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By Aarka2207

864K 26.4K 9.3K

๐ƒ๐š๐ซ๐ค๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ƒ๐ž๐ฌ๐ข๐ซ๐ž ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐Ÿ--- She was brought there as their blood source... More

Chapter 18
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 34
Chapter - 55
Darkness & Desire Series Book 2
Darkness & Desire Series Book 3


7.5K 302 148
By Aarka2207

[Author's POV]

All the students were going to their dorms which were given to them for these three days picnic. They reached the picnic spot just half-hour ago. 

Sara was still not feeling well. She was still upset about the shocking truth that she learned from her mother a few hours ago.

The boys just wanted to torture that woman to hurt Sara like this. They were not liking her dull state like this. They thought that she would be happy here, but it's all opposite now.

They could see her condition. She was looking like she will cry any time. They still didn't like that she took the wrong step to run away from there. 

They were angry at her but more than her they were angry at her so-called mother whom they are going to torture after going back to their home.

The picnic spot was away from the local public areas. These dorms were specially organized for these types of picnics. It was nearly afternoon when they reached their picnic spot.

The next morning they are going for camping in the nearby forest. The students were told to take some rest till the evening, as they were going to have a small talk in the evening about the rules of camping.

The boys were in their dorm. Sean was looking outside the window from where the whole scenario of the forest can be visible. It was beautiful.

But he was not looking at its beauty. He was finding something else. He was making sure that the forest is safe for them and their Sara. They don't want to take any risk for her safety.

They didn't come here alone. Some of their most trusted men were there. The boys told them to follow the bus not getting suspicious.

Those men were scattered around the resting place staying hidden in the forest. They were told to keep their eyes on everything they find suspicious.

They informed boys every half hour that everything is fine and nothing seems suspicious but Simon was not feeling right. 

Right now, he was finding his decision to come here with their Sara wrong. He was feeling afraid and especially for Sara. 

He knew that everything was right around them, nothing seems suspicious or dangerous then what is the feeling that is making him this restless.

Not just him, every six of them feeling like this. But they were ignoring it assuming that it's just a worry for Sara. But is it really worry or something more than that?

Is something going to happen today?

[In the evening]

All the students were sitting on the ground. It was nearly evening. The sky had turned orange indicating that the sun was going down in few times.

The boys were sitting on the other side and the girls were sitting on another side. The brothers can see how upset Sara was. 

She was looking at the professor who was instructing everything related the camping but her eyes showed that how much pain she was feeling.

They have already killed that woman so many times in their minds. They were blaming her for Sara's condition. Also, Sara that she shouldn't have pulled that type of stunt ever.

"Why are they not responding?" Raimon grumbled angrily.

"What happened, Raimon?" Alvin asked him.

"The guards are not responding to my messages. They haven't even notified me about the surroundings for the last one hour." Raimon informed them.

Others looked at him as he said. It was not a big matter, but not a normal one, too, that they can ignore it. They looked around to find any of their guards there. But they saw none. 

The restless feeling up until now grew more. None of their guards has notified them for hours and this is not a small matter now. They got more alert.

"They didn't even notify us nor I can't even see  them anywhere here." Leon said looking around the jungle then at his brothers.

"This is getting suspicious now." Kevin mumbled.

"Where is Sara?" They heard Sean. When they looked back where Sara was sitting before she was not there now.

"Not again. She isn't trying to pull any stupid stunt again." Simon spoke angrily looking around to find her anywhere.

"Hey, did you see where is Sara?" Alvin asked Jason who was sitting nearby him.

"Oh, She went to the washroom with Nora." Jason replied.

"That stupid human girl Nora!" Kevin internally killed Nora on the spot.

They were desperately waiting for their Sara as they were hardly controlling themselves not to go inside and be with her every second.

The weird and not-so-good feeling they were feeling right now was making them more desperate and a little bit afraid, too. After 10 minutes still, she didn't come back. They had enough now. 

"I am going there." Alvin stood up declaring and was going to enter inside the dorm building when something fell on the fire which was set on the ground in between the sitting place of the students.


The things which fell on the campfire got blasted making all the people standing around stood up and back away. The boys also backed away but in a standing position and more alert now.

All the students were horrified to see this. And before they could even process anything more, another thing fell on the ground with another blast. 

This time it was near the gate of the building. All the students started to run here and there to save their lives.

The boys didn't even flinch by the second blast but after what they felt they got shocked and more alert. They felt the dark aura around them. 

