By RazaliMohamed

3.1K 127 63

ONE DIRECTION - ZAYN MALIK "Guys, please don't do this. I'm responsible for protecting you guys. Please don't... More

Chapter 1 - Changed
Chapter 2 - Temptation
Chapter 3 - Sincerity
Chapter 4 - Girlfriend
Chapter 5 - Break Up
Chapter 6 - Best Friends
Chapter 7 - It's Over
Chapter 8 - Memory
Chapter 9 - Proposal
Chapter 10 - Hurt and Forgiveness
Author Notes - IMPORTANT!
Chapter 11 - Respect
Chapter 12 - Trust
Chapter 13 - I'll Be There
Chapter 14 - Leader
Chapter 15 - Zayn & Christian
Chapter 16 - Pregnant
Chapter 17 - Leave
Chapter 18 - Fated
Chapter 19 - Fight
Chapter 20 - Let Me Go
Author's Note - EXAM!!!
Chapter 21 - Without You
Chapter 22 - Another Chance
Chapter 23 - Get Her Back
Chapter 24 - I Need You, I Miss You
Chapter 25 - An Advice
Chapter 27 - Once and For All
Chapter 28 - Jealousy
Chapter 29 - Deserve
Chapter 30 - Natalie
Chapter 31 - Protect You
Chapter 32 - Future Wife
Chapter 33 - How I Feel About You
Chapter 34 - The End Of N&Z

Chapter 26 - Nathan

58 1 0
By RazaliMohamed

I finally got my exam results. I can't sleep at all because I'm too nervous and scared. I'm so nervous that I have a stomach ache. In my mind, I think I will fail a lot.

But when I saw the results, I cheered happily. What an unexpected result! I did not fail any subject and had high marks in every subject. I'm so so happy today. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep after seeing the exam results. I'm happy because I can make my mother proud of me.
Thank you for your support!

So, I will update a new chapter today and here we go...

I hope you are satisfied with this chapter.


Natalie's P.O.V

"A date?" I ask him.

"Yes, Natalie. You promised to go out on a date with me if I could find your aunt."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, Brad. I really forgot. You know, my situation after I met my aunt."

"I know." he nods, "That's why I'm waiting for you. I'm waiting for the right time, but I've been waiting too long and I'm sure you forgot about our deal. So, I'm reminding you now about that."

"I'm sorry, Brad. I'm going to take a day off to go out with you. When do you want to go?"

"Can we go tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Isn't it too early? I haven't prepared anything yet, Brad."

"You don't have to. You always look beautiful no matter what you wear." he praises me as I blush, "Besides, I can't wait to go out on a date with you."

"Brad ..." I giggle.

"So, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 o'clock."

"Alright then-"

"Where are you going?" a deep voice asks and I totally recognize whose voice it is.

"Sir..." Brad hesitates to answer.

"Where do you want to take Natalie?" he asks in an angry tone. I turn to look at him. He folds his arms as the others stand behind him. "Are you two planning to go anywhere?"


"That's none of your business, sir." I reply. He looks shock for a moment. "I don't mean to be rude, but this is our thing."

"What did you say?" he takes a step towards me.

I had to say that. I don't mean to hurt him.

"Nat ..." Niall says, looking at me sadly.

"What? It's true. Why do you want to know what we want to do or who I'm going out with? You shouldn't ask."

"Are you serious right now?" Zayn narrows his eyes.

I just stared into his deep brown eyes.

"Nat, Zayn, stop it, please. Just don't fight again." Liam says.

"We didn't fight. I was just trying to remind him." I say, "Anyway ..., Zayn, Gigi is looking for you. She came here just now to see you, but I won't let her disturb you because you're busy today."

He groans as he rolls his eyes.

"What does she want?"

"She told me it was about your wedding preparations." Chris answers for me.

"Wait, it shouldn't be today. When's your wedding date, Zayn?" Harry asks.

"It's in August." he answers, looking at me with guilt.

"So why does she want to do it now? Isn't it too early?"

"Yeah, you're probably right. Whether she did it on purpose or the other way around." Zayn says.

"I just don't understand her, Zayn. I don't know what you see in her." Louis says.

"Just stop talking about this, okay? Let's go home." he says, walking past me.

"Wait for us." Niall says, chasing him.

They all started following him except me.

I stood still.

"Let's go, Natalie." Chris says, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." I nod.


The next day...

I've asked Kyle's permission to take a day off today so I can go on a date with Brad. Kyle allowed me to do it because he thought this was a good time for me to be cheerful again. Well, I'm not sure what he means, but I want to go out with Brad just because I promised him. I consider Brad my friend. Not more than that.

I'm a little nervous because I haven't dated anyone in a long time. Last time it was with Zayn.

It took me overnight to choose the right dress for the date. Finally I found a suitable dress. I have a lot of black clothes. My jackets, shoes, shirts, pants and dress, mostly black. It's my favorite colour.





