"𝑴𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔" 3 (𝙲𝚘𝚖...

By air-styper

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚏𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚕𝚎𝚍 "𝙼𝚢 𝙵𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜" 3. 𝚃... More



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By air-styper

This story is for all of you.

This is from Aren’s story.


"A Mistake That Became a Lesson"

Tick... Tack... Tick... Tack... I could hear every sound of our big clock in our classroom.

At this time, our subject is Literature.

Five minutes later, I heard my teacher coming until he said something.

"As I said yesterday, you are going to write your own essay. Any kind of essay. Students! You have 1 hour to do your essay. Okay, you may start now! No copying! Understand?!"

"Yes sir!" we all told him.

Today I am going to do an essay but I don’t know how to start it.

"Oh man. What can I write here on this clean paper. Mind something, Aren, think!"

As I was thinking deeply, Sharina suddenly spoke to me.

"Psst. Just chill, Aren. Don't think deeply."

"I know. Thank you. Sharina."

"Wait, I didn't help something to you..."

When Sharina spoke to me, I suddenly thought of a story.

So, I’mwhich iso do a Narrative Essay which is unique. Hahaha!

This is where I started writing my story. I call it "The Mistake That Became a Lesson."

I'm just going to make it a fable so it's weird. Hahaha!


In this day and it is age of the modern world, I watering the plants.

Sharina suddenly passed by.

"Wow, your doing a hard work, Aren."

"Of course, what I ate earlier was delicious."

"Eaten? What did you eat earlier?" Sharina asked.

"Of course, dish and rice. Why, what are you thinking?"

"I thought it was Fried Chicken and Omellete Rice."

"That's exactly what I ate."

"That's why you're so diligent today. Oh, I'll go ahead, just keep it up."

"Sure, everyday."

"Okay, I'm going there."

"Okay, take care."

As I was watering the plants, I suddenly thought what time it was.

When I looked at the time it was 7:30 A.M. of the morning.

That's why Sharina is going there because she's going to our school.

Earlier, while I was watering the plants, I did not look at Sharina.

After looking at the time I just saw him running.

So I took a quick shower and then just got dressed and arranged my things and put them in my bag.

Fortunately, I have a carabao that is strong and runs fast.

"Carabao! I'm begging you. Can you be my transportation to go to our school?"

"Really! The motorcycle told me he was faster."

"For me bro, you're faster. Besides, don't listen to them. Their smoke is even more harmful to nature. You, you help people and nature a lot. Remember that, Carabao."

"Thank you, Aren. You appreciate me. All right, let's go."

I did ride my Carabao. As a result, I became center of attention on the road because I rode the Carabao to school.


"Hey, bro. Can I ride?"

"All right CJ. Come on."

CJ is my friend so I put him on my Carabao because we are both late.

When we got there I tied him to the tree first.

"Tree, I'll tie my Carabao here."

"All right, Aren. He can stay here."

"Thank you."

CJ immediately told me something.

"Bro, thank you. But, let's hurry. We're late!"

"Oh yeah!"

We did run and go to our classroom but we were late.

There, we saw our teacher again looking at us seriously.

"Hey! Why are you two late again? Our teacher sir JM shouted very strictly.

"I'm sorry sir, I won't do it again."

"Yes sir, sorry. Besides, we used a Carabao because when I ride a tricycle, our Ozone Layer will be more damaged."

"You have a point Aren but, that doesn't include what we're talking about why you're late. Does it?"

"Yes sir. But, just advance so you know my Carabao is there."

"Okay. But, we talked yesterday that when you get late again today, you won't be able to come to our class?"

"Yes sir." My friend CJ said.

"But, I really promise sir. I won't do it again. I'm late because of watering the plants," I said.

"Wow, how long have you been watering the plants. Oh my, they've withered."

"Besides sir, I didn't notice the time. It's the very fast." I kept saying.

"For me sir, I just went somewhere important earlier so I got late," said CJ.

"There are no excuses! What we talked about yesterday will be followed. That when you get late again you won't be able to come in and I'll close the door. So you two. Get out!"

JM let us out of our classroom.

So, CJ and I did was wait for our next class.

"Bro, Aren. Next time, we'll get to school early."

"Yes bro. It's embarrassing when it's always like this."

The next day, I made sure I got to my school early. Because at this time I will just get my uniforms.

But something unexpected happened, and I found out that my older friend, who was also a classmate, got sick.

I read it on my messenger and now I just open it after many day that I did not open it.

He is my older friend Darin. He fell ill from being too awake. He was the only one doing their research so he got sick.

I immediately went to his house to know his condition.