They got alert and started looking around to find the person from which they were feeling this dark aura. They could feel that this dark energy they were feeling is not coming from only one person.

"Sara..." Sean remembered about Sara and others heard him.

Nodding at each other they all went inside to find Sara. When they came to the washroom, they saw Nora was trying to stand up from the floor.

Her forehead was also bleeding. But they didn't see Sara anywhere. Others followed the direction where Sara's scent was going. 

Leon came to Nora to know what happened here, but not to ask, to read her mind. He pulled her chin to make her look at him into his red glowing eyes. 

Reading her mind, he got to know that when Nora was waiting outside the washroom for Sara, a weird guy came and hit her making her hit her forehead on the wall. That guy said something to Sara and Sara got scared and ran away from there.

He made her unconscious. She won't remember about this act of his. He directly followed his brothers.

Following her scent, they came into the woods. Her scent and the dark aura they were feeling both here. The sun was on the verge of setting down, as a result, the light was getting low in the forest.

They were still following her scent which was fading away also. They stopped somewhere to look around to find her.

"Where did she go?!" Alvin screamed looking around getting frustrated not finding his strawberry anywhere in this forest which was getting darker now.

Their hearts were beating fast in a little bit of fear thinking if she is okay or not. Really, love makes you feel everything that you never felt before.

"Sara!" Raimon shouted her name hoping he would get any reply from Sara so that they could find her anywhere.

But in return, they heard a scream filled with pain. It didn't take them a second to realize that it belonged to their Sara.

They looked at each other then ran in the direction from where they heard her scream. Right now, they were understanding why they were feeling restless back then.

They came to the place to see Sara on the ground looking at someone who was pointing a gun at her. Her eyes were showing pure fear and her body was trembling.

"So the Dankworth brothers came to save their girl, huh?" The man who was pointing a gun at Sara spoke and looked at the boys.

"Elric!!" Simon growled at him and was going to attack him but suddenly they all were surrounded by the many people in black attire.

Today, Sara had no confusion why are they attacking her. She knew the reason, the feelings boys have for her. This is the reason why they are attacking her. This is the reason why these non-human people are after her.

"Leave her alone!" Raimon told them growling. 

Hearing Raimon's words, Elric started laughing loudly like Raimon just did a comedy. His reaction angered the brothers more.

"Oh, no, no... not that easily. How can you even think that the girl you all love, will be safe from the eyes of your dear rival, huh Dankworth brothers?" Elric told them smirking evilly.

"What you want?!" Sean asked them more like shouted at him.

"I want your death, which is possible by using this girl only, whom you all love madly." Elric told them.

The people who were surrounding them took the knives out, but not some regular ones. They were silver knives.

"Attack!" Elric ordered them and they all attacked the brothers. 

Two men attacked Alvin from behind, but before they could stab him with their knives, Alvin caught their hands which were holding their knives.

Breaking their wrists he caught the knives and stabbed them killing them on the spot. Few others came and he also killed them with the knives. He also got some cuts from the knives, not enough to make him weak.

Simon was surrounded by some of the few men near a tree. All the men were ready to stab him with the silver knives in their hands.

All the men attacked at him at once, but Simon was fast enough to detach the tree from the ground in a fast move and hit them with the whole tree.

A few men were running towards him with knives in their hands but they couldn't come as Simon threw the whole tree on them with a loud sound and an earthquake-like shake in the ground.

Leon and Kevin both were surrounded by the men. Some of them had silver swords in their hands pointing towards them.

A man with a silver sword attacked Leon. Leon moved aside as Kevin came from behind catching the handle of the sword which was in the hands of the attacker.

Bending his hand behind his back he took the sword and snapped his neck from behind and also some of the others who were going to attack him again

Leon moved behind and attacked the two men who were attacking Kevin. They both attacked him intending to snap his neck but Leon was behind them in a blink of an eye.

Catching both of their head, with a powerful force him buried their heads in the ground. It didn't affect them like he wanted so he grabbed the knives and stabbed them in the neck.

All the men who were surrounding Sean and Raimon had silver swords. Raimon and Sean had a plan which they talked about it from the eyes.

Sean's red eyes focused on the attacker. The attacker screamed in pain which Sean was giving him by his strong eyes.

Getting the chance Raimon caught the sword from his hand and snapped all of their necks in a swift move. Their bodies fell on the floor lifelessly. But it was not enough as new men came there again.

