Royaltale Season 1

By BossPonyUni

208 7 0

This is an Undertale AU I originally planned on making back in 2019 but, I wasn't capable of making all the c... More

Ep. 2: Talking Flowers and Tu-TORIELs
Ep. 2.5: Napstablook's Ghost Fight
Ep. 3: Heartaches and Puns
Another A/N
Ep. 4: Rattle My Bones!
Ep. 5: He Remembers, He Believes
Ep. 6: Rest & Reminiscing
Ep. 7: The Discovery In The Ruins
Ep. 8: Undyne, The Fierce Warrior of The Undergound
Ep. 8.5: Uniqua's Night Out
Episode 9: The Serum

Ep. 1: The RESET

80 2 0
By BossPonyUni

It was a beautiful day in Ebbott City. The skies were clear, the sun was bright, and there were no disputes between humans, monsters, and Mystics. Everyone got along well and treated each other fairly. This made their leaders happy. Especially since it had almost been ten years since the barrier broke meaning that the Underground Ethnicity Celebration was just one day away.

The Underground Ethnicity Celebration was first started when monsters and Mystics were released from the Underground. It allowed them as well as hybrids to celebrate their ethnicity and cultural backgrounds. Now, they had something big planned in honor of the people that made it all happen ten years ago. Frisk Dreemur, the monsters's ambassador and newly crowned queen, wanted to show her gratitude towards her monster friends as well as the Mystics and their leader. Of course, she wanted to thank the humans for being so kind and accepting of them so she prepared a speech to commemorate the events that brought peace among the three races.

As she wandered around the fairgrounds, she admired all the work being put into the Underground Ethnicity Celebration this year. It seemed as if it would be more inclusive of LGBTQ+, mental health, and other human races such as African Americans, Asian Americans, and Mexican Americans. She was glad they were willing to include other communities instead of barring them from all the fun. Wow, she thought they're really doing a good job! I hope all goes well during the celebration tomorrow.

Upon reaching the entrance of the fairgrounds, the human noticed the bright colors of the flags and banners that decorated the fences. "This year's celebration will surely be fun." she said to herself "Hopefully no one starts a riot."

"You know I might start one." said a familiar voice. Frisk looked around to find the person who spoke but to no avail. "That's just how I live my life."

She turned her attention towards the approaching unicorn as it turned into a humanoid. "If I know you, Uniqua, you'd at least do it responsibly." said Frisk "You tend to crank it past 10 and still be cautious of people's needs."

"I always put safety first even during a party." the pony said as she fist bumped her human friend. "I take it you're here to see how things are going?" Frisk asked. Although she already knew the answer, she wanted to make sure nothing else was going on. "Yeah, it's become part of my daily routine." said Uniqua. She always had to have a routine since it provided structure and order to her life. It made things easy. Both women watched as teams of humans, monsters, and Mystics built booths and decorated. Things were going smoothly and they worked together nicely. It almost seemed as if nothing could ruin the peace.

The two friends stood at the entrance and watched for some time before deciding to hang out at the park. "So, how's everything, Uni?" Frisk asked her "I noticed you haven't been available to hangout as much." The unicorn looked up from petting some animals in the park and told her. "I've just been busy with college and life." said the Mystic "I don't have a lot of time on my hooves anymore honestly. I'm still on hiatus kinda because I have many responsibilities as queen now so I can't make a lot of content or spend time with friends. I don't think I'll be able to be at the Underground Ethnicity Celebration this year." The human nodded as she understood what her friend had on her plate. But she wanted to make sure Mystics would have someone representing them. "If you can't make it, we'll talk to Mettaton and see if he can." she told Uniqua "He may be a monster but, he technically can still represent Mystics since he spends a lot of time with you. You consider him a part of the kingdom. Why not let him be an ambassador or something?"

The pony thought about this a minute. It would be a good idea to have an ambassador for Mystics at the celebration in case she couldn't make it. But she wasn't too sure about letting Mettaton have that position. "It's possible, Frisk. I think that would be a good plan." Uniqua said "I'll call him over to my place and discuss it with him. And don't go getting ideas with Alphys and Rosie. We're trying to keep things professional."

