DEAR JULIETTE โ–น Anthony Bridg...

Por hhypnos

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"My final letters, were they read? Or were they written in vain?" Although born in France, Juliette Villeneuv... Mais



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Por hhypnos

chapter thirty-one

[content warning: sex]

THAT EVENING AS THE SUN DIPPED IN THE SKY, Juliette and Anthony could be found in Anthony's bedroom at Aubrey Hall. The pair had arrived at the Bridgerton's ancestral home a mere hour before and opted to postpone eating dinner entirely. After a set of brief and polite greetings with the house staff, Anthony grabbed Juliette's hand and led her up the stairs. Juliette had visited Aubrey Hall a few times over the years, so he found no reason to give her a vigorous tour of the house. A tour of any sort can wait until the following day.

At the moment, all Anthony wanted now was time spent alone with his wife and Viscountess — his dearest Juliette. As he led her down the corridor, in which sunlight seeped through the windows and cast an orangish hue dancing on the walls, he was, simply put, over the moon. A series of soft giggles echoed in the halls as they escaped Juliette's lips, causing warmth to spread across his chest and caress his heart.

When they reached the wooden door of his bedroom, Anthony ushered Juliette inside. With a thud of the door meeting the frame, he shut the door behind them. Juliette released his hand and headed towards the window. Her hands rested against the window sill and her gaze was fixed on the gardens outside. The light of the setting sun caressed her features, painting her fair skin with hues of golden yellow and fiery orange. The glow of the sun accentuated her beauty, bringing attention to the features that often went unnoticed by all of society — but never Anthony.

There was not one aspect of her beauty that he ever overlooked.

Over the years he has studied and memorized even the most minuscule of details of her face. On her right cheek, an inch below the outer corner of her eye was a thin scar that she received as an infant. The scar blended into her complexion in most light, leaving it invisible to the naked eye. However, when direct light brushed her right cheek, the scar, no longer than an inch, shined silver. Few people were blessed enough to know of its existence. For if they could see the small scar, then they could witness the hues of green that were hidden in her deep brown irises. Even fewer people knew of the hidden beauty of her eyes. Anthony did not need to be facing her to know that the light of the setting sun caressing her soft skin would highlight her hidden beauty.

Anthony discarded his coat on the chair beside the door. He stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his torso. At the sudden touch, he felt Juliette sharply inhale and jump a little bit out of surprise before melting into his chest. Her breathing evened, and even though he didn't have a frontal view of her face, he knew a petite smile tugged at her lips. His fingers aimlessly trailed on the smooth fabric of her wedding gown. As much as he adored her in the gown, he was eager to remove her from it.

"Your mother's garden never ceases to astonish me," she mused in a breathy tone, still fixated on the garden below. She rested her hands on top of his on her stomach. "A hidden attraction of the world."

Anthony leaned downwards and nuzzled his temple into the side of her head. "It is yours now as well."

"I suppose marriage with you ought to bring at least one reward," she sighed wistfully. Anthony recognized the impish undertones of her voice. "Even if it is in the form of a garden."

Anthony gasped dramatically, feigning hurt. "Juliette Bridgerton, why do you wish to cause me pain?"

He felt her stomach contract as she stifled a fit of giggles, Anthony found himself also refraining from releasing a soft chuckle at her antics. He was well aware her words were a mere jest. They had been friends long before becoming lovers. Anthony was grateful the friendly and playful banter remained as their relationship changed.

"Juliette Bridgerton?" She repeated his words, tasting how they felt on her tongue. "Why must you address me in full? Have I committed some sort of wrongdoing?"

Anthony shook his head lightly. "Perhaps, I simply enjoy the sound of your name? What if I wished to speak your name a thousand times, would you dare stop me?"

"Pray do not halt on my account."

Although her words were quiet, they slashed through the night air and echoed loudly in his ears.

"Viscountess Juliette Bridgerton," he murmured into her ear. The caress of his warm breath against her skin caused her to shiver in his arms. "I ought to confess, more marvellous words have never blessed my tongue."

He pressed his lips to the sweet spot beneath her ear. Instinctively, Juliette craned her neck to the side, allowing him more access to the sensitive skin. Anthony smiled into her neck, his teeth grazing her skin. On the corner of his lip, he felt her pulse increase.

"Mhmm, is that so?"

