Spiderkid oneshots

By rozeroze55

188K 3.6K 449

Oneshots with spiderkid and avengers. Been reading loads of these recently, so I decided to do my own. Leave... More

First word
It hurt just a little bit.
Hydra Spider.
Son of the Black Widow.
Peter meets the Rogues.
Tower full of broken people.
Holding on
Meeting Howard Stark
Sippy cup (songfic)
Bad grades
Saved (part 2)
Saved (part 3)
New clothes
It won't be easy
Bad habits
Made of stone.
Big sisters are scary.
Good boy
Why didn't you tell me?
Feel something (songfic)
Hydra Spider 2.
All we need (part 1)
All we need (part 2)
Career day
First day of school.
The first press conference.
Hydra spider 3
Not letting go.
Meeting Auntie Tasha
Evil Peter
Soul collector
Protect you
Baby Peter.
Chicken Noodle Soup
Dad, this is my girlfriend
Peter Barnes
Road to a new home
Way down we go (songfic)
Not an illusion
Spider-man can take a lot
They all missed him.
You are always better
Requests (not an update)
Alive again.
Change time
Baby Peter 2
Don't insult my family
Baby Tony
Coming out.
If I killed someone for you (songfic)
British Peter
A nice visit
A school play.
Cherries (part 2)
Son of the black widow (part 2)
Carnival hearts (songfic)
A new job
Skiing gone wrong.
Nice training
Kidnapped (part 1)
Kidnapped (part 2)
Too late
Wake me up (songfic)
The wizard
Get away
A/N Thank you!

If Peter would snap.

2.3K 50 2
By rozeroze55

Requested by @stucky_fandom. Hope you like it!

5 years ago

"Pete, It's alright, it's alright, it's alright," Tony kept repeating as he stumbled backward. But it wasn't. It wasn't alright, because Peter was watching the man who had become his father after he had nobody left, turn to dust.

The boy stepped forward, grabbing the man by his hand, for him not to fall. He pulled his dad for a hug. The last one. Tears were threatening to spill, but both of them smiled. They had to be strong for each other.

And they smiled. Until Peter was left alone, a smile curved into his face not wanting to stop smiling, since when he would, there would be so much pain to deal with. But minutes passed and the smile faded, it was taken over by screams of agony and a shaking body, falling to his knees.

"No, no, no, NO!"

Present day

"Dad, Dad, wake up!" a boy's voice was heard from his left side. Every second it got louder pulling Peter out of his nightmare, well out of his very real and painful memories.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up!" He got out for the boy to stop yelling. He leaned in the direction of his son and kissed his forehead, "So why did you wake me up," he shot a glance at the clock – 7 am, "so early?"

"Mom said, that important people are here to meet you," the boy waited for his father to slip into his slippers, then took his hand and led the man out of the dark room.

Peter followed his son out in the yard, to see a car parked and Nat, Scott, and Steve waiting for him. The boy immediately ran forward to greet them, he held out his hand in front of Natasha: "Hello, I'm Tony!"

For a few seconds nobody moved then Nat rose her hand and put it in the smaller one: "Hi, Tony, I'm Natasha."

She took her hand out of the handshake and looked threateningly at the two men wanting them to greet the little human as well. Both of them immediately stepped forward and greeted Tony.

Peter, who had been watching the scene from behind clapped his hands: "Alright, Ton, why don't you go get your mom here?" The boy nodded and ran away.

Steve was the first one to start talking: "Peter, we have a way to get everybody back," he got straight to the point.

For a few moments, he stared back blankly: "What do you mean?"

"Back from the snap," Scott started and continued, explaining how it would be possible.

"No," no matter how much Peter wanted to believe, he didn't allow himself to hope.

"Why?" asked Nat.

"It's too dangerous. If it doesn't work, and it won't, we lose more than we have, we mess up more than we have, we, just no," the boy was still haunted by the thought, that only if he would have fought harder, or been stronger, his dad still would be here, "Dad would want for me to have this." He pointed his thumb at the house behind him, "He would want us to move on, not dwell on the past."