After I put on the dress, I put on make up. I just wear mascara and lipstick. I rarely wear makeup. Then I styled my hair...

So, that's it. I'm ready.

I wonder what Zayn thinks about this. Was he angry when I went out on a date with Brad?

Wait, why does he have to be angry? He has Gigi. He chooses to get engaged to her and worst of all, he makes Gigi pregnant with his child.

He is about to build a new life with her. He chose this.

~~Ring Ring Ring~~

I woke up from daydreaming after hearing a phone call. I picked up my phone and I thought Brad called me, but it was Chris.

"Hello, Chris." I answer the call.

"Nat, where are you right now?" he asks.

"I'm home. I'll be out with Brad shortly. Why? Is something wrong?"

"Yes! Zayn fainted."

What the h***?

"I'm on my way! Chris, please tell me what happened!" I ask, yelling as I take my handbag, house keys and car keys before run out.

(The Handbag)

"I'm not sure what happened, but Zayn suddenly collapsed while they were practicing."

"Chris, you promised me you'll take care of Zayn for me. So, please look after him now. Make sure he's fine. I'm on my way there."

"What about your date?"

"It doesn't matter now! I need to make sure Zayn is okay!" I say before hang up the call.

Zayn, please be okay...

In the One Direction company building...

I ran as fast as I could.

Chris told me they were in the training room. As soon as I arrived, I opened the door and saw them. I was very surprised by what I saw. I saw a very handsome and hot man wearing a black-grey suit and the man was Zayn Malik.

He smirked as he looked me up and down.

What the hell is going on?

"I knew you were going to wear black. You look so beautiful, Natalie." he says.

"What the f*ck?"

"Sshhhh .... don't swear, baby."

"I'm sorry, Nat." Chris says, behind him. Harry, Liam, Niall and Louis were also behind him. "I had to do this."

"You lied to me?"

"Yes, because otherwise you won't come."

"What's going on here? You're not actually fainting, Zayn."

"As you can see, I don't." he smirks again.

"What is all this?"

"We're going on a date, Natalie."

"What?" I scoff, "No f*cking way. I'm going on a date with Brad."

"Well, that's not gonna happen, baby girl."

I blushed when he called me that.

"What do you mean it won't happen? I made a promise with him and I will keep my promise."

"I won't let you go out with any man except me, Natalie." he gritted.

"You can't decide for me, Zayn. It's my choice." I say before walking out.

As I walk, I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks in anger.

"Let go of me." I demand.

He didn't let go, instead he starts pulling me and led me to a room. There's nothing I can do, but give in and follow him.

"Let go of me, Zayn !!!" I yell, but he keeps forcing me. "Why are you doing this ?!"

He closed the door and blocked me from the door.

"Move, Zayn. You can't stop me." I say as I try to push him to the side, but he grabs my wrist.

"Do you even know where are you going?" he looks at me angrily, "Going out on a date with Brad is the dumbest thing you've ever done. I know you're just jealous and angry. You want revenge on me!"

"What are you talking about?! Why do I want to do that?!" I start yelling at him.

"You want to make me jealous! When I look at you doing this, you're so foolish and it annoys me so much!"

"So don't pay attention to me!"

"How can I, when you go around like this!" he raises his voice.

I scoff at his action.

"Why does it matter to you, where I'm going now? It doesn't cause you any trouble, so why are you meddling and being annoyed ?!"

"Because you're like an idiot who is willing to go out on a date with another man to make the man she loves jealous! Why do you have to make me mad at you?!"

"Why are you angry at me ?! Just ignore me! You're good at that, aren't you?! Just don't look at whatever I'm doing!" I yell again.

I couldn't help, but cry. I couldn't help myself.

"I can't stop thinking about you! I can't stop myself from loving you!" he yells.

"No, you don't even know how you feel! You said you weren't sure how you felt about me! You left me and got engaged to Gigi! You asked me to stop loving you and find another man who could make me happy!" I tell him, "You already made a decision, so why are you doing this?! I'm doing my best to hold it in, so why are you getting mad at me?! Just leave me like you always do! Why do you want to think about me now?!"

Suddenly he pulled me closer to him and slammed his lips on mine. The kiss was urgent and passionate. I return the kiss and put my hands on his chest. Tears didn't stop flowing down my cheeks.

Wait, what am I doing? I should have rejected him now!

"What do you think you're doing?!" I say as I push him away.

"I just want to calm you down." he says as he tries to wipe away the tears.

I stepped back away from him and wiped away the tears. He looked at me sadly.

"Are you calm now?"

"I-I ..."

I lost for words.

"I gotta go now."

I tried to get out, but he didn't stop blocking me.

"Get out of my way, Zayn." I say.

"Natalie, please don't do this."

"I told you, you can't stop me!" I try to walk past him and as usual, I don't succeed.

He is stronger than me. He pinned me hard on the wall and made it hard for me to move.