"Don't worry, we won't!" laughed the human. She knew Uniqua wanted to keep her relationship with the robot celebrity private and Alphys and Rosie would most likely spread the word as well as a certain husky that's had a crush on the queen since they were young. But she was also aware that Mettaton would be planning to make it official so the public would know. "Speaking of your relationship, are you guys taking things any further?" Frisk asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Uniqua froze before answering. "W-We are keeping things professional." she said angrily as her face heated up "I-I mean, I did let him stay over a couple nights but, n-nothing happened."

"Okay, whatever you say."

After the two queens went their separate ways for the evening, someone was lurking in the park. Someone who wasn't exactly content with being on the surface. Flowey knew everyone else was happy living among humans. But he still held onto the hatred within him. Frisk wondered when he'd let it go and just decide that the surface wasn't all bad. "I need a way to go back." he said to himself as he sat firmly in the ground "I need to figure out how I can RESET everything back to the way it was without anyone suspecting anything. Frisk's soul has all the determination I need to do it. But how will I get it and how will I get it to the Underground?" He knew no one would let him kill anyone and this made it harder for him. But he also knew he could easily convince Chara to do it unless Rosie wasn't around. "I know what I'll do." he said as he had an idea "I'll talk to Chara. But I'll make sure Rosie doesn't see or hear us. This plan is fool proof... Because most everyone does not know about RESETs and won't remember a thing." The flower then went into the dirt and traveled back to the Dreemur residence.

~~~Time skip~~~

It was the day of the celebration and the citizens of Ebbott City were bustling about the fairgrounds. Monsters and Mystics were either working their booths or having fun playing games and going on rides. Frisk had arrived with her husband Sans to represent monsters. It was a big job but, they could handle it.

They watched their people delight in their freedom. They were so happy and didn't want anyone to ruin it. All they needed was a representative for Mystics and they can start some of the festivities.

Frisk glanced out over the crowd and spotted the familiar dark hair of Mettaton as he admired the decorations. The robot soon approached where the monsters' rulers stood and greeted them. "Glad you could make it, Metta." Frisk said to him "We weren't sure if there would be anyone to represent Mystics this year."

"It's not a problem at all, darlings!" said the robot "It's an honor to be the Mystics's ambassador." Mettaton was very enthusiastic about his new "promotion." He was still in the entertainment business and despite what many Mystics said, he was placed as ambassador. "She didn't just give you the position because you guys are a thing, did she?" asked the short skeleton. Sans knew about their relationship since everyone in their friend group saw the early signs. Mettaton deadpanned as he looked down at Sans. "That's not the reason, Sans." said Mettaton "I've had to attend in her place other times before. She didn't play favorites. She was basing her decision off how much experience I've gained."

The skeleton only nodded although, he was still skeptical about it. He guessed Mettaton was learning more about politics than he thought.

It wasn't long before it was time to kick off the Underground Ethnicity Celebration. The trio stood on the platform, waiting to start the festivities. The crowd eventually settled as the mayor began his speech. "Ten years ago on this very day, one of our own human citizens climbed Mt. Ebbott." said the mayor "Although she knew no one ever returned in the past, she was determined to see if the legends were true. Inside the mountain, she met the wonderful inhabitants and proved that the humans who fell before her were killed by the monsters and Mystics. Today, we celebrate, once again, her accomplishment of freeing these two races as well as helping form peaceful bonds between all of us."

Once the mayor finished his speech, he turned it over to Frisk so she could tell the story of how she saved monsters and Mystics as she has done years prior. After Frisk's story, a team of humans, monsters, and Mystics had finished doing final safety checks for a fireworks show. No one knew why it was planned but, everyone looked forward to it.

Just before the show began a purple blur flew overhead. Some thought it was a strange bottle rocket. Others believed it was an unidentified flying object. But only a small handful knew for sure what it was. Many Mystics recognized the blur as their queen. Murmurs arose from the crowd as the blur carefully made it's way to the platform where Frisk gathered her friends for a selfie. As the camera on the human's phone took the picture, the blur stopped as someone jumped in and photobombed. Frisk looked over the picture and noticed who it was. She turned around and saw her unicorn friend. "Uniqua?" muttered the human "I thought you weren't coming."

