The Jealousy

By RekkusuIsRex

415 4 0

Re-Written of Percy Jackson and the di Angelos Disclaimer All credits go to @AggelosIsAngel and yes he helped... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

152 2 0
By RekkusuIsRex

Titan's Curse


I blocked a strike from my mentor. I made a wild stab towards him which we sidestepped and I punched his face with the butt of my spear. He staggered back for a millisecond but I instantly tried to disarm him but he blocked once again. We exchanged blows until finally I managed my spear into his guard and knocked his spear out of his hands and I shoved him down. We wrestled for my spear until I came out victorious, standing above him with my spear aimed at his throat. "Yield?" I asked. The mentor smiled, "I yield young one. You are getting more powerful by the day." I grinned at him, "By your and my other mentor's training, Achilles." Achilles nodded at this, "You have learned all you can now, I can't teach you anymore." I just stared at him before smiling. I bowed to him for respect before leaving for the next training session. Theseus' teachings and lectures are the worst. You want to know how I got here in the underworld training with the best heroes to ever live? Well to answer that, I was born a Son of Poseidon and a mortal, Sally Jackson. My father left me and soon my step father came in. He abused us and tortured us until finally my mom died when I turned 8. I left after that, and soon I stumbled across Hestia and Hades who were first talking. Hestia managed to make Hades take him in as his champion. Hestia also gave me her blessings so I may summon fire at my will and control it. Summoning home cooked meals gives hope and confidence to a group of people by my mere presence or I can give them hope just by touching them. This caused a ring of orange-red to surround my sea green eyes. Hades also made me his champion and gave me his blessing, which meant I would serve him for the rest of my life but I would be able to shadow travel, control the shadows, spawn the dead and control them into battle. Lastly I can summon Stygian Iron in any kind of form however I would simply black out from doing that for at least 8 hours. Alecto the fury came up to me, "Lord Hades needs you." She said with a grin. I grinned back, "Lead the way Alecto." She nodded and we started tracking through the underworld. There were skeleton guards everywhere and to the far left, I could smell the small smell of Persephone's garden. Alecto soon led me to the biggest building and opened it. I walked in and knelt. "Rise Perseus." I rose and asked, "What is my new mission?" Hades looked at me, "I want you to go get my 2 children at Westover Hall in Maine. I want you to bring them here and also after I explain everything. I want you to go back to camp with them." I frowned at him. I hated camp, everyone bows to that. I grimaced but I said, "At your command sir. Which cabin should we stay in? I can get them to stay in the Poseidon cabin." Hades nodded eagerly, "Good luck my champion." I shadow traveled out of there and outside of the front door. I could hear voices, "istore aren't allowed at the dance!" Someone said in a French accent. I walked in and saw 3 kids standing there being scolded by 2 teachers. "Who are you?" The French accent asked me. I looked down, "Sorry I'm late. My grandmother-.....passed away." I whispered that last part out so they could hear it and I looked down. "I was at the funeral and came here but I needed time to think." The other teacher replied "Oh, that's terrible. Do you even have a date choice?" I tried my best to blush and stammer,"Ummm...y-yes. Do you think she'll accept?" The 3 kids looked at me like I'm crazy. Most likely demigods I can see their aura. "She'll definitely say yes!" My face brightened and I said, "Thank you, Mrs. Gottschalk and Dr. Thorn! Goodbye." I ran away from the 5 demigods and teachers. I grinned at my stupid story and I saw another person run past me. Most likely the satyr. I ran even faster and onto the dance floor. I looked around wildly and saw couples dancing, some lone boys in the corners playing, packs of girls that were like piranhas surrounding a poor lone boy and once they moved. The boy has makeup and ribbons all over him. Then I saw the 2 kids, sitting on bleachers. I sighed and walked up to them. They both have olive skin and dark hair. They also have black, void eyes. "Hello guys. My name is Percy Jackson." They both looked at me, "I never seen you before, who are you?" I just said, "Your father sent me to get you. The lawyer is currently having a vacation." The boy nodded his head, "How can we trust you?" I just smiled. "Just trust me. Some others are trying to come. They are trying to turn you against your own father. He isn't very well respected but I promise you, you will be able to meet your father." They looked at each other, "My name is Bianca and my little brother here is Nico." I just nodded and smiled at them. Bianca blushed at my smile but I ignored that. I came here for duty not for dating, even though she is beautiful. I held it in my hand for Nico and he grabbed it. I held out my hand for Bianca and she also grabbed it. "Let's go quickly." I looked in the corner of my eye to see the 4 kids, most likely the extraction squad coming for us. One of the girls had black spiky hair and electric blue eyes. Most likely daughter of Zeus. The other girl had blonde hair and gray eyes, most likely the daughter of Athena. One of the boys had black raven hair and sea green eyes, but mine were full of