They were just not few, they were many. But boys were also not weak. They killed everyone who came in their hands on the spot leaving no one alive.

Sara was looking at all this with horror and fear-filled eyes. It was not her first time to see this type of bloodied scene still it was hard for her to witness all these violent scenes again.

Not wanting to witness all this horrific memory again, she just ran away from them not knowing where she was going.

Elric was just enjoying the fight the brothers were having with his men. He knew that his men are going to die but he just used them as a distraction for the boys.

He wanted to take Sara away from them. But Sara ran away from there giving him the chance to catch her alone and easily. He saw her running away from deep in the forest.

Sara ran and ran not wanting to stop. She wanted to go away from all these non-human creatures and this paranormal world as soon as possible. 

She wants to live her normal life like she used to do before. She didn't know where she was running. She just ran and ran hoping she would find a way to get free from all these things.

Getting out of breath she stopped at a tree to catch her breath. She was drenched in sweat due to all the running.

"Sara." She heard her name getting calling from behind. 

When she looked back to see the Elric guy standing there a few steps away from her. He was giving her an evil smile making her back away from her.

"I'm not here to harm you. But I am-" Before he could complete his words Sara ran away from him.

She knew that he was one of the rivals of the brothers and she also knew that he would try to harm her even when he was saying that he won't. 

Their enemies always want to hurt the brothers and this time using her because the brothers love her. Also, she can't forget that he was the same person that pointed a gun at her just a few minutes ago.

Elric just chuckled evilly looking at her running figure. He finds weird fun in making people fear him. He just chased her at a normal speed taking more fun scaring her.

Sara stopped at the end of the water surface as there was a river in her way. She was more afraid thinking where would she go. She didn't know swimming also, then how will she cross this water.

She really wanted to run away from these people. Then she saw some small rocks in the middle of the water.

She slowly jumped from them and tried to cross the water. When she looked back to see if he was chasing her or not. And he was chasing her.

He was crossing the stones like he was walking on plain ground. She ran hurriedly away from him. But she did not realize when she came to the end of the river. At the edge of the waterfall.

She was standing on the big stone at the end of the waterfall. When she looked down she only saw the water falling with the high force.

It was a really big waterfall. If anybody would fall from here, there is no chance that that person would be alive.

When she turned around to go back she saw Elric standing there. She took her step back but stopped at the edge of the waterfall.

She was now really scared. If she falls from here, she will die, and if she goes back that Elric will hurt her. But she doesn't want to die. 

She just wants to free from all these abnormal things happening around her and live her life peacefully and normally. 

"Sara, I told you, I mean no harm to you. Just listen to me first." Elric told her as he stood some distance away from her. She looked at him with her scared eyes. She doesn't have any choice rather than listening to him.

"I know you don't want to stay with those vampire brothers. And that's why I did all this planning. I can get you out of here. You can get your normal life back. You want this right?" Elric told her with a genuine expression on his face.

But inside, he just wanted to lure her into his plan so he could kidnap her and use her to make the brothers weak. 

"I can take you out of this life." He told her genuinely. He was again going to say something when someone came in between.

"Sara!" They looked in the direction of the voice to see Simon running towards them. 

Behind him, his others brothers were coming, too. They were looking hurt by some wound from which blood was oozing out.

Now Elric and Simon both were standing in front of Sara while she was standing at the edge of the waterfall.

The other five brothers also wanted to come, but seeing Sara's standing position they stopped not wanting to scare her more, as it will be more dangerous and there is a chance that she would fall- they don't want to even think about it.

Simon was injured very much. There could be seen many cuts on his torso as his blue shirt was now covered in his own blood.

"Sara, come here to me." Simon told her stretching his hand out for her to take it.

"Sara, no. Come with me. Don't you want to Iive your normal life again? I can give you that. He will take you back in the cage again. Come with me." Elric told her stretching his hand for her to take. 

Sara was looking at both of them one by one. Both of them were telling her to take their hands. But she doesn't want to take anybody's hand. 

She just wants to get free from here. Elric was giving her that option but she knows that he was also one of the rivals of the Dankworth brothers.

And every rival of them had hurt her till now. She doesn't trust Elric that he will be true to his words. 

She doesn't want to even take Simon's hand knowing that she would again be caged in their cage. Giving up she was left only one option.

Her tears started to fall from her eyes. She doesn't want to fall from the waterfall and die. She only had one option left. 