"I have no reason to lie, my love." As he placed gentle kisses along her neck, he whispered her name in the space between each kiss. Every time his lips met her skin, he noticed how she would sharply inhale as if his lips were scolding hot, leaving a burning sensation behind. Anthony continued littering tender kisses along her neck and its base. When his lips met with the fabric of her wedding gown resting on her shoulders, he took the delicate fabric between his teeth and tugged it over her shoulder.

A gasp fell from Juliette's mouth and she tightened her hold on his hands.

Anthony stared down at the exposed skin before pressing his lips against her shoulder. As he kissed her skin, he murmured, "We must get you out of this dress."

Anthony pulled his hands from hers and placed one final kiss on her shoulder blade before pulling away. His long and nimble fingers unbuttoned her wedding dress with ease. In his chest, the beat of his heart increased tenfold, becoming overrun with anticipation. When the final button was undone, he tugged the fabric covering her other shoulder downwards, and then pulled the dress down. The wedding gown fell limply by her feet.

His breathing caught in his throat. Even though she was still very much clothed in her undergarments — a stays over her chemise as well as a petticoat and stockings — and not entirely exposed, he was still in awe. With ease, he undid her petticoat and the fabric fell on top of her gown, looking like a bundled mess on the ground.

Juliette turned around with rosy cheeks and stepped over her now-forgotten frock and underskirt. Her chemise landed just above her knee, however the white silk stockings no doubt reached to the middle of her thigh, shielding her skin from his lustful gaze.

She placed her hands on his chest and looked up at him in endearment. "I hardly find it fair that you continue to be fully clothed."

"Do as you wish," he mumbled into her temple.

Juliette faltered for a moment before beginning to unbutton his vest. Her fingers moved clumsily, as she was no doubt nervous, and she had a difficult time getting the first button through the hole. A shaky breath fell from her lips as she became increasingly more frustrated with herself. Her fingers became more frantic and a frown weighed down the former smile that blessed her lips. Anthony grabbed ahold of her hands, stopping her from her attempts to unbutton his vest for a brief moment.

"Juliette." The tenderness of his voice caught her attention, causing her to look him in the eye with uncertainty. He rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand in a comforting manner. "Breathe. All is well. Breathe, my love."

Anthony continued caressing her hand as she deeply inhaled and exhaled a few times. He smiled down at her and released her hands from his grasp. "There we go, now try again if you wish."

She gave him a meek 'thank you'.

This time when Juliette unbuttoned his vest, she did so with ease. The vest fell to the ground and pride flickered in his eyes. Juliette then moved onto his shirt and just as she had with the vest, she nimbly slipped the buttons through the holes and soon his naked chest was exposed for her to see. As her eyes observed every inch of his chest and stomach, she bit her lip. Warmth spread in his chest at her reaction and trickled down to the desire in his lower stomach.

With her fingers trailing his skin and leaving a sensation of burning in its wake, she slipped his unbuttoned shirt over his shoulders. At the action, his breathing became laboured, earning a wicked grin from his wife. With the wildfire of her touch afflicting his skin, she pushed the sleeves downwards until the linen shirt fell to the ground.

She brushed her fingers over the muscles in his arms and wet her lips. A jolt of electricity crept along his spine from her touch.

Standing on her tiptoes, she leaned in close to his ear, just as he did minutes before. Her body pressed flat against his, allowing him to feel the beat of her heart against his chest. In a breathy tone, she noted, "You are very handsome, my lord."

At the compliment, he found himself grinning broadly.

Anthony lifted her in his arms, causing a soft squeal to tumble from her mouth. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into the side of his head. With ease, he carried her across his bedroom and towards his four-poster bed. Anthony laid her down on the mattress, carefully resting her head on his pillow. She propped herself up on her elbows, her gaze on his exposed chest not faltering. He removed her shoes, tossing them to the ground, before tackling his own.

Once Anthony stood barefoot in only his trousers, he crawled onto the bed and loomed over his wife who was still rather dressed for the occasion. Juliette looked at him with a hint of nervousness flashing in her eyes. She eased the slightest bit when he sent a reassuring smile and caressed her cheek.

Then, his attention moved towards the white stays that constricted her chest.

"Why must this be so tight?" He grunted as his fingers fought with the tightly bound string of her stays.

Juliette stared at him blankly before shrugging. "C'est à la mode."