mirth, happiness and joy while his were like muddy green. The last one was that satyr. "Quick! To the shadows." I pulled them and ran towards the shadows. They followed but the 4 demigods and satyr had to chase after me. I cursed under my breath and whispered, "I'll hold off the extraction squad. Stay behind me." I pulled them behind me and let go of their hands, not seeing the disappointed face of Bianca. I held out my hand and a wall of shadows blasted them back. Soon Dr. Thorn comes over to Bianca and Nico. I quickly uncapped Riptide. My arsenal is 2 rings, they are black around the outlines but sea green on the inside. They also each have a gem on the top, if I press that gem it turns the ring into a Stygian Iron sword. I named each of them Techno and Maelstrom, they are 3 feet long. I also have Riptide, a pen that turns into a sword and always returns to my pocket that's a 3 foot long celestial bronze. I have a necklace that turns into a shortbow if I pull it. It has infinite arrows, they just appear there and the arrows are Stygian Iron. I also have a wristband that turns into a spear, the tip being half celestial bronze and half Stygian Iron. I gripped Riptide in my hands and put myself between Thorn and Bianca and Nico, "You won't hurt them." I growl. I glared at him and he stood there, "Who even are you?" I just grinned at him, I felt the shadows surrounding Bianca and Nico. Thorn still had his attention on me but soon Bianca and Nico teleported away. Thorn's eyes widened at the empty spot the Di Angelos used to stand. I used this opportunity to stab him, Thorn howled but I quickly ended it by moving forward quickly down his side. I turned to the remaining kids, "Hello?" The son of Poseidon stepped forward, "Where are they?" He pulled out his sword and my eyes widened at it. It was Theseus' sword. My expression cleared, I moved out of the shadows and stepped forward. The girls gasped at me. I am 14, (Bianca, Annabeth, and Theo -the arrogant son of Poseidon - are also 14. Nico is 12. Perfyu being the oldest, Bianca being second, Theo being third, and Annabeth being last.) I am also tan, I have sea green eyes that shine with joy and happiness, my presence is reassuring and hopeful. I have raven black hair but I also have a mix of red-orange and black eye outlines. I frowned at the girls but said, "I'm Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon." They all gasped but my half-brother snarled at me. The tallest girl, the one with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes stepped toward and said, "I'm Thalia, blondie over there is Annabeth, this annoying dude is Theseus, but we call him Theo, and the satyr is Grover." I nodded at this trying to ignore the drooling blonde. Theo started speaking, "You aren't the son of Poseidon." I just stared at him but before we could continue I saw a silver glint in the corner of my eyes. I quickly turned my sword back to normal and stepped back. "The Hunters of Artemis. They hate man men so I suggest letting the girls talk, ''Fake Theseus." Theo Just snarled and stepped forward and prepared an attack but before he could do anything I quickly pulled out Techno and blocked his strike. I stepped toward but he tried stabbing me again with his sloppy attacks. I just blocked each of them until I saw a dozen girls in silver parkas. Each of them already has an arrow notched and slowly stepping forward. I disarmed Theo with this and his sword went flying away. He just scowled at me, "I'm so much better than you f-" I slammed the hilt of my sword to his head and he went crumpling. I walked over to the spoils of war, the fur and a couple of the spikes and grabbed them. "What are you doing with those boys?" A hunter with volcanic black eyes that looks like a Persian princess stepped forward, no doubt the leader. I tossed her the spoils of war. "Sorry about that. The manticore is dead." Another girl around 13 stepped forward. "Lady Artemis." I said and kneeled down. "The siblings you were sent After is currently somewhere else, the manticore is dead, the fake Theseus is currently knocked out. Sorry, talk to the girls about that." I waved my hands to Thalia and Annabeth and shut up. "What did you do to the girl! You pig!" I just stood there taking in the insult, I sighed "I knew you were going to ask that." I muttered. "Bianca and Nico Di Angelo are currently safe at this time, they are not being harmed and I swear that to the River Styx." Lightning rumbled but the Hunters didn't believe me. "You need to go to Olympus boy." I frowned but I was still kneeling. "Oh stand up!" I stood up and held out my hands and frowned. She frowned took until I said, "You gonna chain me?" She fell out of her shock and snapped her fingers. Chains appeared on my wrists, which I can easily escape with. I know I stood there standing, an awkward silence appeared over us. I looked at Artemis, "Sorry for disrespecting Lady Artemis, but can't you take me to Olympus? I have some places to go. By this time I have to review lectures from Theseus." Artemis just moved forward and touched my shoulder and we teleported away to the middle of Olympus throne room. I easily escaped my chains but I still stood there, pretending to be locked up in my chains. Artemis fires a single silver arrow in the sky and the Olympians all flashed in. "Daughter What is the need of this?" Artemis nodded and pointed at me, "I found a demigod who took the other demigods we were sent to get. I put him into chains." Zeus frowned, "But he doesn't have chains on himself." I cursed while