"Zayn, let go of me!" I try to push him, but to no avail. I tried and tried, but failed.

"Don't go, Natalie!"

I was surprised to hear that voice. I froze at the familiar voice.

"Natalie, what's wrong?" Zayn asks me, worryingly.

"Did you hear that?"

"No. I didn't hear anything." Zayn replies.

"Don't go! Don't go, Natalie!"

The voice returned.

"Don't go!!"

Suddenly, a body shape appeared 10-15 centimeters from Zayn's back. It is not a perfect human body, but like a shadow.

"B-behind you, Zayn." I point at behind him.

He turned around to look at what I was pointing at and then looked back at me.

"There's no one behind me, Natalie."


"Don't go, Natalie." he says, looking at me sadly.

"N-Nathan ???" I gasp.

And then darkness surrounded me.

"Natalie! Wake up, baby!"


In Natalie's dream...

"Natalie ... My Love."

He called me.

Nathan Jenkins.

"Nathan? You're back." I say as I smile brightly.

"I miss you, Natalie."

"I miss you too, Nathan."

"I know." he smiles, "I'm watching you from afar. I can see you're unhappy."

"How can I be happy when the man I love is engaged to another woman?"

"You know Zayn did that for his mother."

"So am I."

"Is it worth it, Natalie? Your sacrifice for Zayn, to satisfy his mother while both of you suffer, is it worth it?"

"You still don't understand, Nathan. It doesn't matter what happened to me."

"Why doesn't it matter? You deserve to be happy, Natalie. You promised me you would be happy."

"I know I promised you, but it's so complicated, Nathan. I don't know what to do."

"I know you'll find a way, Natalie. You're a smart woman." he says, "We don't have much time, Natalie. I have something to tell you."

"I know. I saw you. You warned me not to go. What do you mean by that?"

"Don't go on a date with Brad."

"Why not?"

"Trust me, my love. All I've done is just to protect you. I've already told you, I'm watching you from afar. You need to be careful. We can't trust everyone completely even if he's nice to us."

"Do you mean Brad? Is he going to betray me? Is he going to do something to me?"

"I can't tell you everything, Natalie. I just want you to be careful and always ready for whatever's going to happen. I know you're a strong, brave and smart woman."

"Nathan ..."

"Our time is up. I need to go. Remember my message to you. Always be careful."

"I will. I love you, Nathan."

"I will always love you, Natalie."

"Will I see you again?"

"We'll see." he smiles.


And I regained consciousness.

"Baby ... are you alright?" Zayn asks, holding me in his arms.

I looked around. I was on a bed.

"Where are we?"

"In my bedroom."

"What? So I'm in your house?"

"Yeah, where else will you be?"

"What if your mom shows up?"

"Natalie, it doesn't matter now. You fainted. How are you feeling?"

"I-I'm fine. How long have I fainted?"

"An hour." he replies, "I heard you mention Nathan's name. What's going on?"

I hesitated to tell him.

"You know you can tell me everything, Natalie."

"I-I saw him, Zayn."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw him behind you and I heard him warn me. It was as if Nathan's spirit was all around me and then I dreamed of him."

"What did he tell you?"

"He told me not to go on a date with Brad. He told me to be careful and ready. H-he ..."

I stopped talking.

I'm scared.

I've never felt this way before.

"Hey hey hey ... baby. It's alright. Nothing is going to happen." he tries to make me feel better.

"N-no." I sob, "I can feel it. I think something bad is going to happen soon. Something really bad. That's what Nathan was trying to tell me."

"Natalie, it's just a dream." he tells me.

"No, you have to believe me, Zayn. I really can feel it. I've never been scared like this. I'm afraid that something bad will happen to all of you." I say, "I'm afraid something bad will happen to you. I don't want that to happen."

"Natalie ..." he hugs me tightly. "Everything will be alright. If something bad happens to me, I know how to defend myself and I have you by my side. You will always protect me, won't you?"

"Yes. I will, always. I promise. We just have to be careful around Brad."

"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you. So you don't have to be afraid. I know you're strong and smart. You'll find a way."

"Nathan said the same thing to me." I say, pulling back from his hug.

"That means it's true." he smirks, "I have faith in you, Natalie."

"I have faith in you too." I say, "T-thank you, Zayn." I smile softly.


Meanwhile, somewhere else ...

"She's not coming, boss. She should be here now, but she didn't show up. I've been waiting for her for an hour."

"So, keep waiting for her! Maybe she has a problem or something!"

"I know her, boss. She's a disciplined woman. She won't be late and won't break her promise unless something happens."

"We can't miss this opportunity! You'll have to find a way! How long do we have to wait ?!"

"I'll try my best, boss."

"Don't try! Do it!" he yells and turns off the call.


2748 Words

That's all for now...

Thank you for reading my story!
I'm gonna apologize for the spelling and grammar mistakes!

To be continued...


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