Shattered 3: Time Switch

By DarkenedLoop96

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Kyran has no idea what's going on. Every day that passes by is starting to jumble onto another. Some days are... More

Tales Of SH. 3- Red Eyes
Tales Of Shattered 3- Lost Love...
Tales Of Shattered 1 - Chapter 1 (Alternate Version)
Prologue 3
Shattered 3: X4
Chapter 2- 2021 [REDACTED]
Chapter 3- Twisting Your Thinking
Chapter 4- A Reflection Of A Memory.
Chapter 5- The Static
Chapter 6- Upcoming User
Chapter 7- Newcoming
Chapter 8- Club Day
Chapter 9 - Footsteps
Chapter 10 - White Light
Chapter 11 - The Night
Chapter 12 - Red Light, No white light
Chapter 13 - Ultimate V2
Chapter 14 - Relapsed Falling
Chapter 15 - Never have trusted them
Chapter 16 - Truth And Lies P2
Chapter 17 - Lunch Time
Chapter 18 - Lunch Time Part II
Chapter 19 - The Talk Part 1
Chapter 20 - The Second Side
Chapter 21 - The Two God Ranks
Chapter 22 - Phases
Chapter 23 - The Rewrite
Chapter 24 - The Following Week...
Chapter 25 - The Last Day Of School
Chapter 26 - June 29th
Chapter 27 - Jennifer
Chapter 28 - The Vision
Chapter 29 - Blue Sky
Chapter 31 - Last Piece Behind
Chapter 32 - Unexplainable (Outcast)
Chapter 33 - Past and Present (Lost Tune)
Chapter 34 - Past and Present Part II
Prologue 3.5
Note 3.5
The Kyran's friendships!
Chapter 35 - Timeline 5: 2018
Chapter 36 - Stressed
Chapter 37 - Casanova
Chapter 38 - Day One
Chapter 39 - Stripes Of Red
Chapter 40 - Stripes Of Red [Part II]
Chapter 41 - K & M's Dorm Hangout Part II
Chapter 42- The Truth
Chapter 43 - Not Fun No More.
Chapter 44 - Highs and Lows
Chapter 45 - Out Of The Frame
Chapter 46 - Codependency
Chapter 47 - Mismatch
Chapter 48 - Hazardous Kyran VS Sky
Chapter 49 - Moon
Chapter 50 - Kyran's Power
Chapter 51 - Jennifer's Place
Chapter 52 - Stepping Stone
Chapter 53 - September 5th 2021
Chapter 54 - Red's Final Step Failure
Chapter 55 - Timeline 1 Restoration
Chapter 56 - Timeline 2 Restoration
Chapter 57 - Timeline 3 Restoration
Chapter 58 - Timeline 4 Restoration
Chapter 62 - TL3: Still Kyran in a way..

Chapter 30 - The Ultimate Finale

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By DarkenedLoop96

Jennifer looked at the person that pulled her. She gasped in surprise.

Ani grinned at what she saw.

Red eyes locked onto Ani.

Ani held her phone and clicked a green button.

Kyran said aloud. "I remember when I was supposed to have a happy ending. It all leads back to me every then and now.."

Another man in suit arrived and held a desert eagle. More soldiers arrived.

Kyran looked around. His gaze focused on Ani though.

"You were supposed to die in that Virtual World, Kyran but you freaking escaped in time." She said while smiling innocently.

Kyran stared at her.

He teleported his friends to the rooftop next to them.

He disappeared too after. But his friends did not see him appear on the roof too. Instead, They saw a figure walking down the road. More figures appeared behind that one figure too.

As always, It was Kyran. He brought an Army. He pointed at Ani and the soldiers. "Get them."

The X-Soldiers began to aim their rifles and push forward. The street was now a war zone.

He teleported towards Ani and struck her in the head. "I should have fucking known it was all because of you. It doesn't end here though, I can fucking tell."

Ani laughed. "Everyone will forget you. You used us all and look where it got you!"

