Kitten [Editing]

By melaninsia

213K 7.4K 1K

Rose Marie Jones was born an orphan, and spent her most of her life raised in a group home. She's eighteen, s... More

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| epilogue |
| hello |
| Hello Again! |
| Rose |

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3.3K 110 13
By melaninsia

"Finally I get to hear your voice, it's been what a week and a half?"

"Sorry Haybug. I've been busy.." I softly chuckled.

"You didn't sound to sure about it in the end. What has you so busy?"

"Well you know, school, politics, Aurelio propose and we had sex, just everyday regular—

"Hold up! I know I just heard you wrong. He proposed to you and you got your v card taken!?" He cut me off, about to burst my eardrums in the process.

"No one says v card anymore."

"Another topic for another day. You're engaged! I'm so happy for you Rosie."

"Thank you?"

"Look as long as you're happy I'm happy. He might have left a bad first impression on me but you said he's changed, so if giving the opportunity, I'll give him another chance." I smiled to myself while looking out the window. "Sooo.. how big?"

"Hayden!" I whined covering my face.

"Don't get all shy now you slut!"

"Nine and a half." I mumbled.

"Bitch... you got pounded by a monster! Was it good?"

"It was gratifying." I blushed to myself, thinking about the past week.

"I can't believe you had sex before me."

"What about your little secret boyfriend?"

"He went down on me.. but that's pretty much it, nothing major."

"What do you mean nothing major? I didn't know about this! How was it?"

"A bad bitch never kiss and tell."

"Yeah, whatever." I scoffed, which resulted in us laughing together. "I miss you."

"Same here. We haven't seen each other in almost ten months, which if I may add is almost year away from your graduation, which means my graduation is coming up!" He reminds me.

"I wouldn't miss it."


"I promise. Even if I have to drag Aurelio with me."

"Well good luck to you, I'll hold you to that. I have to go, family movie night and all. I love you!"

"I love you too, bye Hay."

"Bye Rosie." I hung up the phone, leaning against the window.

"Where are you dragging me?" I flinched before rolling my eyes.

"You seriously have to stop sneaking up on me." I spat holding my head.

"Don't like that I know where you are at all times?" Arrogant bastard. I sighed as he walked up to me, pressing my backside against the window.

"Move Aurelio, I'm not in the mood."

"You're not hmm?" He hummed into the crevice of my neck.

You're totally lying..

Shut up!

"How do you always know where I'm at?" He moved to look me in the face.

"I put at chip in your necklace." I raised a brow. "It's not to be controlling.. okay maybe at first it was because you were so adamant on running away, but it's also to keep you safe. Aria has one, Francesca has one, my step siblings that's managing things in Monterrey has one. You must never take this off. I know you won't anyways but it's important. I can find you with or without but I rather not think of all the things that can happen if you don't have it." I nodded, rubbing my locket.

"You have a branch in Mexico?"

"The business originated in Mexico, Mantino moved us to America for better lives but he was always back and forth. He'd spent months at a time and then he would come back."

"Will you have to do that?"

"In the future, but not now. It's not as many problems as it was when he first started. Bigger rivals always picking fights and moles, now we're a forced to be reckoned with, one of the largest Cartels around, though we go unnoticed to regular civilian. I'm only well known for the legal businesses, such as construction, hotels, resorts, restaurants, etc. If I go, it probably won't be no more than a month."

"How many members?"

"It's hard to keep count. It's been a growing business for over forty years."

"Wow.. that's a long time. How do you distinguish yourselves? I mean I know you're not the only ones right?"

"No, we're not. Mantino called us, yuca negra. It means black Yucca, Yucca being a flower that symbolizes purity. I haven't been big on the symbols but some of our clothes have a Benelli M4 crossing over a Yucca. It's the same tattoo on my shoulder and every member has one. We have get-togethers over all the members and their families, which is a cover up for all the men I put in charge to come together for a meeting so I can see what changes have been made or need to be."

"You really have a lot on your plate." I chuckled. I know I said that a lot of times probably. Aurelio shrugged, twirling one of my curls with his finger.

"Yeah, I do, but I love challenges. Now that you've officially changed the subject, what are you dragging me to?"

"It was more like a figure of speech." I tried to play it off, but failed miserably by the look on his face. "Hayden's graduating soon, and I want to be there."

"What's the date?"

"I'm not sure." I bit my lip.

"Find out so I can set some things up, yes?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." I praised, standing on my tippy toes to litter kisses all over his cheek.

"I have ways you can thank me." I squealed as he picked me up, carrying me over to the bed.

"Four days in a row."

"I have big appetite." I bit my lip as he buried his head into my neck.

"Ew, right where I left huh?" I jumped as Aurelio head snapped to the door.

"Please Aria come right on in." He said sarcastically, slumping to the side of me.

"Don't mean to be a cockblock but I want to see Gary."

"He's at Jerry's."

"You already sent him to the morgue?"

"I didn't want him stinking up the basement. I was going to tell the Vasquez tomorrow so they could bury him properly."