Elric was looking at her trying to read her mind to see what step she was going to take. When he knew that she was taking a step against him.  

But he can't let her do that. He can't let her go back to the brothers again. He knew she was going to take her steps towards Simon. But he can't let that happen.

Sara was going to take her first steps towards Simon when the rock on which she was standing started to break.

Simon noticed the rock on which she was standing started to break. He was going to catch her but he was too late.

Sara fell into the waterfall.

"Sara!" All the brothers screamed her name.

Simon tried to catch her hand but his hand just touched her finger but couldn't catch her hand. He just stayed there watching his love falling in the waterfall not able to save her.

Seeing her falling in the water with her eyes telling him to catch her and save her, everything around him just stopped. But very painfully. Which was unbearable for them.

They all can feel their heart getting pained seeing her falling into the waterfall. They all were feeling like they just lost the reason to live their life seeing her falling into the waterfall.

They just stood there looking down to see their Sara who was already feel in the waterfall and couldn't be seen. Now they understood why they were feeling this much restless before. This was the reason.

They were feeling the same pain they once felt years back when they lost their dear parents. They again lost the one person whom they loved dearly, to whom they wanted to spend their life.

They lost their Sara.

In the worst moment of their life, they heard a laugh. Elric was laughing seeing their broken condition. 

But he doesn't have any idea that how dangerous and painfully his future will be now...

The boys were sure broken and devasted losing their Sara, but with losing her they also lost their sanity which was of course her.

Their eyes which were showing only pain now replaced the anger, madness, and only rage with the dangerous glow in their eyes.

"You all-ahh!" Elric's words got cut off by Kevin who jumped on him choking him and drowning his head in the flowing water.

He was surely the one sadistic and right now he was more dangerous than just the word sadistic. He was choking him with an unknown expression but it was sure looking like murderous.

Now it was Elric's turn to feel the pain they felt because of him. But he can't feel it, because he doesn't love anyone like they love their Sara.

Elric was not finding his power to make himself free. Just when he felt like he was going to die. Kevin take him out of the water.

"Not that easily, Elric." Kevin told him looking into his eyes directly.

Now Elric was scared looking into his red glowing eyes which were making him look like a pure monster. The monster he created by himself. By taking their Sara away from him.

"You have a long way to feel the pain we are going to give you just like you gave us separating our Sara from us!" Kevin's loud growl was filled with rage which he was going to pour on him.

He had surely become a monster. Elric was scared from inside but he didn't show it. 

"Y-You need to be alive for that you know." Elric said. 

The boys looked around to find themselves surrounded by many men in black attire. But it didn't affect them. 

"M-Many others are coming, too." Elric told Kevin trying to break free from his grip.

"They all just came here to meet their death."


Keith was working in his office with full concentration which also broke by his phone ring. He picked it up to see the caller.

"Jared?" Keith was confused why Jared was calling him at this time. He picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Speak, Jared." Keith ordered him directly.

"Master Keith, please come here. We need your help right now." Came an impatient voice of Jared. Keith got confused about why he was in so much hurry. 

"What happened, Jared? Why are you so much in hurry?" Keith asked him.

"Master, actually... young masters are..." Jared was not finding any words.

Knowing that Jared was talking about the boys, Keith got serious. Standing up from his seat, he picked up the phone in his hand and put it on his ear.

"What is the problem, Jared? Speak up." Keith told him.

Hearing what he said from the other side, he was shocked. He hurriedly went out of his room to drive to his nephews' mansion.

After half hour, his car stopped. He came out to see the condition of the surrounding. A car was turned upside down on the ground and few guards were trying to make it stand properly.

By the big hole in the car's door, he knew that one of his nephews did this. But why? This was the question he was asking himself.

He saw Jared talking on the phone talking like he was telling the person on the other side an important work. He came to him to speak about the matter happening around.

"Jared!" Keith called him. Jared turned to him. Keith noticed that he was in so much tension and hurry.

"What is the commotion here? What is happening here?" Keith asked him. 

"Master, actually-" Jared's voice got cut by a loud voice.


Keith's face turned to the direction of the voice. He came inside. He was shocked to see the condition of the living room. 

The whole living room was trashed. Everything was broken and scattered. Not even the walls were in the good condition.

"Jared, tell me exactly what is happening here." Keith ordered Jared. Jared nodded at him before speaking to the other person standing beside him.