He glared at her. "Talking is useless." I pulled out a knife and stabbed her straight in the stomach.


Kyran reversed the effects and slapped her. "Fucking dumbass, I knew what you wanted to do."

Ani pushed Kyran and caught him off guard. She threw a punch at his stomach.

Kyran noticed her plan and used a skill of his, Prediction. He dodged it and kicked her in the stomach.

She got kicked back and she struggled to get up. Kyran landed and grabbed her. He grabbed her collar and used his free hand to get ready to punch her.

The guy in the suit pulled his deagle and fired at Kyran.

Kyran's back was shot and he let go of Ani. He turned his head towards the gun wielder.

He reached his hand out and made a hand gun with it. He pointed it at the man and fired. A bullet struck him in the heart and he fell over quickly.

He went back to Ani and, in front of his friends on the rooftop, punched her over and over again.

Kyran's mind began to get hazy. He held his hand to hold him together.

When his vision got normal again, He noticed a sniper shoot at him.

He tried to dodge but it still hit him.

He was too late. His vision wasn't normal at all. It made everything seem more far than it really was.

Kyran had a shocked expression on his face. He used his hand to put it over the bleeding hole. His legs began to stumble a bit but he held it all together.

The enemy soldiers managed to beat Kyran's X-Soldiers and shot at him.

Kyran got lit up. He fell over and used his power to spike them all.

The soldiers all got spiked and died instantly.

Ani got up and walked over to him while tripping and falling, clearly struggling.

His friends jumped off the roof and ran to him.

"KYRAN!!!!" Most yelled. Others struggled to say words or even find the right words to say.

Kyran felt the world go white and the next thing he knew, He was in front of a hotel. Two people gasped and brought him inside.

They waited until he woke up.

Five hours passed by and still... nothing.



Kyran got up and looked around. "Where am I?! Where's—"

The two guys came over to him and looked down at the sitting boy.

The one on the left began to speak. "It seems like... You finally died."

The one on the right smiled. "You did great out there! Jeez you are SO Powerful!"

Kyran looked at both of his hands. "Where am I and who are you if I'm dead?"

The one on the left sighed and coughed. "You are at Hotel Holts. I'm Bryan and this is Sky. We're all the same person but different timelines. Don't get me wrong, We're all the same timeline but like different places after one of us die."

Sky nodded his head. "Yeah, Now come on, Let's watch as our Timeline 4 Self starts!!"

They both walked away towards a TV.

Kyran stood up quick. "Wait! How do i go back?! There's much more I have to do!"

"You died though?" Sky said, sweating in confusion.

Kyran panicked. "I know but I still want to talk to—"

Bryan patted Kyran's shoulder. "About that, That side of the timeline exploded. They're coming here right now."

"Died?! How?" asked Kyran in disbelief.

Bryan smiled. "You were the main source of the world staying alive. But now that your world is gone... We get to see Timeline 4 happen. We can interact with the person alive but none of us have done so yet."

Kyran facepalmed. "Let's wait for that person to at least get development. Here, Show me around once they come."

The door opened and a group came in. "Where are we...?" asked Nicole.

Kyran looked in surprise and walked towards them. "To answer your question, We died."

Jennifer ran to Kyran and hugged him. Both of them fell back. "Kyran!"

Kyran hugged her back. "Hey."

He let go and looked at both of his former selves. "Hey, Give me the run down of your powers and stuff."

Bryan sat at the front desk. "Level 5.1, Corruption Takeover user."

Sky sat next to the front desk. "Level 7.4, Mimicry user."

"What do both of those powers do?" asked Kyran.

"You know already, You've used them both." Bryan said as he filled out papers.


"You used my Corruption Takeover and killed the principal and used Sky's prediction skill and his ability copy thing." Bryan looked at his pen.

"Wow." Kyran looked around. "So, my tour?"

Bryan got up from the desk and walked towards the front.

The automatic doors opened. He stepped out and pointed to the world. "Welcome to Holts Central!"