"Oh okay." She nodded looking down.

"I thought you were headed back to Monterrey?"

"It didn't feel right just leaving."

"Necesito que hable con su terapeuta sobre esto. Pensé que estaba ayudando?" (I need you to talk to your therapist about this. I thought it was helping.)

"Yeah, just write me off to a stranger." She snarled while crossing her arms.

"Excuse us kitten." He pecked my forehead before taking Aria into the hallway. Something has seems a little off.. She's acting like a different person right now.


"What's wrong with you? We both agreed to this. It was actually your idea when you felt like you couldn't talk to me or Francesca."

"I'm sorry Leo.. all this.. it's just getting to me. I'll be okay, I promise."

"I hope so. If you need to, relieve your stress with Carmen please. I don't need you going crazy on anymore guards." We laughed together before she embraced me tightly.

"I love you Leo."

"I love you too little sis." I kissed her forehead just before my phone ringed.

"Yes?" I excused myself walking further into the hallway.

"Mr. Martinez. I hope your recovery is going well but you have a meeting set up with Mr. Rahimi and he's refusing to reschedule again." I sighed rubbing my face. I really wish I didn't have to return to reality.

"Okay, Adella. Thank you. Set up the meeting at Carmelitas tonight at 8."

"Yes sir." I hang up the phone, turning around to see the hallway empty. I go into my room and see the girls giggling on the bed.

"What's so funny?"

"You." I flipped Aria off going over to my closet. "Rose and I are going shopping today."

"Says who?" I raised a brow.

"Come on Leo, you said and I quote, 'I don't want you two to leave the house until I find Gary.' He's not much of problem now is he."

"Doesn't mean he's working alone."

"Lighten up a little bit geez. Roscoe can come with us, he's literally as big as Dewayne Johnson. Rose help me out here."

"Her clothes are on the way to Monterrey." Aria was pouting while Rose just had a come fuck me look, and how I would love to take that offer.

"Fine." Aria squealed, getting off the bed. "I want you back before dark."

"Ugh, okay mom." She brushed me off exciting the room. Rose climbed off the bed walking over to me.

"Where are you going?" She leaned on the door of the closet.

"I have a business meeting tonight, shouldn't take to long."

"Is it an actual business meeting?" She asked in a suspicious tone.

"No. I need to go to the office. Take care of a few things. I'm going to go to the restaurant and then I'll be back, before you go to sleep, I promise. It's not like I can make you go to sleep when you're going to wait up for me anyways."

"I sleep better knowing you're safe." She shrugged picking up a dark blue tie to go with my navy pinstripe suit. "I like this one." I took it and hung it up with my suit.

"Please don't worry about me. Have fun at the mall okay." She wasn't buying it, I can tell by the way she eyed me. "How about me and you go on a date tomorrow?"

"I'm slightly intrigued."

"Me and you at Flor Delicada. Wear something short."

"What are you up to Mr. Martinez?"

"I just want to wine and dine my lovely fiancée, and fuck her real good afterwards." I smiled innocently before pecking her lips.

"Alright, it's a date. Be safe tonight okay."

"Always am."

- Unknown -

"Gary's dead."

"Well that's fortunate. I don't have to kill him myself." He shrugged, lightening a big cigar and taking a puff. "He can kill them all for all I care, but are you able to pull this off?"

"Yes. I need a month at most."

"Bitch please," he chuckles before stopping just as fast. "What kind of game are you playing Ari—

"I'm not playing any freaking games. You've waited years, you can hold off for another month. I know what's at stake here, I won't fail."

"Then I guess I have no worries. But if you fuck me, I'll cut him up and send him to you piece by piece." I swallowed thickly, before hanging up the phone.


"Good evening, Mr. Martinez. Your party is already seated." The blonde hostess escorted me to my table in the back where Rahimi and two men were already seated. "Your waitress will be with you shortly." She set down a bottle of wine and glasses before exiting.

"Hope you don't mind me ordering a bottle off the top shelf." I unbuttoned my blazer before taking a seat.

"By all means, order what you'd like. You said this meeting was urgent."

"Sorry for all the exaggeration. It's about the trade this Friday. My son is soon to take over, I want to give him a little more responsibility as in Friday. I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly."

"You called me here for your own personal reasons when I can be at home watching some boring teen drama with my girl." I chuckled while leaning back in my seat. "Listen Rahimi, I don't give a damn about your personal issues. Everything will go right if you and your offspring behave yourselves."

"No need to get all hostile. I'm sure your fiancée wouldn't want to see you all worked up over nothing. Or maybe Rose likes the impulsive killer— AAAHH!!" I cut him off by jamming a butter knife into his hand, stabbing into an important nerve. I heard his men cock their guns and I know they were aimed at me.

"Oh my God!" The waitress screamed dropping the menus.

"Calm down sweetheart and go get the first aid kit." I spoke without taking my eyes off Rahimi. "Tell your men to stand down." He groaned, saliva dripping out of his mouth. When he didn't speak, I twisted the knife around, making him shriek like a little bitch.