"William, handle everything on behalf of me." William guy nodded and went away from there.

"Master, actually young masters are out of control. We are not able to handle them nor calm them down." Jared told him.

"What happened to them?" Keith asked him.

After hearing everything that Jared told him, he was angry and shocked at the same time. Angry because he was blaming Sara for everything that is happening here. And shocked because he never thought that his nephews could love her to this extent.

Jared told him that boys killed every man that came into their way in the picnic spot after Sara fell into the waterfall. 

They also stayed there for the whole night to find her but they couldn't find her. He first came to see Sean. Coming into his room he was shocked.

Sean's whole room was a mess and also him. He saw him leaning onto the wall on the floor. His face was blank no emotion at all. 

"Sean..." Keith called him catching his attention. Sean looked at him.

His expression changed to a shocked one. He stood up and directly came to stand in front of him.

"Did you find my Sara? Tell me where is she? Is she fine?" He just asked him question after question shocking Keith more seeing how crazy his son-like nephew become after that human girl.

"Sean, get a grip on yourself. What are you doing? What is all this? What happened to you?" Keith asked him looking at the mess he created and the mess he had become.

"Did you find her or not?" Sean asked him seriously with a loud voice.

"No. Jared is finding her." Keith answered knowing his condition that he won't listen without any answer to his own question.

Sean's expression fell hearing his answer as he backed away and sat on the sofa which was luckily in a good condition.

"Sean, have you gone crazy?" He got a direct reply from him.

"Yes, we have gone crazy. For her." Sean replied calmly yet madness-filled eyes not looking at him.

"And it made you weak. All of you." Came serious reply of Keith. Sean just looked at him.

Keith could see the pain in his eyes, which he had seen years before when they were looking at their parents' dead bodies lying in the coffin.

He realized that how much his nephews love Sara. He was feeling angry and a little bit happy at the same time. He knew they love her just like they used to love their parents.

"Sean." He called him. Sean looked at him with a plain yet painful expression.

"Meet me in the game room. All of you." Saying that Keith went out of the room.

He came into the game room and waited for the boys to come. After few minutes, all the boys came.

"Did you find her, uncle?" Cam Alvin's desperate voice. Keith closed his eyes in frustration and looked at him turning around.

"All of you, control yourself. That girl has made you all crazy. " Keith snapped at them getting angry at their crazy behavior.

"Uncle, did you find her or not?" Leon frustratedly asked him. Keith closed his eyes and opening his eyes again he spoke.

"Do you think that a girl like her can be alive after falling from that much huge waterfall?" Keith told them.

It was true. That waterfall was one of the big and dangerous waterfalls in the whole country. There is no chance that anybody would come back alive after falling from that waterfall.

"I don't care. I just want my Sara back." Simon screamed punching the wall again breaking it.

All of them had gone crazy without their Sara. Their eyes were showing how much they were yearning for her.

Their heart was grieving so much. They were feeling like they were losing their life a bit by bit every second without her.

"Uncle, just find her at any cost. We want her back." Raimon told him angrily as he was not having any control over himself.

Keith rubbed his forehead with his index figure seeing their stubbornness and madness about finding Sara.

"Fine." Saying that he went out of the room.

He knew that his nephews won't calm down before they find their Sara. He doesn't have hope that he would find Sara alive but at least he could try. Just for his nephews

At least, if they see her dead, they would stop getting crazy like this and forgot her after a few days of mourning.

[Two days later]

All these two days, Keith was staying in their house. He stressed a bit as there was no clue or any sign of finding Sara.

He had appointed many teams to find her in that waterfall area. But he got no clue. He was stressing more as boys were not calming down at any moment.

"Master." Came Jared's voice. Keith opened his eyes and looked at him. His expression showed how stressed he is right now.


"Those searching teams have come." Jared informed him.

Keith nodded and stood up and came towards the main door where the searching team was waiting for him.

"Did you find her?" Keith directly asked him as he reached there.

"Mr. Dankworth, we are really sorry but we couldn't find her." One man from the team said. Keith sighed hearing the same answer again from them.

"But..." Keith looked at them as one of the men spoke something. 

"We found this thing on the bank of the river which was connecting to the waterfall." He put something on the table.

"And Mr. Dankworth, I think you should stop finding her. I don't think that she would be alive till now. And also there are many wild dangerous fish and crocodiles in that river."

Keith thought about his words. He knew he was saying the truth. Sara wouldn't be alive till now. But the problem is that he needed to make his nephews understand this.

