a WEEB goes adventuring: a Ko...

By MysteGUI

854 23 13

if you haven't read the first book, then go read it before this one. this is the S2 of the anime. More



331 5 2
By MysteGUI

In this wonderful world that is filled with magical and mystical beings. Races of all living in harmony and peace. But within this world, lives a certain bunch of would be adventurers who had, through many struggles and strife, achieved plenty of impressive feats of victories like slaying a Demon King General and preventing the destruction of a whole city from a literal walking fortress that was made for destruction and chaos. With feats like these, they were rewarded for their contributions through the act of throwing them in jail for the crime of terrorism.

Kazuma: 'I can't fucking believe this. They could at least be a little grateful for us saving a literal town from being wiped off the face of the map. But no.... they decide to put me in jail.'

Kazuma says as he sat inside a cold, dark cell that was provided for him by the authorities in charge. He sighed in disappointment and annoyance as he shivered from the nights cold embrace.

Kazuma: this is some next grade bullshit...

He says with a pout before a voice beside him spoke up.

Y/n: tell me about it. Like, I still don't know why I'm here locked up with you too.

The boy in black says as Kazuma looks to his side to see Y/n inside the cell next to him. To explain further why these two are behind bars and charged with subversion against the state, Lets flash back to a while ago.


Sena: I'm Sena, the public prosecutor assigned by the kingdom. Satou Kazuma. You are hereby suspected of the crime of subversion against the state.

The woman, who is now known as Sena, says as she shows an official document for Kazuma's arrest. Kazuma stood in place. Wide eyed and mouth agape as his brain was processing the whole situation still.

Aqua: Hey, Hey! What'd you do this time, Kazuma!?

Aqua says in a panic as she starts to shake the boy.

Y/n: Aqua, stop it! You're gonna give him a headache!

Y/n tells her off as he pulled Kazuma out from her grasp.

Kazuma: t-th.... thanks du-


Kazuma was cut off from his thanks as Y/n was now the one shaking him vigorously as he yelled his question. Amidst this, Emerald looked at the two as a comically large sweat drop, drooped down from his head. Kazuma then pushes himself out from his partner's grasp as starts to tell him off.

Kazuma: Stop it! I didn't do shit!

Y/n: then why are you being arrested then!?

Kazuma: I don't fucking know!

They start to argue before Sena stopped them from getting too heated by getting their attention through the sound of her clearing her throat. The two then stopped and looked over at her.

Sena: the coronatite that was teleported at your instruction had obliterated the residence of a lord.

She explains. Kazuma, along with Y/n and Aqua, reacted to the information by having their mouths agape and eyes widen.

Y/n: Shiiii- you fucked up man. Big time.

Y/n commented at his friends misfortune.

Kazuma: how was I supposed to know that the the literal ticking time bomb would, just so happen, land on some rich lords area!?

Kazuma reasoned.

Aqua: well, you should've! Now look what happened!!

Aqua says as the two slowly turn their heads towards her as they both had a look of confusion on their faces.

Sena: thankfully... there were no casualties from the explosion that eradicated the lord's mansion. But the question of whether you, Satou Kazuma are working for the Demon king.

Sena explains.

Y/n: Kazuma... how could you betray us! After everything we've been through!

Y/n says as dramatically as he could as he comically shed a tear at his partners apparent "betrayal".

Kazuma: the hell I did! That's obviously a lie!!

The boy yells as he aggressively pointed at Y/n. suddenly, Megumin stepped forward as she inquires something.

Megumin: Wait a Minute, please. If not for Kazuma and the others contributions in the battle of the destroyer, there would've been a city sized casualty rate!

Megumin reasons in Kazuma's behalf as Kazuma thanked her through his thoughts.

Y/n: couldn't have said it better myself.

Kazuma: Like hell you did! You said jack shit!

They then start arguing again as Darkness from the sidelines, asks Emerald to break them up before they start causing a bigger commotion.