Kyran awed as he saw a theme park, food shops, a few hotels, and much more. "Woah!"

Bryan patted Kyran's shoulder. "Yes, This is the life. I had to create a lot after dying."

"I should introduce you to our friend groups. I'll just say their names just in case you run into them eventually." Bryan continued. "My group consists of: Gerald, Willow, Zoey, Paris, Wailer and I. Sky's friend group consists of: Zoey again, Melody, Kaitlyn, Quinn, Coy, And Sky."

He grabbed a pen and began marking down. "Your friend group consists of: Jennifer, Nicole, Melissa, Leslie, Kay, Leila, and you."

"You get to have Hotel Room XX3. Sky's Hotel Room is X8. Mine is X1." Bryan announced.

Kyran walked to the living room. "Let's see Timeline 4!"

Bryan dropped his pen, Sky stopped drawing on his papers, His friends came over to see, and Bryan turned on the TV.

???'s POV—
Location: ???
Time: ???

"Ugh, My head... It hurts?" I got up from the floor. I tried to get a grasp of the situation but I couldn't remember anything.

I picked up a nearby folder and opened it. It was about me. "Okay...? My name is Skylar. I'm a Level 18.2? My Ability is called Ultima..!"

I nodded. "I'm 17 and I attend BrightSide High. I live in Full Verse City. The year is XX9."

"Now I'm starting to remember." I looked around to see a car with someone inside. They were dead. I shrieked in horror.

The nearby citizens began rushing to me. "Miss, Are you okay?! You're bleeding!"

"Oh my goodness, That crash was terrifying to watch!"

"We need to rush you to a hospital!"

I looked at then in confusion. "No, We need to help the person in the car! I'm fine, really."

The Next Day...

I sat down in my seat. Jeez, Class just had to be today.

A girl next to me sat down and waved to me, smiling. "Skylar, Hey!"

"Tracy, Hi!" I said back to her.

Tracy was your average fun person. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, and an overall pretty appearance. Her ability and level however were... eh...

She flirted with all the boys and was adored by all.

I want to be treated nice too. They want me to hide my level at this school however. Some incident named the 'Government Overtaker' Or better known as 'The Ultimate Event' has been circulating around. They can't find any bodies at the area they fought at.

Basically, There was this boy. He was given no choice but to retaliate against the government for trying to kill him. He ended up dying because his aura had a strange effect on it and his body faded away. An explosion happened there only a minute after to confirm his death. Citizens were killed and the entire regions banded together to overthrow the government.

They managed to do so and the government surrendered. It lasted 8 months. They did this in honor of the Ultimate user. He used his power to help others and to kill those who deserved it.

He was a good person in the world's eyes. Some had doubts about him but it rarely mattered.

I wish I had the power to change the world but eh, I'm too lazy and my grades are starting to fall.

Tracy tapped my desk. "Hey, Did you hear that we're visiting the site where the Ultimate Event happened?"

"Really? That's cool!" I smiled.

I began sketching in my notebook real quick while I waited for class to end.

I wonder what i'm doing next period!

The day passed by normally as it normally did. Now, It was time for lunch.

I was starving. I ran towards the line before anyone else had the chance. Unfortunately, Sofie got in the room with two of her ugly friends. "Move out of my way peoples, I'm trying to get to lunch first, Oh my god like—."

I stood still in line and walked up to the lunch lady. I asked for my food and waited patiently. Once I had gotten my food, Sofie and her buddies stopped me and glared at me.

"Yes? What do you want?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

I saw Tracy and my other friends waiting for me at the table nearby.

"That plate, Hand it over." Sofie grinned evily.

I hated people like this. I want to fight back but the principal wants my ability and level hidden. "No, Buzz off."

"Oh look at her! She's just all talk like the rest of them!" One of her friends said aloud.

I began to fume with anger. I hated this mistreatment. I've dealt with it for far too long. "What are you then? Some worthless low level bitch who thinks just because you have a higher level, you're better than the rest of us?"