For a moment, Anthony forgot what they were discussing entirely. For whenever she spoke French around him, which was few and far between, he couldn't help but become lost in how sensual her voice was. Although she didn't say much, her words added gasoline to the flame of desire swirling within his stomach. Everything she did and didn't do was attractive.

From his basic understanding of the language, he gathered her words meant something along the lines of fashion. Typical Juliette.

He scoffed and glanced at her amused expression. "Dare I say, I much prefer my wife to be breathing than following the current style?"

"It is hardly tight," she argued, rolling her eyes at his obvious concern.

Anthony grunted in response, still fumbling with the string as he loosened her stays.

"Do you require my help—oh?" She interrupted herself once Anthony successfully undid her stays, allowing the sturdy fabric to slip open and land by her sides on the bed. She cheekily smiled at Anthony, who was scowling at the stays which he decided he disliked immensely. "Well done, my love."

Anthony Bridgerton knew one thing for sure: he did not like stays. In his opinion, they were a death contraption and would rather his wife not suffocate in the name of current fashion trends. However, he also knew that Juliette would not listen to him on the matter, and would wear them nonetheless. So, there wasn't much he could do in the future but sulk. He couldn't force her opinion.

Ignoring his newfound distaste for an article of clothing, he placed a sweet peck on her lips before moving onto her stockings.

With a gentle touch, he lifted her silk-clad leg by the calf. As he did so, the fabric of her chemise that landed at her knee drifted downwards and pooled at her upper thigh. He was correct in his earlier assumptions, her silk stockings did reach the middle of her thigh. A smug expression pulled at his facial expression. But, the smug expression was soon replaced by one of lust as Anthony's gaze became fixed on the smooth skin of her upper thigh. He had never seen her without a dress covering her skin before, and he found himself becoming lost in each sliver of exposed skin. She was beautiful and every inch of her deserved the same amount of recognition and love.

Leaning downwards, he placed a tender kiss on the area where her thigh met her torso. He heard Juliette inhale softly at the action. So, he placed another quick kiss on the area before returning his attention to her stockings.

As he held her leg in the air with one hand, the other trailed along the skin adjacent to the hem of her stockings. Two of his fingers slipped inside the silk and slowly began tugging the soft fabric down her leg. With each inch of her leg exposed to the orangish hue of the setting sun, Anthony had an undeniable urge to press his lips to every new area that met his eyes. He noticed how goosebumps rose on her skin, no doubt from the chill in the air and the sensation of the fabric sliding from her leg. Once he slipped the silk over her heel, he tossed the stocking behind him. Anthony repeated the action on her other leg.

When both stockings were elsewhere in the room and no longer covering her skin from his gaze, he crawled on top of his wife. The fabric of her chemise was so thin, it may have well been sheer. Anthony swiped his tongue over her lower lip, aroused by the ghost of her form peeping through the fabric.

Anthony reached for the stays with disdain and slipped it through her arms before dropping it to the floor. A faint blush painted her cheeks, an obvious result of nervousness over her exposed body. She laid beneath him in only her thin chemise, having never been this bare to anyone before, except perhaps her lady's maid.

"I find it rather comical that an article of clothing offended you to such a degree." Juliette bit her cheek in an attempt to stifle her giggles.

He ignored her comment, for any word he could say would only support her claim. Instead, he placed a brief kiss on each of her cheeks, the skin a searing flame on his lips. As he did so, he reached behind her head and released the pins from her hair.

The pins that once held her wedding coiffure were thrown on the bedside table, leaving Juliette's long hair loose. Perfect brown ringlets spread across the pillow beneath her head. Anthony loved her hair, he always had. He loved how silky smooth the locks were and how strands often fell from her intricate up-do. And, he loved how the dark curls perfectly fell around her shoulders, reaching the middle of her back and bouncing as she walked. If Anthony could have one request, he would ask her to only ever wear her hair down for the rest of time. But, that was hardly realistic.

His fingers inched for the hem of her chemise that was bunched at her upper thighs and pulled the thin fabric upwards at a crawling pace. His fingers trailed against her skin, not only teasing her but fuelling his desire that swirled within. With every inch of her stomach exposed, and then her chest, Anthony couldn't help but be mesmerized by her effortless perfection.

"Juliette Bridgerton, my viscountess, you hold the beauty of a thousand setting suns," he whispered against the skin above her heart. She shivered beneath his warm breath.