"I know he would have wanted for you to have this, but you don't have to lose anything, if it works you can still have this, and don't you think that Tony would want for the rest of the world to have that as well. Don't you think he would like to see you again?" Steve asked.

Peter knew that the last part was correct: "But if we do lose, it will destroy everything. I am not willing to take that risk."

"Peter, Tony said that you are smarter than him, I know you are the only one who can figure this out, so please!" Nat's voice was filled with sorrow more than determination.

"I can't, I'm sorry."

"But you have to!" Steve's voice was getting loud.

MJ, who had walked out to see if her husband was alright, didn't like the tone: "I think you should leave," she said coldly, walking off the staircase towards the group.

"Don't..." Steve started but was cut off by Natasha.

"I think we should go. Think about it Peter, please!" She said and lead Cap to the car seat by his shoulder.

The pair watched as the car drove off. Peter sighed.

In the next weeks, he did think about it. He found himself thinking about it when zooming off. And in the evenings he found himself working on different ways it could work when he hadn't even meant to go there. Peter talked about it with MJ, who thought that he himself should choose. But the choice was always clear. Peter needed to meet Tony, and he wasn't going to let go of an opportunity to. He had always known that he would help. So many people were lost, so many left grieving, if there was anything he could do to help them, Peter was going to do it. Anything. And so he did.

Peter found a way the plan could work, he helped collect the stones. And Bruce snapped and everybody came back. And now they were here. Again. Facing Thanos and his army. And he was scared because if they wouldn't win this time there would be no do-overs. But he was glad because they had gotten so far.

Peter, Thor, Steve, and MJ, who Peter had made a suit for, fought losing to the titan and soon Thanos let go of his army. But at the same time portals were opened and all of the avengers walked, ran, and flew through. He was looking for two, who he found flying through with suits on, his mom and dad, Tony and Pepper. For the whole time, he fought he had his eyes set on them. He needed to get to them, to make sure they were okey, to talk with them another time.

While he was keeping his sight on them, Peter hadn't noticed one of Thanos's goons charging at him. He was knocked over and was trying to shoot one of his web grenades, but the beast was approaching too quickly. For a period shorter than a second he thought that this was it. But then the monster was knocked to the ground, by a man in red and gold armor, then squashed by Ant-man.

The gold and red armor's helmet came off revealing Tony's face. He helped Peter get up and pulled him into a hug immediately: "Hi, Dad," Peter smiled and it was felt in his voice. Tony didn't respond, just straightened his arms, to look at his son, who was no longer a boy, and give him a smile of pure affection.

After the short reunion, they needed to resume fighting. Pulling away from the hug was almost physically painful. Both of them went in separate directions. Soon Peter got the glove from T'Challa to Carol. Everything seemed to be going well. Until he looked in the direction of Thanos to see his arm and shoulder cowered in colorful energy strings. To his horror, the gauntlet was on the titan's hand.

At that moment he knew what he had to do. He knew how this would end. He needed to get to Thanos before it was too late. Peter ran forward. Watching as cap and Thor both fall to the ground. As Captain Marvel tries to get the gauntlet, but is overpowered by the power stone and is thrown at Tony. Both of them shoot back and fall. That's when Peter got there.

He felt like a child trying to grab a toy from an adult. But a child didn't have a million-dollar machine in their suit, which removed the gems from the titan's gauntlet and moved it to his knuckles right before he was swung in the stomach and flew back, landing on his backside.

Thanos raised his hand: "I am inevitable." The titan snapped his fingers. But nothing happened.

The boy had only enough strength to get up to his knees, while he felt the power of the stones slowly destroying his body, tearing it apart. At that moment way too many thoughts flooded his head, not being able to decide what should be the last. Peter thought about how his son would have to grow up without a father, how at least he would have the most amazing grandparents in the world, how he would never see MJ again, and how the world would be put together now. How he would leave behind everybody, grieving and blaming themselves for his death.

"I'm sorry."

And then it was dark. In the dark, he felt somebody hugging him and somebody kissing him on his forehead and a tear, which wasn't his slipping down his cheek. And then it was dark.

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