Artemis looked at me in surprise, "I thought I could get away with it! Dang it. Oh by the way, my name is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon." Zeus' eyes narrowed, "He's too powerful to live!" Suddenly shadows started to appear and soon Hades, Bianca, and Nico appeared. I shouted "Hey Nico! Myth O's Magic game later!" Nico nodded eagerly and ran to me. He then hugged me, or more specifically my chest since he is short. I ruffled my hand through his hair, "You would not hurt my champion!" Hades yelled. Poseidon stood up, "He's your champion? You would turn my own son against me?" I answered for Hades, "Hestia is also my patron, I have 2 patrons dad. I serve honor to the Houses of Poseidon, Hades, and Hestia." They all nodded and I grabbed Nico's shoulder and kept ruffling his hair while he was shuffling with his cards. "I can go to Camp Half-Blood with Bianca and Nico and the 3 of us can stay in a cabin. Don't worry, I'll protect them." Bianca walked towards me nervously, "So that means I'm your cousin?" She asks, with disappointment in her voice. I just laughed and said, "Not full blooded." Bianca sighed with relief and Aphrodite squealed. I smiled and grabbed her hand, she started blushing but I'm not since years of training I won't blush. I have to keep my emotions in check. Aphrodite squeaked even louder and Zeus said, "Very well! Council dismissed." Hades winked at me and I started blushing and he had an amused smile. "Good luck!" He said but I knew it meant about my relationship with Bianca. Sure she's beautiful and all but...never mind I don't have anything against her. "C'mon guys! Let's go to camp." I grabbed their hands and shadow traveled them back to camp. The hunters are already there, most likely successors. I see a couple of kids laying down with silver arrows in them. I brought them to Chiron, "Hello Chiron, master and teacher of heroes." Chiron the centaur turned around shocked. I smiled, "We are going to be staying at the Poseidon cabin, if you don't mind." Chiron just nodded, "How do you know who I am?" I replied "Theseus drilled this into my head Master Chiron." Chiron responded, "No need to call me master." However he seemed to like it. I grabbed the Di Angelo siblings and led them to the Poseidon cabin. I waved to Hestia in the hearth on the way, "So, how are you doing so far?" Bianca looked at me, we locked eyes. Her beautiful void black eyes stared into my sea green eyes for a few seconds until Nico shouted, "Guys! Lovebirds! I want to play already." Bianca and I both looked away, blushing. Theo and his gang soon appeared in front of us. I rolled my eyes at him, "Move Little Theodore, we don't have time for this." He just said, "Newbies need to be shown in their place." I shot back, "The strong should be independent." He shot back, "Strength in numbers!" Soon more and more campers surrounded us. I put a defensive hand on Nico and Bianca. "The strong shouldn't be hiding behind the other strong." He shot back, "The strong shouldn't be with the weak!" I growled at him, "You learn from everywhere." I kept going, "I learned from Achilles, Odysseus, Theseus, Diana the fallen hunter. I gained each of their respect." They shot back, "The more the numbers the more the win chance." I then shot back, "I learned from the best heroes, there's a potential in everyone. Everyone has a talent and everyone is useful. Don't be calling Bianca and Nico weak if you don't know their potential. A duel, straight after dinner. I won't use weapons but you won't hide but fight me like a man. Grow up." I spat and grabbed Bianca's and Nico's hands and led them away. We walked into the cabin and saw 2 rooms, Theo's and mine. In her entrance way however there are desks one each side, a coat hanger, and a trash can with a couch beside it. I dragged the siblings and brought them into my room. I locked it and the room was a square. On the walls there was sea green wallpaper. On the left side there is a door that leads to a bathroom, there is a single bed. I said, "Who 's the bed?" Bianca looked at Nico and he jumped up and ran and jumped on it. Burying himself in blankets. Bianca giggles and I smile, her beautiful voice when she giggles or laughs, it abounds like a melody. "Get the couch, I got the floor." She was about to speak but I interrupted, "I won't take no as an answer." I looked out the window and saw the sun setting. I grabbed Bianca's hand and while she was busy blushing I picked up Nico in a piggy-back ride. I held onto Nico with both my hands and walked out of the cabin with Bianca beside me. Nico was laughing hysterically and I was laughing for the first time. Bianca was blushing from being beside me the whole time until I grabbed her hand and dragged the red faced Bianca to the Poseidon table. We sat at the opposite side of Theo. He was about to open his mouth but I said, "What? Jealous you don't get to invite people to your table? If you are who you gonna invite. Bodyguards? But if you are the best camper here, you don't need bodyguards." He responded, "To get away lovesick girls!" I just smiled at him, "lovesick? I doubt that." Everyone in the cafeteria is silent, anxious to watch the duel between the sons of Poseidon. I continued rambling "Oh how the 'greatest hero to live' can't even fight off some lovesick girls!" I grinned at him and he shouted and stood up, "Beat you! On the arena!" I stood up, I was a good 2 inches taller than him, "Let's see how many punches can you receive? Heroes are strong, they don't give up until they are unconscious. So fight