When I entered, my classmates were also there.

These are Leasanta, Philip and Erico.

"Guys, are you here to visit older friend Darin as well?"

"Yes, Aren. Poor older friend Darin. He's the only one doing their research," Erico said.

"Thank you for coming, Aren. You just received my messages. I've been texting you before."

"Yes bro. I'm sorry. But, I'm here to know your condition. How are you?"

"It's pretty okay, Aren."

"Psst, Darin. Leasanta will sing for you to get well," Philip joked.

"All right, Leasanta."

"What?! Okey."

Leasanta was about to sing for older brother Darin but suddenly Sharina and CJ came.

"That's right, Leasanta is supposed to sing to lighten his sickness" I told them.

"Sample, sample, sample!" they both said.

Leasanta sang.

I could see that while Leasanta was singing, CJ's feelings for her were falling.

Leasanta happily watches CJ as she sings. Because Leasanta also has an admiration for CJ.

When she finished singing, Sharina also sing after her.

What happened to CJ and Leasanta I noticed also happened to Erico and Sharina.

Because of the two of them singing, older brother Darin felt better.

I, on the other hand, prayed for brother Darin that he would recover immediately.

After that, older brother Darin thanked us for visiting him.

After that, we went home and older brother Darin did not go to school so that he could rest.

When I looked at the time, I was nearly late.

Fortunately, I will just put on my uniform and then be ready to go.

But suddenly my essay writing was delayed after our teacher Sir JM said that there were only five minutes left to finish it.

So I hastened to finish my essay.

Wait where am I? Oh, this is it.

I put my uniform quickly until I was really ready.

I talked to my Carabao again but it was missing.

I just saw that he had pull a vehicle and a lot of people around there in the big broken manhole.

When he finished pulling I saw Sharina and her dad safe and unscathed.

"Sharina!" I just shouted.

I went over there and looked at their situation.

Sharina was so traumatized so I hugged her.

"Aren, I was too scared earlier. It's good that your Carabao pulled us with his leash. I really thought that..."

"Don't say that!" I immediately hugged her again.

"Don't say that! Because you're important in my life. Without you, I wouldn't be able to feel the joy because you also saved my Carabao back then from his heart attack!"

That same day Erico saw me and was jealous.

So Erico immediately approached.

"Sharina, are you okay."

"Yes, Erico. But, I was really scared earlier."

"Don't be afraid because you're safe. Fortunately, Aren's Carabao is there."

"Yes, Erico."

"That's right, it's really good. My Carabao saved them. So you Carabao, Sharina and you are pair."

"Yes, if she helped me then. I'll help her too."

That morning, Sharina's father and hr thanked to my Carabao.

As for the vehicle they used it will be sued for losing its control while Sharina’s father was using it.

I also found out that the three of us were late for class.

Fortunately, the intelligent Erico was there.

Because of his invention teleportation device, we were able to go to our classroom immediately.

So, I didn't get late again as well as CJ because he got in there first than the three of us.

"Nice, CJ and Aren aren't late. Hopefully, that will continue until your Senior High School Graduation so that everyone will be happy, right?"

"Yes sir!" We said two.

"Good, you two have learned."

"Yes sir." We said.

CJ and I have learned that we will never be late in school again. We never made the mistake of being late to class ever again.

Even if the incident of Sharina and her father had not happened I would have gone to my school earlier.

So from that day on, CJ and I always went to school early so that our strict teacher would not scold us.

When our Graduation was over Sharina had the last thing she said to me and it was "Good Luck in College."

I also replied to her with "Good Luck to you too."

We did finish our College studies and I noticed that I was advancing in my story.

This is where the story ends. This is a story from Aren.

I was really happy when I finished this unique Narrative Essay of mine.

Because I really enjoy writing, the next class is over and I can see my classmates just smiling at me outside.

"Psst, Aren. Why are you late?"

"I'm sorry sir, I just finished. Here sir, I finished."


I gave to Sir JM my written Narrative Essay.

After that day and our class was ended, he called me over to his table.

I suddenly felt nervous because the essay I wrote was strange.

"Mr. Aren, you know. I don't know what dimension you thought of your essay but I think, it's good but next time, don't just put fantasies in your story and it should be reality that your story is focused on you. Then, don't put too many words. It should be moderate. Do you understand or not? "

"Understand sir."

So, when our teacher gave again the essay in which we should revise about what we had done before, I never repeated my mistake again and I replaced what my teacher said on my mistake.

I also listened more to my teacher so that I could better understand what I was really going to write and so that I could come up with a nice and excellent essay.


Date Started and Finished:
June 26, 2021

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