My White Knight ✔️

By mikywaymidnight

58.4K 4.6K 2.5K

What would you do when the happy bubble you lived in for the past 25 years gets popped? Do you wanna know wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Thank You 🖤
Bonus Chapter(Divya's Dad POV)
Bonus Chapter
Lies and Love (Next Book)

Chapter 29

1.2K 121 80
By mikywaymidnight


"Thank you so much grandpa, I don't know what I would do without your help." I told Raghu Thatha hugging him.

He bought us the new passports back today and gave them to me in the name of health checkup without raising suspicion.

"Don't thank me Divya. I am ready to do whatever I can to help you. I tried to talk to your father, but he wouldn't listen to me. I am sorry about him, How are you going to get out now? " He asked breaking our hug.

"I need you to take Jay and my dad away from the party for 20 min. That's the last thing I need from you." I told him and he nodded.

I couldn't sleep with the thought of party I have to attend in my mind.I promised myself that this the last day Jay and my father will see me. Because after this party they are going to hate me, I just have to keep Amar away from Jay for tomorrow. One more day and I can be with Andrew and the people who made me strong.

My plan is to tell everyone at the party what Jay and my father did to me. When my father gives the society and it's people so much priority, it deserves to know what he did to me. Then the society can decide what's wrong and right.

But am I ready to humiliate my father? How is he going to react? Is my freedom from him really worth it? Why can't he change like Raghu Thatha(grandpa) did when Jameson came in and asked him to take them back.

I kept tossing in bed all night with all these deranged thoughts, before the sleep could take over me, the sun came up and my mom came in to my room wake us up. I got up, fed my son some breakfast and went upstair to get ready for the event to get ready. I wore a red saree with light make up on and dressed up Amar in a 3 piece suit.

I got into the car along with my mom, Amar and father. The whole ride was so quiet, no one spoke a word, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I am scared, to do this. I started to regret my decision. What if something bad happens?

We walked into Jay's parents house, that's where they are hosting the party. This house is where Jay first hit me. All the bad memories came rushing to my mind.

Jay came by me as soon as I entered the room with Amar, who held me tight looking at Jay.

Amar is still scared of him, and he also witnessed Amaya in Jail because of him. My son is traumatized with his biological father presence.

So, I called my mom and asked her to take care of my son while I deal with this jerk wad.

"What are you wearing? Do you have to show everyone you are a slut now?" He hissed at me making me more angrier and pushed away all the regret I had till now.

Why is everyone here obsessed with what I am wearing? Gosh!

If it was the old me, I would've felt conscious and changed my dress, but not this girl.

"Don't take yourself too seriously! Your opinion doesn't matter to me. I look beautiful and I know it. Take your hand off my shoulder before I make a scene." I told seething and shoved his hand from my shoulder and walked away to find my cousins to ask about the Divorce papers.

I can't be in the same room as him anymore.

People started flowing in, all my family and Jay's clients, friends are here too. I put on a fake smile for everyone and stood there greeting them.

Guess what story they made up for my disappearance for the last 4 years?

Apparently Jay sent me to US to get a PhD, and it took me all 4 years that to complete it with a job. Why would a trauma surgeon need a PhD? And everyone believes it were asking me how my education experience was.


I was fed up with lying to all these people, I can't do. this anymore. I looked at Raghu thatha(grandpa) for an approval to start, he gave me a nod to proceed with the plan and took Amar away.

I double checked the room for My father and Jay and that was my cue to tell the world the truth about them.

I walked away from Jay's mom to the center of the room.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" I spoke out loudly and the whole room went quiet.

I got puzzled looks from my family but I completely ignored them.

"Hi...I am Divya, I know most of you are here because of all the rumors about RR enterprises and want to know what's going on. And I am here to tell you the  truth and my side of the story, How my life was being the only wife of the current CEO and the daughter of JK corp, what these so called people put me through. Listen to me and judge me all you want."

"Trust me if anyone of you were in my shoes, you would've broken down during the first step." I said reminiscing the old painful memories and felt a tear pass through my cheek.

"If you know me personally, I was always the quiet kid in my family. Everyone used to say, she is so quiet, she doesn't talk much..That's because I was never allowed to talk out loud and was taught that it's disrespectful to do that." I looked up and found and everyone listening to me with at most attention.

"Being a good daughter I did everything I could to keep them happy. I even married Jay, I stayed in that marriage even though he hit me, abused me mentally."

I heard a few gasps when I said that.

"When I took this matter to my family you know what my own grandma said, she said that if anyone sees me back home their prestige would go down and sent back to Jay

When did prestige in the society become more than your own child's pain?

So many of you saw me with bruises but no one ever had the audacity to question Jay, why?

Some of you cared but none of you cared enough to help me through it.

Your ignorance, my tolerance and acceptance made it easier for Jay, because he knew no one cared and it gave him the courage to do whatever he wants to me.

