I'll Love You For Always

Par nelly_here99

92 0 0

"This is live in Puerto Rico, there has been an earthquake of 7.1." The news reported. "We don't have any new... Plus

Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Author's note
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Author's note

Chapter two

4 0 0
Par nelly_here99

"I can't get out!" She cried. Hunter and Isabella rushed over to the door as Amy screamed from a wall breaking. She runs to pick up a rock and hit the window. "Hurry!" Isabella cried as she broke the window. Amy let go of the phone and screamed from the sharp glass. Hunter helped her out in time as there was a rock that fell on her phone. Amy, Isabella and Hunter runs to Victoria as they stood in the middle of the road with people.

They all were holding their children as the shake didn't stop. Few houses around Amy, were moving sideways, while others were tumbling down. She closed her eyes and prayed for it to end. She apologized to her mother, God, and everyone from heaven. She thought that it was a sin of humanity.

Once the shake stop, Amy cried softly as she kept hugging her aunt. "We have to get supplies and fast." Hunter said as they went back to the house, few things were broken, but the house remained still, only a part of it was gone. They went inside and packed supplies as fast as they can. "Isabella, is there any walkie talkie that works?" Amy asked. "Yup." Isabella took out a metal box that was titanium and brushed off the dirts as she packed it in the bag. They hurriedly changed their clothes, while Victoria put bandages on Amy's feet, since some of the glasses pierced into her skin, it wasn't deep cuts, still needed to be disinfected before Amy put on shoes.

Hunter used on of the walkie talkie, and connects with his aunt. "Are you okay? Over." He said. Soon he got an answer. "We are okay. Grandma and I are going to head to the campo. Go on foot. Traffic are jams. We will all meet there. I was already told that the others are over there. Go now. Don't waste time." It ends there as Amy picked her bag and walked out of the neighborhood with her family.

There were people crying and bleeding with children wailing. Amy held tears back that there were people already dead from being crushed or in the middle of the road. She kept her head down and continued to walk. The further they have gotten, the more damage they have seen, and the more pain they have felt. Just then they heard the alarms, people started to run away from their houses and head to higher ground. "Let's go!"

They started to run to the road as they were few miles of the mountains. Amy was shoved to the ground and someone didn't bother and step over her elbow. She screamed and held her arm as she grabbed on someone's pants to help her up. The person then pushed her back down as more people started to run over her. "Amy! Amy!" Hunter called and saw her as he runs and picks her up. "Don't let go of my hand." He said as they ran the road just as the low hiss begins and the intensity builds gradually to a rumbling crescendo. Then frighteningly, builds again in waves as Earth continues to tremble.

Amy didn't look back as she kept her broken arm close to her chest and held tightly of her brother's hand. Her feet slip outwards on the road as there was an earthquake, the pain from her feet from the cuts and running. Hunter picked her up onto his back as he ran to the road of the mountains. Amy had her uninjured arm around him as she hid her face in his neck.

However, a boulder came rolling down as Hunter pushed effort and made in time for the boulder to roll down the road. Amy cried for the screams of people from the pain or fear. She gripped his shirt as he didn't look back, knowing the way to the house by memory nonstop running. Then that's when Amy heard the final alarms. The tsunami wave crashed louder than the explosions in the quarry and the water washed in the town like it were no more substantial than an architect's scale model abandoned on the sands.

It was the extinguishing of a dream, of a way of life, easier than wet fingers on a candle flame. The screams of people echoed from where they were. Amy and Hunter couldn't do anything as they continue to the house. Hunter was almost there as there were people who lived in the mountains, they all hides inside with families as every door and window were shut closed. "Hunter! Amy!" Eylin cried as José helped Hunter with Amy as he took her inside and placed her on the couch. Roslyn knelt down beside her to check her arm then feet as her aunt, Julia helped her clean the cuts from Amy's feet. It wasn't a serious issue to go to the hospital, but it is swelling and disconnected.

