away
Ch 15: Moonlight Facade
Ch 16: If A Portrait Could Mock

Ch 12: We Can Do This

119 11 0
By blu3teacup

[ A/N: The Artwork is done by me.♡ ]


Petunia was worried. That much was obvious. The reason was something many people who knew her would not expect. Nobody knew about Vernon being an abusive husband and from what she'd noticed, an abusive uncle too.

She didn't know what to do about him physically harming Lillian. When Petunia had finally gotten the chance to catch him in the act, all he did was slap her away with a grumble. She had a bruise now, right across the left side of her face, a splattering of blues and purples.

Lillian had looked horrified at Vernon's actions and had apologized to Petunia herself even when it wasn't her fault. Telling Lillian so, and getting her to believe it was a task that was unexpectedly difficult. Her baby thought she had done something wrong and deserved the abuse Vernon handed out like candy.

That conversation led to an explanation and soon understanding of the situation they were in. Oh, goodness, if she couldn't protect her children then what good was she as a person? Petunia sighed, thinking that way was getting her nowhere.

She had been sitting at the dining table for an hour brainstorming while Dudley and Lillian played outside. It was a sunny day, in which none of them had plans or needs, so they spent the day leisurely while Vernon was gone.

Dudley had been just as worried about Lillian which meant he made an effort to spend even more time with her. The two, plus Lillian's scaled new companion, went everywhere together. The playground, the library, the ice cream shop a few streets away, and the forestry behind their house.

Dudley didn't leave her side no matter what. Petunia was grateful that Dudley was such an amazing brother to Lillian. If he had taken after Vernon- goodness she would've cried. Vernon. Sighing again she stood and prepared three turkey sandwiches with a side of homemade chips.

Suddenly an idea popped into her mind. They could move away. She could get a divorce, and protect her two babies by getting them away from Vernon as a whole. Smiling, she rolled the thought over and gave it more depth.

Petunia would need to gather money over time in a separate bank account. It would take a while, but she could do it. She could get Dudley and Lillian in on it somehow, and soon they'd be free of the abuse. They would all escape and never look back.

Find a house or flat to live in. A big enough space for both Lillian and Dudley to have separate rooms. A small kitchenette and washroom would be enough. Oh, she would need to buy a car of her own... which means she should learn to drive and get a license.

Lillian came clattering inside huffing breathlessly, Dudley following a moment after. Petunia smiled at her two precious children. She was so lucky to have these angels. Even when Dudley caused her a bit of trouble and Lillian always finding loopholes and somehow getting away with things every once in a while.

Her two babies chattered endlessly about the funny little garden snakes in the flowerbeds. Lillian spoke of how silly in human standards, but reasonable in snake standards they were. Petunia sent both children up to wash up, and change from their sweaty clothing, for lunch.

She had plans to set in motion, soon enough they would be able to leave. Finding a job would be a bit hard considering her lack of degree in anything, Petunia had only finished high school when she married Vernon after all.

That was fine though, she just had to look around and find someplace that paid well. Paid well, but wasn't some sort of secret black market that sold women off to random strangers. 'You can never be safe enough, always take precautions', as her sister's friend repeatedly used to say.

A few days later Petunia found herself at the bank in a long line of other patrons. She hadn't been here in such a long time, ever since Vernon decided he didn't want her to handle the money. Years, it had been years.

When the line finally dwindled down, Petunia stepped up to the counter and was given a sheet to write what she needed. Quickly but neatly, she jotted down the need for an account for a new job. Handing the sheet back and getting a small ticket with a number on it, she went to sit in the waiting area.

An hour passed before her number was called, and she stepped into a neat office. An elderly man with snow-white hair ushered her in and softly closed the door behind her. Getting down to business, the two made fast progress in getting the account set up with Petunia's maiden name.

Soon enough Petunia was making her way down the street in a cabby, heading for Lillian's dance class. It was the first time Petunia had missed a class for either of her children and she was feeling as if she had wronged her daughter.

Even so, seeing Lillian's smile the moment she walked into the room was enough to ease the tension in her chest. Smiling just as widely, Petunia waved and took a seat near the door. Today was the beginning of their freedom march. Silent as it was, soon, she and her precious little angles would be free.


[ A/N: Alrighty chaps, it's grand writing for all of you lovely people, good day/night and Thank You to everyone reading my story!♡ ]


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