The Heir (Heirs Trilogy 1) (O...

By LadyLightSword

886 282 224

Heirs Trilogy part 1. Battle of Kingdoms... But a crown to gain... In the infamous village of Rudark abides a... More

Book Cover Mockup and Map
Chapter 1. The Freak
Chapter 2. The Fire Unexpected
Chapter 3. Friend or Foe
Chapter 4. Quest of Unknown
Chapter 5. The Lake of Dorkfume
Chapter 6. Visions of Truth
Chapter 8. The Warlock
Chapter 9. The Dúnedain
Chapter 10. La Baque Almeriase

Chapter 7. The Bard of Elleóin

42 17 8
By LadyLightSword

"Don't be shy, click the vote button"

I added The Witcher's song. Play it along while you read if you require...

The incentive to know more about the magic in her, Aerona forgot all about the incident in Dorkfume and the small vision that almost saved her life.

They had walked a few miles on foot and next on the horses, taking few passes to rest too.

Aerona felt quite dull as her travel companion was as moody as a cow. He spoke rarely and if he did put up a conversation it would be calculated, wise and boring.

Aerona had called him an old elf lord and he flabbergasted her by telling her his true age.

'Two thousand nine hundred eighty three! How do you look so young Lord Tyrill?' she exclaimed without even trying to hide her astonishment.

Tyrill felt a bit offended yet amused, so he replied in a hoarse, poised tone 'That is young, Lady Aerona. A hundred years is a mere blink of an eye for us elves. True we are immortal but we do die if killed or commit suicide, which we forbid as it is immoral'.

Aerona refused believe that the elf walking beside her was old as time yet his beauty flawless as the moon.

She turn to look at him. Her eyes refusing to look away.

A handsome elf indeed. He talked with poise and elegance, like butter flowing from his mouth. Yet he seemed of a strong intimidating demeanor of a rowdy countrymen. Yet his every move were elegant and soft.

His jaw sharp, Aerona wondered what would happen if she was to graze her finger over his jaw, would she cut herself? It sounded ridiculous yet so true. He was very tall, she reached him till his chest. His hair seemed very silky to be real, dark and of a very magnificent silken touch. She shivered internally as she saw each thread of hair sway in the breeze.

He felt her stare boring into him and he showed his uneasiness by staring back at her.

Aerona realised how rude she seemed and apologized under her breath.

'Lord Tyrill do you know magic?' Aerona asked as she felt the uncomfortable silence setting in. 'I do yes' he said and wrapped his conversation. She nodded and felt the uneasiness again.

They reached a glade where they could hear people talking and chattering like birds.

'We have reached Elleóin' Tyrill murmured while giving out a heavy sigh. Aerona was excited to see the busy streets, she began remembering how Airen used to take her to villages and fair to buy bread or dresses.

She took a deep breath when she smelt the wafting scent of fresh bread and jams. And felt her stomach growling. She blushed and looked at Tyrill from the corner of her eyes.

'We can dine in that tavern' he said pointing at a wooden tavern where a board hung on the roof. Aerona made out the dusty words and read 'Side Dune Horses. What a peculiar name'.

But she followed Tyrill to the tavern nonetheless.

Aerona suddenly felt really uncomfortable as the people of the village began looking at her. More precisely her wings. She thought it would have been much better if she had just covered her wings. The people stared at Tyrill too but he gave them no mind.

The children and the women were the most shameless, the ladies gawked at Tyrill and glared at Aerona while the children tried catching her wings which she tried to raise out of their reach. The men while taking occasional glances at them kept their distances well enough knowing the power of an elf and history of Almeris.

The blacksmiths were busy making shields and spears. Merchants waving around food, clothings and accessories. The women carrying pitchers, doing their work and chattering, while the children ran around playing sticks and stones.

Aerona felt right at home. Except happier

And that was when she heard a song on a lute. A man singing a song so melodic.

" Marvelled was she in a coat. Oh elleth, with a bonnet and gown.
'Tis the reason was she the talk of the town

I marvelled at she
Broke my urge to flee

Oh Lady, fair elf of Everake

Her hair whiter than the mist of snow
Oh how badly I wished to show,
My love for thy eyes of ebony
Has brought me short of destiny

Oh Lady.