till knockout." Chiron stood up, "We must welcome the Hunters of Artemis! The capture of the flag camp is tomorrow! We must also welcome 3 more campers, Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon!" I stood up and said "I said I would honor 3 houses didn't I? Mr D? Or have you just not listened? I would bring honor to the House of Poseidon as his son. I'll take away the burden off this..." I pointed at Theo, "...Inexperienced young kid." Half the pavilion burst out laughing while the other half seems to be loyal to Theo. "I also bring honor to the Houses of Hades and Hestia as their champion." Theo decided that's the time to shout, "You are too weak to become a champion!" I turned to him, "None of the gods would even consider you a champion. Every person in both Greek and Roman mythology are all weak. None of them can prevent a death. Death is inevitable, no one is powerful enough to stop it. Learn and grow up or have your little gears in your head gone haywire? I can help, I think." I walked over to the Hephaestus cabin table. "I need a hammer. Snappy!" The kids there grinned evilly, they must not like Theo. One of them handed me a hammer and I walked back to Theo. "Sorry about that, this should work man." I slammed the hammer to his head and he went to the ground. I spat on his body, "Disgrace to the House of Poseidon. Disgrace to the name 'Theseus'" I snarled. His supporters all came forward and grabbed him. "You are the disgraced!" An Ares camper spoke. I grinned at him, "Worth it." The whole camp, including the hunters all burst out laughing. I just grinned at him and walk over to the sleeping form of Nico. I grabbed him and hoisted him on my back, "Night time little Nico." The girls 'cooed at this. "Come on Bianca," I carried Nico's sleeping form in my back to the cabin while holding Bianca's hand. The night sky was out and the stars were out. I smiled and realized that we are in a romantic place and a romantic position and in holding Bianca's hand. We both realizes at the same time and both let go, blushing like crazy. Annabeth managed to catch up to me, "Meet me tomorrow after breakfast." I nodded and smiled at her and she blushed but ran away. I walked into the cabin and in my room. Bianca went in the floor and fell asleep instantly and I put Nico in my bed and tucked him in. I looked at him and kissed his forehead, "Goodnight little Nico." I whispered and walked over to the sleeping form of Bianca. She looks so peaceful and beautiful in the moonlight. She literally fell asleep in the moonlight. I picked her up, bridal style, he moonlight shining in her dark hair, it looks a mix between black and brown, like dark brown. I carried her to the coach and put her down on it. I made it comfortable for her and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight Bi." I whispered and walked over to the wall. I had to lay down and throne of what happened today. I leaned against the the wall, so basically I met someone who most likely would only think of me as a brother, I sighed in defeat. Sometimes it's not good this way. Bianca Di Angelo, the one I fell for, would most likely think of me as a brother. I leaned even farther back against the wall, once again in defeat. A shiver went through my spine as I silently sobbed. My love life is a complicated one. My dad had to leave so he left mom with me. I was born so after a while she goes and gets in with her husband. He seemed nice at first but he started beating them. When Percy was 8, his mother was killed so he had to run. He walked into Hades' Realm and made some new friends there. He wasn't interested in any of them romantically until he met Bianca. However she most likely thinks of Percy like her older brother. There's a chance for that but there is also a chance she will think of pursuing Percy romantically too. Love is a complicated thing. Bianca was probably the first ever to receive those feelings from me, possibly the last too. I soon fell asleep in sheer exhaustion. I was running across a field. Everything was burning and there were bodies everywhere. He looked around and saw that it was Camp Half-Blood. Monsters surrounded the burnt U shape if the cabins and the bodies were everywhere. He soon saw Nico, Nico... he was on the ground dead. His deathly pale face proved that. He appeared to be killed by a hellhound. I choked back a sob and raised my head. I wished I hadn't, beside Nico was the dead body of Bianca. Her clothes were ripped and her hair was all crazy. I saw red marks on her and realized that she had been raped, then killed. I start to cry as I look at her body. I looked around and saw more and more bodies. I saw the endless amounts of monsters charging the last demigod alive. The demigod put up a final stand until he was finally defeated with 3 Spears in his chest. The monsters moved forward and passed me. I screamed. I lurched awake and sighed. I look at the sleeping form Bianca, "I swear on the River Styx, Bianca Di Angelo won't die if I am alive." I looked around my room. It was squarish. The wall with the bed has a door on the end of it. The wall with the desk has the door to the exit. The wall with the couch had nothing except a small fridge. There is a TV above me and in the middle of the room is a rug. I stood up and walked outside. The wind was blowing through my hair. My shirt was flying like the wind and I sat down on the beach and looked at the ocean. I put my feet in the water and sighed. I looked ahead to the rising sun and stared at it. I never want that dream to take place. 