Megumin: Besides, the only crimes this man did are sexual harassme-

Megumin tries to say before Kazuma cuts her off by yelling, drowning her sentence in it.

Kazuma: wha- HEY! He a ha ha... we don't need to talk about that one!

He says as he stretches Megumin's cheeks to the point where she was now in pain. Then, like one after another. Darkness was now the next one up as she walked up to the prosecutor.

Darkness: miss Sena, if I may give my opinion. I feel like this is some sort of mistake.

She says to the prosecutor.

Sena: how so?

The woman asks the blonde.

Darkness: well, for one. The man lacks the guts for such an act. Despite eyeing me like a hungry predator in the mansion, he is the kind of sad sack who never once came to my bedside.

She says as Kazuma was now shacking in his boots as the panic starts to kick in.

Y/n: as much as I want darkness to expose the guy more, I gotta ask. Darkness, by the way you worded that, did you actually want him to go to your bedside?

The boy asked the woman as she responds with...

Darkness: no comment.

As she looks away still having a straight face on her.

Kazuma: I would just like to say that, I was not eyeing anything! Don't get a big just because you've got a somewhat sexy looking body!

Kazuma explains himself. But his explanation did the exact opposite than what he wanted it to do as it made his situation more worse.

Y/n: dude, just shut the fuck up before you get yourself a death sentence.

Y/n says to him as he pats his back.

Suddenly, for some off chance reason. Dust, from within the spectating crowd spoke up to defend Kazuma.

Dust: hey, That's right! He might be an adventurer, but he's no criminal!

Dust proclaims. His proclamation sending the whole crowd to voice their opinions.

???: this is abuse of state power!

???: Adventurers deserve freedom!!

They said, one after another before they all start to chant "freedom" in hopes to instill reason within the prosecutor's heart and let Kazuma go, scot free.

Sena: incidentally, the charge for subversion can be applied to, not only to him, but to everyone else as well.

She says as she brought every ones chants for freedom to halt as they begin to second guess their actions. Save for one.

Y/n: Freedom! Freedom! Free...... dom? Why'd everybody stop?

Y/n asked as he didn't hear what Sena said as he was too into chanting that he failed to hear it.

Sena: I won't stop anyone who wants to join him in prison, but...

As she starts to say that, everyone started to back away from them. Even Kazuma's own teammates. Except for Y/n who was still in the dark as to why everyone was going back on what they just said earlier.

Kazuma: h-hey!? where's everybody going!? c'mon!!!

Kazuma yells as his hopes for freedom was slowly dwindling.

Aqua: if I remember right, Kazuma said something like this at the time. "it's okay, I'll take responsibility for whatever happens after!"

Aqua says as she tries to not make eye contact with Kazuma who was glaring at her in disbelief and annoyance.

Kazuma: hey! Wait a-

Suddenly, he hears Megumin speak.

Megumin: If... I had been there at the time, I'm sure I could've stopped Kazuma! But since I wasn't there, there's nothing I could have done! Nope, nothing at all!

She says as stiffly as one could as she was trying so hard to sound convincing enough to not be deemed as a convict, guilty by association.

Kazuma: You!-... Emerald! You'd vouch for me right!?

He pleads as he looks to Emerald for help only to freeze in shock as Emerald was not even giving him a chance as he gave him the cold shoulder, trying not to get involved.

Darkness: wait, that's right... it was I! I was the one who gave the command! So please! Let me enj- I- I mean, serve Kazuma's sentence!

Darkness says as her horniness levels went through the roof as she realized that she could enjoy a little bit of Prison play if she claims to be the one who gave the order to teleport the coronatite.

Sena: correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard that you acted as a meat shield during the confrontation with the destroyer.

Sena says as Darkness climaxed at the word meat shield.

Y/n and Kazuma: 'wow, been a bit since I've seen her like that...'

They two boys thought simultaneously.