Shall I make thee mine?
Thy face of radiating glory of moonshine
Ancient is thy privilege
Oh how marveling is thy visage... "

'Lady Aerona! Out of the way' she heard Tyrill's voice echo in her ears as sirens of warning.

Aerona pulled her head from the trance like song and met with a charging horse carriage with the driver shouting at her to jump out of the way.

Tyrill ran towards her.

But she knew it would be too late before he saved her.

So she raised her wings and slapped the pair cutting the air through force. And she was lifted up to the sky.


The driver and the villagers rushed to the scene, gawking at her as she levitated in the sky.

She saw the villagers running to see her.

She saved herself from being crushed but now she was burning red with embarrassment. Tyrill ran and raised his hand towards the sky to her.

She slowly flew down and held his warm strong hands. A spark striking when their palms met.

Aerona shivered at the sudden shock while Tyrill hid it well.

The people still stared at her. In awe, envy and marvel.

Tyrill still held her hand and guided her to the tavern. Meanwhile Aerona trying to locate the person who was singing before.

The song had ended and she did not find the source of the melody.

Tyrill pushed open the creaky wooden door and people looked at them. Some minding their own business.

An old man wobbled at them and asked 'Good Elvish lord and Lady of Almeria. What shall I tempt you with?'.

'Ale and your freshly loaf bread and stew' Tyrill ordered to which the man wobbled back to the counter and ordered to a young woman there.

Tyrill pulled Aerona to the lonely corner of the tavern.

People still stared at them and Aerona was the only one who felt uncomfortable. 'Do you not feel their eyes on you Lord Tyrill' she whispered to him.

'I receive this everywhere I go. So I give them no mind' he said and the people who heard it turned their heads ashamed.

A young beautiful woman strutted to them and placed their order on the table. Two tankard of ale in front of them, warm stew and bread on a basket.

Aerona just decided to ignore the girl who began swooning at Tyrill.

Tyrill passed six silver coins to the woman. She took it while running her fingers on Tyrill's hand on purpose.

She smiled when Tyrill looked at her. Aerona raised her eyebrows when she saw Tyrill smiled back the woman. She never saw him smile before. She silently wished he did as his face shone with beauty. Enlighting his sober features.

The woman flushed bright.

Aerona held her urge to roll her eyes. But she took a bread and bit into it saying 'Lord Tyrill. You should try these loaves. They are mouth watering'.

The woman glared at Aerona for destroying their moment. And Aerona couldn't help but smirk. She stalked off.

Tyrill placed a spoon to the stew and drank from it.

Together they ate in silence. When Aerona heard it again. The manly melodic voice humming a tone.

She perked up and Tyrill watched her movements.

She turned around to see who the singer was.

And then they heard a lute. A harmonic tune played expertly. And then came a wonderful song.

" The valley of Alkariyas
Their mystery still unknown

Phoenix of magnificence
Will thee tell me of their essence

Beauty and innocence oh so great as morn'
And now am I torn "

Aerona jumped up her seat to see the singer.

And saw a man. A bard with common clothes and a lute in his hands, stringing along the strings which echoed beautiful tunes. His voice just as beautiful as his appearance.

And he turned around and noticed the curious Almeris and the annoyed elf.

He smiled at her. Aerona couldn't help but smile back and to Tyrill's annoyance, the bard marched to them playing the flute and singing another song.

" Do my eyes deceive me?
A lady oh so fair

With wings so magnificent and powerful
And why do I feel a tull?

And do my eyes deceive me?
A elven lord oh so mighty

With his might of well known ancestors
As bright and glorifying as golden embers..."

Aerona grinned when she heard the song and clapped enthusiastically. Many women there looked at her with envy and anger. First the handsome elf and now the handsome bard.

Aerona knew she wasn't a girl of remarkably beauty. Her lips were thin, blessed with round sparkling black pools of eyes, a delicate jawline, lightly thick and dark eyebrows. Her tan skin glowing and the first thing one would notice of her is the truly magnificent pair of wings. And then came her curves.

The bard held her hand and brushed his lips to her knuckles, leaving his lips there for a while longer.

Aerona felt a small heat rushing to her cheeks.

Tyrill got up and told her 'As we have finished our breakfast we shall be on our way'.

Aerona nodded and bowed to the bard and began following Tyrill.

