Chapter 6

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My cabinmates, the twins of Dionysus, Rachel, and I ran towards the tunnel we were supposed to go in. "Quick! Grow plants on the walls! Any kind that is deadly, not just poison ivy and that stuff." I ordered and ran towards the middle. I quickly got out of Dentro and hid behind a car, awaiting the inevitable. Rachel suddenly ran over to me and I smiled at her and she smiled back, "Nice day to fight." I murmured and she laughed but quickly pulled out the bow I got for her last year during my wish. She notched an arrow and set it to fire, her wish was to become a demigod, which I loved. I looked at her once again and she was simply in the Camp Half-Blood shirt and jeans. She looked at me with her emerald green eyes and I nodded and readied my sword. Suddenly I can hear my cabin leader, Isaiah Hatchet, giving orders and more and more vines surrounding us. I nervously tapped my sword hilt and soon I heard an attack, "The monsters are here!" All of our cabin mates suddenly kept summoning more and more plants while others pulled out weapons. The Dionysus twins quickly hid behind a car, swords drawn. I nodded to them and soon I quickly leveled Dentro and jumped out of my hiding space. I saw around 200 monsters, I just grinned, "If you attack us we will attack you," I pointed out. They looked confused for a second and I charged them. I quickly destroyed the first few monsters and moved throughout the lines. I stabbed another hellhound, decapitated a dracanae, cut a cyclop's legs off, stabbed in the throat for an empousa, cut up all of the arms off a laistrygonian. I yelled and soon enough, the whole front lines were destroyed. I started to see arrows being fired from both sides and I just didn't care. All in my mind was just that they were attacking my friends and trying to kill them. I kept stabbing, slashing, cutting monsters left to right. I suddenly ducked under a Cylcops swing and jumped backwards when suddenly an arrow whizzed past my head. I heard a scream and it sounded familiar. I looked to my left and the sight stopped my heart. Rachel's arm was hit with the arrow. Sure it didn't hurt that much but the arrow exploded and it brought scratches all across her body. A camper ran forward and grabbed her and pulled her away as I killed the Cyclops. Now my sight was completely red, all I knew was rage. That's one way to put it as I destroyed monster after monster with ease. There are different things between rage and anger. I was currently in the rage stage. Is it good? No. It is a wave of pure death. Everywhere my sword went a monster fell. Soon after a while I was starting to get tired and more and more monsters started to fill in the ranks I have defeated. I was tired and I turned around to see Rachel's pale face a green on her arm. The arrow has been poisoned. I growled but yelled out "FALL BACK!" Every one of my cabin mates knew that this battle situation was hopeless so they all retreated. Someone picked up Rachel and carried her away and I turned around one last time to see the entire enemy army, around 500. They need this tunnel for a reason, or else they wouldn't have suicided so many soldiers on me. My eyes widened but I slammed my sword into the ground, vines sprouted out of the walls and completely blocked the entrance. So far I usually got better with channeling energy from the plants and I also currently have gotten a lot more endurance. The vines went around the tunnel until it came crashing down, destroying the whole thing. I fell back onto my butt, tired and out of breath. I looked at my masterpiece and decided that this tunnel was destroyed. I stood up tiredly but using Dentro as my walking cane, I managed to get to the Empire State Building. I walked in to see the Hunters already here. The Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, and Athena cabin are all here. I walked over and suddenly Beckendorf was tackling me in a hug. "Lucas! What happened?" he demanded and I looked up, "Error...the Demeter cabin was raided by monsters, I managed to destroy the tunnel." Beckendorf nodded and smiled at me. I smiled back and he looked around me, "Where's Rachel?" I grimaced, "Infirmary. Taken an explosive arrow to the arm and it was poisoned." Beckendorf also grimaced but nodded slowly. "So far the Ares cabin has lost their bridge. The Hermes and the Minor gods are currently still fighting." I nodded slowly and sighed, "Ok. Thanks man. See you later." Beckendorf smiled, "See you later Luce." I hated that nickname now. I walked over to the elevator and walked into it. Surprisingly we decided to put the infirmary in the 50th floor. I walked in and sure enough, once on the 50th floor it was an office turned into an infirmary. I walked around and saw nasty gashes across each of the campers. I looked at each one sadly as so many were wounded. There were at least 50 beds, all of them taken up with severely wounded people. I walked past an unconscious healer who passed out from healing. I saw 4 other healers currently trying