One of Eylin's cousin took off the belt to let Amy bite hard as Hunter and José held her. Once Roslyn fixed it, she screamed out of pain with tears running down her face. Victoria gave Roslyn a towel and rolled and taped newspaper along the swollen area and to tape it in place just as she used the towel as a sling, placing it under the arm and then around the neck. There was radios to hear news about further details, sadly there wasn't much signals or cellphone service either. Amy laid on the couch with José brushing her hair. She can't tell her friends that she's safe, and only hope that help comes. The next morning, Amy woke up with food as she was being fed by her brother. Her right hand was the only hand that she use, but since it's injured people had to take care of her. So she had to babysit the children while the family would collect rain water due to there is little water from the house. Kids were forced to bathe in cold water in a bucket, adults used water bottles to bathe and save water for others.

Maya and her mom had to cut the girls' hairs shorter because of how badly the water gets wasted. Amy felt different without her long wavy hair as it was a layered lob wavy haircut. Her arm was still healing, with much antibiotics and medication for her. Few of their family members leave to gather food and try to get help. Sadly they came with awful news that the road to go back to their home was destroyed. Kids cried softly as their moms held them, Amy cried softly and prayed every day and night for help. As time was spent, kids started to get sick with a cold. The parents divided the two floors that the kids will take the second floor while others slept on the floor with sleeping bags, mattress or hammocks.

Since Amy couldn't do anything, she would play games with the kids that weren't sick until it was time to eat. Eylin had to help her take a bath as she washed her hair, while Amy washed her body with her left hand and then get dress. The bath was outside with curtains around for privacy: each of them would need to wear bathing suits then let them to dry. To wash clothes, the women will go down the road that lead to the river, and wash them. The men would get the food as few of them would fix some cars to get signals, but some of things that they needed was running out.

Amy sighs as she sat on a chair while hearing the radio, there were music that were being played as a comercial then would go back to the news. She walked away from it because of how much it hurts her that people from outside of Puerto Rico wanted to know about their family members, but people couldn't dare go to the south side due to how much damage it had left.

A scream woke everyone up as Eylin saw Amy screaming in her dream once more with her PTSD. She walked over to her and tried to wake up; it broke her heart to see her like this. Amy went into a deep depression, thinking that she is useless and her friends in London believe that she is dead. Amy would have a nightmare of herself laying dead in coffin where everyone else stood around her. She cried out that she's right here, but none would listen or see her. Daniel, how much she missed him and only hoped that he is trying to be strong for her.

Emma, who is trying to help him and keeping herself distracted from the news. She is only hoping for good news that's all. Amy knows that Emma is hoping because she isn't ready to lose her. Rupert would try to smile and laugh, but it isn't the same without her since she's his partner in crime. Tom would miss flirting with her, but won't be able to see her and tease anymore. Oliver and James would make her laugh from the pranks that they do on set, but they wouldn't hear her laugh anymore.

Bonnie would talk to her, but she wouldn't be able to tell her anything. As for the new friend who joined in the fifth film: Evanna who is a sweetheart to Amy, she would cuddle her as Amy would tell her about the necklace and earrings she brings on set. Now none of them will see, hear, or touch her because they believe that she's dead. Amy decided not to sleep and let others go to sleep as she goes outside and sit on a bench. She hugged herself, carefully with her arm. Her injuries from her feet was healed, but her arm wasn't healing well.

If help doesn't arrive in time, her arm will get infected and affected her body systems. Amy could feel cold growing in her system, she had to fight for everyone. She looked at the night sky, the silent night with no lights of cars, people outside because of how traumatized they were. There were few on the rooftop to get some signals of any helicopters, but it wasn't bright enough. The cold breeze blew right through Amy's sweater and she bowed her head to one side, and making its way though her skinny jeans and she hugged her knees close.

Her hair fell loose about her face, tousled, tangled. Under the fading sun it appeared brown, the honey blonde streaks lost to the night. She could hear the insects and amphibians croaking through the night, but never telling her the time, never demanding that she move on. When more light came from the moon than the sun, she stood and walked over to the couch. "I miss you guys." She whispered. As the moon shone over the island, slowly the orange, red and yellow rose from the other side bring warmth.