"Well, a lot of colleges are out for the Underground Ethnicity Celebration since it's finally considered a national holiday." Uniqua explained "I thought I'd make a surprise drop in. But I was called in to help pursue my father in a chase earlier and ended up being late for my hooficure appointment." Now, the gang knew her father was always trouble. But they would have expected him to at least be civil during special occasions. "You don't have to necessarily kill him, Uni." said Frisk "You can let the cops deal with him. I mean, I know you hate him but, at least give him a chance to prove he's not a threat. Then, you can have him arrested if he is." The equine didn't really agree with Frisk. Her and her family have given him plenty of chances to redeem himself yet, he always failed. "I have done that before. He never changed at all." Uniqua told her "So, I do have to kill him. It's the only way to protect young kids." Frisk only shrugged off her comment knowing it was typical of the magic horse to resort to violence if other means such as negotiation, diplomacy, and legal action failed. Especially if it's her father.

Soon the fireworks show was about to begin. People looked towards the sky as colors flew through the air. Some wondered who planned it. Only a select few knew that Frisk wanted to go big and celebrate. But no one knew what secrets a talking flower and human were hiding. During the show, the two of them slipped out of the crowd and headed for the mountain. They had something they had to do.

As they hurried up Mt. Ebbott, Chara managed to break the coding that only allowed RESETs to occur in the Underground. Now, they could affect the surface as well. Once they had made it to the Underground, Chara's soul hovered in front of two buttons. One could SAVE his file and the other could RESET. He turned to Flowey who waited patiently for him to ruin the lives of everyone on the surface. "You sure this is a good idea?" he asked worriedly "I still don't want to upset Rosie or Frisk by doing this."

"Trust me, it is a good idea." Flowey reassured him. The flower was eager to return to what he called normal. "Now, hit the button and everything will go back to the way it was."

Chara hesitated before finally pressing the RESET button. Since he ruined the coding, everything and everyone was swallowed by a bright light. The surface was rid of monsters and Mystics. Many people lost memories of what had happened within the ten years of peace that came after the barrier broke. Now, the barrier was restored and locked all monsters and Mystics underground. Everything was "normal" again.

A young human found herself at the park with human friends. She looked around for her monster friends but to no avail. "Where are they?" she asked herself "Where's my family? All of my friends? What happened to them?" A police officer approached the human followed by a man in a suit. "Frisk Hargreaves, we have some devastating news." said the officer "Your family is dead." The child didn't want to believe it just like she had long ago when her birth parents died when their house burned down. "They should still be alive." she protested "I know they are."

"I'm afraid not." said the officer "They were pronounced dead at the hospital. The house was just a pile of ash and rubble." The man in the suit approached her with a sympathetic smile. "We'll find you a new home, kid." he told her "Don't worry, you'll be okay." The girl was already confused and didn't want to go anywhere but home. But she didn't know how to find it. The men lead her to a vehicle to take her to a foster home. But she ran from them. She ran out of the park and towards the mountain.

Once she had arrived, she stood at the foot and looked back towards the city. She could hear police sirens. They had followed her to the mountain hoping to "save" her from being killed. "Step away from the mountain!" called a deputy. The girl slowly stepped back, fearing what would come next. "You're going to a foster home since your parents have been killed. It's for your own good." the deputy told her. "I don't want to go!" she shouted "I want to see them! I have to find them so I can save them!" None of the officers believed her. "Kid, just get in the car and this will all be over." said the deputy "You can't 'save them' because they don't really exist. Mt. Ebbott could be an inactive volcano for all we know."

The girl didn't care what they said. She had to find her friends. So she ran up the mountain to escape. The officers still followed her and it seemed she couldn't get away. The girl continued up the mountain until she tripped on a root and fell. The officers tried to catch her but, it was too late. She had fallen into the mountain. She had fallen into the Underground where the monsters lived. She continued falling, hoping it was a dream. But reality hit when she face planted into a bed of golden flowers. She carefully got up and took in her surroundings. "Why am I so close to the ground?" she pondered aloud "Shouldn't I be taller?" She then realized she was a kid again as she looked down at her small body. "Everything's been reset." she said to herself "But how? Who RESET the world and why?" She was upset by this. She had worked so hard to help them have a good future on the surface and now, it's all gone. Everyone was happy and free. She was queen of monsters and happily married. Now, she was a 13 year old child who was single and they were miserable being trapped down here. She now had to do it all again and save them.

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