Sena: well, that settles it. Satou Kazuma, you are coming with me!

She exclaims as both knights that were with her start to approach Kazuma with a strong arresting intent.

Kazuma: Wait! If you're taking me, then take him too!!

Kazuma says as he points towards Y/n who looked at him in shock.

Y/n: say what!? What did I do!?

He questions.

Kazuma: if I'm going down, I'm taking someone with me! If I recall myself. I remember saying that WE'LL take responsibility! Which means, he's guilty by association!

Kazuma says as he pulled Y/n close to him, trying to emphasize his association to giving the command to teleport the coronatite that blew up a lords mansion.

Y/n: oh you sly motherfu-

Sena: if that's the case. Mr. L/n, is what he said true?

Sena asked as Y/n paused and stood silent for a moment.

Y/n: uhhh.....

After staying silent for a moment, he then turns tail and ran for the guilds exit.

Sena: guards! Apprehend him!


He says as he was nearing the exit, only to have himself be clotheslined by a guard who was standing by outside the guild. Y/n's body then lands with a nasty thud as he was knocked unconscious. After that, both of the boys were cuffed and were escorted out the premises.


Kazuma: Damn it... so much for the town where new adventurers get their start.

Kazuma says as he starts to leak tears from his eyes.

Y/n: I'm just glad they got the decency to give us a pillow and a blanket.

Y/n says as he picked up his blanket, only to see that it was so stiff that it became rock hard. He tapped the blanket with his finger only to have it crumble to dust and fly away into the night.

Y/n: scratch that. Only a pillow.

He says as how their day was going, he was not surprised one bit. Save for the fact that he never knew that blankets could get stiff like that. They sat there in silence since they could do nothing about their current situation... until.


An explosion rang out outside, its tremors rocking the two boys's cells.

Y/n: ..... I think I'm hungry.

The boy said as he looked at his belly questionably. Kazuma just looked at him with deadpan face before a voice spoke from outside Kazuma's cell.

Aqua: Kazuma! Kazuma!

It was Aqua as Kazuma looked out to the outside to reveal Aquas face peeking through the small window bars.

Kazuma: Aqua? Why are you here?

Kazuma asked the blue haired goddess.

Aqua: to save you and Y/n obviously! I'd never abandon a dear friend.

She said.

Y/n: speaking of friends. Aqua, please be a friend and grab me some berries.

Y/n asked her as she surprisingly complied as she stepped down from her stairs of crates she was standing on, go to a bush that had some berries on it, picked them up, walked over to Y/n's window, then tossed them in before going back to Kazuma's window.

Y/n: thank you.

He thanks her as he ate a berry afterwards.

Kazuma: okay, back to the topic of saving. Where's everyone else?

Kazuma asks her, trying to get back on topic.

Aqua: Megumin just used her explosion magic on the outskirts of town. Thanks to that, the guards ran off to investigate it. Darkness should be running away with a depleted Megumin as we speak.

She explains.

Y/n: what about Emerald?

Y/n asked her about Emeralds position in this rescue mission of theirs.

Aqua: well, when the guards reach the explosion sight, Emeralds should be stalling them from coming back.

She explains with a smug grin on her face as she felt that she thought of a foolproof plan.

Kazuma: yeah, as tempting as getting rescued out of here sounds, wouldn't that just make everything worse?

Kazuma states as a matter of fact since running away from their imprisonment would just add to their list of crimes besides subversion.

Aqua: but, I heard that you could get executed for subversive activities. They'll manipulate the truth and you'll end up dead!

She said as both boys paused to let her words sink in.

Y/n: ...... I think we'll be fine.

Y/n says as Kazuma looked at him in question.

Kazuma: how?

Y/n: I've played a lot of ace attorney games, we got this case in the bag.

He says as confidently as he could as he relaxed himself in his cell while plopping another berry into his mouth. Kazuma had one thought in his mind when he heard this.