"That's the point. I'M the strongest! I'm at the top!"

Tracy turned her head and saw the ongoing argument. I dropped the food on the tray and smacked her face with it.

It must have been such a fatal blow because she was flinching with each second that passed. She powered up and tried to hit me but her attempt ended up failing.


I don't need an ability to win. I can-

Sofie appeared in front of my face and gut
me in the stomach. I coughed and grabbed my stomach.

I fell back to the floor. Sofie looked down at me and simply giggled to herself. "Not so tough and proud now, are ya?"

My eyes began to shut on their own. i was defeated with one punch.


Tracy's POV—
Location: Cafeteria , BrightSide High
Time: 11:10AM

I ran over to Skylar's unconscious body. I should have done something to protect her. But I couldn't, Sofie was too powerful. What can I do?

I shut my eyes. I'm just a level 2.6 and my ability only moves objects and people around.

I was pushed back. I opened my eyes and saw Skylar getting up. She clenched her fists.

Sofie crossed her arms and looked at Skylar, who had her eyes closed.

"One blow wasn't enough to teach you, huh? Fine! Let me teach you again!" She said as she sped towards Skylar.

Skylar opened her eyes and grabbed Sofie's hand which was close to hitting her.

She twisted Sofie's hand and punched her face.

Spikes crashed down towards Sofie. She had a shocked expression on her face.

Sofie was now laying on the floor, injured. Her friends weren't doing anything. They couldn't.

Skylar pointed a finger at her and a rainbow colored changing beam shot at her.

Sofie was now out, cold.

Her friends tried to attack Skylar but a split second later, They were flown away.

I've never seen such a quiet lunch period before. This was the first time. I couldn't get up after getting pushed, I felt paralyzed after what I saw.

Then, Skylar turned around to the rest of the lunch.

Her eyes were glowing red.

I peeked at my lunch table. My friends were scared.

I was confused and shook. The vibe here felt entirely different.

Skylar's POV—
2 Minutes Before She got up and fought Sofie again...

After blacking out, I was in a white void. Someone appeared before me.

"Hey, It appears you were knocked out. Jeez, That was ruthless." He said to me.

"Who are you?" I asked him, lost and confused.

He smiled and extended his hand. "My name is Kyran. Don't worry, I know your name is Skylar from my observation."

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing, I already lived my life. Now, I'm here to help you because the other two idiots didn't help me when I was alive. Call it a favor." He smiled.

"Um? What do you mean..?" I looked around. There was nothing.

"I'm the only useful person you'll encounter for now. It appears you are not allowed to use your powers here. Since you are unconscious, I can tag in and lend you a hand." He said as he powered up. His eyes glowed red.

"No, We can't. I'm not allowed to use my ability." I said reluctantly.

He patted my shoulder. "Listen, The principal isn't a good person. You need to use your ability. You need to break these chains and I'm the key to doing so. Now the question is... Will you accept this chance before it goes away?"

I looked at his hand.

If I shook it, It would seem that I would be exposing my ability to the world which would mean danger. But, He appeared and is offering help. He's the only person that's inside my mind and—

I quickly turned my head towards him.

"HOLD ON! YOU— YOU'RE THE ULTIMATE USER! YOU-" I stumbled on my own words.

"Yeah, That's me." He sat down on a chair he randomly summoned in.

"Listen, If you accept my offer, You get access to speak to us, The ones before you. You get to hang out in this world that's basically the afterlife for us. We can help you so that you don't end up like we did. If you reject my offer, I will disappear and you'll be on your ow-"

"I accept your offer." I raised my fists and an expression of determination.

"Eh-? Okay, Now watch and learn. Watch this Sofie get absolutely demolished by the Ultimate user himself." He said as a door appeared before him.

"Okay, Do your best." I waved. He went through the door.

After the fight...

Kyran appeared again in the white world and came to me. "Here, Get back into reality so I can show you what to do."

I deadpanned. "How do I do that..."