I woke up in the coach. Now come on! Percy's literally moved me. My senders started to move and I felt a tingle on my forehead. I blushed a deep shade of red, Percy kissed me goodnight. I grinned at that and ran into the bathroom. I started to shower and think about what happened. Percy defended Nico and I. I stepped out of the shower and got my clothes on. Percy and I held hands on the way to the cabin. I finished brushing my teeth. Percy and I put Nico to sleep. I leave the bathroom. Percy kisses my forehead goodnight. I smiled at the still sleeping Nico and walked out of the room and out of the cabin. The sun was around the edge of the horizon, so it's roughly sunrise and around 7:00. I walked over to the beach to watch it but I saw someone there. I ran into the bushes and peeked over to see Percy and surrounding him was water. The water was going around Percy, each line circling around him. He pulled out his sword Techno and the water suddenly surrounded it. He grinned at that and I decided to jump out. "Hey! Perce." He looked at me and looked at his sword again which hurt me but I decided just to watch him from afar. I sat down, crossed, and watched Percy create water out of thin air. Suddenly I was drenched, "Hey!" I shouted and he grinned, another water ball was blasted towards me and hit my face, drenching it even more. "You are going to regret that. Nemesis helps me get revenge!" I shouted and his eyes widened. I tackled him into the sand. He started laughing and shoved me off of himself. "Sorry Bi, gotta go!" He blasted my face with water and I yelled at him, "Cheater!" I soon was instantly dry and I chased after him, laughing uncontrollably. The horn sounded for breakfast and Percy came over. "Come on. Nico might still be asleep." He ran to the cabin and I followed on his heels. He peeked in the doorway and I saw his mischievous grin. He walked inside and I followed. He created a water ball and threw it at Nico, drenching everything but the bed. Nico stood up, "Oh you are going to regret that." Percy just laughed, "Come on Nico. I already got my cards, go ahead and get yours." Nico's face brightened and Percy made him dry. He ran over and grabbed his collection of Myth O' Magic and the boys both walked back to the pavilion. I stood on Percy's left while Nico was on his right. Once we walked in everyone was staring at us. Percy looked up, "Don't be stalkers." Everyone looked down at their food, red faces with embarrassment. We walked over to the seat and Nico and Percy sat on opposite ends. I ordered some cereal and watched Percy and Nico play. Nico won all the games by the time I finished breakfast. "Campers and Hunters, in 5 hours is the Capture the Flag game. Good luck!" The campers all cheered while the Hunters just ignored it. "We'll show them right, Perce?" Nico said. Percy just said, "Maybe. I'll strategize." Percy stood up, "I need each of the cabin counselors to discuss strategies." A hunter snickered and said "Like you need one." All the Hunters burst out laughing but Percy ignored them. "Come on." Percy sat down and one person from each table stood up and walked over to the Poseidon table. Theo tried sitting next to me but Silena sat there first and Beckendorf sat beside Selina. "Alright, here's the plan. Annabeth, I'll need you to confirm. We will need the Ares cabin to get into testudo and move forward through the middle of the woods. The Hunters won't be able to fight against heavily armored people so they'll try to rush our flag." Everyone nodded, "We will need the whole Hermes cabin to rush to the enemy flag along with the Apollo cabin to give them firing aid. The rest of the cabins would be defending. Beckendorf and the Hephaestus cabin would be placing trip wires in the trees and the floor, they won't expect hundreds of random wires in the trees, they'll expect traps and a couple of trip wires." I grinned at Percy and Annabeth nodded their heads. "Theo you just go run to the enemy flag, your motif would be flexing once you get it." I will build a barrier of water around the flag so they can't shoot arrows. They'll have to walk through the Barrie and the rest of the cabins would be in the barrier, guarding it. How does that sound? Enough bodies and the hunters wouldn't be able to break through that small area. I'll also make it look like the flag is in the middle of our defending forces, the hunters will be jumping on bodies. By the way, there would be injuries." Everyone nodded, "Annabeth?" Annabeth looked at Percy, "It could work," her voice lacing with pride. "Alright tell your cabins what to do, if they question just say, 'Rules are rules, duties are duties' then they would shut up most likely." The whole table cheered and smirked