Kazuma: 'we're fucked'

Y/n: so, how are you gonna get us out of here?

Y/n inquired as Aqua then fished something out of her pocket and tossed it into Kazuma's cell.

Y/n: is that a-

Kazuma: Lock pick?

The two boys look at the pick as Aqua explains what to do with it.

Aqua: okay, now you can pick the locks and sneak out! Once you do, meet back at the mansion and we get ready to skip town!

She says before leaving the premises. Leaving the two boys to their lonesome. Kazuma walks up to the cell door to see that it was secured with a 8 digit code lock.

Y/n: ..... well, we should've expected that.

Kazuma: yeah. Out!

They say to eachother before Kazuma tosses the pick outside his cell window. Kazuma then takes a seat on his cell's corner.

Y/n: ...... want a berry?

Y/n asked the boy as he held up his bundle of berries that Aqua gave him.

Kazuma: ...... yeah, sure.

Kazuma says as Y/n tosses half his berries over to Kazuma before they both ate the night away.


A day had now passed as it was again, night time. Inside their holding cells, both of the boys were passing the time by humming a prison tune.

As both of them were nearing the end of their tune....


Another explosion happens as their cells begin to shake from its after effects.

Y/n: huh. Talk about an EXPLOSIVE ending.

The boy says as Kazuma groaned in response to his awful puns.

Kazuma: Shut up, dude!

Kazuma tells the the other boy as he threw a pebble at him which hits Y/n right on the forehead. Suddenly like before, Aqua's voice spoke from outside.

Aqua: Guys! What happened yesterday!? I was waiting for hours y'know!

Aqua tells them.

Kazuma: it's a combination lock.

Kazuma said bluntly as Aqua responded with a "tch".

Aqua: damn. I guess I underestimated the governments security.

She says as she curses the government and their above average intelligence of security of their prisoners.

Aqua: but never mind! Today, I'm sure my plan will work.

She says with determination in her eyes and voice

Y/n: and, whats that plan?

The boy asked her.

Aqua: lets work together on this since we don't have much time!

She says as she tosses a hacksaw into Kazuma's cell before the Kazuma himself picks the item up.

Kazuma: a hacksaw?

Aqua: use that to cut the bars open and escape.

Aqua explains to them.

Y/n: but how is Kazuma going to reach

Y/n asks as the window was very high above the ground where none of them can reach.

Aqua: heh, I'm not stupid.

Kazuma and Y/n: but, you are.

both boys said in unison after Aqua said that statement.

Aqua: shut up! Look, you'll use this crate as a stepping stool so you can reach.

She explains as she shows them a tiny crate.

Kazuma: okay, but how are you gonna get it inside?

Kazuma questions as Aqua thought for a moment before getting an idea.

Aqua: I got it, wait here.

She tells them as she walks away from the cell window and made her way over to the prison's entrance. A moment passed as sounds of Aqua explaining herself and the guards escorting her out the premises ensued outside as the two boys had a deadpan expression on them.

Y/n: ...... toss it.

Kazuma: yup.

Y/n commands as Kazuma tosses the hacksaw out his cell window. After that, they decide to hit the sack and wait for tomorrow to come.


Now it was Interrogation day as both Kazuma and Y/n were sat beside each other as Sena who sat across the both of them presented a bell.

Sena: this is a lie detector. If it senses you lying, it gives off a ring.

Y/n: really? Lemme test it. I'm not a virgin.

Y/n says as the bell rung at his lie.

Y/n: yup, it works.

Kazuma: omg....

Kazuma figuratively facepalmed at his fellow partner and his antics.

Sena: with that out of the way. Now its time for me to ask both of you some questions and I expect both of you to speak the truth and nothing but the truth. Understood?

She tells them as both boys gulped at her intimidating aura.

Kazuma and Y/n: y-yes ma'am...

They both said in unison. But inside, they both thought to themselves.

Kazuma and Y/n: 'we're fucked!'


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