It was time to go to work, Eylin noticed how sickly Amy was looking, there was pale skin, swollen faces, droopy eyelids, and looking tired which made her placed her hand on her forehead. The fever comes, the bursting out of the virus from the body cells in waves. The response of the body to widen its thermostat to fight it, to rise the body temperature to levels that can damage it. After all, real battles, internal and external, come only when our hand is forced and a potentially fatal outcome is a necessary risk. These battles come when they are the only chance for survival. Once Amy was moved to the second floor with Roslyn, she sat beside her and helped her with the kids.

They would cough and run to the bathroom to vomit the fluid of the cold. It sometimes means as a sign of healing, that a sore throat is on the mend and all will soon be well. At these times fresh air can work wonders, especially in the evening and early hours. Amy would rub their backs so smoothly, and that gentle massaging effect helped so much. Then she would read them a story and cover them up after they had fallen asleep. Roslyn smiled secretly of how well she works with the kids, and hope that she will find that peace. When it was time to eat, there was a balcony in the middle with a rope attached to a basket along with a bell to signal them. So when they hear the bell, Roslyn would get the basket and placed it on the tables as they told the kids to line up and get their plates ready.

Each of the kids had their own plates with their inicial written under it, so Amy helped Roslyn as she kept the kids in line and let them get the food and drinks. Once they had the food, Amy and Roslyn would get their food and eat with water. Medicine would be before bed, so Roslyn and her would go outside after the twenty minute of break with the kids dressed in bathing suits and let them wash up with the hose. It was no fooling around to not waste time then immediately dry up with the towels. The kids have to know the rules:

1. Never waste water and soap.
2. After a shower, keep the wet clothes outside to dry.
3. Drink medicine and brush teeth.
4. Mini tutorials for them.
5. Always wash hair at 12pm.
6. Don't fight or time out for an hour.
7. Everyone in bed before nine.
8. Prayers at eight
9. Breakfast is at 7-8am
10. Lunch is at 1-3pm
11. Dinner is at 6-7pm
12. Tutorial is at 9-11am then again at 3:30-5:30pm
13. Showers is at six in the morning for adults, while kids have it between 10:30 to 11:30.

Then again after lunch is over, a twenty break then off to tutoring. That's the schedule and rules for everyone. Kids couldn't play outside, but play inside which they were whining about it. It leads them to their time out until Roslyn tells them so. Amy would have her tutoring with her, Isabella and Victoria or any other family members but it's where she sits in the balcony and listens from above. After that then she would go and take shower then off to bed once every kids are asleep. Soon enough the next few days it was daily activities.

"Enough! All of you at the walls!" Amy yelled exhaustedly with her hand on her forehead. The kids had yet again started to be whining and Roslyn was giving them tutoring but few of them were misbehaving, so Amy had enough. "Titi, you are mean." One of the kids said and hit her injured arm. "Hey!" She held his arm. "You don't hit someone older you or even your age. Don't you dare disrespect Roslyn or me, understand?" She sternly said. The boy nodded as he went to time out. "As for the rest of you, you know the rules. If you can't follow it then you can go and join him. Do you have any idea how lucky you are being here and breathing because I am." She said while rubbing her arm. The kids nodded as they sat down on the floor. Roslyn smiled softly from where she sat and watched them. "I know that you are tired of the rules and schedule, but understand that we all trying to work here because of what had just happened. We don't have homes because of the damage. Did any of you forget about what happened?"