mischievously at the Hunters. The hunters just laughed while the campers just stared. I slapped Percy's head and he yelped. "See little Nico! We will win." Nico just shook his head up and down. "Campers rule, Hunters drool!" Nico yelled. The campers followed the cheer while the hunters were fuming. Percy slapped the back of Nico's head and Nico turned to him. Percy's eyes widened and Nico tackled him out of the pavilion. I burst out laughing. Hugging my sides I was laughing. At the time of the game. The campers all knew what their cabin should do. "Remember what to do!" The campers and I all got in positions. "Whoever rather uses a bow, get some smoke arrows and fly into the trees. When the hunters arrive, fire at the water barrier and hide our position!" I ran over and hopped into a tree, hiding myself in a shadow. At least 20 campers are defending and there are 6 archers. Percy raised his hand and a water line coming from his hand blasted a circle around the campers surrounding the flag on the ground. Percy raised his hands and the water barrier surrounded it. The campers and I watched in awe. "Blue team is Camp Half-Blood vs the Hunters! The first to get the flag from the other side wins! Minimal maiming and no killing! The creek is the boundary line. GO!" The Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus and Theo all ran to the trees. The Hephaestus cabin started placing as many hidden tripwires as possible. The Ares cabin got into a testudo and under Clarisse's lead, marched through the middle of the woods and disappeared. Shouts and fighting could be heard but soon the first Hunter came. She knocked out the person beside me but didn't notice me. I frowned at this...oh wait! I almost forgot my dad is Hades. I smirked and pulled out my sword. I slammed the hilt of it on the girl's head, effectively knocking her out. I sheathed the sword and stepped back into the shadows. Soon another Hunter appeared but tripped into the open, cursing. The arrows were fired while she was getting up, she fell down after being smacked by an arrow with a boxing glove. I looked behind me and saw the testudo passing the creek while arrows and fighting occurred. The main force of the hunters are defending. I saw Hermes and Apollo campers knocked out throughout the woods. I don't see Theo but he is most likely a porcupine by now. There were Hermes and Apollo kids around the enemy flag. At least 12 were knocked out. There were around 10 left riding and 8 Ares campers in the testudo. Patience. We are going to win. That's when it all went wrong, the entire testudo was suddenly surrounded by orange mist. Coughing and wheezing can be heard. When it finished all of the campers were choking, "Fart arrows!" Clarisse yelled before running towards the flag. The rest of the Ares campers decided that the testudo was useless for fart arrows. They started running to the flag. Half of them immediately got pelted by silver arrows and fell. I cursed and concentrated. Hades taught me to shadow travel, I concentrated on appearing right behind the Hunters flag and right on the other side of the creek. It worked. I appeared behind the Hunters flag, knocking out the 2 guards. Arrows soon fired at me but I already grabbed the flag and teleported away. I appeared on the other side of the creek and slammed the flag into the ground. The whole camp cheered and suddenly Percy was beside me. He put my shoulder, "Congratulations." I smiled at him and hugged him. Nico suddenly ran forward screaming that we won. Nico ran and tackled me into a hug. I smiled at him. Percy just grinned at us. Theo suddenly appeared and grabbed the flag, "I got it!" I just stared at him and laughed, "At least I don't have to get the attention." Percy just grinned and picked up Nico on his shoulders. "Master Nico! Where do you want-" Perf was tackled in a hug by Annabeth, almost pushing him over. "You did it!" Percy frowned, "The others did as much work as I did. I just made the plan and followed my duties." I felt a strong tugging in my chest and realized it was jealousy. Percy disentangled Annabeth from himself. Suddenly everyone gasped. Something is coming forward. Chiron came over but his eyes widened, "it...never leaves the attic." A granny suddenly appears and turns straight to Zoe. "I am the Oracle of Delphi, Slayer of Python. Come speaker and ask." Zoe stepped forward, "What must I do to save my lady?" Everyone frowned at this, Artemis has been captured? Suddenly a must image appeared over the Oracle's head showing Artemis in chains. The hunter all gasped, the game of Capture the Flag forgotten. Luckily that meant Percy doesn't have any silver arrows in himself. I sighed in internal breath and the Oracle opened its mouth. 