"Guess I'll be the one to wake you up." He put his hand near my forehead and suddenly flicked me.


"?!" I was in control of my body again. I looked around and saw Sofie and the other two on the floor.

'Okay now let's get somewhere safe.' Kyran said to me.

"Where is a safe place?" Everyone looked at me and were most likely questioning who I was talking to.

'Jeez, Here use your ability and use Projection Summon.' I did as told.

I saw nothing happen. Everyone in the room gasped. They were looking at my direction. "Eh?"

I felt someone holding both my shoulders behind me.

I jumped away and turned around. I saw Kyran. Him, In the flesh!! "There you are!"

He scratched his head. "Maybe coming back wasn't a good idea. Now everyone thinks i'm alive again."

"IS THAT THE ULTIMATE USER FROM XX4?!" Someone yelled out.

Suddenly, The lunch double doors entrance burst open. The principal came in and had the two vice principals behind him. "SKYLAR! DEACTIVATE YOUR ABILITY THIS INSTANT!"

I did as told quickly and looked down in shame.

Kyran moved in front of me and powered up. "So what if she doesn't? She's not your fucking property."

Gasps and whispers began to spread around. The principal looked Kyran in the eyes. "You... You're supposed to be DEAD."

Kyran smirked. "I died three times now so why are you surprised? LOL."

"Irresponsible and immature actions from the world's hope." He said aggressively.

Kyran pointed up. The principal looked towards where Kyran pointed and saw spikes ready to come down.

"You can't say shit. I overthrew an entire government with my power." He sat down in a nearby chair. "I'm the one in control here so just give up."

"You are nothing but a demon!" He yelled out to Kyran.

Kyran looked irritated. "I guess you are right since i'm here to make your life a living hell."

One of the Vice Principals came towards Kyran. "Ultimate user, It is an honor to meet you. I liked your Ultimate Event."

"Thanks, Glad it became part of history." He said with a smile.

He turned towards me. "Skylar we have to get going. Say, Is there a Tommy's Lunches around here?"

The Kyran sided Vice Principal nodded. "Yes, There's one if you go straight then take a left."

The Principal powered up. "NO, YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE!"

The spikes stabbed through him.

Kyran shook his head. "Come on, We're wasting time here." He took my hand and teleported away.

I landed safely as we were now on the school roof. "What now?" I asked.

"Okay just use your ability and use Portal. I made this ability a bit ago. Come on."

I powered up and used portal. I took a look at it hesitantly. "I don't know if this is sa-"

He pushed me in. I was now at a front desk. A guy with purple eyes was signing papers with his pen. He looked at me and then gasped. "Wait wait wait, Kyran? Where is Kyran?"

He jumped out of his seat and ran towards the elevator. "Wait here!!"

I took a seat nearby.

He called the Elevator. When it opened, A girl stepped out of it.

"Where is Kyran?" He asked her.

She shrugged. "I was thinking the same thing, I can't seem to find him."

Kyran walked through the entrance and waved. "This is basically heaven but I gave you entry here."

"Ah Kyran!" The girl sped towards Kyran. "Want to go to the Theme Park?"

"Yeah, I'll go in a minute. Who else is coming?"

"All of the groups." She said to him patiently.

"I'll go in a minute. See you then?" His eyes went blue.

The girl noticed and hugged him. "Yeah, See you then. I'll knock on your door room when it's time."


She departed and his eyes went red again. "Okay so Skylar—"

"Kyran! What reason did you have to bring her here?" The guy with purple eyes said, confused and surprised.

"I did some interacting in the real world here and there."

"Did anyone see you?" He asked Kyran, suspicious.

"No, Why?"

"Doesn't matter, They forget you when you get back to this Afterlife."

"Great. Will Skylar forget us though?" Kyran asked with a serious expression on his face.

"Nope. She's one of us. We have to help her out eventually." The guy turned to me. "One second."

He walked back to the Elevator and went away.

After three minutes he returned again with somebody else.