The beatings got worse each day and one night he raped me, you know what own father told me after that Adjust and Adapt.

I couldn't take it, I tried to kill myself after that because I couldn't bear the thought of living in this hell. And I failed at that too, If I succeeded I wouldn't be here right!

I was sacred, lost and alone but my parents were not there to be teach me and help me get through it. Instead they were on the other side pushing me into darkness. It took me months to realize to stop hoping for somebody to save me and help me from this situation.

I never expected anything form Jay because I didn't care, but what hurt me the most was my own family not standing by me?

So,I ran away with the help of Amaya, who stood by me when no one in the world did. I was pregnant in an unknown country, without any hope for life and love.

But life is twisted in it's own ways, I I fell in love with someone I had no intentions of falling for. He made me believe in unconditional love, with him there was no force in chemistry. He also showed me that a real man never hurts others and gave me the hope and made me fall in love for the first time.

I was happy with him and my life there . To my bad luck, Jay came into my life again. When I refused to cooperate and come back my father told me that he would get Jay married to my cousin Ravali. I didn't want any other girl to have what I had let alone my own cousin. So, I came back only to know that it was all a lie and realized that my own father betrayed me.

Please teach your kids that it's okay to walk away when relationships get toxic, there is nothing beautiful about enduring pain, we are not dumping grounds for broken men. And please don't expect someone else to fix your kids and marriage is not the solution for every problem.

I know you must be thinking, why is she telling all this now?

I'm doing this because I am not tolerating their shit anymore, I don't  want anyone else get ruined by people like him.

I don't care if you want to invest in his company or not, I want your help at least now to get these divorce papers signed from him because I can't do it alone or runaway like a coward like the last time. I want to be free from him, I want me and my son to be happy and away from all these toxic people in my life. Please help me..." I completed my words with a lone tear passing through my cheeks.

My mom, Rajiv and Sharmi stood beside me and held me while I looked at everyone, most of them have tears in eyes.

"Don't worry Divya! I will help you." Sharmi's dad, my Uncle came forward with my aunt.

Soon the me too's started flowing. in. I sat there and cried in happiness at their overwhelming response. People I didn't know came to me and hugged me told me to stay strong.

"I am sorry! That my friend treated  you that way and I was ignorant. I wish I could erase all your past for you." Krishna said coming to me with guilt all over his face.

"It's okay! You didn't know." I tried to comfort him but I knew from the look of his face he was shook to the core and my words won't make him feel any better.

Finally Jay's mom came to me with tears in her eyes.

"Why didn't tell me about this Divya?" She questioned me.

We never had a relationship to begin with for me to tell her. When my own parents didn't believe me, how can I expect Jay's mother to do that for me?

"I don't know Aunty! No one believed me and I thought, why you would you believe someone else over your son." I said lowering my head down not wanting to give the answer in my mind.

"Please forgive me for not paying attention, for not questioning you and blaming you for all the things and for believing my son's lies.  I failed as a mother when he raised his hand against you Divya. I am sorry you had to put up and pay the penalty for my incompetence. Please forgive me Divya." Jay's mom told me with tears in her eyes.

I hugged her looking at her devastated like that, I know her pain. I would feel the same if Amar did something bad to another girl. This is not every mother's dream.

"The mistake is mine for raising a son like that. He is my only child and I pampered him, He was always against marriage and when he specifically requested for you, I didn't think for a second. I don't know what to do to rectify my mistake. I ruined another girl's life. I failed Divya, not you. I raised a monster. I am really sorry Divya..

I will get those Divorce papers signed for you Divya! Go and live a happy life." She said after brushing her tears off and took the papers from Rajiv.

My father, Jay's father and Jay came into the room after a few minutes and people started glaring and whispering.

Jay's mom looked in that direction and walked to Jay and slapped him in the face right in front of everyone.

The sound was so loud that I flinched.

"How dare you hurt her? You are the worst son a mother could raise. I hate myself because of you. Sign these papers." She said and shoved the divorce papers in his face.

Sharmi bought a pen and gave it to Jay who stood still in shock.

"How could you do this to her as her father? You believed my liar son over your own daughter. How are you living looking at her in pain?  You knew the pain she has been through and yet you bought her back. You are worse than Jay and any other human in this world." She yelled at my dad while he looked between me and her, confused with what's going on.

"What's going on here? Why are you crying?" Jay's father asked his wife.

"Rajesh! Jay used to hit Divya and he raped her Rajesh. She even killed herself and we didn't know a thing about it. We are bad parents, We raised a monster, We failed. I failed as a mother by raising this monster who hurt a woman." Jay's mom said sobbing in pain.

She came to and held my hand dragged me to show uncle my wrist and explained everything I told her in pain and disgust at his son.

Jay's dad looks shocked and furious at this new information, his eyes turned red and his whole body shivered in rage. This was the first time, I saw so much anger in him, He turned towards Jay and slapped him again on his both cheeks leaving imprints on Jay's face.