The kids all shook their heads just as she looked at the boy in the corner. "Miguel, over here." Amy called him as he turned around with his head low and stood front of her. "Don't do that again." He nodded. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "Apology accepted, now go back to the corner until Roslyn tells you. As for the rest of you, go and get your notebook because you have some homework to do." She said while the kids all stood up and walked over to Roslyn while Miguel went back to his corner. She sighed tiredly as she went to the bathroom. The headache that she had, got worse from all the yelling and ordering; therefore, use a bit of water to cool her down as she walked to the small kitchen and took the bottle of painkillers. Amy swallow the pill with a bit of water before going to bed and rest. It hasn't been three in the afternoon when she woke up sweating. "Roslyn. Ros-" She started to cough and choke on something as she runs to the bathroom and throws it up. That's when she saw blood. "Roslyn!" She cried and sat against the wall when Roslyn ran and saw it. "Keep the door closed. I will tell the others."

Roslyn left to tell them while Amy felt out of breath as the pain from her arm and head caused her to cough to throw up more. Everyone was panicking as the kids were screaming. "Get away from her!" Roslyn shouted fearfully and found her unconscious. "Amy! Amy!" She shook her, but there was no response. She put her fingers for pulse on her neck, it was weak but still there. "We need to her out of here. Find something for a signal!" Eveyone scattered to create something for Amy while others went on the rooftop to create something. Roslyn had to keep Amy from laying down as she told Sofia to get her a bottle water and hurry. She wet her hands and placed them on Amy's face to keep her cool. People were panicking, praying and crying for help just as few people went up the stairs. One of them picked Amy up as they placed on a homemade bed and took her outside of the house.

Suddenly as if hope was heard, a helicopter flew over them as they sent a signal over them, ropes were sent down with people coming down. The family told them to take Amy as they strap her secure her carefully and safely. They said that more help is on their way just as they took Amy and left them. The family were hugging and crying as they wait for news, praying that Amy will survive it. In the helicopter, she opens her eyes to see people around her while one was holding her hand, telling her that she is going to make it. Amy felt this relief as she cried softly and thanked in a silent prayer. They arrived on a hospital rooftop as doctors and nurses came running as they saw her and checked her mouth before taking her to emergency room. They hurriedly work on her to get oxygen within her, connecting needles as Amy closed her eyes once again.

"Hey sweetie." Amy opened her eyes to see her mom in a white dress, her hair long no longer bald, and her eyes twinkle in happiness. "Mommy!" She cried and hugged her. Isabelle laughed softly and kissed her forehead. "Hi my beautiful sunshine. I miss you and Hunter. It's okay. I'm right here. I never left you or your brother." She soothe her. "I miss and love you too." Amy sniffed. "I know. I have been watching over you both. Just like how I promise you. It's not your time, so don't think that is why I am here. I just want you to calm down. The doctors and nurses are doing everything to keep you well." Isabelle carried her on the bed as she brushed her hair and hummed a song. "When you wake up, everything will be alright." Amy nodded with her eyes closed and listened to her mom's favorite song.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping. I dreamed I held you in my arms. But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." Then Amy fell into a deep sleep. The sound of beeping and talking as she opened her eyes to have them closed immediately from bright lights. "Amy." Eylin stood from where she sat as Hunter joined her and cried softly to see her awake. "You're safe. It's okay. You're okay." Eylin sniffed and brushed her hair. "There is also something," Hunter said as he took out a phone. "We bought cell phones, while you were being taken care of." He said. Amy couldn't tell them about what she saw in her dream. Instead, the three hugged and cried as Eylin went to get food and tell the others the news. "How long was I out?" She asked.

"You went to a coma for three days, but you were able to fight back." Hunter explained about what happened when helicopters came and saved everyone as they have food, water, antibiotics and a second chance to live. Amy sniffed at the news as he gave her a new cellphone and let her dial the number that she knew by memory. The phone rang and rang as she waited for him to answer and he did. "Daniel?" She heard him gasp softly, "A-Amy?" Amy laughs and cries with a big smile. "Yeah, it's me."

And Chapter two is here! Next week, I don't know when I can post chapter three since I will be working. From what I have wrote, there will be mature scenes, and abuses scenes too. I will warn you beforehand. Anyway, please vote, comment and let me know what you think of book one and so far in book two. Bye!

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