The fabric of her chemise was bunched at her armpits. Juliette lifted her arms, allowing him to pull the chemise in its entirety over her head and then her hands. Once she was free from the fabric, he tossed it to the floor by the bed.

Clothing lay discarded around the bedroom, having been thrown every which way in haste. One of Juliette's silk stockings hung from the unlit chandelier and the other dangled from the fireplace mantel. By the door, lay one of his boots and at the other end of the room, his shirt sat by the leg of a table. Juliette's chemise lay on the floor beside the bed, the exact spot where Anthony had dropped it moments before after slipping it over her head.

Unsure of what to do, she clasped her hands and rested them on her stomach. She toyed with the two rings on the fourth finger of her left hand, the metal and precious gems glinted in the orangish light of the setting sun.

A thin red indent lined the middle of her stomach and the lower portion of her chest. Anthony frowned at the sight. Placing a finger on the impression, he followed the line along her stomach before doing the same on her chest. At his gentle touch, Juliette shivered beneath him.

"Hardly tight?" He repeated her earlier words, disbelief and concern heavy on his tongue.

"Oh, hush!" She laughed.

The sweet sound of her joyous laughter eased the concern nagging the back of his head.

The bedroom was cold as a nippy breeze snuck in from the open window. Despite the chill in the air, his skin was warm to the touch and Juliette's an open flame.

Looking down upon her exposed body as he straddled her, Anthony Bridgerton was in awe. Juliette Eléonore Bridgerton was the most intoxicatingly beautiful woman he had ever seen and will ever see for the rest of time. Not only was she alluring via society's standards but her soul itself was written with the finest gold. Even when she wasn't trying, she still managed to be the most captivating soul in the room. At every ball and every social event, he always found himself lost in her presence. Even now, on their wedding night, Anthony didn't want to take his eyes off her for the most minuscule of seconds. For she was enthralling and never boresome. He could look at her for hours on end and continue to find beautiful features of her body and soul.

Her lips were parted the slightest bit as she looked at him in wonder. Anthony wished he knew what was whirling around inside that head of hers. He removed her hands from her stomach and interlocked their fingers. Raising their clasped hands, he brought the back of her hand to his lips, and one by one, he placed a soft kiss on each before lowering them once again. As he leaned downwards, inching closer and closer to her lips, he slid their intertwined hands, resting them on the spot above her head.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He murmured against her lips, the lips he loved with the entirety of his heart.

Juliette gulped.

"I was wondering if you were going to kiss me or if you planned on staring at me for the rest of the evening." Like a feathered touch, her lips brushed against his as she spoke.

"I am admiring your beauty—"

She lifted her head a little and kissed him.

At first, the kiss was slow and gentle, but Anthony was brisk to deepen the kiss, which became heated and full of need. His lips moved quickly with hers as he attempted to shove all the love he felt for her into a single kiss. He tightened his hold on her hands and pushed them further into the pillow. Anthony found himself spellbound by the way she moved and how her lips perfectly moulded to his. She was his soulmate. They were built for one another.

He couldn't imagine ever growing tired of kissing Juliette.

Anthony released his hold on her hands and cupped her cheeks. A wildfire of desire grew within, intensifying his need for her. Juliette was a temptress and he was her willing victim. If it were even possible, Anthony pressed his lips further against hers, craving to be devoured by her and everything she symbolized. As she ran her fingers down his chest and along the waistline of his trousers, she burned his skin, leaving him craving more. Anthony never wanted her touch to ever leave his skin, for her touch not only tethered him to the world but aided in transporting him to a world of their own. A sharp, although muffled, gasp sounded from his mouth when Juliette curled a finger in the waistband of his trousers and urged him closer. Her knuckle dug into his lower stomach, teasing him.

She was unaware of what she was doing to him, unaware of the power she held.

Although he was rather fond of her face, his hands left her cheeks, and slid downwards, exploring every bit of her body.

The skin that was forever hidden behind thick layers of fabric was softer than he ever imagined, and he imagined quite a bit. Anthony fantasized how it would feel for his fingers to trail along the exposed skin of her stomach and teasingly up to her chest more times than he could count. He easily learnt that reality was far better than his dreams. For her skin felt like the finest of silk, and he couldn't get enough of the feeling. Anthony was becoming drunk off her.