I knew people would support me but I didn't expect form Jay's mom and dad to be the one to help me get through this.

"Get out of my house! I don't have a son anymore. You are disowned, go live on your own. Don't show your face to me. GET OUT! " Jay's dad yelled out loud.

Jay stood still rooted to his place, without any movement looking at me with resentment.

"Didn't you hear what I said?  LEAVE." Uncle glared at him but Jay wouldn't budge.

"When did she become more important that your own son? She is lying." Jay said slowly to his father.

"She became more than you, the minute you raised your voice at her. And I don't have to answer to you. Sign those papers and move before I call the police and put you in Jail."Uncle defended my honor.

Jay slouched in disappointment and started signing the divorce papers finally. After he was done, Uncle dragged Jay by the collar, threw him out of the room and closed the door on his face.

"Here! I am sorry. I can't change the past but please tell me how should I repent for my family's mistake. I wish you came to us when he hit you the first time, I would've killed him right there. It was our mistake and we are ready to do anything to fix it. Punish us dear, tell us what to do?" Uncle said folding his hands together and pleaded me with tears in his eyes.

"Don't be sorry Uncle! You never hurt me, Just be there for my son, be his grandparents. Show him love. That's all I need. " I said to him and he pulled me into a hug along with Aunty.

Everyone, including my parents left leaving me and Amar with them. I stayed over because I wanted to introduce Amar to them, I want them to have a good relationship. I stayed over there for 2 more days, and this time they treated me like I was their daughter. Amar formed a really great bond with them too.

I wish I did this way earlier. Sharing pain with the world helps, no matter how bad the society is the truth and good will always win. I was happy at my win and at the same time I felt sad for Jay and guilty to put him in that situation. If Andrew was here he would've said that he deserves much more than that.

I wanted to call Andrew and tell him about my accomplishment, but I have another great idea in my mind for him, I will go there directly and surprise him.

I told Aunty and Uncle about my relationship with Andrew and they were happy with it and Aunty gave me an idea to do something special for Andrew to mend his heart that I broke. And now I am in my parent's house getting ready to go back.

"Maa! I need to go back for Andrew." I told her walking into the kitchen and she nodded giving me permission.

"Come with me Maa, I will take care of you. You are not their slave, you don't have to do this. Sorry, I didn't take you with me last time." I said to her.

"Don't worry about me chinnu(baby)! I am fine, they are my family and who's going to take of them if I come with you. But, you need to be with people who make you happy and accept you for who you are. Don't ever apologize to me okay. You deserve all the happiness in the world." She said looking at me with love and kissed on my cheek.

I found the next flight which is tomorrow noon . I stayed up all night, packing and talking to my mom, Sharmi and Rajiv.

Amar went ballistic when I told him we were leaving tomorrow and he kept jumping and running around in excitement.

It was almost 5 in the morning, and I will be leaving this place in 3 hours. There is still one more person, I have to talk to. My father, he never said a word to me after that day. I was too busy to talk to him yesterday but I have to talk to him today.

I gathered up all the courage and walked to the front porch knowing that he will be there reading the newspaper. I unlocked the main door and found his face covered with the Newspaper.

"You woke up Sailaja! Can you get me some coffee?" He said ruffling through the paper.

"Maa is still sleeping, it's me Divya!" I replied and he lowered the paper down and looked at my face.

He kept staring, and the silence was killing me.

"I am leaving today afternoon. I know you don't care and I know that I already did so much damage to your reputation which you care about more than your own daughter. But I am not here to apologize, you don't deserve my apology. I am here to talk about Maa, I asked her to come with me but she refused saying that you are her family even though you never treated her like one. But that's not going to work anymore, she needs more rest, She is getting weak, she is just 57 and she already knee replacement done for both legs. Stop using her as a maid. Give her a 10th of a respect you give your mom. And also tell your mom to stop taunting her about every single thing, just because she had a hard life doesn't mean my mom has to go through the same pain."

"I am not running away this time, I will come back after I get back together with Andrew and you can't stop me because I have the same right on this house as much as you do. Ignore me all you want but at the end of the day I am your daughter and Andrew is going to be your son-in-law, you better take that fact in. And take care of my Maa, till I come back..." I said to him and walked away. Because I don't want to listen to him and get disappointed once again for talking to him.

We got to the airport after bidding my bye's to everyone. I got on the plane with my son, to get back with the love of my life.

Get ready Andrew, your Divya and Amar are coming back for you I said to the ring he gave me and dozed off with a smile on my face.

That was Divya's win, my win and I hope your win too.

Hope you enjoyed it.

I know I didn't mend her relationship with her father completely, because I am still confused about that.

Does he really deserve forgiveness? I don't know for now.

But like KillWing said  in the comments "you gotta forgive to move in life"  His words made me think.

Let me put some more thought into the father daughter relationship and pick it up in the future chapter's.

How is Andrew gonna react to Divya and Amar coming back?

Stay tuned to know more.

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