6 shall go west to the goddess in chains 

One shall learn their full power in the land without rain 

Campers and Hunters shall prevail 

The titans curse must one withstand 

The single soldier siege 

The dead follows their liege 

Everyone stood there in shock. Zoe was the first one to snap out of it. "Chiron! I need this quest." Chiron nodded. Percy yelled out, "I vote Theo to carry the Oracle back!" Everyone else followed that call and Percy smirked. "Good luck!" Percy held onto Nico and led him away. Zoe soon left the area alone with the hunts and I chased after the boys. Mostly everyone was in the building for a counselor meeting. "First things first, we need to pick 6 people for this quest and campers and hunters. So basically 3 campers and 3 hunters." Perch said. I nodded. "First, Zoe, Which of the Hunters do you pick." Zoe looked to her side, "I pick Phoebe because she is the best tracker and I pick Atlanta." Everyone nodded at this. "Which of the campers are coming?" Perch said, "I can take Thalia and Bianca." Zoe glared at Percy, "Thee are not coming boy." Percy frowned, "How about a bargain? I swear on the Styx that I would not do some things and you will receive all the trophies and spoils of war I get and I will give you a weapon for me to be allowed on this quest." Zoe glared at him even more intensely, "What kind of weapon." Percy smirked, "Anaklusmos." He pulled out his pen and clicked it. It turned into a sword and Zoe gasped. "Do we have a deal?" Zoe glared at him, "Thee have to swear not to come near the Hunters, not to touch us, not to flirt with us, give us all the spoils of war thee get and give me Ananklusmos" Percy nodded, "I swear on the River Styx that I, Perseus Jackson, will not flirt, touch, or go near the HUnters from the beginning to the end of this quest." Percy swore and the thunder rumbled. The oath was made. Percy places Anaklusmos on the table, "I, Perseus Jackson, give up Anaklusmos for a new warrior, Zoe Nightshade. Let all the magic properties go to the new owner." Riptide shimmered and Percy removed his hand from it. Riptide started glowing and everyone was watching it. It turned back into a pen form and changed into a hairpin. It blasted a beam of light to Zoe, who managed not to fall backwards and soon Riptide disappeared from the middle of the table and the hairpin is now on Zoe's head. Zoe nodded and turned on her heels but before she could leave someone burst into the door. "I'm going on the quest!" screamed Theo. Percy smirked at him, "Sorry man, spots taken. Next time train carrying some weights next time." Theo looked shocked, "But I'm the best fighter in this camp! I also got us the Master Bolt and the Golden Fleece!" Percy just shook his head, "Spots taken, you also aren't even the best fighter in camp." Theo just snarled and yelled, "I am the best swordsman in the century!" Percy just stared at him, "So good that you need bodyguards 24/7?" Percy mocked. About half the place snickered at that. Zoe even had an amused smile and stopped to look at the scene between the sons of Poseidon. "You are the bodyguards of those weaklings!" Percy just shook his head again, "You have some of the best fighters in camp guarding you, at least I have someone to protect'' Theo shot back, "At least I have lots more friends than you." Percy stood up, "Do you think I care. How many are actually your friends. How many of your 'friends' are bodyguards? How many people actually follow you. You silver tongued Son of Poseidon!" Percy spat and got right up in Theo's face. If not for the situation the scene might have been funny, a 5 "8 standing over a 5 "5 kid. "You are just jealous!" Percy just stared at him and said, "What am I jealous of? I got some friends and that is all I need. I don't want attention, I don't want people following me 24/7. I'd rather not be in the middle of attention but have friends, actually. Real. Friends." Theo just stood there and yelled back, "How many friends do you have? Barely any! They don't have potential. They have nothing!" Percy just stared at him, "If you were to think about it. It is pretty racist. Just thinking about their heritage. I don't care if I'm the son of the big 3, however that shouldn't change your opinions on yourself. To be honest, if all you got is just a big group of friends, you would be joining the enemy side!" That brought silence onto everyone. Percy just said, "I suggest you become more selfless, you greedy little muddy kid that I can't believe is my half-brother!" Percy sat down and glared at the table. Percy spoke again,"Tomorrow, the quest leaves." Zoe, Atlanta, and Phoebe left the building. I looked over to Percy, "Why'd you choose me?" Percy just shook his head, "You got potential." Theo scoffed, "That's all you say. That's not going to help anyone." Percy just stood up, "A duel perhaps. For the Poseidon Cabin Leader." Theo's eyes widened and Percy just smirked, "After the quest I would be able to be older than you to duel you." Annabeth just looked at Percy with dreamy eyes and I nearly choked. I glared at her as if saying, Percy's mine, she glared back until Percy interrupted, "The duel starts right now. No delays." Percy left the building, dragging Theo by the ear. We all snickered until he left and we all burst out laughing. Some of us fell off our chairs. After a good minute we all got up and left. Once we saw Percy dragging Theo to the top of the hill we started laughing and chasing them. There was already a crowd gathered there. Chiron ran past us, or galloped, to the arena. Percy dragged Theo on top and threw him down. Percy turned around, "This is a duel for the Poseidon Cabin Counselor! First things first, Yes. I am older than him by 3 months so this is within the rules. Secondly its minimal maiming, no killing, and playing fair. We play until one of us is unconscious or yields. The rules are there. Also I would not be using a weapon