"Yaqif taht!" (Stand down!) He growled, holding his wrist.

"Now you listen, you sorry excuse of a human being. Don't you ever, in your life, speak about my fiancée again, do you understand?"

"Yes.." he grunted.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you." I chuckled, twisting the knife some more.

"Yes. Yes I understand!"

"Good. Consider this a warning. See you Friday night." I removed the knife, tossing it on the table. I buttoned my blazer, smoothing out my sleeves. "Mierda! You got blood on my sleeve."


I sat at the edge of the pool, watching the colors change under the water. Aurelio has been gone most of the day and it's almost midnight. I can't help but feel worried about him, even though he has made it out of every situation possible, I guess it's instinct.

I swam laps in the pool, trying to burn time but I've became faster than I thought. As I think about the time I learned how to swim, I realize that I need to learn how to drive.


"Yeah?" I responded, wiping the water from my face. Carmen came and sat at the end of the pool.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just waiting on Aurelio." I walked up the steps, to grab a towel.

"How was today, with Aria I mean."

"It was okay, I guess. She bought a lot of clothes, and she wasn't being her usual slightly perverted self." I chuckled at the end. "Why?" I sat by her.

"Because, I feel like I did something wrong. Before she left, she told me she'll be back for us which only lasted a day by the way; and since she's been avoiding me. I cornered her in the kitchen today, even kissed her and she left, not saying anything, like left the house." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Maybe she not dealing with the Gary situation. I don't know, I'll ask Aurelio but trust me, I don't think it's you." She nodded her head. "Honestly, I think she probably just needs time. You don't want to push to hard."

"Yeah, maybe you're right."

"Of course I am." I smiled before standing up, pulling her with me. "I'm going to wash my hair and watch Black Lightning. They uploaded new episodes." I bumped her shoulders.

"Um I'll past tonight. I have to go grocery shopping early in the morning and show the new cook and maid around."

"New staff? Where's Lola?"

"Aurelio fired her a while ago. I think she moved back Phoenix or something."

Wow.. where the hell have I been?

Riding Aurelio's dick.

"Anyways this house is way to big for just me, considering Mino's only a gardener so yeah, new coworkers." She finished off, sarcastically.

"Way to show your enthusiasm." She shrugged as we walked back into the house. I went straight upstairs, and headed straight towards the bathroom. I let my wet bikini fall to the floor before I stepped into the stall.

The warm water relaxes me instantly as I let it run down my body. I squirt a little bit off shampoo in my hair before massage my scalp. Then I take my wide tooth comb and began to comb my hair out from ends to roots. It's time for a trim. I usually let Ms. B do it, but giving we're so far away, I might need to ask around, or look for a salon.

The stall door opened but I didn't turn around. I continued to rinse the soap out my hair until it was all gone.

"Your hair has gotten so long." I felt his fingers weave through my hair.

"That's what happens when it's not constantly being pulled or yanked, by a controlling heartless idiot."

"That's a low blow." Aurelio scoffs dropping his hands by my side.

"I've been worried for the past four hours so, we're even." I shrugged. I could feel his hand grab my hair, pulling my head back.

"Well, you weren't complaining yesterday." He pecked my lips before letting me go. "Besides, I told you don't have to worry about me."

"Yeah but I do." I turned to look at him, "it would be nice to know that you're okay at one am."

"You're right kitten. You're absolutely right. I will check every once in a while okay? But I wish you'd stop worrying so much." His hands caressed my sides, pulling me close.

""I'll stop worrying, when you stop keeping things from me." He sighs placing his forehead on mines. I know he's keeping things from me, this whole Joseth situation doesn't sit right with me. That fact that my father is keeping himself hidden doesn't sit right with me. Worst of all, this bad feeling doesn't sit right with me. I feel like something bad is going to happen and we won't be prepared for it.

- Maria -

The door opens and I jumped off from the couch watching George stumble in.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you."

"Yes, I'm aware. I was taking care of business, remember?" I sigh, crossing my arms.

"It's been four days, we can't just leave him there. We have to do something, break him out, I don't know—

"Maria, you worry to much. Aurelio might beat him up, lock him away for a few months but he'll survive. Gary wouldn't want us to stop everything to— His phone started buzzing in his pocket, cutting him off.

"Hola mamá— desacelerar... Que? ... no.. no, él no es- Okey... sí... Estaré en el próximo vuelo... Voy a.." (Hello mother— slow down.. What? ... no, no he's not.. okay... yes.. I'll be on the next flight out.. I will.) I watched his face contort in rage, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"What's going on?"

"That was my mother. Aurelio sent Gary's body to her for a proper burial." He smashed his phone into the wall before he began to pace.

"W-what.. no, he's not—

"We'll have time to mourn later. We're going to go to the funeral and when we get back, we're changing things up a bit. Aurelio will know pain."

"How? He's a heartless psychopath." I said, wiping my tears.

"Even psychopaths have a weak spot, his just so happens to be naive, gullible nineteen year old orphan."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to kill her."

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