He took that thing from the table and came to the game room. It was the only room that boys hadn't shattered in their anger and madness.

"Did they find her?" As they came into the game room, a direct question came from Kevin.

"They found this." Keith said and put the thing that, that the man from the searching team gave him.

Kevin was shocked seeing that thing which he made himself for his angel and make her wear her in her ankle. It was her anklet which he made for her by his hands.

He took it immediately in his hands and see it. He could see a small amount of blood in the butterfly that was connected to it. He knew that the blood belonged to Sara.

"But where is she?" Kevin asked him.

Keith sighed taking a deep breath. He needs to make them understand that she won't be coming back now. Not ever.

"Boys, try to understand she won't coming back now." Keith told them.

"No!" Came a loud shout from the boys in the union.

"She has to come back to us." Alvin said.

"Alvin, try to understand. Do you think that a girl like her can survive from that much huge waterfall ever? Think about it once." Keith tried to make them understand but they were more stubborn.

"Uncle-" Keith cut Raimon's words.

"No, Raimon. I heard enough of you. Now you listen to me. I know to how much extent you love her. I also know that you can't forget her ever." Keith told them.

"You are right, uncle. Nor we can forget her neither we can't live without her. That's why we want her back at any cost." Simon said seriously.

Keith understood that it won't be easy for him to make his nephews understand that their Sara won't be coming back.

Their love for her Sara has crossed every limit now, that they can't even live a single day without her. But now they need to live without her for whole their life.

"Simon, if she is dead then I can't do anything now. No one can take her back ever." Keith spoke calmly putting his hand on his shoulder.

"No, no. She can't go like this. She knew we loved her that how can she leave us like this. No, I can't let her go like this. She has to come back to us."

Leon had lost control over himself. Keith came and hold his shoulder to stop him from walking here and there.

"But, she is gone now, Leon. Get a grip on yourself." Keith told him.

Leon heard him and fell on the sofa behind him with a thud. His facial expressions only showed pain and only pain that he was feeling by the separation from his rose. Not only him, but all the brothers were feeling that.

"Move on from her, boys." Keith told them.

"We can't uncle. We can't." Came Sean voice full of pain.

"Then just bury her in your heart. Her every emotion, her every memory." Keith told them. Others looked at him with a 'what' look.

"For that girl, I don't want you to stop your life. You have many responsibilities that you need to take care of in the future. Don't stop your life because of her. Think about it then tell me." Saying that Keith went out of the room.

In the night, all the boys were in their own room. They all were alone but their minds were roaming around in their Sara, whom they probably lost.

Their hearts were paining, breaking every second, they were losing their mind slowly. They were remembring her every memory. 

Whenever they remembered the scene where she is falling in the waterfall, they just want to torture that Elric guy who is still a prisoner in the cell. 

He was the one who broke the stone on which Sara was standing with his powers. Elric thought that the boys will be broken down and will be weak after losing her, but it was all opposite. 

The boys have gone mad and insane without her. They have no control over themselves. They torture him every day in a way that they never did before. 


Because they lost the first-ever girl they loved madly. The first girl for whom they would have done anything. She was the first girl, for whom they cried after losing her.

After the death of their parents, they never cried or felt any pain. But she was the first person after all these years, for whom they cried after losing her.

Did they really lose her?

Somewhere in their heart they still feel that they didn't lose their Sara. Somewhere, they were hoping that it would be true. 

They would again meet their Sara.

Will they meet her again...?

Is this really the end of their story...?


Sorry, I tried to put some more emotions as much as I could...😭😭

What do you think I will post next Epliouge or a new chapter... 

Guess... guess...😉😉

Please tell me about the guesses of yours...😘😘

Please vote and comment...🥰🥰


Thank you...💕💕💖💖

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Bueno el tรญtulo lo dice todo, mayormente serรกn soft y angst)? no estoy muy segura de si habrรก smut ya que no soy buena con eso pero quiรฉn sabe. โŒNO S...
1.6M 141K 47
โœซ ๐๐จ๐จ๐ค ๐Ž๐ง๐ž ๐ˆ๐ง ๐‘๐š๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ž ๐†๐ž๐ง'๐ฌ ๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐’๐š๐ ๐š ๐’๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ โŽโŽโŽโŽโŽโŽโŽโŽโŽโŽโŽ She is shy He is outspoken She is clumsy He is graceful...