"Okay so my name is Bryan. This is Sky and you already know Kyran."

"Yeah, Nice to meet you all." I said with formality.

"I better send you back before it turns 12:00pm. We'll see you then." Bryan said, walking back to his desk.

"Bye!" I waved.

It all suddenly went black. When I opened my eyes, I was back at the school roof.

I went back downstairs and saw Tracy. I waved at her and walked closer. "Tracy, Hey!"

"Hey Skylar, I saw you defeat Sofie! Congrats!" She said happily.

"Thanks, I guess." Everyone stared.

I carried on with my day and left classes really confused. "Today left a lot of questions."

I walked to the nearby Tommy's lunches. Before I walked in, I noticed a guy around my age looking at the sun. "A copy of the Original user. I once was called Ethan but i lost my ability. Now i'm stuck as the fire user. Now, I have to deal with Kyran's rebirth." He turned to me and glared.

"I hate dealing with this. The names Blitz by the way. But like hell does it even matter." He powered up and held a fire ball in his hand. "..."

"Can I just go with my day... Jeez Today is so strange." I said shaking my head.

I walked into Tommy's Lunches and got in line.

Blitz slammed the door open and glared at me angrily. "I wasn't done with you yet bitch!"

Kyran's POV—
Location: Room XX3
Time: 3:01PM

I finished changing clothes and got to the door. I realized i forgot my phone and took off the charger, putting my phone in my pocket.

I muttered to myself. "Am I forgetting something?"
I shook my head. "No of course not, I'm ready."

I heard a knock on my door. "Kyran! It's time to go to the theme park!" Jennifer said through the door.

I rushed to the door. "Coming!"

I opened it and walked outside. "Sorry if I took long, I was finding the right clothes to wear and I may have gone through too many."

"Pffft- Jeez, You are such a dumb child." She giggled.

"You look like a child, So shush!"

She was offended and raised her hand. "Actually, I take it back...."

"That's what I thought!" She acted like she won that argument but she's wrong. She led the way and I followed her.

After a few minutes, We got to the bottom floor. We were now at the lobby and everyone was waiting. "Hey guys!" I said, waving my hand.

Quinn laughed. "Can we call him Demon Sky?"

"Rude." I said quietly.

Kaitlyn smacked Quinn. "Don't say that about someone!"

Jennifer yanked my hand and got through the front door. "Let's go already!! I want to get there quickly!"

The others followed behind us. "What did I do to receive such treatment?"

"That's a good question! You did nothing, I just want to get there quickly."

She hummed on her way there. I looked behind us to see Sky laughing with his group. Bryan was smiling and had his arms around his friends shoulders.

I smiled too and stopped Jennifer. I locked my hands with hers and continued walking. 

The theme park was up ahead. When we got there, Everyone got together and pulled out their entry cards. I reached into my pocket and felt nothing.

Jennifer grinned. "Where's your ticket?"

I smiled with sweat coming down at rapid speeds. I teleported into my hotel room and grabbed my card then teleported back. "UH- Here it is!"

I flashed my entry card. She facepalmed. "I can tell you forgot it, Dummy."

"No proof, It's right here." I said, nonchalantly.

I walked into the park and got through the entrance. When everyone finally got in, I looked at the entire park in awe. "I'm definitely going on that tall one over there!" I pointed at a blue ride that was several feet tall.

"I'll come with!" Jennifer said.

Leila and Melissa appeared in front of me. "Same here."

Nicole, Kay and Leslie were behind us. "Yeah, I'm coming too!"

All groups ended up going but we got in line and prepared for the ride. "This is surely going to be the ULTIMATE experience!"

Quinn stared in awe and suddenly hugged me. "I'm so sorry for my comment earlier, You are now on the cool list."

She let go and i laughed. "Wow, Well, Is everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded, Either prepared or nervously.

The staff locked us into our seats and we waited for the ride to start.

This was really going to be fun. Who knew the Afterlife was so much better?

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