And behind them the bard said in a deep soft voice 'Where are the both of you off to?'.

'We are off to complete a quest sir' Aerona charmingly put in reply. 'A quest you say my lady? Will it require a humble as myself?' he asked tipping his hat while Aerona giggled silently and the women around swooned.

'Most certainly not' finished Tyrill and guided Aerona by the shoulder.

They walked out of the tavern and Tyrill took her to the horse. When they reached the lonely stable where he kept the horses, he suddenly pushed Aerona to a wall and yelled whispered 'What do you think you are doing? Why do you reveal that we journey on a quest?

Aerona was surprised at this and asked innocently 'What do you mean Lord Tyrill?'.

'Truly elf lord. I did not expect this from an elf. You tried to hurt the lady' said the bard, clearly he had followed them.

'Bard. It is none of thy business so I shall ask you one last time to take thy lute and thy arse out of our matter' Tyrill curtly explained while removing his sword from his sheath.

Aerona gasped.

'First you hurt a lady and now you fight a weaponless man' mocked the bard.

'What is it you want?' Tyrill's lips curled in anger.

'I want to follow you. Be part of this quest' he said while strapping his lute to his shoulders. Tyrill rebuffed by suddenly stabbing his sword at a heap of hay.

'I promise I won't be a burden to thee and to the Lady' the bard replied calmly while smiling at Aerona.

Aerona looked at him and then back at Tyrill.

Tyrill scoffed 'Hitherto you have proved to be a stubborn burden. We have no use of you'.

'Ah. That is until now you haven't seen my abilities' the bard smiled.

'What abilities does the atrocious bard of Elleóin have other than singing and bragging?' mocked Tyrill.

Aerona felt this heated discussion getting out of hand. But she knew it was better she be out this matter.

'Singing yes, one ability-' the bard said while approaching Tyrill. Tyrill held the handle of his sword firmly. The bard raised his hands to show he was harmless and slowly extended his hand to touch the head of a horse.

The horse neighed and nuzzled aganist the bard's hand. Tyrill raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

'-Beast lore' he completed. 'The horses say they are weary of the travel and would like more hours of rest'.

Aerona looked confusedly at the bard 'Beast lore?'.

'Lady Almeris-' the bard began when Aerona interjected 'Aerona Wendel Silcherkish. Doesn't sound like a name of Almeria, I do know but it was given by my adoptive parents'.

The bard nodded and tipped his hat to Aerona and Tyrill and said 'Fraskier Erekin at your humble service'.

He looked at Tyrill.

Tyrill looked sceptical at first but he extended his hand and said 'Tyrill...of Mardork Woods'.

Fraskier took the hand and shook it but still looked at Tyrill with a raised brow.

'Dermonion. Tyrill Dermonion of Mardork Woods' he said clenching his jaw. Fraskier's eyes widened and as he was about to exclaim something, Tyrill clutched his palm in warning and glanced at Aerona.

Aerona was confused by their greetings. Do all men greet each other like this she wondered.

Fraskier bit the pain and understood what Tyrill was motioning. They left the grasp of hands and Fraskier huffed in pain but smiled 'So am I in the quest?'.

'You are. But in one condition' Aerona smiled.

Tyrill raised his eyebrows while Fraskier asked walking towards her. As he stood right in front of her he asked 'And what might that be Lady Aerona?'.

Aerona bit her lips unintentionally and said 'You should sing for us each turns of our journey'.

He smiled while a muscle twitched on Tyrill's jaw.

Fraskier whistled low. And they heard someone clipping towards the stable. A black mare trotted towards Fraskier and he placed his saddle on her and said 'This is Doro. And let us hurry' and he turned his horse. But then he asked 'Where we off to?'

'The grand library of Elleóin. You need a gremoire to teach Aerona some spells' Fraskier replied to himself.

Tyrill and Aerona looked at him shocked. Fraskier laughed and said 'The horses told me'.

'You can talk to animals?' asked Aerona, he nodded and said 'One advantage of knowing Beast lore'.

Tyrill took a horse and helped Aerona on it and got onto another horse himself and rode without saying another word. And shrugging off Aerona and Fraskier followed him.

Fraskier hummed a tune and Aerona giggle when Tyrill rolled his eyes.

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