As his touch became familiar with her body, all he wanted to do was press his lips against every inch of her skin of silk, for she deserved a thousand kisses and then a thousand more. From the small scar prominent on her left knee — no doubt from the time she tripped over a rock outside his house — to the birthmark just above her hip bone to the sweet spot beneath her ear lobe and everywhere in between. So, he did just that. Pulling away from her lips and receiving a small pout from her at the action, Anthony began littering soft kisses across her body, mimicking the constellations of the night sky. Every inch of her was intoxicating and perfect and deserved to be loved all the same.

In all of her heavenly entirety, she was loved and forever will be.

Not a day will pass in which she finds herself questioning his love.

A promise he vowed to keep.

Juliette was alluring, sensual and absolutely flawless to the last birthmark dotting her skin. She was everything Aphrodite symbolized, but the goddess herself seemed to pale in comparison.

He was attacking her right breast with tender kisses when her fingers found his cheeks and pulled him to her lips once again. The girl who owned his heart grazed his lips with her teeth and tugged on the waistline of his trousers once again. Her action was of innocent nature, having no inkling of how it affected him. Everything she did, even if acted out of innocence, was seductive. The fire in the pit of his stomach intensified tenfold, causing the tightening in his trousers to become too much to handle.

He needed her.


Rolling off Juliette for a moment, Anthony slid off his trousers and dropped them to the floor next to her chemise. Anthony crawled over Juliette once again, a knee planted firmly by each of her hips.

Juliette's lips parted and a silent gasp fell from her tongue. Her gaze continually flicked between his eyes and his lower region. When she bit her bottom lip in uncertainty, Anthony wanted nothing more than to reconnect their lips. So, he did. Anthony placed a chaste kiss on her lips, easing her nerves.

"Are you alright, my love?"

"Hmm?" she hummed, maintaining her gaze on his face.

Anthony stifled a laugh at her antics and a large grin grew on his face. God, he loved this woman.

"Are you alright, my love?" He repeated himself, this time a bit more enunciated in hopes she would listen.

Juliette furrowed her brows and wrinkled her nose, in an attempt to draw his attention from her reddened cheeks. Her attempt was in vain. She scoffed, "Well, yes, of course."

"You seem awfully distracted," he mumbled, drawing simple shapes on her stomach with his finger.

"I have to disagree."

Anthony snorted. "Very well, do you trust me?"

"I do." Her words were so gentle that they nearly became lost in the night's atmosphere. However, there was not a hint of hesitation in her words.

The last thing Anthony Bridgerton ever wanted to do was cause Juliette even a sliver of pain. She had suffered so much as the years progressed and he never wanted to see so much of a wince in pain afflict her. Juliette was not fabricated from fragile glass, which he was well aware of, but guilt gnawed at the innermost lining of his stomach at the mere thought of causing her the slightest bit of discomfort.

Anthony placed a brief yet tender kiss on her temple. With a frown, he mumbled against the skin, "I wish this would not hurt—"

"Anthony, you worry about me far too much," she comforted.

Of course, he worried about her. He loved her.

"If at any moment you wish I stop, please do tell."

Juliette nodded slightly. He searched her eyes for any signs of hesitation or fear — any reason for him to halt before he even began — but he found nothing of the sort. Juliette's eyes were wide and full of innocent anticipation and love.

When he entered her, she winced. Anthony was about to stop when she sent him a reassuring simper.

He often dreamt of her beneath him, trembling beneath his touch and whispering — no, screaming — his name in desire and need. Anthony quickly learned that reality was far better than all of his fantasies combined. For, in his dreams, the scent of lavender was not swirling within the air and her hands did not send electrical impulses against his exposed skin. The wafting smell of lavender muddled his thoughts, resulting in him being lost in everything she was and meant. She was the sun after a raging storm and the first sight of rain after a long drought. Juliette was everything and more than he ever needed and ever dreamt.

Her hands roamed his back and her nails scraped his skin, causing an exhilarating and electrical chill to crawl up his spine. Whenever he struck a particular nerve, she would tighten her grip on his back and urge him closer. A gasp would escape her lips. Although a stinging sensation caressed his shoulder blades as the skin fell victim to her nails, he wouldn't have it any other way. Anthony loved witnessing the reaction his love and his touch caused her to experience. If anything, it added gasoline to the fire that was his desire.