to heal everyone but 2 of them were knocked out from exhaustion. I made it to Rachel's bed and pulled up a chair beside her bedside. She looked peaceful in her sleep. Her arm that the arrow had pierced was currently wrapped in bandages and they looked like they stopped most of the bleeding. I looked at her face and her eyes were closed and she was breathing in with her nose. It makes a cute sound. Err...I mean it does. Her red hair is covering some parts of her face as the rest of it were on the bed or her shoulder. The freckles that danced around her nose added to the more beautiful look to her. I put my hand to her face and removed the strands of hair that were on her face. Once my hand made contact with the hair, the butterflies in my heart started going active again. Her hair was soft and I removed it from her face to see her clearly. I sighed and stared at the unconscious healer who was sitting on a chair, head against the corner of the wall. I leaned back into my chair and soon I fell into the realm of Morpheus. I went back to my old home. It was a 1 story house, 2 rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. I looked around and saw myself chained to the wall once again. This is the home of my father, well...ex-father. I ran away and disowned him after a while but right now I had to watch. My dream self just stood against the wall sadly as if remembering. My real self was in the bedroom, chained to the wall while my ex-father came forward with a whip. Real self whimpered at the sight and I looked away, unable to watch. I felt weak like this, I felt weak at this position but I refused to watch my father beat my real-self. I heard the screams and I still felt the pain. What the heck. I was in a dream. I felt the pain go from my shoulder down to my left leg. Each time the whip landed, it landed and every piece of the whip hit my skin. I refused to scream so I just shut my mouth and turned around to my dream self who was screaming in pain. I felt the blood go from my dream self down my dreamself body while my real self had the same effect. My father carried in a bottle, at the time I had no idea what it was but he slammed it above my real-self's head. "Scream for me child." My real self just shut his mouth, refusing to say anything, "SCREAM FOR ME." He slammed the whip so hard against my skin that I screamed.I woke up to the infirmary and breathed in and out. I closed my eyes as each of the tortues I have endured went through my head. No one but my father knows about this. I looked and saw that my hand subconsciously grabbed Rachel's hand in my sleep and I pulled my hand away, blushing. I stood up and checked the clock, 6:00 a.m Suddenly the past events came into play. I growled under my breath but walked to the elevators and made my way down. I waited for a few minutes, having to deal with the annoying elevator tunes before appearing in front of the lobby. I walked out of the elevator and made my way outside, I yawned but pulled out Dentro and stood there, waiting. Someone soon came out of the building, "How're you doing?" Lucas asked and she jumped high. "Oh...Lucas, I just woke up." she answered, full of energy. She had blonde hair that was no doubt straightened but also gray eyes. No doubt Daughter of Athena. I just sighed and looked to the side, "Well...ok." she nodded. A few hours had passed, finally a horn was sounded. "An Attack!" someone yelled and I cursed under my breath. Percy ran out of the building, swords drawn, "There are attacks in Central Park and downtown. I'll go to Central Park and you go downtown." I said and he nodded and ran towards the buildings. I groaned and ran towards Central Park. I already saw a couple of vines being whipped around and I knew my siblings were there, defending. I soon entered the forest and ran through it. My senses suddenly sharpened and I heard a shout. I ran towards it and soon I saw an army of monsters being held off by the Demeter cabin, satyrs, naraids, and dryads. They were trying to stop the army but the army kept moving forward. I soon saw a Titan and Katie soon appeared on my side, "Hyperion. Titan of the East." I nodded grimly and charged it. Katie protested, "Wait! Luce wait!" I didn't listen and I ran forward, Dentro pointed ahead of me. Hyperion just laughed at my idiocy and pulled out his spear. I stopped right in front of him and readied Dentro. "You dare attack the Titan of the East?" he bellowed and I scoffed, "Duh!" His eyes narrowed and he charged towards me. Now what am I doing? I have no idea. I blocked his first strike but barely ducked under his second. Vines started to whip around me and his eyes stayed the same and he promised, "I'm not going to lose to some demigod!" His form started to glow brighter and I had to look away from him to avoid my eyes from breaking out of my head. I quickly allowed the vines to surround him. Soon his form flickered and I felt a gush of wind come towards me. I ducked under his upper strike, and made my way closer into his guard.

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