while Theo could. However, Theo can't be a coward and hide behind his bodyguards." Percy got into position for a fist fight while Theo pulled out his sword. The original Theseus' sword. Percy scoffed, "I still get shocked whenever you have that sword, what a feeble attempt to replace Theseus." Theseus glared at him and lunged forward, drawing his sword into an uppercut. Percy just sidestepped the overswing and grabbed Theseus' wrist. He squeezed it as Theo cried out in pain. Percy managed to grab the sword and threw it to the side. Theo tried punching Percy but he missed while Percy ducked and delivered a punch to Theo's gut. Percy just stood up, "Ending already?" Theo shook his head and charged. Percy just muttered something before grabbing Theo right into the charge. I cheered for Percy, Nico following after, and Annabeth. Slowly but surely the Percy chant went across the campers. Theo glared at his bodyguards and they started cheering for Theo but it was drowned out by the cheers of Percy. Theo managed to stand up, but right when he turned towards Percy, Percy grabbed his neck and shoved him to the ground. Theo slammed into the ground with Percy's hand on his stomach. "Yield?" Theo just yelled, "Cheater!" Theo started using colorful and new words that the world has already seen before, but Percy just shut him up by ramming his fist into Theo's head. Percy stood up over the unconscious form of Theo. He turned around to bodyguards and just pointed to Theo, "Looks like little Theo here needs some help despite being the 'greatest hero to ever live'. Come on. Hop over here, he needs some help." Slowly the body guards just stood back and stared at Theo. Percy smirked, "Good. Now now that's it! Pack it up, go to bed, 6 people leave in the morning. Continue rebelling against Theo. All and all the hard days ahead of us." The campers started leaving but I ran up to Percy. "You ok?" Percy just shrugged, "Come on, let's go to bed, NICO!" Nico ran forward and Percy grabbed his arm. Percy lifted Nico onto his shoulders and started the journey back to the Poseidon cabin. I followed Percy into the cabin. Percy put Nico into the bed again, again, covering half his body. Percy turned to me, "Goodnight Nico. Goodnight Bianca." I shook my head and sat on the floor, "I'm sleeping here, sleep on the couch." Percy just shook his head at me. "No no." We both stared into each other's eyes. His sea-green eyes. Always shining with happiness and joy. Once you see it you instantly get happy. It's a weird feeling to be honest. His presence is also reassuring. It gets me calm, it gets me hopeful for the things that are going to occur. We might have been gazing into each other's eyes for a hot minute because once I blinked. We both went blushing hard. "Sleep on the couch Bianca." I shook my head again. "I'm sleeping on the floor." He just sighed, "It's so hard to say no to you." I blushed an even bigger crimson red. I layed down and fell asleep. Well half asleep, I know Percy is going to put me back to the couch once I fall asleep. I felt his arms go around me, I went limp so he thinks I'm asleep. He puts an arm around my legs and my back and my head rolled to his chest. I suddenly felt thousands of jolts of electricity arc through me. My heart started to beat even faster. I felt my back onto a soft service and a kiss on my head. "Goodnight Bi." Percy whispered and my heart started to flutter. If I had been fully conscious, I would have been crimson red, so red a strawberry would be jealous. I smiled in my sleep and fell into dreams. I found myself in a throne room, except it's black and there are only 2 thrones. I instantly knew where we were. In Hades' throne room. It was a rectangle with the door straight in front of the thrones. There are shadows everywhere but since I'm a child of Hades, I can see through the shadows. Suddenly there were 2 figures on each of the thrones. One throne was completely black, there were gems here and there up and down throughout the throne and there were skeleton heads as the hand rests. It was about 10 feet tall from the floor to the seat, it was about 20 feet tall from the floor to the top, including the backrest. Another throne, about a few feet shorter, had flowers everywhere. There were daisies, dycanthiths, and other kinds of flowers. On each throne was a person, Hades and Peresphone. I kneeled down, "Lord Hades, Lady Peresphone." Hades just looked annoyed, "Rise my daughter, you don't need to do that in my presence. I just nodded. "I'm here to talk about my champion and your relationship with him." I start blushing, "No need, I approve of this." I just stared at Hades, "Is a champion allowed to date the patron's daughter or son?" Hades just said, "Yep." popping the 'p' at the end. I smiled, "Do you know what he thinks of me?" Hades' lips turned into a small smile. "About the quest now," He said, completely ignoring my question. "I just wanted to give you a present before heading out." He held out his hand and a necklace appeared, "This is the exact same kind of necklace I gave Perseus. If you pull on it, it turns into a shortbow. When you pull on the string far enough, a Stygian Iron arrow automatically appears in it. It doesn't add any weight to your hands, and if you lose your bow in battle. After a few moments, it would return to your neck in it's necklace form. Also I want to give you this." He held out a ring, "This is the exact same kind of ring Perseus has. It has the same attributes, turning into a sword once you press on the gem on top, returning like your bow if you ever lose it." He handed me them and I put them on, "Thank you... father."I stared into amazement at the ring, it had a black, midnight gem on top of it. It also has a black, silver outlines surrounding the ring. Overall, It was a beautiful weapon. "Goodbye father." I said. I started to wake up.

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