The shallow red scratches dancing across his skin will prove as physical evidence the following morning that their wedding night occurred in reality and not a cruel dream gifted to him by Morpheus. Anthony was ready to melt under her touch and smell. Everything she did provoked the uproar of desire. He reminded himself that the night was about her pleasure and he refused to deviate from his goal.

"Juliette Bridgerton, everything you do causes me to burn with desire," he whispered into the side of her neck. As he did so, his teeth grazed her skin, causing Juliette to twitch beneath him.

Soft whimpers and pleas for more fell from her lips, becoming lost in the sound of heavy breathing intertwined with the night air. The softness of her voice became stronger and louder, turning into rushed outcries of his name heavily written with lust and need. Her hands slid up his neck and her fingers became knotted in his hair, gripping on the strands tightly. As if she were a siren of the sea, he had fallen victim to the sounds of her love, luring him into everything that was her. She was all-consuming, a roaring and dangerous current during a threatening oceanic storm.

Suddenly, Juliette fell silent as only shallow breaths fell from her mouth. The tight grip on his hair loosened causing one hand to slip downwards to his cheek. An elated smile grew on her face and pure bliss was written on her expression.

After he reached his own high, Anthony's arm gave out from exhaustion and he fell on top of her. A small oomph escaped her lips as she was subjected to bear his weight, but she wrapped her arms around his back tightly nonetheless and pulled him closer.

"I love you," she mumbled against his temple, her words muffled.

"I love you too."

A few moments passed before Anthony rolled the pair over, bringing Juliette to lay on top of him. Juliette's chin dug into the spot in the centre of his chest just below his collarbones. Her brown curls fanned across his chest, tickling his skin. Their gaze was interlocked. The green hues dancing in her brown eyes glinted in the light of the moon and showcased the story of feelings she experienced inside — joy, lust, and love.

The moonlight accentuated her timeless beauty, highlighting the hollow of her cheekbone and the soft curvature of her cupid's bow.

"Why are you so far away," he frowned.

"I would hardly consider this as far away—eeeek!" Juliette released a squeal as Anthony planted his hands firmly on her waist and slid her closer to his face. Now the tip of her nose was pressed against his and her soft breaths fanned the lower portion of his face. She rolled her eyes. "Is this more to your liking, my lord?"

"Very much so, my lady."

Anthony pushed her hair to one side of her neck. As he did so, his fingers grazed her cheek, causing her to lean into his touch. At the action, warmth spread across his chest.

Juliette — his wife — leaned downwards and placed her lips upon his, bringing him into a brief yet tender kiss.

She whispered against his lips, "When midnight comes, we will not be forced to bid farewell."

Anthony grinned at her words.

"No, my love, we will be together until the sun rises and then the hours beyond," He promised, caressing her cheek in endearment.

The Viscount and Viscountess did just that. When midnight came, they lay in one another's arms relishing in the other's presence with their bodies pressed together. Juliette's cheek rested against the skin above his heart and she listened intently to the beating in his chest — of his love. With one hand, Anthony drew small circles on the small of her exposed back while the other toyed with her loose brown curls. From his innocent touches, Juliette hummed in contentment, nuzzling into his side.

When Juliette's soft and rather adorable snores sounded in the night air, Anthony craned his neck to place a gentle kiss on the top of her head. He pulled the linen sheet and the bedspread up to her chin to keep her warm and held her tight to his body. Taking one final glance at his wife and the love of his life, he shut his eyes. The sounds of her rhythmic and quiet breathing, along with a snore every so often, lulled Anthony to sleep.

That very morning, Anthony Bridgerton may have awoken in his bed at his bachelor lodgings alone, but that evening he entered the land of dreams with his soulmate — his dearest Juliette — held close to his chest.

For the rest of his life, her face would be the first he sees when he wakes and the last he sees before he falls asleep.

He wouldn't wish to have it any other way.

"Until the sun rises, my love," he whispered, half asleep, into the night.

The End.

. . .

rose's notes

I bet y'all weren't expecting the wedding AND the wedding night to be in Anthony's POV (truth be told, neither did I, it was a last-minute decision. No regrets though.)

I don't like writing smut so that's the furthest I'm willing to go smut-wise... sorry for any let-downs LMAO

ANYWHO this is the last chapter (aside from the epilogue) ... I hope you enjoyed chapter 31! <3

^ what Juliette has to deal with for the rest of her life 🥵🥵🥵

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